@jamess Agreed. Mars has gone nowhere (so far anyway) and the Supersega is a strange beast. There is much scepticism across the forums for both projects but I'd love to be proven wrong!
I have invested previously in OSSC (years ago) for my GC, Dreamcast etc in HDMI but it just took up too much space etc. My CRT has given up unfortunately. I have a Mister and I'm hoping the next gen isn't too far away. But most people in the know think we're a while away, so I'll just have to use software emulation in the meantime. Using real hardware though is the best though, for sure
@KingMike Ok. Let's call it potato then! I'm really not bothered what people call it. Nobody's truly agreed on a term for FPGAs and what they're doing with Mister etc al. They use software to simulate what hardware is doing. I just feel at odds myself with "emulation" after using software emulation for years. It's just a personal thing ð
@jamess I totally get your point and I'd love to be optimistic, but the jump in the number of transistors between these generations was large and therefore I can't see it anytime soon. It's not just the FPGA hardware advancement, it's the time to replicate these in HDL for FPGA.
And it's not just about the number of logical elements (LEs) in the board, it's about speed, memory etc. The Analogue 3D has double the LEs the Mister FPGA uses, which is great, but I think we're talking considerably more for Dreamcast. Don't forget, the Analogue 3D is only doing what the Mister core does. Maybe a bit better but not much in it at all.
When PS2, DC and GameCube are in FPGA I'll be there in the queue. It's just this video doesn't give me anything above what Mister does (even if it is not software emulation) and considering what I've read on the subject of FPGAs (from people who know a lot more than me), DC is some way off.
@jamess Saturn and PlayStation are the same generation as the N64 and agreed, the N64 core was unexpected, however, the same generation as the Saturn and PlayStation which have cores.
Jumping a generation of hardware in current FPGAs is way off (probably 3-5 years off to be fair). Do you know how much work alone would go into decapping and simulating Dreamcast in HDL? A lot!
This video gave me zero confidence. The hardware just isn't there to support it
@slider1983 Their usual approach is to develop Minis first, then sell fully usable in the future. Not sure I'd bother with an expensive 128k keyboard version if I had a (no doubt easier and cheaper to produce) rubber keyed version.
@KillerBOB Great point. I've also done the same as the Mister emulates all the extra chip cartridges on SNES whilst the Super NT doesn't. So I sold that. Still have the Mega SG for nostalgia reasons though!
Without doubt, my single best tech purchase ever. Ok, I was early on the Mister bandwagon all those years ago, but I've not looked back since. Easy to use, perfect "simulation" and a wealth of systems all on a box the size of a Pi.
Also have an Analogue portable. FPGA - the way forward for emulation!
Comments 16
Re: Atari Jaguar Is Coming To Analogue Pocket
Seriously nobody mentions that importance of the single SDRAM Jaguar core? This is big news!
Re: Feature: MiSTer Pi Is Our Pick For The Best Retro Hardware Of 2024
@N64-ROX There are quite a few cores you can use without Ram expansion. See the list here:
Re: It's A Christmas Miracle, SuperSega Now Claims Sega Is Totally OK With Its FPGA Console
@HammerGalladeBro He can just use Chatgpt to correct his English now. He doesn't even need to pay for a proofreader.
Re: To The Shock Of Absolutely Nobody, Sega Is Trying To Shut Down The SuperSega FPGA Project
@jamess I also want them finished, but I'm concerned for the poor saps who've put hundreds of dollars into this and may receive nothing.
Sega have every right to be p*ssed with them
Re: Review: The Spectrum - Does Sir Clive Sinclair's Legacy Proud
'You might need to be a certain "vintage" to really get it'
That's a "con"? A little harsh I think as a con. It's very targeted, not necessarily a failing of that product
Re: SuperSega FPGA Console Shown Running Master System, Genesis And Saturn Games
@jamess Agreed. Mars has gone nowhere (so far anyway) and the Supersega is a strange beast. There is much scepticism across the forums for both projects but I'd love to be proven wrong!
