Comments 8

Re: Best Handheld Consoles Of All Time, Ranked By You


Switch for me. Incredibly diverse library that gives any other home console a run for its money and you can take it all on the go to boot. Brilliant exclusives, tons of quality current gen ports and heaps of classics in the form of remakes/remasters and straight ports. Unbeatable

@Uncharted2007 Mainly comes down to game libraries and Nintendo handhelds have always killed it in that regard. You can have the most powerful hardware around but it comes down to the games at the end of the day. That’s not to say more capable platforms like PSP etc. didn’t have great games and it’s all preference as to which consoles you think had the better libraries but the general consensus is that Nintendo handhelds have always had the best range. Not too shocking to see them dominate a list like this (although to be fair I would have put the Vita in the top 5 and knocked out the original Game Boy but that’s me)

Re: "Don't Be Mad At Valve" Says Dev Behind DMCA'd Portal 64 Project


@smoreon Yeah, I don’t mean totally silent but you could share your work within discords or forums etc. with the expressed interest in keeping things hush hush and not drawing attention to it through media etc. Of course someone could choose to be an idiot and report you to whatever company or publicise it but it’s better than blowing the doors wide open yourself and getting the inevitable cease and desist before you can finish it (assuming finishing it is your intention in the first place, I imagine some people do these things to draw attention to their talents)

Re: "Don't Be Mad At Valve" Says Dev Behind DMCA'd Portal 64 Project


At this point wouldn’t it make sense for people making fan projects to keep them as quiet as possible until they’re ready to release? Then when the takedowns come the project’s already done and can make the rounds even when it’s stripped from the creator’s site. Just feels like sharing early versions/works in progress is asking for whatever you’re making to be nuked before it’s done

@BulkSlash Considering they brought the Portal games over to Switch they probably just don’t want any bad blood between themselves and Nintendo that would get in the way of their relationship going forward

Re: Review: Aya Neo Air Plus - 2022's Best Steam Deck Rival Is Back


Unless the price of these handheld PCs come anywhere close to the base Steam Deck I don’t think they can really be considered rivals, nor are they fair to compare given how different their approaches are to the concept. Things like the Aya Neo are premium machines aiming for the best handheld performance, shipping with Windows to give you all the flexibility that a PC gives you right out of the box. Steam Deck is aiming for accessibility, affordability and ease of use for people who don’t play games on PC (as well as a portable option for those who already do), with an OS that attempts to bridge the gap between PC and console experiences. Two very different approaches to the same idea

Re: Poll: So, What's Your Favourite Controller Of All Time?


I would give it to the Switch Pro Controller but the D-Pad is just terrible (I heard the newer ones fixed it? Only one I have experience with is my launch model though so I’m going based off that). Gave my vote to the Wii U Pro controller which was excellent all around and had a ridiculously long battery life; the only downside being no gyro. If it had gyro it would still be my go to on whatever platform I could get it to work with.

Honourable mention for the Xbox One/Series controllers, damn near perfect but no gyro is a huge shame