Comments 7

Re: Channel 4's GamesMaster Reboot Has Found Its Presenter


That's a real fine choice actually. Exactly the right comedic sense and you really couldn't ask for better in terms of gaming knowledge to go with it. You hear about these reboots and think "yeah, yeah, of course they're doing that", but something like this makes it seem like they know what they're doing.

Re: Site News: We've Got A Polymega, Ask Us Anything


Considering 32X support is nominally on a separate module, does the basic unit handle 32X-enhanced Mega CD games without having the module? Not that I can imagine anyone is desperate to play the games in question, but maybe it's illuminating as to what you actually get in those modules?

Also, and this is a slightly backdoor way of asking "does it treat pirated disks the same way as a real Mega CD treats them" , but does it work with Mega CD homebrew such as Sonic Megamix 4.0?

Re: Gallery: Flicking Through Sega Master System: A Visual Compendium


It's a lovely looking book - something about the Master System's colour palette has translated remarkably well into print. Really highlights the best of a wide range of games - shines a new light on plenty of ones that I'd written off as not all that interesting!

Counting the days until the inevitable Mega Drive book is announced.

Edit: Anyone else have trouble with the 3D glasses? I know the blue/red ones are kind of mostly only a novelty anyway, but I find that I don't really start to get the effect doesn't really work even a little unless I hold the book as far away as possible. Best to not do this when anyone else is around

Re: Hardware Review: The Open Source Scan Converter Is Every Retro Gamer's Dream Come True


I had to Gumtree my 14-inch CRT Trinitron in a recent move and am left plugging my Mega Drive into my pretty run-off-the-mill flatscreen. Picture actually looks kind of great, at least when static - leaves something to be desired when scrolling.

OSSC looks great, but man is it difficult to tell yourself that you'd rather spend £160 on one rather than... well, anything else. I think my slightly blurry when scrolling TV will just have to do for the next five pay rises