Merry Christmas! Retro gaming is kinda my main hobby so I was so excited when I found out this year that Nintendo life had a sister site that was retro. Thanks for all the fun articles and suggestions. Especially the FPGA Funny Playing GBC.
I misread the title and thought it said they were making more of them, since 3D classics is on my list of games I want to pick up. Aw well second hand isn't so bad since everyone just pirates 3DS games now.
I agree with the practice of using broken parts to make something like this. I love my modded GBA but it was built off of some sad bones.
I do get worried about kids, even my kids, thinking tech was different than it actually was when I was growing up, the old hardware is rough, and I prefer modded hardware, but I do have originals of all the hardware I modded to "preserve" what it was really like.
I mean it's like Sega making fun of Nintendo to me. Doesn't bother me, and I see the humour in it. I also own both Sega and Nintendo Consoles just like I own physical games and (pretty much when digital is the only option) some digital games. It's hard to avoid these days.
I feel like part of the reason these emulation handhelds don't really go past, "well that looks neat" to me are first the names. Homie I can't remember these names.
Second is I don't believe in emulation, one of those cartridge purist guys. But I guess I was trying to make the point that these names are not easy to remember nor share.
I mean at the end of the day nothing beats original hardware.
I love NSO, I use it as a way to test out games to know if I want to own it physically on their respective consoles. Most of the time I just use it as demos, to try out a game, then I'll finish it on an original cart or disc.
Then there's also games you can't play anywhere else (legally or maybe it's region locked) like Earthbound Beginnings and the Wily Wars.
I know that it has its flaws but the convince and price of splitting a family plan between 8 people, I feel makes it totally worth it for me.
I'm interested but I built the funny playing one about a year ago and it works great, it kinda covers all my needs. If this came out before that, I might consider it, but the funny playing is so budget friendly.
@BulkSlash ya hoping to find one on a crazy sale, maybe like a garage sale or something. I'm in no hurry to get one. Good for you having those, pretty sure if it wasn't you someone mentioned something very similar in the top 32x games list on the site.
I can't even afford a 32x haha. I checked out the best 32x games and none of them really call my name so this is an easy pass for me. Still really cool it exists.
I do want a 32x one day because it's such an odd bit of history and like Knuckles Chaotics even though I'm told it's terrible, but that's enough to break a bank just for those 2 things alone.
@Damo oh that's fair. I remember that little atgames Genesis that had like built in games and could read carts. I always wanted there to be a SNES version of that. Closest we got was the classic. I'll have to pick up one of those atgames ones one day. I know they're fairly cheap so probably not the best but a good novelty.
Nope! Never even heard of it. Neat to see, I love that Sega did weird stuff like this, even if at the end of the day it was cheap and terrible, still fun to see.
As interested as I am in this project I graduate in a few months. I have 2 kids and a wife at home, and we are just living of of savings until the end of the year so I won't be preordering a unit. If this were February of next year maybe? But for now I'm just gonna have to hope it reaches their goal or they change their mind.
I mean there is good and bad to emulation. The good has been pointed out, game preservation, but the bad is that it isn't for us to decide what someone can do with their property legally speaking.
When I first started to get into retro gaming back in 2009 or so my buddy showed me how he uses his phone to play games and I thought it was neat but it did feel wrong somehow.
I feel like maybe the distinction between this situation and a museum is that a museum displays the art, it doesn't reproduce it so everyone can own a copy. So maybe if Nintendo opened retro museums or libraries where you could go and play or rent these games like the old Famicom disc system kiosks, people could play them again?
It's a touchy subject to be sure, but it's hard to not see where Nintendo is coming from legally speaking. I mean they even say that tears of the kingdoms sales where just by emulation.
So I don't know if this makes me casual or old fashion but I like to play games on theirs carts still. I often only get to play at lunchtime and I recently was given a busted Supaboy to fix up and I love it but silly me didn't know it was an emulator and not FPGA based so I'd be playing megaman x and see a lot more slow down than is typical on the standard hardware.
I'm happy to build a handheld FPGA console if the parts are out there to use real carts but it looks like MISTer doesn't function that way.