I have invested previously in OSSC (years ago) for my GC, Dreamcast etc in HDMI but it just took up too much space etc. My CRT has given up unfortunately. I have a Mister and I'm hoping the next gen isn't too far away. But most people in the know think we're a while away, so I'll just have to use software emulation in the meantime. Using real hardware though is the best though, for sure
Re: SuperSega FPGA Console Shown Running Master System, Genesis And Saturn Games
@KingMike Ok. Let's call it potato then! I'm really not bothered what people call it. Nobody's truly agreed on a term for FPGAs and what they're doing with Mister etc al. They use software to simulate what hardware is doing. I just feel at odds myself with "emulation" after using software emulation for years. It's just a personal thing ð
Re: SuperSega FPGA Console Shown Running Master System, Genesis And Saturn Games
@jamess I totally get your point and I'd love to be optimistic, but the jump in the number of transistors between these generations was large and therefore I can't see it anytime soon. It's not just the FPGA hardware advancement, it's the time to replicate these in HDL for FPGA.
And it's not just about the number of logical elements (LEs) in the board, it's about speed, memory etc. The Analogue 3D has double the LEs the Mister FPGA uses, which is great, but I think we're talking considerably more for Dreamcast. Don't forget, the Analogue 3D is only doing what the Mister core does. Maybe a bit better but not much in it at all.
When PS2, DC and GameCube are in FPGA I'll be there in the queue. It's just this video doesn't give me anything above what Mister does (even if it is not software emulation) and considering what I've read on the subject of FPGAs (from people who know a lot more than me), DC is some way off.
I'd love to be wrong however.
Re: SuperSega FPGA Console Shown Running Master System, Genesis And Saturn Games
@jamess Saturn and PlayStation are the same generation as the N64 and agreed, the N64 core was unexpected, however, the same generation as the Saturn and PlayStation which have cores.
Jumping a generation of hardware in current FPGAs is way off (probably 3-5 years off to be fair). Do you know how much work alone would go into decapping and simulating Dreamcast in HDL? A lot!
This video gave me zero confidence. The hardware just isn't there to support it
Re: SuperSega FPGA Console Shown Running Master System, Genesis And Saturn Games
@Deway Sorry, I don't agree. It simulates hardware.
Much discussion about what FPGAs are on the forums. Most agree emulation isn't really the right word.
Re: SuperSega FPGA Console Shown Running Master System, Genesis And Saturn Games
What a load of rubbish. That's emulation all day long, and there is no way we'll get Dreamcast in FPGA anytime soon.
I feel sorry for the investors. Well, not really. If they're dumb enough to fall for an emulation box rather than an FPGA device, more fool them.
Re: Please Stop Buying Unofficial "Saturn Mini" Consoles
Mister and Mister PI are far better routes for Saturn now, and they have HDMI and RGB out too. Or just plain old emulation of course.
Can't see why using original hardware with an OSCC etc. are that much better than FPGA (unless you are uber purist).
Re: We're Getting (Another) New ZX Spectrum This November
@Zeebor15 Apologies, I '@' you in error ðŽI've corrected the post!
Re: We're Getting (Another) New ZX Spectrum This November
@slider1983 Their usual approach is to develop Minis first, then sell fully usable in the future. Not sure I'd bother with an expensive 128k keyboard version if I had a (no doubt easier and cheaper to produce) rubber keyed version.
Re: Review: MiSTer FPGA - Still The Best Option For Hardcore Retro Gamers In 2024?
@KillerBOB Great point. I've also done the same as the Mister emulates all the extra chip cartridges on SNES whilst the Super NT doesn't. So I sold that. Still have the Mega SG for nostalgia reasons though!
Re: Review: MiSTer FPGA - Still The Best Option For Hardcore Retro Gamers In 2024?
Without doubt, my single best tech purchase ever. Ok, I was early on the Mister bandwagon all those years ago, but I've not looked back since. Easy to use, perfect "simulation" and a wealth of systems all on a box the size of a Pi.
Also have an Analogue portable. FPGA - the way forward for emulation!