Comments 2

Re: Analogue 3D Is An FPGA-Based N64 With 4K Output


I had a feeling that Analogue would be announcing an N64 console.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe the N64 is not capable of RGB output. When I try using my Gamecube RGB SCART cable with my N64, it doesn't work. As far as I can remember, my RGB SCART cable does work with my Super NES.

So, I have to use a non-RGB SCART cable with my N64, and the picture quality on a modern LCD TV is pretty bad. Whereas the Gamecube with RGB SCART on an LCD TV doesn't look anywhere near as bad as the N64 does.

I am therefore certainly planning to buy one of these new consoles. It will be great to be able to play my N64 cartridges without the appalling picture quality.

Re: Review: 8BitMods MemCard Pro GC - A Next-Generation GameCube Memory Card


This does look like a useful device to backup my Gamecube saves safely forever. However, what this article doesn't mention is whether this memory card device works without any problems on the Wii.

I prefer to play my Gamecube games on my Wii, and I have read that official 1019 memory cards can sometimes be corrupted when used on a Wii. That's never happened to me on my Wii, but it concerns me a little. So, before I consider buying this MemCard device, I'd like reassurance that it works fine on a Wii.