Other than Analog, which requires a down payment of 2 kidneys for their SNES FPGA, is their anything else on the market right now?
I've also considered modding a SNES Jr or something as well, it just feels wrong since I do like video game preservation, and don't love the idea terribly unless I find one in pretty bad shape or something.
When I saw the sp as the thumb nail I was ready to come say something like "but it's gotta be like the original advance!" Way more comfy. But then they specifically said landscape, so took the words outta my mouth. I'd be down, the chromatic came too little too late for me, since I had just built the FPGA GBC from funny playing, I do still want one, but not a priority at all, a GBA however I still do not own!
So this can either be a good thing, meaning it makes it easier to get but I can't see them not inflating prices like crazy like at DK oldies. One thing that I've loved about Retro stores is that they are usually small businesses who are happy to negotiate, among other things.
I'm overall not super thrilled about this, but I would love to be happily surprised.
I still have a 7800 I picked up probably 15 years ago for $5. Ive only ever played 2600 games on it so it would be neat to actually pick up some 7800. But then again I'm pretty content in the 16 bit era currently.
So I know Capcom greenlit a fan project at one point and Sonic Maniac is pretty much a greenlit fan project. I know both companies are open! It'd be pretty cool if they both said, "why not?"
I really wanted an analogue pocket when it first was announced but since it's so expensive and difficult to nab, I ended up just building a funny playing GBC for nearly half the price and it's way more fun and customizable.
I'd recommend it to anyone looking for a solid way to play Gameboy and GBC but that doesn't want to mod actual Nintendo hardware.
Mania is my favorite Sonic Game. If you can believe it I've got 150 hours sunk into it. I love that there are people out there showing it some love too.
I'm way excited for this game. Feels like it'll be a real treat. From the trailer it looks like there will be some crazy boss fights, which I'm excited for. I played the rather terrible Gameboy Power Rangers game alot growing up so I'm sure this will be tons better.
K I thought it was cool, have a reason to brush off the old 7800 but... That's really expensive. I'll see if there's a review, but I have a hard time believing this would cost the same as the likes of Mario Odyssey or Breath of the Wild. Really cool that they're doing it. I think if it were $20 or maybe $30 I could hop on board.
@bring_on_branstons that's a really good point! Why didn't they release them?? Maybe they were just trying to avoid talking about one their biggest failures. Then again Luigi's mansion 3 didn't mind!
@Ruka Ya I think about that Everytime I see a retro oddity. I've never spent $3K on something unless it was like a car. I'm married and have 2 kids and will be finishing college this year, so maybe in a decade I could afford to pick something like that up? The dream is to get a sega kiosk with a DS-16 but also a couple grand.
This is really cool. I wish it had come out sooner. I built a funny playing gameboy color last year and love it. I love not needing to use old motherboards from original hardware to make this nice handhelds.
Unfortunately I already have what I need and don't have alot disposable income. If those carts can read on an original GBC, I might be interested in picking those up.
@Poodlestargenerica I had a similar experience with the article. I got excited, since it looked neat but then saw the review conclusion and its sad it was so poor. I'd love to see if they have any QoL weeks.
I can't imagine Nintendo isn't already cooking up some crazy way to play DS and 3DS games on a future console. I'd wager that it'd be through my Nintendo and NSO and you just have to buy a controller with a screen on it.
My problem with them is I learn about games years later that had a LRG release, like The Messenger. I'd love to get one physically but they go for like $600 on eBay. Do they ever do rereleased of old titles?
Also I'd love if there was a way to just "request" a game have a physical release. Or something of the sort. I don't know a lot about manufacturing games but let's say a game like The Messenger, normally during it's limited run cost $40 USD (I have no idea.) I'd be willing to request if for like $70 USD. That would be more helpful in preserving physical games than having a small window only for those who are hard core. I am relatively soft core when it comes to gaming, I never really buy special editions or anything but I do like to own my games.
Does it look really cool, does it make me want to try emulation not quite yet. I still have my WiiU constantly hooked up and my 3DS in my drawer. Good consoles but I'll just stick to OG hardware.
