Comments 26

Re: Zelda II Has Been Ported To The SNES


That was a really bad idea to paywall it at first. How are people still this naiive when it comes to working with IP you don't own? Maybe at least run it past a competent attorney? Yes, it's a little bit of a gray area since Patreon subscribers aren't technically paying for the game itself, but as an attorney myself i would have categoricaly advised against it.

Re: The Atari 2600+ Is A New Way To Play Your 2600 & 7800 Games


@KingMike You are correct about the Flashback 2. It is essentially an "actual" 2600 in terms of the programming, and the programmers/designers of that model actually made it so if you open up the system there are spots ready where you can very simply solder a cartridge port to the board.

The first Flashback was the NES on a chip based system as you mentioned, as i believe some of the versions after the 2nd. Eventually they changed to a more "proper" 2600 emulation (which is better, but still off, especially if you're used to the actual system).

Re: Meet The Unsung Pioneer Behind The Most Hated Zelda Games Of All Time


I highly reccomend the "remastered" versions of these games if you can still find them online (i believe NL did an article about them?). They completely overhaul the experience and are enjoyable to play; they're actully not too bad once the horrible controls and such are no longer an issue.

EDIT: Ahh, i see they are mentioned towards the end of the article. That's what i get for commenting before finishing reading!

Re: Irem's Ninja Baseball Bat Man Makes Surprising Return In Stylish New Comic


It really is a genuinely good beat 'em up. Like a lot of people i first checked it out after the AVGN video, but i was very impressed by how good the gameplay actually is — and of course the general cartoon-wacky insanity of the game make it a must-play for fans of the genre. And a comic seems like a no-brainer; i'm surprised no one did it earlier!

Re: Video: The Trailer For E.T. Documentary Atari: Game Over Emerges From Landfill


Ahh, revisionist history is always entertaining.

Especially when half-truths and untruths get perpetuated year after year by ignorant uninformed youngsters who basically just repeat what they've heard over and over.

The landfill was NEVER a mystery. It was well-documented. There were multiple articles about it from the 80s alone that spoke specifically about it. Never a mystery.

ET did not cause the crash. Neither did Pac-Man for the 2600. They've just become the iconic symbols of the crash over the years.

And if anyone genuinely believes ET is the worst game ever, i suggest you check out the literally hundreds of Atari, NES and other 2nd and 3rd gen games (and beyond) that are infinitely worse.

But what do i know. I was only around when it all actually happened. Obviously those who know nothing of the truth but what they've been told by others know better than i do.