Nothing wrong with the retrotink but it doesn't hurt to do some research and consider the pixelfx morph and OSSC pro. I guess if you're in the market for a scaler you're already well aware of the options.
A dump/emulated version would be best, as it usually is. Even if you do have the game its not unusual for the chip in the cart to become detached leaving you with a cartridge that does nothing apart from rattle as you shake it.
I'm a bit skeptical at making so many different versions at once, there is no way he can focus on all these at once. Does anyone on the team have any experience making (adventure?) games? I'm definitely buying this when it turns out to be good, but i'm not backing it in advance.
@jesse_dylan Well it does have built-in bluetooth. You could also connect one of those 8bitdo psx-shaped receivers. In short you don't even need to touch the psx controller or memorycard ports but they are there. To me this is a very neat tidy way to run a mister setup. To get everything that's here with my mister stack i have a huge stack of boards for io, usb, analog output, snac etc and still have a bunch of wires stick out for NFC and something else i'm forgetting.
Since the last update the definitive edition is pretty solid, i happened to play through vice city over xmas on the switch and it was a better experience than the PS2 original provides imho.
@PopetheRev28 it's a tinkerer linux-enthusiast device that happens to have a dpad input option. Did you check the Doom port running on it? My 486 probably had a similar framerate.
The fact that a beefed up a1200 doesn't quite run something that a proverbial toaster has no issues with really shows how much processing power has increased over the years (and continues to baffle me)
The moment it went mainstream and the talk went over to "investment" and "deals" is the moment i lost interest and switched over to flashcarts for gaming. Something was lost along the way when money came involved in what is currently called "retro gaming" and i'm not joining for the ride.
I think i prefer Gearbox (you know, an actual developer) having the rights over giving a voiceactor (with i presume zero actually development skills/experience) a truckload of money for said rights. What's he going to do with it, other than instantly open a second kickstarter?
@RetroGames This release has absolutely nothing to do with supporting homebrew developers with limited tooling and whatnot. This is a ~30 year old rom that's being put on a new flashchip (contrary to the old maskroms). Most of the effort here went in designing new packaging.
@WhensDinner what kind of bespoke parts do you mean? The mister io boards and cases are pretty standard and generally available. And if you still have to start buy a bundle from taki's mister pi and you're done.
I'm always surprised to see people make these long lists, personally I could probably make a top 3 but beyond that I have trouble ordering 30 or more games in any consistent manner.
@JJtheTexan it won't be the same, the whole point of the exa releases is that they offer "something" to differentiate it from the home release. What the specific thing is that differentiates it for this title might or might not be something you care about, but we'll have to wait for the details for that.
Even with easier to hear voices i still don't know what half of them say.
Judging from other exa kits this version will set you back at least 4k+ if you get the software kit and the custom PC mainboard to play it on. On the plusside it's not from limitedrun! So that makes it quite appealing too.
I'm unlikely to ever want to play these but "for sake of preservation" this is pretty cool. Also refreshing to see a link to a bluesky post instead of the typical links to Elon's cesspool.
I sortof get the sentiment. On the other hand, he was an employee who worked on a product almost 3 decades ago, was paid his wages and moved on. That should be it, there is no obligation whatsoever to involve employees from 30 years ago on whatever projects you pick up nowadays.
@Athropos There is a massive difference between using a 30 year old superfx chip developed during snes's lifetime and using an FPGA powered solution using 2024 technology and tooling. Maybe not to you, but to me there is.
I notice my enthusiasm for these "new" retro games fading away rapidly when seeing they use all kinds of modern enhancements chips, fpga's, more memory etc etc. Personally i don't consider this a proper SNES game this way.
It looks amazing, but sad to see they send their stuff to "streamers" and "content creators" first before the plebs are allowed to have a go. Maybe that's how things work in 2024 but I'm not sure that's something I can get behind.
Comments 34
Re: The Must-Have RetroTINK 4K Upscaler Now Has A Cheaper Alternative
Nothing wrong with the retrotink but it doesn't hurt to do some research and consider the pixelfx morph and OSSC pro. I guess if you're in the market for a scaler you're already well aware of the options.
