Regardless of anything else, that “#1 Choice for Physical Publishing” image is just cringe. By what criteria? I’m sure Nintendo or Sony are actually the #1 choice for physical publishing, unless you make the parameters “The #1 Choice for Physical Publishing When There Are No Other Options”.
I mean, it’s a Japanese language review that was published in a Japanese language magazine. Did Random Twitter Person try searching Japanese websites, or did he just Google “Famitsu Zelda review”?
Aren't magazines pretty much dead already, regardless of WH Smith closing stores? It's just another nail in a coffin that already has plenty of nails.
I can't remember the last time I actually bought a magazine, but I was tempted to buy one a few weeks ago but it was something like $20. Forget that. I know they have to raise the price since the print runs are so much smaller than they used to be, but come on. It's like an unsuccessful restaurant who has to raise their prices to stay in business, but that turns off their customer base even more, so they have to raise their prices even more, and then they close. This is the death spiral magazines are in now.
This guy looks like he smells like cheap tequila and stale Cheetos, yet people still gave him money. A child would be able to tell that he is a con artist just from one glance.
What “myth” was broken exactly? Decades of work using tools that weren’t available to developers in the 90s can create a Mega Drive soundtrack that’s almost as good as the Super NES soundtrack?
Do people actually believe this guy has a Lamborghini? I guess he could have won the lottery or have rich parents, but based on his videos, he appears to have the net worth of part-time gas station clerk.
I wonder if there are people who are still gullible enough to think this isn't a scam run by a con artist. Hah, probably.
Although con "artist" is probably too complimentary, since it implies he made some effort to disguise the fact that this is a scam, when in fact, he did everything he could to make it clear that it was a scam.
It’s interesting how different this is from the SuperSega. One is hardware created by a small group of enthusiasts, the other is an obvious scam created by con artists. Which is which? Only those with above room temperature IQ can spot the difference.
Looking at the Mega CD release list, it seems like Sega just gave up on the Japanese market from the beginning and focused on the Western market. The second Japanese Mega CD game released by Sega was Quiz Scramble Special. It doesn’t look like Sega released any remotely interesting games in Japan until Spring 1993, nearly a year and a half after the Mega CD launched, and those were just ports of Final Fight and Sim Earth.
I would buy the hell out of an iPod with WiFi, but that’s probably a very niche market. I listen to a lot of podcasts, so I would want to be able to access new podcasts without constantly connecting to a computer to update. My dream would be an iPod Classic with a click wheel, Bluetooth, and WiFi. Wouldn’t ever happen, of course, since most people wouldn’t buy something that their iPhone already does.
The fact that Sega hasn’t sued them yet just shows that Sega knows this thing will never be released. On the other hand, they’re apparently charging people’s credit cards and making money off of Sega’s brand name, so maybe that lawsuit will happen after all.
They can’t even get the Master System to run properly and they expect the final prototype to be ready in two months? Also, great job running Saturn Bomberman, now show off Panzer Dragoon.
The first model will be a Mega Drive/Master System FPGA system and the second model will be the one that also has Saturn and Dreamcast. The second model will be twice as expensive and will also never be released.
Is there any chance "Ultra Donkey Kong" was a different game developed in-house and not Donkey Kong 64? Of course, 90s game magazines just making up things would not be an unheard of occurrence.
It's worth pointing out that this is a UK-based game site, so there's naturally going to be some kind of irritation that the retro game world doesn't revolve around their childhood games. Listening to British gamers talk about retro games is like listening to people who grew up in Soviet bloc countries reminisce about whatever weird Soviet soda they drank instead of Coca Cola. "We didn't have Nintendo or Mario, we had an Amstrad Channel Fairchild, and we loved our Oliver Twins games!"
Yeah, VG&CE was virulently anti-Nintendo in the late 80s. I'm sure the late-80s anti-Japanese rhetoric played a part in this, but the staff of VG&CE were also a lot older than the staff of most other gaming magazines and seemed bitter that Atari was dead. I remember reading one article about how the Atari 2600 controller was superior to NES-style controllers and game design is worse off because the joystick was controlled by the left hand instead of the right. I mean, this was the late 80s/early 90s and they were still bitter about the death of Atari. They just came across as bitter old weirdos.
@iacobus_magnus Aren’t they just using the NES light grey/dark grey/red colors? That, along with the Super Famicom logo font, shows the influence of the NES design.
This looks interesting, I always wondered what VB games would look like using the 3DS 3D effect.
