The only Wipeout game missing from these rankings is the 2d top down version that featured in Playstation Home. It isn't really worth mentioning though. Arguably Wipeout Merge wasn't worth mentioning either.
These rankings are spot on. Wipeout 2097 with the analog NeGcon was amazing. The lighting in 2097 has not been surpassed in the series. The intro gave us a glimpse of what games would look like in the future.
Comments 11
Re: Classic Disney Titles Lion King, Jungle Book And Aladdin Come To Antstream Arcade
They just need to launch it on consoles in Australia
Re: The Atari ST Racer 'Vroom' Is Officially Being Ported To The Jaguar
Now that BigPemu has released for iOS we could be playing this on our iPads when it releases!
Re: We Didn't Get 'WipEout Kart' Because Phil Harrison Thinks "Kart Games Are Where Franchises Go To Die"
There was that F1 All Stars kart racing game, which was a racing game made into a kart game. And it didn't do so well.
Re: Sega And Namco Legend Seichi Ishii Wants To Reboot Virtua Fighter
But how much is a Royale with cheese?
Re: The Making Of: Worms, The Bedroom-Coded Classic That Spawned A Million-Selling Series
Great article and a dream come true for the developer. I wonder if Davidson was involved with sequels on the PC such as Worms World Party?
Re: Meet The Solo Dev Whose Sega Rally Tribute Could Become An Official Sequel
Yes please, a remake of Wipeout 2097 - one of the most iconic anti grav racers of all time!
Re: Someone Has Finally "Fixed" The Mega Drive's Audio Shortcomings
The Amiga had the greatest sound of this generation, SNES and Genesis aside
Re: 8BitDo's Next Retro Mechanical Keyboard Is Based On The Commodore 64
This looks great! Imagine if they did an Amiga keyboard, I would be all over that
Re: Best WipEout Games, Ranked By You
The only Wipeout game missing from these rankings is the 2d top down version that featured in Playstation Home. It isn't really worth mentioning though. Arguably Wipeout Merge wasn't worth mentioning either.
Re: Best WipEout Games, Ranked By You
These rankings are spot on. Wipeout 2097 with the analog NeGcon was amazing. The lighting in 2097 has not been surpassed in the series. The intro gave us a glimpse of what games would look like in the future.
Re: Review: A500 Mini - A Refreshing Alternative To The NES And SNES Classic Editions
The PS classic controller works with the A500 mini if you connect it using the Mayflash Magic NS USB key and set it to flash yellow