Re: Review: Mega Everdrive Pro - The Best Flash Cart For Your Genesis / Mega Drive
Krikzz makes excellent stuff!
PS f**k terraonion
Re: Square Enix Ends Support For Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles iOS Following Unfixable Bug
@BulkSlash i'm still pissed off at bioshock's securom ***** on the original pc release, what a complete ***** show that was.
Re: WaterMelon Insists Its Terminally Delayed Brawler Paprium Isn't Dead
A dump/emulated version would be best, as it usually is. Even if you do have the game its not unusual for the chip in the cart to become detached leaving you with a cartridge that does nothing apart from rattle as you shake it.
Re: The Maniac Mansion-Esque Adventure Game 'Cronela's Mansion' Has Launched Its Kickstarter
I'm a bit skeptical at making so many different versions at once, there is no way he can focus on all these at once.
Does anyone on the team have any experience making (adventure?) games? I'm definitely buying this when it turns out to be good, but i'm not backing it in advance.
Re: 8BitDo's C64 & NES-Style Retro Mechanical Keyboards Are Getting European Layouts
Well this seems rather strange and random? I'd like the c64 one with nordic layout, but no dice.
Re: Your Next Retro Emulation Handheld Could Cost You 35% More Than Usual
@Tasuki thats bs, if i would have to vote for a party or candidate i would 100% agree on i would never be able to vote.
(Btw i'm euro)
Re: Taki Udon's FPGA PS1 Is Called SuperStation One, Pre-Orders Start At $149 This Week
@cyxceven you can still preorder it now, its just that the founders was 30,- cheaper. Kindof like an earlybird kickstarter pledge i guess.
Re: Here's Your Best Look Yet At Taki Udon's SuperStation One FPGA PS1, And You Can Order It Now
@jesse_dylan Well it does have built-in bluetooth. You could also connect one of those 8bitdo psx-shaped receivers. In short you don't even need to touch the psx controller or memorycard ports but they are there.
To me this is a very neat tidy way to run a mister setup. To get everything that's here with my mister stack i have a huge stack of boards for io, usb, analog output, snac etc and still have a bunch of wires stick out for NFC and something else i'm forgetting.
Re: GTA Vice City: Nextgen Edition Is "The Closest Thing We'll Get" To A Proper Remaster
Since the last update the definitive edition is pretty solid, i happened to play through vice city over xmas on the switch and it was a better experience than the PS2 original provides imho.
Re: The $160 Modular Mecha Comet Is Giving Us 'DIY Game Boy' Vibes
@PopetheRev28 it's a tinkerer linux-enthusiast device that happens to have a dpad input option.
Did you check the Doom port running on it? My 486 probably had a similar framerate.
Re: It's Taken 36 Years, But Amiga Owners Are Finally Getting A Worthy Port Of OutRun
The fact that a beefed up a1200 doesn't quite run something that a proverbial toaster has no issues with really shows how much processing power has increased over the years (and continues to baffle me)
Re: Japanese Arcade Closure Could Erase Over A Decade Worth Of Fighting Game History
@Daniel36 videogame museum in Zoetermeer is probably the biggest arcade of the country though?
Re: Yuzo Koshiro Breaks Tradition With The Title Of Earthion's Opening Song
I personally thought the stage2 song was the best of the bunch, so i hope he doesn't plan on altering it too much
Re: Best Of 2024: The Truth About Retro Game Hunting In A Post-Pandemic Japan
The moment it went mainstream and the talk went over to "investment" and "deals" is the moment i lost interest and switched over to flashcarts for gaming. Something was lost along the way when money came involved in what is currently called "retro gaming" and i'm not joining for the ride.
Re: Sounds Like Duke Nukem's Voice Actor Wants To Buy The Rights To The Character
I think i prefer Gearbox (you know, an actual developer) having the rights over giving a voiceactor (with i presume zero actually development skills/experience) a truckload of money for said rights.
What's he going to do with it, other than instantly open a second kickstarter?
Re: SNES And Game Boy Cult Classic 'Jelly Boy' Is Getting A Physical Re-Release
@RetroGames This release has absolutely nothing to do with supporting homebrew developers with limited tooling and whatnot. This is a ~30 year old rom that's being put on a new flashchip (contrary to the old maskroms). Most of the effort here went in designing new packaging.
