Comments 157

Re: Best Mini Classic Consoles


I do love love these mini consoles and hope we see more of them. A special edition snes version with more games? A 32x mini? A neogeo cdmini?

And as written above, a master system mini would be amazing. It would sell well in Europe and Brazil at least.

Re: Best Neo Geo Games


Enjoyed reading this.
KOF 98 - this for me was when KOF surpassed SF for one one fighters. The execution, varied cast, balance etc were all fantastic.

I personally struggled with KOF97 - I just can’t get to grips with the sound although the underlying gameplay still shines.

A great console although I never knew anyone who had an aes in the 90s. It’s great that some many of these titles are now accessible to such a large audience.

Final point - whilst the Neo Geo CD does suffer from long loading times (although CDZ largely fixes this) it has truly awesome soundtracks and is more affordable these days. Recommended.

Re: You're Not Seeing Things, This Is Star Fox On The Sega Mega Drive / Genesis


These comments make great reading.

Picking up on the thread of the SVP in plug in cart form….I read that rumour too. I know Codemasters (who were making the Game Genie at the time) filed this type of design with the patent office in the US and perhaps that prevented sega from taking the idea further. Virtua Racing was a great but expensive console game. Playing now versus Strunt Race FX is night and day - from a co trip perspective at least. Ritual racing is far more playable (although I still love stunt race you definitely need rosier tinted specs va virtua racing).

I really enjoyed reading the above comments. Thank you.

Re: Anniversary: Phantasy Star Turns 35 Today


What brilliant memories. I remember playing this at my friends house as a kid - I couldn’t afford it myself because, as others have pointed out, given the size of the cart and battery back up this game was more expensive then others.

I picked up a used copy a few year’s ago.

Re: The Worst SNES Games Of All Time


Great article and list, thanks for sharing. With so much focus now on the best of the best for the snes and megadrive it is easy to forget how much average and poor content there is for both systems.

Would like to see similar articles for Atari Jaguar and 3d0!