Comments 9

Re: Retro VGS Crowdfunding Campaign "Dead In The Water" But Work Will Continue


The fact there was no prototype and they are asking for €350 up front? That's a mega failure right there.

The way the gaming world works now (including Nintendo) is that devs can fix bugs in their games well after release. With this, you would have to wait at least 6 months after an indie game is released on every other system and phone to get it on cart bug free (which is pretty much impossible, sure look at all nes snes Megadrive etc games with bugs, and they had loads of people testing those games before release back then). And even then you'd miss out on any DLC released after you get it on cart.

Very bad idea overall. I listened to gamester81 talking to the guy (can't think of his name) and it just sounded all bad. Pat the nes punk talked about it too in-depth and just, no.

Glad it failed. People learned with the OUYA. And in reality it's the big 3 and pc. No room for anything else sadly.