What a great career. Personally I didn't read much of NMS, and that was largely due to the style versus Super Play which was my go to (and is still a recommended read now).
That said, NMS / Mean Machines / CVG sold a huge amount of magazines and had a big influence (in the UK at least) so fair play to him - he's definitely done more than me!
Many happy memories of shopping here, but that was decades ago. So I am not surprised to see this speculation around the companies future. Vote with your wallet.
For the casual player the NSO Switch offering is good enough.
Personally I prefer playing on original hardware, I think that is mainly down to having many of the platforms when I was younger (not all at the same time I hasten to add). But from a performance perspective can I tell the difference? Not really.
Slightly off topic but a good system to collect for at the moment is the 3DS are prices are low. Plus I think a readily accessible (for the average person) 3D emulation is difficult to achieve, and likely to stay that way for some time to come.
Merry Christmas to you too! Looking forward to another 12 months year of Retro goodness in 2025! Reading your site every day helps make life fun, so keep up the excellent work - it and all your hard work is much appreciated 👍
I got mine a few months ago. It's a great product and shows that Nintendo love a bit of innovation. The main problem I recall at the time it was originally released was that price wise it was in line with the actual Gameboy (and I couldn't afford both!).
In hindsight given the additional features and lower cost of manufacturing game boy cartridges, this should have been pushed more as a way to deliver SNES games at a budget price (super space invaders is a good example of this where it contained the full SNES ROM on the GB cartridge).
@KitsuneNight you make a valid point. I guess in my mind it was slightly different in that the master system 2 was a relaunch of an existing product, whereas this was marketed as something new.
But yes, there definitely was a market for this given the master system 2 hardware sales. Probably helped by having the excellent Alex Kidd game built in 🥰
This looks awesome! I like the updated graphics and new tracks have a good look and feel to them. Unfortunately my flash cart doesn't support games enhanced with chips, so I'll have to look out for this on eBay
A really well written piece and an enjoyable read - thank you.
At the time this didn’t feel like a big loss. With many of the games having been released on carts and the shift in focus to the next generation plus the Sony bandwagon rolling and rolling. What was interesting is that this was the 2nd Nintendo flop in a short space of time (the Virtual Boy being the other). Thankfully things improved (commercially at least) with the Wii and Nintendo as a hardware manufacturer we’re here to stay 😀
These covers were iconic pieces. I’d love to see a book celebrating the super play artwork, or better yet, to be able to purchase this artwork (without the front cover wording overlaid) to display on the wall.
My personal favourite was the issue 45 artwork of Chun Li (street fighter alpha).
Not sure how they got the license holders agreement to the first Christmas issue which featured Spider-Man and some Star Wars characters!
Great article, loved reading this. I spend most of my time still playing on my original snes hardware. It’ll be a sad day when that gives up the ghost. But until then I’ll keep gaming
This was one O f the better 3do games that I can recall. It was a strangely compelling game and some of the levels seemed to let you fly around and power up your craft to your hearts content which was relaxing.
As you state USD800 is not a lot in the world of watches so I imagine there will be a market for this device where the vent diagram between watch collecting and retro gaming cross.
Great interview, thank you for sharing. I have many happy childhood memories of playing prince of Persia on my Sega master system and then later again on my SNES.
I never had this, but my goat mate did. Fortunately there were 4 of us living in the foat at the time so we had many a fun evening losing hours to this title.
I was a big beat em up fan in the 90s and the N64 always disappointed in this regard as relative to the Saturn and PlayStation there were fewer good examples of titles in this genre. Smash Bros was the perfect answer to this. Still playing the series today.
It still amazes me after the questionable commercial success of the Sega mega cd, and commercial (and PR) failure of the 32x, that Nintendo still thought it was a commercially’good idea’ to launch an expensive peripheral to split your user base.
Comments 157
Re: "We Owe You An Apology" - Hyperkin Admits It Has "Overpromised And Under-Delivered"
Good on them for fronting this up
Re: "I Don't Think I’d Ever Have Been Able To Guess My Life Path" - Julian Rignall On Five Decades In Gaming
What a great career. Personally I didn't read much of NMS, and that was largely due to the style versus Super Play which was my go to (and is still a recommended read now).
That said, NMS / Mean Machines / CVG sold a huge amount of magazines and had a big influence (in the UK at least) so fair play to him - he's definitely done more than me!
Re: Review: Anbernic RG34XX - A GBA Clone That's So Good Nintendo's Name Should Be On It
Can this play original GBA carts?
Re: With The 233-Year-Old WH Smith's Future In Doubt, We Could Be Losing A Gaming Print Media Institution
Many happy memories of shopping here, but that was decades ago. So I am not surprised to see this speculation around the companies future. Vote with your wallet.
Re: This New Final Fight 2 Strength Hack Rebalances The SNES Beat 'Em Up
Give me a hack for a Haggard ponytail, then I'll be interested.
Re: Here's How Dreamcast's "Phenomenal" GTA 3 Port Compares To The PS2 Original
This is really impressive feat so fair play to these guys and girls for putting in the dedication
Re: Why Is N64 So Hard To Emulate In 2025? Modern Vintage Gamer Investigates
For the casual player the NSO Switch offering is good enough.
Personally I prefer playing on original hardware, I think that is mainly down to having many of the platforms when I was younger (not all at the same time I hasten to add). But from a performance perspective can I tell the difference? Not really.
Slightly off topic but a good system to collect for at the moment is the 3DS are prices are low. Plus I think a readily accessible (for the average person) 3D emulation is difficult to achieve, and likely to stay that way for some time to come.
Re: Sega's Shinobi Has Been Unofficially Ported To Neo Geo, And You Can Grab It Now
I love this game, so glad to see it still getting some love.
Re: Editorial: Merry Christmas, You Filthy Animals
Merry Christmas to you too! Looking forward to another 12 months year of Retro goodness in 2025! Reading your site every day helps make life fun, so keep up the excellent work - it and all your hard work is much appreciated 👍
Re: Andy Dyer Of Commodore Format, Total! And Mega Fame Has Passed Away
RiP. Many fond memories 😀 f reading my friends Total mag when he had a NeS and I had a master system.
Re: Anniversary: The Super Game Boy Is 30 Years Old
I got mine a few months ago. It's a great product and shows that Nintendo love a bit of innovation. The main problem I recall at the time it was originally released was that price wise it was in line with the actual Gameboy (and I couldn't afford both!).
In hindsight given the additional features and lower cost of manufacturing game boy cartridges, this should have been pushed more as a way to deliver SNES games at a budget price (super space invaders is a good example of this where it contained the full SNES ROM on the GB cartridge).
Re: CIBSunday: Amstrad GX4000
@KitsuneNight you make a valid point. I guess in my mind it was slightly different in that the master system 2 was a relaunch of an existing product, whereas this was marketed as something new.
But yes, there definitely was a market for this given the master system 2 hardware sales. Probably helped by having the excellent Alex Kidd game built in 🥰
Re: CIBSunday: Amstrad GX4000
I managed to dodge this, but I remember seeing lots of screenshots of Burnin Rubber in magazines at the time.
Releasing an 8 but system in 1990 was odd timing to say the least!
Re: This Incredibly Rare Hulk Xbox Could Fetch Up To $11,000
That logo is hideous, but can appreciate the rarity aspect to this. Maybe ugly would be a kinder description.
Good luck to whoever wins this.
Re: A Fanmade Port Of SNK vs. Capcom For The C64 / C128 Is Now Available
I would have loved this if had been available when I was young. Makes a mockery of the SF2 world warrior port.
Re: Sega Wants You To Know It Isn't Announcing Any New 'Mini' Hardware In 2024
I'd love a mini master system! And if you were selling it world wide (including Europe and Brazil) then I'm sure it would do well enough.
And I'm with you - I prefer that master system 2 casing 🫢
Re: Evercade Alpha Is A Bartop Arcade System Packed With Capcom Games
I'm finding it difficult to get an idea of the scale of this thing from the video.
