Comments 299

Re: Double Dragon Studio Wanted To Make A New 2D Golden Axe


Yes I want this, but I want a serious golden axe, not with chibi head like double dragon gaiden. Fortunately the art direction looks serious and great (looks like evercade game, demon of asteborg), I like this kind of sprite compared to clean and painting-like art like street of rage 4.

And yes, I want this to become full game πŸ˜ƒ

Re: Sega Sammy Completes Restructuring, Announces Birth Of "Sega Fave"


@no_donatello Or sega house of the dead collection with all of hotd games included, remastered to 4K, 60 fps, and widescreen, no need for new graphics (hotd 1 remake graphics is bad, and scarlet graphics is good even for today standard). