@gojiguy Ogata replied to one of his followers on Twitter that "if I get a chance to try it out at Tokyo Game Show, I want to throw the controller at it.”
i think she looks fine but the trailer didn’t inspire confidence in the game for me. They announced this game like 4 years ago? And all they had to show what some heavily scripted “gameplay”? Yikes
I once placed a preorder on a Bluetooth gamepad. After getting one as a gift from my brother, I canceled the preorder: the preorder had at least 2 weeks left before the close window. They partially refunded me; they kept 10 or 15%. Unbelievable! I’ve never bought anything from them since. The level of content they have for their customers cannot be understated.
Comments 19
Re: Interview: "We’ve Certainly Made Mistakes" - Limited Run's Boss On Winning Back The Trust Of The Community
Them not refunding me 100% of what I payed after asking for refund definitely left me a “we’re a bunch scumbags” impression of them. Who does that?
Re: GamesCare's New Genesis Dev Cart Will Help "Create Games Beyond The Power Of The Console"
I just hope it doesn't damage the console. It's one of my growing concerns with all these stories you hear about these carts drawing too much power.
Re: Yuzo Koshiro Already Has Plans For His Next Game, But It Depends On Earthion Sales
@Steel76 right? I’m not even sure I want to buy a cartridge from LRG being as scummy and incompetent as they are.
Re: Genesis Shmup Earthion Looks Incredible In This New TGS 2024 Footage
I wish they had some other company doing the physical release.
Re: Anniversary: The Best Burnout Turns 20 This Month
What are they waiting for to release this game on modern platforms?
Re: Double Dragon Artist Says Double Dragon Revive Is "Cheap" And "Shows No Respect" To The Series
@gojiguy Ogata replied to one of his followers on Twitter that "if I get a chance to try it out at Tokyo Game Show, I want to throw the controller at it.”
How is this not being disrespectful?
Re: Double Dragon Artist Says Double Dragon Revive Is "Cheap" And "Shows No Respect" To The Series
Regardless what you think of the game, this guy’s attitude about it kind of sucks.
Re: Amiga Roguelike 'Roguecraft' Is Getting A Digital Version Next Week
it would be pretty sick if they made a SMD version of the game
Re: This Adorable New Super Mario Fan Game Looks Absolutely Incredible
Nintendo, this isn’t actually Mario, the character’s name is actually Bario and he’s a carpenter.
Re: Sierra's Ken Williams Is As Confused As You About Colossal Cave's Tiny Box
@boatie I’ll always remember the time I canceled a preorder 1 week before the closing date.
There was a penalty for canceling a preorder; they kept something like 20% of what I payed.
Since that day, every screw up they did just enforces my perception of them just being incompetent and/or scammers
Re: Sierra's Ken Williams Is As Confused As You About Colossal Cave's Tiny Box
Another job well done by limited run games.
Re: Ninja Action Game 'Shadow Gangs Zero' Heading To Neo Geo, Dreamcast, & Sega Mega Drive
The prices to back the project are STEEP. WTH
Re: Talking Point: Does Video Game History Have A "Nintendo Problem"?
(Most) Nintendo fans don't really care about games history as much as they care about Nintendo history.
Re: Final Fight MD Dev Working On 'Driftin' Rage', A New 16-Bit Racer For Mega Drive/Genesis
I really wish they’d stop sharing on Twitter.
Re: Two Months After Shipping CD-Rs To Customers, Limited Run Games Still Hasn't Issued Replacements
Extremely crooked company. Avoid at all cost
Re: The FPS That Paved The Way For Wolfenstein 3D & Doom Is Getting A New Big Box Release
@Azuris Oh, I misread. Cool stuff
Re: The FPS That Paved The Way For Wolfenstein 3D & Doom Is Getting A New Big Box Release
@Azuris Arno owns the IP?! Damn I didn't know that.
Re: Poll: What Do You Think Of Jo's New Look In Perfect Dark?
i think she looks fine but the trailer didn’t inspire confidence in the game for me. They announced this game like 4 years ago? And all they had to show what some heavily scripted “gameplay”? Yikes
Re: Soapbox: The Trouble With Limited Run Games, And How To Fix It
I once placed a preorder on a Bluetooth gamepad. After getting one as a gift from my brother, I canceled the preorder: the preorder had at least 2 weeks left before the close window. They partially refunded me; they kept 10 or 15%. Unbelievable! I’ve never bought anything from them since. The level of content they have for their customers cannot be understated.