Comments 233

Re: Limited Run Games Accused Of Shipping "Premium" 3DO Games On CD-Rs


Especially since these limited run companies pride themselves the idea of game preservation, a burned CD-R is not acceptable. In fact, they should be using the best possible media to ensure longevity. Excluding the exceptionally long wait times for orders, I've been happy with my Limited Run orders, but I'd be demanding a refund if I bought this.

Re: Grand Theft Auto III Likely Wouldn't Exist Without The Sega Dreamcast


@N64-ROX Godzilla Generations was a launch title for Dreamcast in Japan, aka 1998, before even Sonic Adventure hit the console. It's not a stretch to call it a tech demo made into a game. The fully destructible buildings would have been impressive at the time. Very tedious game. The sequel is actually pretty interesting and better because they made that one a rail shooter.

Re: Grand Theft Auto III Likely Wouldn't Exist Without The Sega Dreamcast


@Uncharted2007 Indeed. Similar to how RE4 couldn't reverse the fortunes of the GameCube. Capcom couldn't wait to port that to the PS2.

I'm always a little sad we never got to see the Dreamcast's true potential. Later PS2 games look so much better than early titles, but the Dreamcast didn't really last long enough for devs to squeeze every drop out of it. I suspect GTA3 would have run on it.

Re: Survey Reveals Japanese Gen Z Gamers Still Love Nintendo's DS Handhelds


Japan loves their mobile games. It makes sense. When my wife and I went to Japan in 2015 (can't believe it was so long ago ;_;), she took her 3DS and got more street passes walking in Akihabara than she received since getting the 3DS in the United States. I also recall the sheer wonder of walking in a store and seeing a LARGE display of PS Vita games. It was nice to see the Vita getting the respect it deserved for once.

Re: CIBSunday: WarioWare: Twisted! (Game Boy Advance)


I do have this game, including its mammoth box, though it's the US version, which does not look quite as classy, I must say. It's interesting looking at Nintendo's pre-Wii dabbles with motion control. I find Kirby Tilt N Tumble pretty difficult and have never gotten very far. But I am seemingly one of the only people that enjoyed Yoshi Topsy Turvy. I'm not saying it's Yoshi's Island good, but I think it's pretty fun.

Re: Sega's Dinosaurs For Hire Was Overhauled Thanks To Gunstar Heroes


@Blast16 Yeah, for as popular as the Genesis was, a lot of its games have fallen into relative obscurity, things like this or Beyond Oasis or Landstalker. I find that a bit weird, but I have enjoyed discovering the games I missed when I was a kid and relying on birthdays and Christmas to get a new game.

And yeah, I'm grateful to have experienced those console generations in person. Every new generation brought games that literally couldn't be done before, unlike now where we're just talking about a fancy reflection or higher resolution. In my opinion, gaming peaked in the sixth generation. There have been good games since then, of course, but you just can't capture that magic again.

Re: Sega's Dinosaurs For Hire Was Overhauled Thanks To Gunstar Heroes


I got Dinosaurs for Hire back when it was released, despite no prior knowledge about the IP. I was probably just intrigued by the inclusion of dinosaurs and that they reminded me a bit of TMNT. It's a game that I enjoyed then and still revisit. Not a legendary title like Gunstar Heroes, but still a good time.

The first scene includes a giant dinosaur enemy that I believe you could either defeat or lose and the game continues regardless. But if you win, it makes some mention of an error in the blast processing unit or something. Obviously a joke, but it's the only in-game mention of "blast processing" I've ever seen. That always stuck with me for some reason.

Re: The Reason Sega Lost The 32-Bit War? The 32X, Says Yosuke Okunari


Obviously the 32x was a mistake, and everyone agrees. I think Saturn was a case of perception becoming reality. I recall at the time having the perception that Saturn had no games. I remember teasing the one classmate we knew that had a Saturn that he had the bad console (Obviously considering it's now second behind Dreamcast as my favorite console of all time, I was a very misguided child, and I admit this). I was legitimately shocked years later when I decided to revisit the Saturn after falling in love with the Dreamcast just how many games it had. In fact, its North American library is within striking distance of the number of releases on N64 (Saturn's Japanese library of course putting it WAY ahead of N64, though both obviously massively below PS1). This perception issue comes down to bad marketing. I was a kid in middle school at the time, so I was basically their prime demographic, yet I didn't know.

Re: Sega Sammy Completes Restructuring, Announces Birth Of "Sega Fave"


@wiiware Amen. Would buy in an instant. I used to make a yearly pilgrimage to an arcade about two hours away (also at the beach, so it was for that, too), and I'd play all the way through The Ocean Hunter. Love that game! I did get it working on an emulator with the Sinden light gun, but honestly, it's just a lot of hassle.

Re: Game Informer Readers Label Ocarina Of Time "The Greatest Game Of All Time"


It's an obvious choice, but the correct answer is Shenmue.

