I still have mine somewhere even though I don’t have my GBC or original GBA anymore. It’s amazing how DE crammed 90% of the rooms into a tiny Game Boy cart. I love the whole DL “trilogy” (1, 2, and Space Ace) and other laserdisc games. I somehow ended up collecting a good number of versions over the years. DL on GBC, the trilogy on the DSi eShop, the Trilogy collections on Wii and Switch, I even bought the Digital Leisure DVD releases in the early 2000’s to play on my DVD player (which I heard didn’t work well with certain players but they did with mine). I’m ok not having the Sega CD and Jag CD versions, however, but I do want Road Avenger and Cobra Command.
Oh sweet! I played this at Barcade, St. Mark’s (NYC), some years back and it was the 6-button variant. They might still have it.
@Razieluigi Radiant Silvergun by Treasure also uses the 6-button weapon scheme. Where Radiant Silvergun came out on Saturn originally, the Daioh cabinet I played had a button layout like one of those big blue Capcom cabinets for Street Fghter II Champion Edition, complete with the same color buttons! Wild!
I still enjoy the first the House of the Dead the most since the branching paths are more intricate. But stage 2 in HotD2 is no slouch either in that department.
Rambo drags a bit much for me because I think they leaned into the First Blood Part II sections a bit much. It slowed the pace down a lot.
As for other recommendations, I’ll always go to bat for SEGAs The Ocean Hunter (a late model 3 turret shooter), Let’s Go Jungle! (SEGA Lindbergh), and an honorable mention to Namco’s Razing Storm (Namco System 357, PS3-based).
@BulkSlash TC 1 also had differences depending on how fast your overall time is. Like how fast you get to the door and if you can shoot a certain enemy in time after the submarine in the first area seems to determine if the door starts to close when get to it, eating up precious seconds in the process. Agreed, though. TC1 is a literal time crisis, and I like the first game the most for it.
Over 50 people now, they grew quite large, indeed! Can’t really say nobody buys these since that’s a hefty payroll right there. Also kudos for working with the original hardware as we’d not get properly rolling barrels in the 3D sections in Contra or rare and obscure pieces like Sky Skipper.
I liked DieHard GameFan more back when EGM was starting to focus more on mainstream and GamePro was nothing but mainstream. GameFan would continue to cover arcade games, NEOGEO, and what's hot in Japan, including anime, all throughout the mid 90's. But man, magazine collecting was getting expensive for me back then, still earning minimum wage+, and buying EGM, EGM2, GamePro, DieHard GameFan, and EDGE in the late 90's every month took a bit out of me, especially when I started college. I threw a lot of them out by 2000, unfortunately.
Well, since I'm pretty sure the laser on my TurboDuo is shot, I'll have to try to beat the scalpers when this preorder goes live. Thankfully, my Turbografx/PC Engine collection went largely untouched back when I was selling my games (I think Strider was the only PCE Arcade CD game I let go). And HDMI output is always welcome.
Oh, I forgot the obligatory "you don't need all 4 World Heroes games, just 2 and Perfect". And no Art of Fighting 2? It's worth it for the infamy alone, put it in there!
$500, not that bad. I sold off my KoF '98 home cart for $550 some years ago. And that's one game. (sure wish I didn't have to sell it, though)
@Nintendo_Dandy @Tim_Vreeland I doubt they'd be analog stcks (if the recently featured Smash joystick pricing is anything to go by). They would probably be clicky since this is based on the Western MVS and the switches aren't buried under the original hefty control panel. IIRC, MVS cabs used Happ Competition joysticks with no gate. Now, if they decided to put in Japanese joysticks with bat tops on top, then color me surprised.
Definitely getting the TG16 mini (or rather the Core Grafx if that Play-Asia shipping wasn't so high) just for Spriggan and Sapphire (especially Sapphire). I hate to think that the most affordable they've been to me was back when they were new-ish. Even in the mid-late 90's, they'd go for about $100-$150 each, easy. Now there are too many repros floating around out there, so forget all that and let me have that wonderful HDMI output instead.
@mesome713 All of the previous ones, before the current one, are trash made by AtGames with SEGA licensing. The current one is actually made by SEGA with M2 programming and it's on par with the SNES/NES minis. (shame about the Mega Man Wily Wars audio delay, though)
Being from the States, I've only seen a handful of his work. But I say he's right up there in notoriety with the Atari 2600 game cover artists. They certainly don't make covers like these anymore, R.I.P. Bob.
I still have my NEOGEO home cart, but the Arcade Archives deliver clean HDMI output, which is friendlier for my recording purposes. Even if I could splurge for the cart, $500 actually more than covers the probable full roster of ACA NEOGEO games (including the ones I don't like). So there'd be no point.
