Comments 19

Re: Evercade Is Getting New "Giga Carts" To Allow For Bigger Games


I own every Evercade cart so far and have extracted just the roms. The total size of every game ever is about 2.8GB with the largest SD card being only 512MB.

It does seem a bit odd that they are putting their price up by £4.50 when a high spec 64GB card is only £8. I somehow doubt they will be increasing their size that much since the most they can emulate are PS1 games.

Re: Evercade Reveals TheC64 Collection 3, Coming In 2024


Their C64 carts are a bit lazy. Most games are either Epyx or Hewson titles. They always include at least one street sports title and one of the Epyx "olympic" titles.
To top it off, they are using a multi-game ROM on one of the carts that includes Summer games 1&2 , Winter games, World games and California Games and they keep re-including it on different carts and just limiting it to a specific game using save states