Comments 198

Re: Streets Of Rage Composer Is "Disappointed" More People Aren't Aware Of His Work


This is just part of life. It's the passing of time.

Videogame music alone is already
niche (in terms of majority enjoying the music solely when playing the game - not outside of that environment), so going back to the 90s is just very, very niche isn't it?!

Consider all the Pop and Rock music released each year. Pick a random year. 1995. Go look at ALL the releases. Sort them by volume sold. The first 100 songs - all looks familiar right? Now see the ridiculous amount of songs you either never heard before or completely forgot about that follow that 100. That's popular music that sold 100s of 1000s of copies.

Why would Streets of rage behave differently? And I LOVE the soundtrack to SoR. I'm just not sure why he's beating himself up about its popularity. That's just life mate!

Re: Three Years Later, And Hyperkin's PC Engine / TurboGrafx-16 Clone Is Finally Coming Out


The article mentions the Analogue Duo, but actually the Analogue Pocket with a Dock and the adapter set is arguably the better comparison.

It's considerably more expensive... but you can play real Hucards with the adapter, CD games through the Core, multiplayer with wireless controllers (with the dock) AND you can play on the TV (with the dock) or handheld.

I understand why budget options exist... but sometimes you just need to wait and save for the best option. I love my Pocket and the PC Engine/TG16 support is stellar.

Also, there was a mini console just a few years ago. Again, I know they are quite pricey now, but those that wanted it surely got one, no? And if not, why wait?! We ain't getting younger!!

Re: Why Famitsu's 'Perfect' Zelda: Ocarina Of Time Review Highlights "The Sorry State Of Preservation"


The publisher should scan and upload them all. You could hire an intern to do this work, it is not expensive nor complex.

The publisher could request collaboration from its readership too. This would share the burden and could open up the possibility of cpst effective translation.

It's not like digital is a new thing... publishers really are just very lazy in my view.

Re: Why Is N64 So Hard To Emulate In 2025? Modern Vintage Gamer Investigates


I think it's a real shame that Nintendo themselves haven't got the N64 experience perfect. I understand there isn't a financial benefit to them doing it, but when you consider how successful Wii and Switch in particular have been, isn't it a shame that some of that profit couldn't be invested into their past.

I understand the investments into movies and themed parks (alarm clocks and cardboard gaming less so!) - but surely there's some cash they could throw at retro in a meaningful way? Even the museum feels like a poor effort (when you consider what they could have done...)

Re: Best Of 2024: "An Enormous Headache" - The Amazing Story Behind Indiana Jones & The Fate Of Atlantis


The Analogue Pocket has a fantastic Amiga Core and I really enjoyed playing this game on it earlier in the year. The core doesn't have save states, sadly, but the game's save mechanism does work - so you can play it the way it was intended.

I've mostly played GB/GBC, GBA and GG games this past year, and I have the adapters and a small initial collection of games for the Atari Lynx, Neo Geo Pocket Color and Turbografx16 to throw into my rotations in 2025, but, of everything I've played and I have lined up, the Amiga core honestly is a big highlight - and this game was awesome to revisit in handheld.

Re: 'Warrior Blade: Rastan Saga Episode Three' Is This Week's Arcade Archives Release


The timing of this is so freaky! I finished the first one on the Game Gear just a few weeks ago. I've got the second one lined up to play on the Turbografx next year too. So I'll pick this up to finish the trilogy on Switch at some point after that!

I scored the first one 35/50. It's a petty average game across the board, but it has some nice ideas. Not something you'd rush back to, but a pleasant enough couple of hours. Just a shame the cartridge is so frigging expensive... (have to factor in that delivery cost from Japan too).

Looking forward to playing the second and third. Will be interesting to see how they developed those original ideas. Feels like a trilogy that should get better... we will see!

Re: GG Shinobi Is Being Unofficially Ported To Genesis / Mega Drive


Great project this as it's a fantastic game. Comfortably one of the best Game Gear games, but it's decent in it's own right too.

I played and completed it back in May and gave it 44/50 with a maximum 10 for Gameplay. The soundtrack is awesome too - especially the ending theme!

I'll keep an eye on this project as would love to play it again!

Re: Talking Point: Are Nintendo's Legal "Ninjas" Stifling The Creativity Of Tomorrow's Game Makers?


I find the very suggestion that protecting your copyright stifles creativity a bit of a hard sell.

Do what you want in your own space. Just don't profit from it online - and that includes "fame" / reputation.

I'd actually argue (and I know I often go against the grain, but whatever!) that creativity in videogames (and films and music) is suffering greatly from the influence of what's come before.

Re: Talking Point: With Sonic's Movie Series Set To Cross A Billion Dollars At The Box Office, It's A Shame His Creator Doesn't Get Credit


Not being funny... but is it possible he doesn't want his name anywhere near the movies?

I mean, if it was me... lol

Don't forget(!) A fool and their money is easily parted... a financially successful movie is not the same as a good movie.

Case in point... pretty much every Marvel movie ever made!! And anything Star Wars post Return Of The Jedi!!

Re: Review: ModRetro Chromatic Is So Close To The Real Thing You'd Think Nintendo Made It


I think its useful to remember that the Analogue Pocket will play any GB GBC or GBA cartridge from any region right out of the box. No faff. No messing about. You put the cartridge in and you play it.

This is a good option if you only want GB and GBC as you're paying less to get exactly what you need. Good times.

Personally, I absolutely love the Game Gear, Atari Lynx, PC Engine, Neo Geo Pocket Color, Game Gear and Gameboy Advance MORE than the GB and GBC so I see absolute value in the Pocket - and I'm fine with the circa 3x the cost (once you add all the adapters!). Again though... there's no faff... you put the adapter in, you put the game in... you play. Simple.

Incidentally... I've got £20 here that says AA batteries become obsolete before a USB C Cable ever does. That's a truly bizarre pro!

Re: Flashback: "The S**t Absolutely Hit The Fan" - When WipEout (And Sara Cox's Bloody Nose) Shocked A Nation


I don't think it can be overstated just how massive Wipeout was - with or without this advert.

PS was blessed with so many standout moments - heck even that underwater demo disc thing at launch was amazing(!) - that it's easy to forget some.

Wipeout. Gran Turismo. FF7 - especially that Sephiroth Nibelheim in flames scene. Tomb Raider.

Amazing times and all the print/press around the time was a huge part of it too, in the absence of social media.

Re: Confusion Reigns As SuperSega Pre-Orders Get Charged For The Full Amount


I feel bad for anyone that's paid on a debit card... Credit card you can at least chargeback.

I don't see how this is a language miscommunication... if they're intending to take the full amount, why even talk about a 3 Euro preorder? It's deliberately misleading.

I preordered the 3D from Analogue and it was 300 dollars. At no point was there any suggestion it would be less or paid later. You preorder - you pay in full. Why did SuperSega mention 3 Euros if not to mislead people?