@Thomystic So my problem was that the game already had it's run by the time I find it, are you saying that they will sometimes have another run of the game? Even if it's like years after the release?
@TeamBigRig I've never openly hated on them but there are games that I learn about years later like The Messenger, I got it on sale for like $5 and loved it. So then I think, "I'd love to own this physically!" Then I go and see if it has a physical release and it did but you guessed it limited run! And now it's on eBay for $500. So will I survive? Yes. I'll just never own games I didn't know about ahead of time physically. Unless I find oil in backyard.
Well I loved Triple Trouble 16 bit so I'm down for more from a brand spanking new studio! I did play triple trouble on my lap top but that's the only thing I have on PC so hopefully he can port to switch.
I feel like I ask this on every article about the quarter cabinets, but who is the audience for these? They're super expensive and they don't look very comfortable to actually use. I could see them selling well for maybe $20 or $50 as a desk toy but that's really expensive for something with those specs.
Comments 56
Re: Artius Is A New "Momentum-Based" Platformer Inspired By Pizza Tower & Sonic
Looks neat! Id get it if it came to switch.
Re: Hacker Appeals For Help To Preserve This 1998 Pokémon Pokédex
That's neat, no idea it existed but sounds like a fun project.
Re: Atari & Watchmaker Nubeo Team Up To Release $500 Limited-Edition Asteroids Watch
I'd like one but I couldn't justify anything above like $100 for a watch I don't have nostalgia for, and just want the novelty of it.
Re: Koei Once Created A $250 Handheld Console, And You're Forgiven For Not Knowing About It
James Channel is bomb.
Re: Editorial: Merry Christmas, You Filthy Animals
Merry Christmas! Retro gaming is kinda my main hobby so I was so excited when I found out this year that Nintendo life had a sister site that was retro. Thanks for all the fun articles and suggestions. Especially the FPGA Funny Playing GBC.
Re: Anniversary: Sega's '3D Reprint Archives' Celebrates 10 Years
I misread the title and thought it said they were making more of them, since 3D classics is on my list of games I want to pick up. Aw well second hand isn't so bad since everyone just pirates 3DS games now.
Re: For $275, You Can Have A PSP In Home Console Form
I agree with the practice of using broken parts to make something like this. I love my modded GBA but it was built off of some sad bones.
I do get worried about kids, even my kids, thinking tech was different than it actually was when I was growing up, the old hardware is rough, and I prefer modded hardware, but I do have originals of all the hardware I modded to "preserve" what it was really like.
Re: Here's Why It Took Almost A Decade To Achieve This Zelda: Wind Waker Speedrun Record
I saw a mistake in the article, the HD rerelease was in 2013 not 2023.
Other than that a great read thanks for highlighting it!
Re: "Only Zombies Buy Physical Games" Says Digital Code Retailer CDKeys
I mean it's like Sega making fun of Nintendo to me. Doesn't bother me, and I see the humour in it. I also own both Sega and Nintendo Consoles just like I own physical games and (pretty much when digital is the only option) some digital games. It's hard to avoid these days.
Re: Anbernic's New GBA Clone Plays PSP, Dreamcast And More
I feel like part of the reason these emulation handhelds don't really go past, "well that looks neat" to me are first the names. Homie I can't remember these names.
Second is I don't believe in emulation, one of those cartridge purist guys. But I guess I was trying to make the point that these names are not easy to remember nor share.
Re: "Absolutely Horrid" - Is Nintendo Switch Online's Emulation Really That Bad?
I mean at the end of the day nothing beats original hardware.
I love NSO, I use it as a way to test out games to know if I want to own it physically on their respective consoles. Most of the time I just use it as demos, to try out a game, then I'll finish it on an original cart or disc.
Then there's also games you can't play anywhere else (legally or maybe it's region locked) like Earthbound Beginnings and the Wily Wars.
I know that it has its flaws but the convince and price of splitting a family plan between 8 people, I feel makes it totally worth it for me.