If you have an MVS cabinet, maybe. But one could put their consoles into an arcade cabinet if they really wanted to. And it's worse starting from scratch.
The better option is already here if you're willing to wait.
It's like the UK equivalent to Video Games New York on my side of the pond. Though the place looks 2.5x as big as the size of VGNY with the same amount of games crammed in there
Comments 27
Re: The Making Of: Dragon’s Lair’s "Impossible" Game Boy Color Port
I still have mine somewhere even though I don’t have my GBC or original GBA anymore. It’s amazing how DE crammed 90% of the rooms into a tiny Game Boy cart. I love the whole DL “trilogy” (1, 2, and Space Ace) and other laserdisc games. I somehow ended up collecting a good number of versions over the years. DL on GBC, the trilogy on the DSi eShop, the Trilogy collections on Wii and Switch, I even bought the Digital Leisure DVD releases in the early 2000’s to play on my DVD player (which I heard didn’t work well with certain players but they did with mine). I’m ok not having the Sega CD and Jag CD versions, however, but I do want Road Avenger and Cobra Command.
Re: Sega And Yoko Taro's '404 Game Re:set' Is Shutting Down Just Nine Months After Launch
Yikes! I was kinda hoping for a global release at some point. Oh well.
Re: Athena's Six-Button Shmup 'Daioh' Joins Arcade Archives On Switch And PS4 This Week
@Razieluigi Definitely try to give it a shot. They have a 50% off sale going on until the 9th.
Re: Athena's Six-Button Shmup 'Daioh' Joins Arcade Archives On Switch And PS4 This Week
Oh sweet! I played this at Barcade, St. Mark’s (NYC), some years back and it was the 6-button variant. They might still have it.
@Razieluigi Radiant Silvergun by Treasure also uses the 6-button weapon scheme. Where Radiant Silvergun came out on Saturn originally, the Daioh cabinet I played had a button layout like one of those big blue Capcom cabinets for Street Fghter II Champion Edition, complete with the same color buttons! Wild!
Re: Best Light Gun Games Of All Time
I still enjoy the first the House of the Dead the most since the branching paths are more intricate. But stage 2 in HotD2 is no slouch either in that department.
Rambo drags a bit much for me because I think they leaned into the First Blood Part II sections a bit much. It slowed the pace down a lot.
As for other recommendations, I’ll always go to bat for SEGAs The Ocean Hunter (a late model 3 turret shooter), Let’s Go Jungle! (SEGA Lindbergh), and an honorable mention to Namco’s Razing Storm (Namco System 357, PS3-based).
@BulkSlash TC 1 also had differences depending on how fast your overall time is. Like how fast you get to the door and if you can shoot a certain enemy in time after the submarine in the first area seems to determine if the door starts to close when get to it, eating up precious seconds in the process. Agreed, though. TC1 is a literal time crisis, and I like the first game the most for it.
Re: "It's Like A Dream" - Hamster President Satoshi Hamada On The Success Of Arcade Archives
@Daniel36 I’d go for it, for the unaltered Jason tribute alone.
@Bearzilla823 (SEGA)Sammy’s Viewpoint? I’d love to see it. Maybe one day.
Re: "It's Like A Dream" - Hamster President Satoshi Hamada On The Success Of Arcade Archives
Over 50 people now, they grew quite large, indeed! Can’t really say nobody buys these since that’s a hefty payroll right there. Also kudos for working with the original hardware as we’d not get properly rolling barrels in the 3D sections in Contra or rare and obscure pieces like Sky Skipper.
Re: Review: Mega Drive Mini 2 Cyber Stick - An Indulgence Few Will Get To Appreciate
Thanks for checking this out. Curious, though, does it work with the Switch? I’d be intrigued if it worked with SEGA AGES Space Harrier and G-LOC.
Re: Street Fighter II On The NES Looks Better Than You Might Expect
It's so smooth! Man, if only devs back then knew what could be done now.
@dystome What would happen if the tape was off by a bit?
Re: Castlevania: Rondo Of Blood For The Turbo Duo Is Finally Coming To The West In Physical Form
I could use another one of these, or another TurboDuo or replacement CD drive.
@LegatoSkyheart The version on the PCE/TG16/CG Mini has the original narration, thankfully.
Re: Best Of 2020: Drugged Coffee, Pirated Games And Empty Bank Accounts - The Story Of GameFan Magazine
I liked DieHard GameFan more back when EGM was starting to focus more on mainstream and GamePro was nothing but mainstream. GameFan would continue to cover arcade games, NEOGEO, and what's hot in Japan, including anime, all throughout the mid 90's. But man, magazine collecting was getting expensive for me back then, still earning minimum wage+, and buying EGM, EGM2, GamePro, DieHard GameFan, and EDGE in the late 90's every month took a bit out of me, especially when I started college. I threw a lot of them out by 2000, unfortunately.