Re: Unreleased Nintendo DS Lego Game Sells For Around $1000 On eBay
If that was an undumped unreleased game it seems like quite a good deal for todays market.
Re: "The Wildest Interview I Have Ever Conducted" - The SuperSega Saga Just Keeps Getting Better
I hope he and Fonzie meet up
Re: Here's A Better Look At The Promising "All-In-One" MiSTer FPGA Console, Multisystem 2
@WhensDinner the ultimate mister pi kit from taki that contains everything is 180usd. It's a great deal.
Re: Here's A Better Look At The Promising "All-In-One" MiSTer FPGA Console, Multisystem 2
@WhensDinner what kind of bespoke parts do you mean? The mister io boards and cases are pretty standard and generally available. And if you still have to start buy a bundle from taki's mister pi and you're done.
Re: "Only Zombies Buy Physical Games" Says Digital Code Retailer CDKeys
Whatever your stance on digital vs physical it seems a bit weird to devote a lengthy newsarticle to a shady key site's social media advertisement post
Re: Japanese Gamers Just Picked The 30 Best PlayStation Games Of All Time
I'm always surprised to see people make these long lists, personally I could probably make a top 3 but beyond that I have trouble ordering 30 or more games in any consistent manner.
Re: Anbernic's New GBA Clone Plays PSP, Dreamcast And More
So it's an emulation handheld and not a clone.
Re: GOG Plans To Preserve "At Least 500 Games" Through Its New Program By The End Of 2025
Asking a one-time fee and promising unending support until the end of times will turn out to be unsustainable at some point in the future.
Re: If Nothing Else, SuperSega's Latest "Review" Should Convince You To Keep Your Wallet Shut
What is the big white/gray bar at the top of the screen anyway? And in some cases a small one at the bottom too.
Re: Yuzo Koshiro's Genesis Shmup Earthion Is Getting An Upgraded Arcade Release
@JJtheTexan it won't be the same, the whole point of the exa releases is that they offer "something" to differentiate it from the home release. What the specific thing is that differentiates it for this title might or might not be something you care about, but we'll have to wait for the details for that.
Re: Yuzo Koshiro's Genesis Shmup Earthion Is Getting An Upgraded Arcade Release
Even with easier to hear voices i still don't know what half of them say.
Judging from other exa kits this version will set you back at least 4k+ if you get the software kit and the custom PC mainboard to play it on. On the plusside it's not from limitedrun! So that makes it quite appealing too.
Re: OutRun's Japanese Mobile Port Has Been Preserved
I'm unlikely to ever want to play these but "for sake of preservation" this is pretty cool.
Also refreshing to see a link to a bluesky post instead of the typical links to Elon's cesspool.
Re: Review: ModRetro Chromatic Is So Close To The Real Thing You'd Think Nintendo Made It
Am i correct in assuming this display will be superior over analogue pocket ans funnyplaying etc in direct sunlight?
Re: Bitmap Brothers Legend Dan Malone "Had No Input Whatsoever" In The Speedball Reboot
I sortof get the sentiment. On the other hand, he was an employee who worked on a product almost 3 decades ago, was paid his wages and moved on. That should be it, there is no obligation whatsoever to involve employees from 30 years ago on whatever projects you pick up nowadays.
Re: Interview: Meet The Man Who's Upgrading SNES Doom With The "Super FX 3" Chip
@Athropos There is a massive difference between using a 30 year old superfx chip developed during snes's lifetime and using an FPGA powered solution using 2024 technology and tooling. Maybe not to you, but to me there is.
Re: Interview: Meet The Man Who's Upgrading SNES Doom With The "Super FX 3" Chip
I notice my enthusiasm for these "new" retro games fading away rapidly when seeing they use all kinds of modern enhancements chips, fpga's, more memory etc etc. Personally i don't consider this a proper SNES game this way.
Re: We Can't Quite Believe That Former Dawn Is Running On Real NES Hardware
It looks amazing, but sad to see they send their stuff to "streamers" and "content creators" first before the plebs are allowed to have a go. Maybe that's how things work in 2024 but I'm not sure that's something I can get behind.