As a side note, I never had anything approaching a headache when playing the Virtual Boy, and none of my friends who played mine did either. I think the headache thing has become a bit over-exaggerated over the years by people who have never played VB. I don't doubt some people had headaches, but some articles about the VB make it seem like you would get migraines from playing for a few minutes.
Two thoughts: (1) why is the “VMU” screen so small and narrow? It’s 2024, surely they could afford to have a backlit VMU screen thats’s at least the same size as the 1999 model and (2) $400? LOL.
"Samurai" is undoubtedly cooler than the UK's "NES Version", which never made sense to me. It's a NES, of course it's the "NES Version". "PAL Version" or "UK Version" would've made sense. Here I am, enjoying a cup of Yorkshire Gold "Yorkshire Gold Version", using my MacBook Pro "MacBook Pro Version" to read Time Extension "Time Extension Version".
I don’t know if it’s the LED lighting behind them or the contrast with the bright white system, but those joysticks look like they’re dirty and have been yellowed by time and/or years of use. I assume they’re actually light grey and would look better in real life than in the photos.
What a dumb lawsuit. Even if his book was the only source used for the movie (which is unlikely), it’s non-fiction and the author is owed nothing. The movie also added fictionalized elements that were, presumably, not in the book. The Tetris story is well known and has been written about in books and articles besides The Tetris Effect for decades.
Why are we paying attention to what morons on Twitter think? The actual value of those items is nowhere near the prices on those unsold Ebay auctions. Nothing says lazy journalism like articles focusing on what some rando on Twitter posted.
I’d like to know how the negotiations with Nintendo and Sony went for Sega’s third-party support. How did the other hardware makers find out Sega was going third-party? Was it a surprise or was it obviously something that they knew would have to happen? How far in advance of the public announcement did they know? Did anyone try to get exclusivity agreements with Sega? Could be interesting to find out the details from former execs, if possible.
They're obviously doing this because they need cash now and can't wait for the hardware production issues to resolve. Or they know the hardware production issues will never resolve and they're trying to make whatever money they can off this thing before the company collapses.
On the bright side, they'll be able to tell themselves that this failed because of COVID, not because it's a fundamentally flawed product that never had even the slightest chance of succeeding.
Comments 38
Re: SuperSega Back-Pedals With MiSTer FPGA, Aims For Lower Price
You would think he would use some of the vast resources that he has to pull off this engineering miracle and buy a webcam that was made after 2003.
Re: Interview: "We’ve Certainly Made Mistakes" - Limited Run's Boss On Winning Back The Trust Of The Community
Regardless of anything else, that “#1 Choice for Physical Publishing” image is just cringe. By what criteria? I’m sure Nintendo or Sony are actually the #1 choice for physical publishing, unless you make the parameters “The #1 Choice for Physical Publishing When There Are No Other Options”.
Re: Why Famitsu's 'Perfect' Zelda: Ocarina Of Time Review Highlights "The Sorry State Of Preservation"
I mean, it’s a Japanese language review that was published in a Japanese language magazine. Did Random Twitter Person try searching Japanese websites, or did he just Google “Famitsu Zelda review”?
Re: This $200 Gaming Handheld Pays Tribute To The Iconic Nokia N97
“Iconic” is officially the most overused and misused word in the English language. It doesn’t just mean “old”.
Re: With The 233-Year-Old WH Smith's Future In Doubt, We Could Be Losing A Gaming Print Media Institution
Aren't magazines pretty much dead already, regardless of WH Smith closing stores? It's just another nail in a coffin that already has plenty of nails.
I can't remember the last time I actually bought a magazine, but I was tempted to buy one a few weeks ago but it was something like $20. Forget that. I know they have to raise the price since the print runs are so much smaller than they used to be, but come on. It's like an unsuccessful restaurant who has to raise their prices to stay in business, but that turns off their customer base even more, so they have to raise their prices even more, and then they close. This is the death spiral magazines are in now.
Re: SuperSega Refunds Are Still Missing As Creator "Cheats Death"
This guy looks like he smells like cheap tequila and stale Cheetos, yet people still gave him money. A child would be able to tell that he is a con artist just from one glance.
Re: The Genesis Just "Broke Another Myth" By Replicating Classic Castlevania Tunes
What “myth” was broken exactly? Decades of work using tools that weren’t available to developers in the 90s can create a Mega Drive soundtrack that’s almost as good as the Super NES soundtrack?
Re: Talking Point: Is There A Home Port You Prefer To The Arcade Original?
