Comments 11

Re: To The Shock Of Absolutely Nobody, Sega Is Trying To Shut Down The SuperSega FPGA Project



Of course that isn't how it works.

If I create a drink called "Super Coca Cola", Coca Cola are absolutely going to come after me.

Like @avcrypt says, it's about whether it can reasonably create confusion. Any lay person might think this is an official Sega product because it uses the name "Sega" and similar branding.

This will get shut down in a heartbeat and I just hope that any victims of the scam are able to get their money back.

Re: Please Stop Buying Unofficial "Saturn Mini" Consoles


I don't agree with PandaMoniumGR / Voultar. This is fine.

At the end of the day the optical drive is just a means of getting game data into the console. We can live without them now that we have ODEs. This is still original hardware providing an authentic experience.

So what if the console can't use CDs? Prices for original copies are out of reach, and if you're using CD-Rs you might as well use an ODE. Which is a superior method anyway.

And what's more, there are more than enough Saturns out there anyway for people that do insist on an optical drive, they're easy to get hold of. They're not all going to disappear because people are doing this.

This is a total non-issue and a huge overreaction.