Comments 29

Re: Nintendo DS Emulator DraStic Pulled From Google Play Store


How is Nintendo able to go after emulators the way it does? It was generally recognized that roms are illegal and emulators legal as long as it doesn't include a bios or whatever. It's surprising they have been successful unless things are different with the emulators they went after.

Re: N64 Comes To Evercade - Is Dreamcast Next? "Never Say Never"



Would be nice but I think it's way too early at this point. I'd say maybe 2 years and they should be able to deliver that at an attractive price point.
The games you mentioned would be difficult to license but maybe in 2 years they could be in a position to get those licenses.

Re: N64 Comes To Evercade - Is Dreamcast Next? "Never Say Never"


Why ask for clarity on something that's been clarified? The information is right there in the article, on the Evercade site, and in the Evercade group. Blaze (and everyone involved) are consistently saying and advertising that this is the 64 bit version so it's a bit of a nonsense question asking if it's ps1 unless you're alleging they're lying and have some proof.

That piko owns glover is known as it's being released on piko collection 4 on evercade. The fact that they have an emulated ps1 version running already (whatever that means) on antstream doesn't mean much either. It has nothing to do with releasing on Evercade though yes it would have been easier for blaze as they already had handled ps1 emulation before.

The real question to ask is why doesn't this look as good as other emulated n64 games usually look. Get clarity on that, if this is the final look, and if blaze will be adding options to improve image quality. Those are useful questions.

Also while an evercade branded modern style controller with analog would be nice I'll be happy is they just add support for analog joysticks on 3rd party controllers.

Re: N64 Comes To Evercade - Is Dreamcast Next? "Never Say Never"


@Gravyc why even ask this? They've said numerous times and in their announcements that it's the 64 bit version. That would be a huge lie if it was the ps1.

The screenshot on the Evercade cartridge page looks like n64 though I agree the gameplay footage looks ps1 level. That's likely due to filtering or lack of it and resolution. Hopefully they can adjust the image quality in the final release.

Re: N64 Comes To Evercade - Is Dreamcast Next? "Never Say Never"


It's running a normal emulator. If I recoded a nes game and released it on Nintendo that makes it a Nintendo game. That's what evercade did with glover but for n64. It's still an n64 rom file just optimized to run better which is likely needed on the relatively weak evercade hardware.

Re: Best Evercade Games, Ranked By You


Some carts ranked higher or lower than expected. Very surprised at Irem being number 1 but perhaps that's partly due to being an Exp pack in.

Also want to note that's Alwas Awakening was not originally a nes game but the nes version was a special version created later.

Re: Review: Aya Neo Air 1S - Wipes The Floor With Switch And Steam Deck, At A Price


The headline feels very clickbaity.
The steam deck is definitely being surpassed in terms of power but it's the champ when it comes to usability and price. The screen isn't THAT bad with the vibrant deck plugin but a version with an oled screen would definitely be nice.

It's also nice to know that valve will be supporting the device and has been constantly updating the device. Truthfully the steam ui is snappier on my deck than my pc. With other companies that constantly throw out products you don't know how long it will be supported or how good that support will be.

Re: Evercade's Latest Carts Offer Inexpensive Access To Yet More Retro Classics


Evercade is pretty cool especially for niche and homebrew titles that would be expensive to own physical copies of otherwise. For titles going out of print it's nice to know you'll always be able to play if you own the cart.

For anyone wondering why the best version of some games aren't chosen its usually needing to license a bios. CD games and pc games like amiga need bios files while cart games just need the rights to the game. The fact that they can't afford top dollar licenses has worked in their favor allowing them to have a unique library instead of the same retro collections we've seen a million times.

Re: Feature: Intellivision's Tommy Tallarico Wants To Follow In Nintendo's Footsteps, But Will He Get His Chance?


Caught Tommy in a lie. Republic/Fig absolutely is crowdfunding and Amico did use them

Also, putting "confidential" on a document does not automatically make it illegal for someone to share its contents. The actual document itself with branding, logos, etc is copywrited so shouldn't be shared on a site without permission. Which is why ars technica took down direct screenshots.

Re: Intellivision's Amico Is Shaping Up To Be The Most 'Nintendo' Non-Nintendo System Ever


@CommanderTaco Tommy calls them haters but they always have very specific criticism that brings up good points. I feel like Pat is great at calling out BS. Remember the coleco chameleon? Not to say this is a scam just not everything Tommy is saying it will be.

Also requiring every game be no more than $10 will get you phone quality games and encourage shovelware. Hell there's mobile games that cost more.

Re: Intellivision's Amico Is Shaping Up To Be The Most 'Nintendo' Non-Nintendo System Ever


I really don't see this even being a modest success. I prefer my Ouya. At least it worked well for its time as an emulation box. Many of the things this lists about positives of its game library aren't an example of careful curation but just imposing restrictions on developers and making them not want to bother. No dlc? I know micro transactions suck but there's been some great content like from Nintendo that's been released as dlc. That means no quality free to play games like Paladins too. Requiring every game to be E is also restrictive. Capping the price at $10?!
Are they serious?! What dev that puts a lot of time and effort into their games will want that? Looking at the games like cornhole it's obvious they aren't enforcing quality but just restrictive rules.

Motion controls and color touchscreen are nice but no traditional dpad, analog stick or even buttons besides the ones on the sides seems to be trying to fix what isn't broken. There seems to be input lag too. Really the only reason a dev would want to develop for this is that it's easier to be seen on a small console.

For me some of the retro remakes and other games sound promising but not nearly enough to buy one. Earthworm Jim 4 will likely come to other consoles eventually anyway.

Re: Hardware Review: Despite The Delays And Drama, Polymega Is The Ultimate All-In-One Retro Machine


I don't know if I completely understand see the appeal of this. I can play my ps1 games in retroarch flawlessly. That it plays saturn games well is impressive and definitely the most notable achievement of the system. But for $450 plus storage costs plus even more if you want to play cartridge games, plug the costs of the games themselves going full original hardware starts to make more sense.

Plus this doesn't do n64, wii, arcade, ps2, or dreamcast games. There's no leaderboards, achievements or online play. Filter options seem limited. Doesn't seem like the ultimate solution to me.

Re: Hardware Review: Does The SNK Neo Geo Mini Outclass Nintendo's Classic Editions?


@roadrunner343 The emulation on the neo geo x got a lot better with firmware updates. The screen though the wrong ratio wasn't too bad and you could change it to display in 4:3.

I just feel like the mini is worse in every way besides the 4:3 screen. It looks like an arcade but the button layout isn't like a neo geo arcade at all. The x portable had a similar layout but the controllers had the proper arcade layout making button combos easier. Joysticks were all micro switched too. X could be played on the go and hooked into hdmi with the cool looking dock.

The hardware and emulation weren't perfect but I feel like the design should have been the starting off point for future neo geo recreations. With some tweaks could have been perfect.

Or at least SNK should do something like what arcade1up is doing.

Re: Atari Comes Under Fire For Seemingly Knowing Very Little About Its Crowdfunded VCS Console


@Yorumi yeah I was just going to make that comparison. If you don't even have a real basic prototype you probably have nothing and aren't ready to make a console.

Everyone makes fun of the Ouya but it actually delivered it's product and started a small trend of micronsoles. Was the first steps of android on TV. Plus some good devs like the creators of towerfall got their start on Ouya.