Also have to say I miss the old Game Informer, before Gamestop gutted their staff. Spent a lot of time watching their YouTube content. Still go back and watch it sometimes, especially their Super Replays of "bad games," like Overblood and Blue Stinger. Had a subscription for a while, but since their magazine focuses on modern games unlike their YouTube content, I really didn't find it interesting.

Re: Even Yu Suzuki Didn't Expect 3D To Become So Big, So Quickly


The complexity of the Saturn hardware was a factor, sure, but that was not what sunk it. PS2 was famously MUCH harder to develop for than the other consoles (and weaker), but it dominated the market in a similar way to the PS1. In an alternate universe where a huge Japanese corporation (Sony) with limitless cash didn't enter the console market at that very moment, Sega Saturn would have dominated, thanks to Nintendo's mistake of sticking with cartridges. But that's not what happened, and the Saturn is still best in my opinion.

Re: Game Arts Trademark For 'Lunar' Sparks Hope Of New Project


@DestructoDisk Oh, I'm sure there are quality of life improvements that can be made. But playing the original games on original hardware as I did 20+ years ago just give me warm nostalgia feelings, so I need something significant to pry me away from that. But I love these games, and more people should play them. So a collection, even if I pass on it, is a good thing.

Re: Best Handheld Consoles Of All Time, Ranked By You


With oddballs like the Gamate, Super Vision and Gizmondo on here, I wish the GP32 had been included. Though it didn't sell huge numbers, it was pretty much the grandfather of all the emulation handhelds that exist today, and a lot of the emulators on PSP got their start on GP32. You could even buy digital versions of the few commercial games that existed for it. Really groundbreaking. Wikipedia is claiming 30,000 sold, so on par with the Gizmondo but actually on the market much longer.

Re: Best Resident Evil Games, Ranked By You


What a weird list. I've literally never even heard of Re:Verse, and it's above the original PS1 title! For me, this series kind of ended when RE4 came out. RE4 is a fine game, but they've essentially been action games since then. Revelations was a nice halfway point between the two genres, though I never finished Revelations 2.. some day. My list would go:

1. Resident Evil (PS1/Saturn)
2. Code: Veronica
3. Resident Evil 2
4. Resident Evil 3
5. Resident Evil Zero

At this point, I've played the first game so many times I can complete it in a single evening. I did enjoy some of the side games, too, like the light gun games on Wii. Also Dino Crisis is essentially an RE game with a different theme, and I love it.

Re: $13 Mod Makes Sony's PSP Go Useful Again In 2024


I just don't think there's a great need to carry your entire psp collection anymore. 32 gb is fine. I doubt many people are playing emulators on it anymore with much better and more powerful handheld available now. Also I agree the psp 2000 is just more comfortable, and I prefer it over the go.

Re: Flashback: How Saturn's Memory Expansion Carts Made It The King Of 2D Fighters


Indeed the games that utilized the expansion cart might not have been huge draws outside of Japan, but Sega could have... you know, made games that utilized it that would appeal to Western audiences. Haha, yeah, crazy. I know.

I love the Saturn, and I suppose its failure led to the Dreamcast, which is my favorite console of all time, so I shouldn't really complain. But Sega management just lost it during the Saturn days. So many major titles passed over for Western release. Playing the Japanese Saturn library is almost like playing a completely different console compared to what we got in the West. In that respect, It's fortunate how easy it is to bypass region locking on Saturn with a Game Shark/Action Replay. Pretty sure my Action Replay actually has this memory expansion built in (right?), though I don't think I own anything that used it.

Re: Playmaji Gives Update On Polymega Light Gun, Base Unit, Module And Controller Pre-Orders


@jackanape Yeah. Might be a few more days before you see activity. That's how mine worked. But things ARE shipping.

I ordered the Ultra module recently, and it shipped a couple days later, so I can confirm things are working as they should. But I need that light gun now! Then I can play the Saturn version of Policenauts the proper way, with a light gun and the translation patch applied.

Re: Best WonderSwan Games Of All Time


@KingMike Yes, indeed there was an English version of Digimon Anode/Cathode. I followed these "rumors" (I mean, they were true, but exactly what to look for was a bit unclear) and found a bundled console on eBay that matched the description. Worst case, I got myself a new-in-box WSC. But yep, entire game in English!

Edit: Looking at my cart, It looks like a Korean release, since it has Korean text on the cartridge's sticker art (yet the game is in English). It's an odd release. Happy I own it!

Re: Poll: What's The Best Yakuza / Like A Dragon Game?