Re: Donkey Kong Country Has Just Got Three Challenging New ROM Hacks
Sounds neat and doable. Not for me, though I'm pretty terrible at DKC.
Re: Review: ModRetro Chromatic Is So Close To The Real Thing You'd Think Nintendo Made It
I'm interested but I built the funny playing one about a year ago and it works great, it kinda covers all my needs. If this came out before that, I might consider it, but the funny playing is so budget friendly.
Re: Want Your Very Own Sega Neptune? You'll Need A Spare $2,600
@BulkSlash ya hoping to find one on a crazy sale, maybe like a garage sale or something. I'm in no hurry to get one. Good for you having those, pretty sure if it wasn't you someone mentioned something very similar in the top 32x games list on the site.
Re: Want Your Very Own Sega Neptune? You'll Need A Spare $2,600
I can't even afford a 32x haha. I checked out the best 32x games and none of them really call my name so this is an easy pass for me. Still really cool it exists.
I do want a 32x one day because it's such an odd bit of history and like Knuckles Chaotics even though I'm told it's terrible, but that's enough to break a bank just for those 2 things alone.
Re: Remember When A Sega Genesis Got Fused With A Digital Camera? Yep, We'd Forgotten About It, Too
@Damo oh that's fair. I remember that little atgames Genesis that had like built in games and could read carts. I always wanted there to be a SNES version of that. Closest we got was the classic. I'll have to pick up one of those atgames ones one day. I know they're fairly cheap so probably not the best but a good novelty.
Re: Remember When A Sega Genesis Got Fused With A Digital Camera? Yep, We'd Forgotten About It, Too
Nope! Never even heard of it. Neat to see, I love that Sega did weird stuff like this, even if at the end of the day it was cheap and terrible, still fun to see.
Re: SuperSega Boss Rocks Up In His Lamborghini To Beg For Your Pre-Order Cash
As interested as I am in this project I graduate in a few months. I have 2 kids and a wife at home, and we are just living of of savings until the end of the year so I won't be preordering a unit. If this were February of next year maybe? But for now I'm just gonna have to hope it reaches their goal or they change their mind.
Re: NES Homebrew 'Graveyard Dude' Gets "Extremely-Limited" Physical Release To Honour Late Creator
Any links to where you can preorder?
Re: Pre-Orders For FPGA N64 'Analogue 3D' Open Next Week, Will Cost $250
I never really fell in love with the N64, but FPGA stuff blows my mind so I'm excited to hear what the reviews say.
Re: What Do You See In Sonic The Hedgehog's Waterfalls?
Castle of Illusion has a level with neat rainbow like waterfalls, I don't remember it looking rainbow like at all in Sonic. I'll have to check it out.
Re: Nintendo Is Now Going After YouTube Accounts Which Show Its Games Being Emulated
I mean there is good and bad to emulation. The good has been pointed out, game preservation, but the bad is that it isn't for us to decide what someone can do with their property legally speaking.
When I first started to get into retro gaming back in 2009 or so my buddy showed me how he uses his phone to play games and I thought it was neat but it did feel wrong somehow.
I feel like maybe the distinction between this situation and a museum is that a museum displays the art, it doesn't reproduce it so everyone can own a copy. So maybe if Nintendo opened retro museums or libraries where you could go and play or rent these games like the old Famicom disc system kiosks, people could play them again?
It's a touchy subject to be sure, but it's hard to not see where Nintendo is coming from legally speaking. I mean they even say that tears of the kingdoms sales where just by emulation.
Re: Review: MiSTer Pi - A $99 Gateway To FPGA Retro Gaming
So I don't know if this makes me casual or old fashion but I like to play games on theirs carts still. I often only get to play at lunchtime and I recently was given a busted Supaboy to fix up and I love it but silly me didn't know it was an emulator and not FPGA based so I'd be playing megaman x and see a lot more slow down than is typical on the standard hardware.
I'm happy to build a handheld FPGA console if the parts are out there to use real carts but it looks like MISTer doesn't function that way.
Other than Analog, which requires a down payment of 2 kidneys for their SNES FPGA, is their anything else on the market right now?
