Comments 8

Re: Feature: My Quest To Keep Video Game Magazines Alive Might Break Me


Amazing how much the first few paragraphs relate to my upbringing too. I subscribed to and purchased a bunch of magazines during the '90s- less so during the 2000's. And when I wasn't reading them, I was making my own. Sadly, I no longer have them- I would love to read through them again and see how hack they probably were through adult eyes.

Re: Feature: Drugged Coffee, Pirated Games And Empty Bank Accounts - The Story Of GameFan Magazine


I didn't read GameFan much but I was a subscriber at various points to GamePro, Nintendo Power, Game Players, and PSM, and regularly bought other magazines at my local supermarket and book stores as a kid/teen. The '90s were truly a golden age for game magazines.

I agree with the others who say you should do a follow-up for Game Players, that would be of more interest to me.