Comments 3

Re: First Images Of Cartridge-Based Retro Console The Evercade Revealed


Looks cool but this thing really needs quality games so anyone will buy it. I mean it needs some modded PSP-esque content to justify the price. And we all no that there will be no Nintendo or Sony games on the device.
Maybe if it is beefy enough to emulate PS1 (or even PS2) an gets hacked it might get a fanbase of its own.

Re: Polymega's 'Element Modules' Will Come With Wired Classic Controllers


If it plays the games fine then it might be the ultimate solution. The price being one factor too. Having too many consoles under the tv is something I'd rather not have. Also I wouldn't like some 20-30 year old electronics having power running trough them all the time. I mean they are old devices, what if they burn the apartment or just stop working?
Technically having the first model PS3 and a PS4 covers the whole sony side of things, and there are solutions for nes/snes/megadrive-already. But if this one would have them all, plus saturn, n64, all those other mentioned cd-consoles and maybe even GBA?