I've also considered modding a SNES Jr or something as well, it just feels wrong since I do like video game preservation, and don't love the idea terribly unless I find one in pretty bad shape or something.
Any thoughts?
Re: Random: Hacker Turns $5 Paw Patrol Toy Into A Cool Way To Play Sega's Super Hang-On
Sick, I love modders who try crazy stuff like this
Re: ModRetro Is "Certainly" Going To Create An FPGA Game Boy Advance
When I saw the sp as the thumb nail I was ready to come say something like "but it's gotta be like the original advance!" Way more comfy. But then they specifically said landscape, so took the words outta my mouth. I'd be down, the chromatic came too little too late for me, since I had just built the FPGA GBC from funny playing, I do still want one, but not a priority at all, a GBA however I still do not own!
Re: GameStop Announces Launch Of New "Retro GameStops" Stores
So this can either be a good thing, meaning it makes it easier to get but I can't see them not inflating prices like crazy like at DK oldies. One thing that I've loved about Retro stores is that they are usually small businesses who are happy to negotiate, among other things.
I'm overall not super thrilled about this, but I would love to be happily surprised.
Re: Can You Match These Start Buttons With Their Consoles?
@ScalenePowers I agree I was thrown off by the colors of several systems.
Re: The Atari 7800+ Resurrects Another Classic Atari Console
I still have a 7800 I picked up probably 15 years ago for $5. Ive only ever played 2600 games on it so it would be neat to actually pick up some 7800. But then again I'm pretty content in the 16 bit era currently.
Re: The Atari 7800+ Resurrects Another Classic Atari Console
@PopetheRev28 haha I love you.
Re: The Dev Behind Mega Man Fangame 'The Sequel Wars' Is Working On A SNES Game
Looks really neat! I usually dont really look into a homebrew but this looks pretty slick!
Re: You Can Play This Fan-Made Sega Vs. Capcom Crossover Right Now
So I know Capcom greenlit a fan project at one point and Sonic Maniac is pretty much a greenlit fan project. I know both companies are open! It'd be pretty cool if they both said, "why not?"
Re: The Next Analogue Pocket Limited Edition Is Made From Aluminum, Costs $500
I really wanted an analogue pocket when it first was announced but since it's so expensive and difficult to nab, I ended up just building a funny playing GBC for nearly half the price and it's way more fun and customizable.
I'd recommend it to anyone looking for a solid way to play Gameboy and GBC but that doesn't want to mod actual Nintendo hardware.
Re: Sonic Mania's Dreamcast Port Is Looking Fantastic
Mania is my favorite Sonic Game. If you can believe it I've got 150 hours sunk into it. I love that there are people out there showing it some love too.
Re: Interview: "We've Been Collecting Reaction Videos" - Digital Eclipse On Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Rita's Rewind
I'm way excited for this game. Feels like it'll be a real treat. From the trailer it looks like there will be some crazy boss fights, which I'm excited for. I played the rather terrible Gameboy Power Rangers game alot growing up so I'm sure this will be tons better.
Re: Alien Abduction! Is A New Atari 2600 Cart From Activision Legends
K I thought it was cool, have a reason to brush off the old 7800 but... That's really expensive. I'll see if there's a review, but I have a hard time believing this would cost the same as the likes of Mario Odyssey or Breath of the Wild. Really cool that they're doing it. I think if it were $20 or maybe $30 I could hop on board.
Re: Insanely Rare Sonic Arcade Game Crops Up On Japanese Resale Site
@bring_on_branstons that's a really good point! Why didn't they release them?? Maybe they were just trying to avoid talking about one their biggest failures. Then again Luigi's mansion 3 didn't mind!
And cool fact, didn't know that!
Re: Insanely Rare Sonic Arcade Game Crops Up On Japanese Resale Site
Ya I think about that Everytime I see a retro oddity. I've never spent $3K on something unless it was like a car. I'm married and have 2 kids and will be finishing college this year, so maybe in a decade I could afford to pick something like that up? The dream is to get a sega kiosk with a DS-16 but also a couple grand.
