Comments 23

Re: Bandai Namco Is Launching A New Initiative To License Out IP Like Ridge Racer & Soul Calibur


If I was Namco I would change the site to simplify the groupings of IP, have all their racing games together in one place, and offer companies bulk licensing for a racing themed initiative. And so forth for other genres, like Dark Souls / Code Vein / Elden Ring etc. But then have one 'Legends' category which is Namcos big five, Tekken, Pac Man, Dark Souls etc and put that at the top of the page.

Re: Egads, There's More Drama In The FPGA Retro Gaming Community


Isnt FPGA just piggybacking on the work already done on software emulation, and adding a hardware layer to the emulation? Mame already began to offer support for various arcade boards 30 years ago, and surely it took a lot of reverse software engineering to get emulation on many games like Mortal Kombat up to par?

So what im asking is, are these FPGA developers building on the work done by software reverse engineering projects like Mame, or not?

Re: Interview: Antstream's Steve Cottam On Bringing Retro Gaming To The Masses Via The Cloud


@Daggot When you play Outrun on a deluxe tilting cabinet it 'clicks'. But for every Outrun, there are many hundreds of arcade games out there that are hardly any different being played in mame with a modern Stick than on a corner store arcade without good working controls. Being content that things are not 100% is important to not get stuck on details. For example how will we ever emulate older electro mechanical games that used flourescent paint? We cant, all we can hope for is some reasonable approximation of the experience from youtube or info about the game and then guess whether the experience was that great to begin with or not. Some of my favorite experiences in gaming was playing Lost World with properly calibrated guns in that deluxe cabinet back in the day. I know that it wasnt a perfect game though, the guns lacked recoil compared to the cabinet nearby (L.A Machine Guns) and sometimes the arcade would be a bit noisy, but the experience was 'good enough'. I dont replay it on mame because I havent found a good light gun replacement yet (Sinden requires you to be too far from your screen). And thats fine, because there are hundreds of other games aside from Outrun Deluxe and Lost World that are worth playing, which didnt require lavish setups.

But more power to you, if you feel its worth re-building the outrun experience as it was intended, its a noble pursuit. But most gamers are just taking the low hanging fruit, and thats ok I think because it keeps a lot of those old games alive. For example Outrun played with a gyroscope / Accelerometer on switch (not sure if its possible but if so I can see it being pretty decent).

Re: Taito Egret II Mini Arcade Memories Vol. 3 Coming This December


@JJtheTexan I think these things are mainly made for collectors, not casual or hardcore gamers that arent collectors. And of course the Japanese market, which being an outsider im not sure I will ever really understand vs a person who grew up in that culture. Guess that would explain the term 'memories' in the cartridge title.

Re: Retro Gaming Takes Over The BBC's Breakfast Show


@fout21 Im so torn with Retro Games, you get that high from owning and engaging in a more authentic version of the past, but on the other hand by being into retro games you are now inadvertently part of a giant cluster ***** of speculators and scalpers, not to mention you're dealing with old antiques which usually have to be shipped / imported, and arent necessarily guaranteed to be in a working condition for too much longer without some kind of maintenance of upkeep. Then you have the storage space, the baggage (physically, and even mentally) for all this clutter? The convenience of digital technology is becoming ever more appealing by the day