Ninja Gaiden and Contra on NES were dramatically better than the arcade versions. Castlevania, too, if Haunted Castle counts as a Castlevania game
Re: Random: Someone Apparently Thinks Final Fantasy Mystic Quest's Art Is Worth $350,000
I know this type of thing is subjective, but “gorgeous” would not be the word I would use to describe this bland piece of marketing from Square USA.
Re: Why YouTube Censorship Is Causing Headaches For Retro Game Historians
Re: SuperSega Boss Puts His Beloved Lamborghini Up For Sale After All Pre-Orders Are Refunded
Do people actually believe this guy has a Lamborghini? I guess he could have won the lottery or have rich parents, but based on his videos, he appears to have the net worth of part-time gas station clerk.
Re: It's A Christmas Miracle, SuperSega Now Claims Sega Is Totally OK With Its FPGA Console
I wonder if there are people who are still gullible enough to think this isn't a scam run by a con artist. Hah, probably.
Although con "artist" is probably too complimentary, since it implies he made some effort to disguise the fact that this is a scam, when in fact, he did everything he could to make it clear that it was a scam.
Re: Here's A Better Look At The Promising "All-In-One" MiSTer FPGA Console, Multisystem 2
It’s interesting how different this is from the SuperSega. One is hardware created by a small group of enthusiasts, the other is an obvious scam created by con artists. Which is which? Only those with above room temperature IQ can spot the difference.
Re: Talking Point: Are Nintendo's Legal "Ninjas" Stifling The Creativity Of Tomorrow's Game Makers?
Re: Flashback: Remembering Sega's Dismal Mega CD Debut, Wakusei Woodstock: Funky Horror Band
Looking at the Mega CD release list, it seems like Sega just gave up on the Japanese market from the beginning and focused on the Western market. The second Japanese Mega CD game released by Sega was Quiz Scramble Special. It doesn’t look like Sega released any remotely interesting games in Japan until Spring 1993, nearly a year and a half after the Mega CD launched, and those were just ports of Final Fight and Sim Earth.
Re: MiSTer Pi Creator Taki Udon Is Turning His Attention To The iPod
I would buy the hell out of an iPod with WiFi, but that’s probably a very niche market. I listen to a lot of podcasts, so I would want to be able to access new podcasts without constantly connecting to a computer to update. My dream would be an iPod Classic with a click wheel, Bluetooth, and WiFi. Wouldn’t ever happen, of course, since most people wouldn’t buy something that their iPhone already does.
Re: SuperSega Explains Why It Produces Such "Crappy" Videos, Says It's Afraid Analogue Will Steal Its Ideas
The fact that Sega hasn’t sued them yet just shows that Sega knows this thing will never be released. On the other hand, they’re apparently charging people’s credit cards and making money off of Sega’s brand name, so maybe that lawsuit will happen after all.
Re: SuperSega FPGA Console Shown Running Master System, Genesis And Saturn Games
They can’t even get the Master System to run properly and they expect the final prototype to be ready in two months? Also, great job running Saturn Bomberman, now show off Panzer Dragoon.
Re: SuperSega FPGA Team Understands Why You Think Its Console Is "Vapourware"
The first model will be a Mega Drive/Master System FPGA system and the second model will be the one that also has Saturn and Dreamcast. The second model will be twice as expensive and will also never be released.
Re: New YouTube Video Debunks Old 'Ultra Donkey Kong' 64DD Rumour
Is there any chance "Ultra Donkey Kong" was a different game developed in-house and not Donkey Kong 64? Of course, 90s game magazines just making up things would not be an unheard of occurrence.
Re: Talking Point: Does Video Game History Have A "Nintendo Problem"?
It's worth pointing out that this is a UK-based game site, so there's naturally going to be some kind of irritation that the retro game world doesn't revolve around their childhood games. Listening to British gamers talk about retro games is like listening to people who grew up in Soviet bloc countries reminisce about whatever weird Soviet soda they drank instead of Coca Cola. "We didn't have Nintendo or Mario, we had an Amstrad Channel Fairchild, and we loved our Oliver Twins games!"
Re: Talking Point: Does Video Game History Have A "Nintendo Problem"?
Lol, what a silly article. "Why aren't more people talking about a game series that wasn't as popular or good as the Banjo series?"
Re: Chromatic Is A FPGA-Based Game Boy From Palmer Luckey
I like the way it looks better than the Analogue Pocket, but I think the brown/orange stripes on the blue version look a little off, though.