Re: Insanely Rare Sonic Arcade Game Crops Up On Japanese Resale Site
Stop it!!! I'd love to try that one day. Just port it sega! Sell a weird ball controller, I'd buy it!
Re: Chromatic Is A FPGA-Based Game Boy From Palmer Luckey
This is really cool. I wish it had come out sooner. I built a funny playing gameboy color last year and love it. I love not needing to use old motherboards from original hardware to make this nice handhelds.
Unfortunately I already have what I need and don't have alot disposable income. If those carts can read on an original GBC, I might be interested in picking those up.
Re: Zelda-Like 'Timothy And The Mysterious Forest' Is Getting A Game Boy Color-Style DX Update
@Poodlestargenerica I had a similar experience with the article. I got excited, since it looked neat but then saw the review conclusion and its sad it was so poor. I'd love to see if they have any QoL weeks.
Re: Playing 3DS Games On The Big Screen Is Cool, But It Takes Effort
I can't imagine Nintendo isn't already cooking up some crazy way to play DS and 3DS games on a future console. I'd wager that it'd be through my Nintendo and NSO and you just have to buy a controller with a screen on it.
Re: Soapbox: The Trouble With Limited Run Games, And How To Fix It
My problem with them is I learn about games years later that had a LRG release, like The Messenger. I'd love to get one physically but they go for like $600 on eBay. Do they ever do rereleased of old titles?
Also I'd love if there was a way to just "request" a game have a physical release. Or something of the sort. I don't know a lot about manufacturing games but let's say a game like The Messenger, normally during it's limited run cost $40 USD (I have no idea.) I'd be willing to request if for like $70 USD. That would be more helpful in preserving physical games than having a small window only for those who are hard core. I am relatively soft core when it comes to gaming, I never really buy special editions or anything but I do like to own my games.
Re: Unpacking The 64DD, Nintendo's Most Infamous Flop
Whoever has the DD on staff should lend it to Alex over at Nintendo life so he can play his copy Doshin. It's probably make his day. Great article!
Re: Here's Everything We Know About The Dance Dance Revolution Classic Mini
I spread the hate at this comment sections haha. I just think these cabinets are silly and impractical.
Re: Review: AYANEO Flip DS - A Great (But Costly) Way To Play 3DS And Wii U In 2024
Does it look really cool, does it make me want to try emulation not quite yet. I still have my WiiU constantly hooked up and my 3DS in my drawer. Good consoles but I'll just stick to OG hardware.
Re: Yuzo Koshiro's Shmup 'Earthion' Is Pushing Sega Genesis To Its Absolute Limit
@Thomystic So my problem was that the game already had it's run by the time I find it, are you saying that they will sometimes have another run of the game? Even if it's like years after the release?
Re: Yuzo Koshiro's Shmup 'Earthion' Is Pushing Sega Genesis To Its Absolute Limit
@TeamBigRig I've never openly hated on them but there are games that I learn about years later like The Messenger, I got it on sale for like $5 and loved it. So then I think, "I'd love to own this physically!" Then I go and see if it has a physical release and it did but you guessed it limited run! And now it's on eBay for $500. So will I survive? Yes. I'll just never own games I didn't know about ahead of time physically. Unless I find oil in backyard.
Re: Yuzo Koshiro's Shmup 'Earthion' Is Pushing Sega Genesis To Its Absolute Limit
So is the physical release going to be for the Genesis, cuz I'd be down to see my Genesis use it's blast processing to show off this game.
Re: Sonic Triple Trouble 16-Bit Director Announces Exciting New Studio
Well I loved Triple Trouble 16 bit so I'm down for more from a brand spanking new studio! I did play triple trouble on my lap top but that's the only thing I have on PC so hopefully he can port to switch.
Re: Elevator Action And Zoo Keeper Join The Quarter Arcades Range
I feel like I ask this on every article about the quarter cabinets, but who is the audience for these? They're super expensive and they don't look very comfortable to actually use. I could see them selling well for maybe $20 or $50 as a desk toy but that's really expensive for something with those specs.