It is so hard to say. I would say the ones I spent the most time with were Yakuza 0 and probably Yakuza 5, but I did love 6 and the way it wrapped up Kazuma's story. Yakuza 3 took place in Okinawa, which was such an interesting setting and has solidified my desire to some day visit that part of Japan. Dead Souls is the most hated, I think, but it is so silly, and I love it for that. I played through both Kenzan and Ishin using translations off of YouTube and GameFAQs and absolutely loved them. I can't even remember which one I hunted a giant bear in (Yakuza 4??), but that was awesome.

I honestly don't know how to answer. If I must pick one, then it's Yakuza 6!

Re: Best WonderSwan Games Of All Time


I was always fascinated by this console. I remember picking up a magazine that was previewing the device and had an "actual size" image of the device on one page. Indeed, it was tiny, and I wanted it. Of course, it never left Japan. I ended up picking up each version (B&W, Color and Swancrystal) and a smattering of games on eBay when they were all fairly cheap. Klonoa is my favorite title. However, the Wonderswan's library is very Japanese language-heavy, so most of its more notable titles are out of the non-Japanese speakers' reach. Even this hamster-raising game I picked up is filled with text!

There's also a blatant Zelda clone on the console called Star Hearts that looks great and remains high on my "some day I'll get around to it" list.

Re: Best Sega Console - Every Sega System, Ranked By You


Move Dreamcast to number one and Saturn to number two, and you've got an accurate list, though I understand this order as well. I do wonder who voted for Pico. As an educational toy, it is pretty cool. And since it only has 20 or so released games in the US, it's an easy platform to get a complete collection.

Re: 'Shenmue' Earns Hilarious Reference In 'Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth'


@ChromaticDracula I remember when they announced the original Yakuza, there were a couple screenshots but the description almost sounded word for word like Shenmue. Explore a specific area of Japan, immersive story, minigames, gambling, fighting mechanics. And I do think that the original Yakuza was sort of Shenmue if you sort of zoom out a bit. You can't interact with every object and NPC, but it did follow a similar structure. I love them both (though Shenmue remains my favorite game ever) and have played basically all the games. Not entirely sold on this new RPG mechanic, but they're still making the brawler ones, so it's cool.

The new "Like a Dragon" series is a good starting point if you like RPGs. If you want to start from the beginning — and the first game's story is easily one of the best and most memorable — you should start with Yakuza Kiwami, the remake of the OG game.

Re: In Memory Of Memory Cards


I remember being very offended by memory cards in the 32-bit era. Yet another way to nickel and dime gamers! In a world of microtransactions and loot boxes, it's a take that makes me laugh now.

Outside of the VMU, I can't say I have any fond memories of memory cards. They were just something you had to have, and, if you had a third party memory card, something you constantly feared would cut your progress off cold when it corrupts.

The VMU, however, is a special device. I would sneak it to school with me in middle school and play minigames or the homebrew version of pac-man I downloaded off of a terrible-looking Dreamcast web browser compatible website. It was great. Too bad their battery life was kind of bad.

Re: Best Ghostbusters Games Of All Time


Ghostbusters is a franchise that, like Jurassic Park, seems absolutely perfect to translate to video games, but they've mostly failed. Ghostbusters The Video Game was definitely the closest they came to getting it right. I remember it being a little tedious at times, but I definitely liked it. Still waiting for a Jurassic Park game that captures that movie as well. Trespasser is probably the one that tried hardest to make you feel like you were in that world. I have a weird fascination and fondness for Trespasser, though I can't say it's a good game.

Re: Going Back In Time - Do You Play Retro Games To Reconnect With Your Past?


Absolutely I identify games and consoles with certain periods of my life. I bought my Dreamcast in middle school and right around the time my wife and I started dating. I had a lot of time to game, and because the Dreamcast was on the way out, I gathered a collection quickly. The Wii was the first console I bought with my "own money," so I identify it and its games with starting my "adult years." Replaying these games does "take me back."

But while these consoles and games are linked to certain periods of my life, retro games are just better and more interesting than games being released now. I still keep a toe in modern gaming. Yakuza, for example, is a series I continue to enjoy. But by and large, "modern gaming" has moved beyond my taste, and that's okay. I have more games from the third to sixth console generation (and maybe some seventh gen — they were okay) to play than I will ever be able to in a lifetime, especially since I so often replay my favorites. I'm fine with this.

Re: Best Nintendo DS Games Of All Time


I don't think anyone will ever agree on this list. The Nintendo DS has such a huge and diverse library you're really going to get a lot of opinions.

I am pleased to NOT see Spirit Tracks on this list. Take the freedom of sailing and put it on rails, making it unbelievably boring AND frustrating? FUN! But enough about my contempt for that particular game. I would add Feel the Magic XY/XX to this list, the Sonic Rush series, Yoshi's Island DS.. I could go on, I'm sure.

I've gotta say I thought Nintendo's handheld dominance was going to end when I saw the PSP, but their ridiculous looking and underpowered (in comparison) console turned out to be amazing. (PSP was pretty great, too.)