Comments 17

Re: Don't Hold Your Breath For Wii And GameCube Emulation On The iPhone App Store


@DanijoEX-the-Pierrot I usually emulate on handhelds (Analogue Pocket, Vita, 3DS). Having my iPhone as an option is nice, because it’s the one device I always have on me.

I would rather play most games with buttons, and I don’t usually have my Backbone controller with me though. It’s still a really nice option for games that I don’t need absolute precise control for.

Re: Transparent Analogue Pockets Are On The Way, But You'll Need To Be Fast


@RupeeClock Do they have that reputation? I’ve had mine for nearly 2 years now (received it December 2021), and I haven’t had any issues with cartridges.

I’m a big time lurker on the Pocket Reddit page, and I guess I’ve seen this come up a couple times, but it never seemed like a very widespread concern to me.

I love this thing. I have no need for a fancy new transparent one though.