Comments 9

Re: Interview: "We Were World Leaders" - The History Of System 3 And The Last Ninja


The Last Ninja was my introduction to gaming and courtesy of nostalgia I will get this upon release. I’m sure time won’t have been kind, but the music in ninja 1 and in particular ninja 2 was just so phenomenal for its time.
Thank you to the system 3 team for allowing 5-8 year old me to really get into ninja back in the late 80s. I was obsessed.

Re: Talking Point: Does Video Game History Have A "Nintendo Problem"?


Most ‘experts’ on the internet just aren’t. You have a platform which requires no qualifications, just popularity. So YouTube historian is a dubious title.

But I’m inclined to agree with the overall theme of the article. Many people had Nintendo exposure. The amiga/Atari/Commodore 64 and early pc and Apple gaming didn’t get much exposure by comparison. Being born in 1980 I dabbled in them all but not enough to really know much. And I was in Australia so exposure was further limited. But wow when the NES hit their market share and therefore the exposure to their product was next level.

So yeah more people know Nintendo by sheer volume of Nintendo’s success. And early 80s and prior gaming is a bit murky with the video game crash.

Also other systems like 3DO were super niche. I was lucky enough to own one and really enjoyed it but there are still a ton of other systems I missed out on. No one other than some of the serious collectors would have all of the dinky little systems that never took off.

Long story short, I’m super dubious at anyone on the internet who says they are a gaming historian… maybe 1/100 deserve the title. And I think it’s reasonable to make the argument that Nintendo’s market saturation influences video game ‘history’.

Re: Anniversary: Prince Of Persia: The Sands Of Time Is 20 Today


Hanging out for this remaster.

I also rate the SNES OG Prince of Persia version with extra levels.

I think I was young at the time, but also loved PoP2 with the sound blaster - even though the story was so contrived and weird the atmosphere of the game was amazing and showed how much quality sound added at the time.