Re: Hardware Review: Sega Astro City Mini - An Esoteric Way To Mark 60 Years In The Business
Amazon JP hates me, and somehow can't ship to my address. I'm going to have to get mine from Play-Asia.
Re: Feature: The Haunting History Of Capcom's Ghosts 'n Goblins Series
@kingbk NEC SuperGrafx, actually.
Re: Analogue's Next FPGA Console Tackles Kanye West's Favourite System: The PC Engine / TurboGrafx-16
Well, since I'm pretty sure the laser on my TurboDuo is shot, I'll have to try to beat the scalpers when this preorder goes live. Thankfully, my Turbografx/PC Engine collection went largely untouched back when I was selling my games (I think Strider was the only PCE Arcade CD game I let go). And HDMI output is always welcome.
Re: Retro-Bit Is Republishing Some Of Toaplan's Best Console Shooters In Physical Form
How are you, gentlemen?
Re: The SNK Neo Geo MVSX Home Arcade Is Packed With 50 Games, Costs 500 Bucks
Oh, I forgot the obligatory "you don't need all 4 World Heroes games, just 2 and Perfect". And no Art of Fighting 2? It's worth it for the infamy alone, put it in there!
Re: The SNK Neo Geo MVSX Home Arcade Is Packed With 50 Games, Costs 500 Bucks
$500, not that bad. I sold off my KoF '98 home cart for $550 some years ago. And that's one game. (sure wish I didn't have to sell it, though)
@Nintendo_Dandy @Tim_Vreeland I doubt they'd be analog stcks (if the recently featured Smash joystick pricing is anything to go by). They would probably be clicky since this is based on the Western MVS and the switches aren't buried under the original hefty control panel. IIRC, MVS cabs used Happ Competition joysticks with no gate. Now, if they decided to put in Japanese joysticks with bat tops on top, then color me surprised.
Re: Hardware Review: PC Engine Mini - Still An Acquired Taste, Even After 30 Years
Definitely getting the TG16 mini (or rather the Core Grafx if that Play-Asia shipping wasn't so high) just for Spriggan and Sapphire (especially Sapphire). I hate to think that the most affordable they've been to me was back when they were new-ish. Even in the mid-late 90's, they'd go for about $100-$150 each, easy. Now there are too many repros floating around out there, so forget all that and let me have that wonderful HDMI output instead.
@mesome713 All of the previous ones, before the current one, are trash made by AtGames with SEGA licensing. The current one is actually made by SEGA with M2 programming and it's on par with the SNES/NES minis. (shame about the Mega Man Wily Wars audio delay, though)
Re: Analogue Mega Sg To Feature Unreleased Sega Genesis/Mega Drive Game
@Painkiller_Mike It has the connector hidden on the bottom so it can hook up to an original SEGA CD unit!
Re: Legendary Cover Artist Bob Wakelin Passes Away
Being from the States, I've only seen a handful of his work. But I say he's right up there in notoriety with the Atari 2600 game cover artists. They certainly don't make covers like these anymore, R.I.P. Bob.
Re: Feature: Neo Geo's First Flash Cart Is Here, So What Now For Switch-Owning SNK Fans?
I still have my NEOGEO home cart, but the Arcade Archives deliver clean HDMI output, which is friendlier for my recording purposes. Even if I could splurge for the cart, $500 actually more than covers the probable full roster of ACA NEOGEO games (including the ones I don't like). So there'd be no point.
If you have an MVS cabinet, maybe. But one could put their consoles into an arcade cabinet if they really wanted to. And it's worse starting from scratch.
The better option is already here if you're willing to wait.
Re: Feature: Take A Tour Of The UK's Most Incredible Retro Game Store
It's like the UK equivalent to Video Games New York on my side of the pond. Though the place looks 2.5x as big as the size of VGNY with the same amount of games crammed in there
Re: Hardware Review: The Open Source Scan Converter Is Every Retro Gamer's Dream Come True
"Because of the rather oddball nature of the device and its output, we sadly weren't able to capture any decent footage on our Elgato HD60."
Hm, if the HD60 doesn't work, I wonder if my original Game Capture HD works? (the one that accepts retro inputs and resolutions)
Re: Feature: The Making Of Micro Machines, The Best Racer On The NES
@Alshain01 Codemasters is still around working on those series that I mentioned. The annual F-1 games are the big ones.
Re: Feature: The Making Of Micro Machines, The Best Racer On The NES
@Alshain01 Um...mostly F-1, DiRT, Grid Autosport.
Re: Feature: The Making Of Micro Machines, The Best Racer On The NES
One of my most rented games back in the day! I loved the parallax scrolling effect on the pool table and kitchen table tracks.
Re: Analogue Interactive Unveils The Super-Exclusive Black Label Neo Geo CMVS