Re: 10 Forgotten Gaming Magazines That Are Worth Remembering
Yeah, VG&CE was virulently anti-Nintendo in the late 80s. I'm sure the late-80s anti-Japanese rhetoric played a part in this, but the staff of VG&CE were also a lot older than the staff of most other gaming magazines and seemed bitter that Atari was dead. I remember reading one article about how the Atari 2600 controller was superior to NES-style controllers and game design is worse off because the joystick was controlled by the left hand instead of the right. I mean, this was the late 80s/early 90s and they were still bitter about the death of Atari. They just came across as bitter old weirdos.
Re: Incredibly Rare SNES Prototype Goes Up For Auction
@iacobus_magnus Aren’t they just using the NES light grey/dark grey/red colors? That, along with the Super Famicom logo font, shows the influence of the NES design.
Re: Castaway Is An Adorable New Zelda-Like From The Developer Of Lunark
This looks less like a homage and more like a ROM hack. It's not coming to Switch because Nintendo would sue them.
Re: 3DS Virtual Boy Emulation Gives You 3D Without The Headaches
This looks interesting, I always wondered what VB games would look like using the 3DS 3D effect.
As a side note, I never had anything approaching a headache when playing the Virtual Boy, and none of my friends who played mine did either. I think the headache thing has become a bit over-exaggerated over the years by people who have never played VB. I don't doubt some people had headaches, but some articles about the VB make it seem like you would get migraines from playing for a few minutes.
Re: Hands On: Octopus Arcade Stick - A One-Stop Solution For Fighting Fans
Two thoughts: (1) why is the “VMU” screen so small and narrow? It’s 2024, surely they could afford to have a backlit VMU screen thats’s at least the same size as the 1999 model and (2) $400? LOL.
Re: Did You Know The NES Had A Much Cooler Name In India?
"Samurai" is undoubtedly cooler than the UK's "NES Version", which never made sense to me. It's a NES, of course it's the "NES Version". "PAL Version" or "UK Version" would've made sense. Here I am, enjoying a cup of Yorkshire Gold "Yorkshire Gold Version", using my MacBook Pro "MacBook Pro Version" to read Time Extension "Time Extension Version".
Re: Review: Aya Neo Pocket Air - The New Handheld Emulation King
I don’t know if it’s the LED lighting behind them or the contrast with the bright white system, but those joysticks look like they’re dirty and have been yellowed by time and/or years of use. I assume they’re actually light grey and would look better in real life than in the photos.
Re: 'The Tetris Effect' Author Claims Apple Adapted His Book Without Permission
What a dumb lawsuit. Even if his book was the only source used for the movie (which is unlikely), it’s non-fiction and the author is owed nothing. The movie also added fictionalized elements that were, presumably, not in the book. The Tetris story is well known and has been written about in books and articles besides The Tetris Effect for decades.
Re: Shocking Study Reveals 87% Of Classic Games Are "Critically Endangered"
Most of that 87% is probably garbage. Not everything needs to be preserved, not everything old is of historic value.
Re: Random: Video Of Man Trading Rare Retro Items For Zelda: TotK Switch Goes Viral
Why are we paying attention to what morons on Twitter think? The actual value of those items is nowhere near the prices on those unsold Ebay auctions. Nothing says lazy journalism like articles focusing on what some rando on Twitter posted.
Re: Sonic Bust: The Rise And Fall Of Sega Enterprises
I’d like to know how the negotiations with Nintendo and Sony went for Sega’s third-party support. How did the other hardware makers find out Sega was going third-party? Was it a surprise or was it obviously something that they knew would have to happen? How far in advance of the public announcement did they know? Did anyone try to get exclusivity agreements with Sega? Could be interesting to find out the details from former execs, if possible.
Re: Intellivision's Offices Are Now Empty And Available, If You Want Them
Every time I hear about someone who thought this thing was a good idea, or would be anything other than an unmitigated disaster, I'm reminded of the phenomenon of "harbinger customers":
Re: Intellivision Has Significantly Cut Its Staff To Help Amico Over The Finish Line
Why won't someone just kill this thing already? It's just cruel at this point.
Re: The Intellivision Amico Has A Unique Approach To Physical Media And Digital Ownership
They're obviously doing this because they need cash now and can't wait for the hardware production issues to resolve. Or they know the hardware production issues will never resolve and they're trying to make whatever money they can off this thing before the company collapses.
Re: Feature: Intellivision's Tommy Tallarico Wants To Follow In Nintendo's Footsteps, But Will He Get His Chance?
On the bright side, they'll be able to tell themselves that this failed because of COVID, not because it's a fundamentally flawed product that never had even the slightest chance of succeeding.