Comments 24

Re: Rescue Force Is A Metal Gear Clone That Comes With A Remake Of Adult Game Custer's Revenge


@Seanmyster6 I’m not sure the modern world is for me, but then again that’s why we go to this site isn’t it?

That said (not in response to you, just in general) I don’t think seeing something for the trash it is (and was) makes people weak, but we definitely need to get better at picking our battles so things like this don’t get dismissed as people “just being sensitive “ again

Re: Campaign To Secure Refunds For Paprium Kickstarter Goes Live


Will a lawsuit work? Kickstarter is pretty clear that it is not a store and that “rewards aren’t guaranteed”

Its intended setup is that you’re trying to help people kickstart their project, and it may not work.

Legally I don’t know if you can demand a refund if you agree to the kickstarter terms of service