For me it looks more neo geo mini size rather than arcade 1up.
Re: 32 Years Later, Super Mario Kart Gets Fan-Made 'Horizons' Expansion
This looks awesome! I like the updated graphics and new tracks have a good look and feel to them. Unfortunately my flash cart doesn't support games enhanced with chips, so I'll have to look out for this on eBay
Re: Former Nintendo World Champ Jeff Hansen On Teaming Up With Nintendo Again, 30 Years Later
Looking forward to playing this come July. Hopefully Jeff will have other opportunities to team on with Nintendo going forward with a bigger role.
Re: 30 Years On, And This Iconic Super Metroid Art Lives Again
Will - if you are reading this you know what to do
Re: Unpacking The 64DD, Nintendo's Most Infamous Flop
A really well written piece and an enjoyable read - thank you.
At the time this didn’t feel like a big loss. With many of the games having been released on carts and the shift in focus to the next generation plus the Sony bandwagon rolling and rolling. What was interesting is that this was the 2nd Nintendo flop in a short space of time (the Virtual Boy being the other). Thankfully things improved (commercially at least) with the Wii and Nintendo as a hardware manufacturer we’re here to stay 😀
Re: 30 Years On, And This Iconic Super Metroid Art Lives Again
These covers were iconic pieces. I’d love to see a book celebrating the super play artwork, or better yet, to be able to purchase this artwork (without the front cover wording overlaid) to display on the wall.
My personal favourite was the issue 45 artwork of Chun Li (street fighter alpha).
Not sure how they got the license holders agreement to the first Christmas issue which featured Spider-Man and some Star Wars characters!
Re: FPGA Vs Software Emulation - Which Is Best? We Asked Four Experts To Find Out
Great article, loved reading this. I spend most of my time still playing on my original snes hardware. It’ll be a sad day when that gives up the ghost. But until then I’ll keep gaming
Re: The Highlight Of EVO Japan? A Schoolgirl Dominating A Game Made Years Before She Was Born
Love when unknowns make the headlines. Congratulations to her and her parents!
Re: The Source Code To Star Fighter 3DO Has Been Released Online
This was one O f the better 3do games that I can recall. It was a strangely compelling game and some of the levels seemed to let you fly around and power up your craft to your hearts content which was relaxing.
Re: Dean Evan's Spectacular Waterworld SNES OST Is Being Released On Vinyl
I love this soundtrack
Re: Metal Slug Artist Recalls When Neo Geo Was So Popular "People Would Commit Crimes To Get It"
Given the higher prices these items can now demand I am guessing they are still desirable for theft if left overtly on display
Re: "The Tourists Have Taken Everything" Laments Japanese Resident As Retro Runs Dry
Your guide series to shopping in for retro games in Japan are obviously a little to successful!!
Re: Hands On: Anicorn's $800 Sega Mega Drive / Genesis Watch Is Utterly Gorgeous
As you state USD800 is not a lot in the world of watches so I imagine there will be a market for this device where the vent diagram between watch collecting and retro gaming cross.
Out of my price range though.
Re: The Story Behind 'Replay' - The Moving New Memoir From Prince Of Persia's Creator
Great interview, thank you for sharing. I have many happy childhood memories of playing prince of Persia on my Sega master system and then later again on my SNES.
Thank you Jordan!
Re: Anniversary: Final Fantasy VI Is 30 Years Old
I remember the glowing review in Super Play - got a mark in the high 90s and they were effusive with praise.
However they also pointed out that the cart did not work well with a converter, so I never purchased it.
I recently bought a repo cart copy which is a PAL version and it is in my ‘need to play’ game queue.
Re: CeX Retro Watch: April 2024
Seems like some interesting stock they have there. Like you, I’ve never seen a virtual boy game in there either!
I do like browsing their stores and picking up the odd cart from there to treat myself.
Re: Interview: Factor 5's Julian Eggebrecht On Star Wars, Indiana Jones And Choosing N64 Over PS1
Really enjoyed this taster and looking forward to my bitmap book arriving.
I think it was more the business model of cartridges that led to developers flocking to the lower risk CD publishing model.
