Comments 5

Re: Feature: You Know What? The GamesMaster Reboot Is An Unexpected Delight


@impurekind TV shows reshoot parts on a regular basis. If someone mixes up the pronouns of one of the contestants, they can just reshoot that part. You might think that means it's scripted, but it doesn't. I was on Countdown once and quite a lot of reshoots happened there, just because the clock wouldn't always move, so the round would happen as normal, then at the end they'd reshoot the part that went wrong. This happens on gameshows all the time. Plus, having them broadcast someone using the wrong pronouns for a person is a not very good thing to do. It would make the producers look like awful people and could be quite hurtful for the contestant themselves. As for the couple, if they were a straight gaming couple, would you have issues with them being asked about their relationship? Asking about the relationship of a couple is a way of getting to know them to make them more relatable to those watching at home. It shows that behind the gaming they lead normal lives like any other couple in the world. You're literally finding problems where there are none.