Comments 157

Re: Why Is N64 So Hard To Emulate In 2025? Modern Vintage Gamer Investigates


For the casual player the NSO Switch offering is good enough.

Personally I prefer playing on original hardware, I think that is mainly down to having many of the platforms when I was younger (not all at the same time I hasten to add). But from a performance perspective can I tell the difference? Not really.

Slightly off topic but a good system to collect for at the moment is the 3DS are prices are low. Plus I think a readily accessible (for the average person) 3D emulation is difficult to achieve, and likely to stay that way for some time to come.

Re: Editorial: Merry Christmas, You Filthy Animals


Merry Christmas to you too! Looking forward to another 12 months year of Retro goodness in 2025! Reading your site every day helps make life fun, so keep up the excellent work - it and all your hard work is much appreciated 👍

Re: Anniversary: The Super Game Boy Is 30 Years Old


I got mine a few months ago. It's a great product and shows that Nintendo love a bit of innovation. The main problem I recall at the time it was originally released was that price wise it was in line with the actual Gameboy (and I couldn't afford both!).

In hindsight given the additional features and lower cost of manufacturing game boy cartridges, this should have been pushed more as a way to deliver SNES games at a budget price (super space invaders is a good example of this where it contained the full SNES ROM on the GB cartridge).

Re: CIBSunday: Amstrad GX4000


@KitsuneNight you make a valid point. I guess in my mind it was slightly different in that the master system 2 was a relaunch of an existing product, whereas this was marketed as something new.

But yes, there definitely was a market for this given the master system 2 hardware sales. Probably helped by having the excellent Alex Kidd game built in 🥰

Re: CIBSunday: Amstrad GX4000


I managed to dodge this, but I remember seeing lots of screenshots of Burnin Rubber in magazines at the time.

Releasing an 8 but system in 1990 was odd timing to say the least!

Re: Unpacking The 64DD, Nintendo's Most Infamous Flop


A really well written piece and an enjoyable read - thank you.

At the time this didn’t feel like a big loss. With many of the games having been released on carts and the shift in focus to the next generation plus the Sony bandwagon rolling and rolling. What was interesting is that this was the 2nd Nintendo flop in a short space of time (the Virtual Boy being the other). Thankfully things improved (commercially at least) with the Wii and Nintendo as a hardware manufacturer we’re here to stay 😀

Re: 30 Years On, And This Iconic Super Metroid Art Lives Again


These covers were iconic pieces. I’d love to see a book celebrating the super play artwork, or better yet, to be able to purchase this artwork (without the front cover wording overlaid) to display on the wall.

My personal favourite was the issue 45 artwork of Chun Li (street fighter alpha).

Not sure how they got the license holders agreement to the first Christmas issue which featured Spider-Man and some Star Wars characters!

Re: Anniversary: Final Fantasy VI Is 30 Years Old


I remember the glowing review in Super Play - got a mark in the high 90s and they were effusive with praise.

However they also pointed out that the cart did not work well with a converter, so I never purchased it.

I recently bought a repo cart copy which is a PAL version and it is in my ‘need to play’ game queue.

Re: CeX Retro Watch: April 2024


Seems like some interesting stock they have there. Like you, I’ve never seen a virtual boy game in there either!

I do like browsing their stores and picking up the odd cart from there to treat myself.

Re: Anniversary: Smash Bros. Turns 25 Today


I never had this, but my goat mate did. Fortunately there were 4 of us living in the foat at the time so we had many a fun evening losing hours to this title.

I was a big beat em up fan in the 90s and the N64 always disappointed in this regard as relative to the Saturn and PlayStation there were fewer good examples of titles in this genre. Smash Bros was the perfect answer to this. Still playing the series today.