Re: Atari Wants To Revive More Of Its Classic Systems
Definitely the Jaguar - a really interesting story behind it makes me curious.
Re: Anniversary: Super Street Fighter II Turbo Is 30 Years Old
Just a crying shame this was never ported to the snes or megadrive back in the 90s.
Additionally, the AI on the USA and European versions has been seriously cranked up.
Not to take anything away from what a great game this is, plus I loved the HD version.
Re: Flashback: How Saturn's Memory Expansion Carts Made It The King Of 2D Fighters
Just a shame the Saturn had such a short life span in Europe. A great machine designed to cope with 2d and 3d.
I’d love to own KOF 95 on the Sega Saturn, but already have it on my Neo Geo Cdz so there seems little point.
Re: N64 Comes To Evercade - Is Dreamcast Next? "Never Say Never"
@-wc- good point!
Re: Newly Released Tribute Album 'EXCALIBUR' Celebrates The Music Of Secret Of Mana
This is a great remix of a classic original.
For me, TSOM was the greatest snes pap released score, and this tribute celebrates that nicely.
Thanks for highlighting this release.
Re: Speedrun World Records Are Being Contested On One Of The Saturn's Worst Games
I’m enjoying this!
Re: Anniversary: Smash Bros. Turns 25 Today
I never had this, but my goat mate did. Fortunately there were 4 of us living in the foat at the time so we had many a fun evening losing hours to this title.
I was a big beat em up fan in the 90s and the N64 always disappointed in this regard as relative to the Saturn and PlayStation there were fewer good examples of titles in this genre. Smash Bros was the perfect answer to this. Still playing the series today.
Re: Who Created Dreamcast's Logo? We Spent A Year Trying To Find Out
@-wc- cheers buddy - interesting. Thanks for replying to my comment; that’s why I love the threads in this website - for the untapped knowledge.
Re: Who Created Dreamcast's Logo? We Spent A Year Trying To Find Out
@-wc- this was a big thing at the time - the marketing machine pushed the system as the Dreamcast rather than the Sega Dreamcast.
At least in Europe.
Re: Hiroshi Yamauchi Talks 64DD In Newly Translated 1997 Conference
I enjoyed reading this.
It still amazes me after the questionable commercial success of the Sega mega cd, and commercial (and PR) failure of the 32x, that Nintendo still thought it was a commercially’good idea’ to launch an expensive peripheral to split your user base.
Re: One Of The World's Most Obscure Consoles, The Casio Loopy, Gets Its Own Flash Cart
I heard that the real issue is locating the printing paper/stickers - didn’t this run on bespoke paper size?
Re: Who Created Dreamcast's Logo? We Spent A Year Trying To Find Out
I’m always slightly sad that they dropped the sega name. For me that still had a lot of mileage, but then again I never purchased a mega cd or 32x.
A great article and thanks for your Sherlock like work in hunting this all down! Terrific work.
Re: Editorial: Merry Christmas And Happy Holidays From All At Time Extension!
Merry Christmas - loving your work!
Re: The Making Of: The Menacer - How Sega Rustled Up A Super Scope Rival In Just Six Months
Really fun article. So sad that both the super scope and leaver flopped. But hardware ain’t nothing without software.
Seems that, despite that, this was a fun project to work on.
Re: The PlayStation Performance Analyser, Ken Kutaragi's Secret Weapon In The 32-bit War
Terrific article. Like others hear I don’t recall reading about this in game mags at the time, although I was not an Edge subscriber.
I do remember seeing and hearing about GT at the time and being wowed both visually and sonically.
A great piece!
Re: Here's Street Fighter Alpha Running On Mega Drive / Genesis
Hats off to this dude l, this looks and sounds terrific. And that Q sound engine is difficult to make sound good on the megadrive.
Looking forward to seeing a finished erosion one day.
Re: CIBSunday: Metal Slug: 2nd Mission (Neo Geo Pocket Color)
I never had this on my NGPC (which is now long sold) but have it on the Seitch compilation which is a great way to experience these titles.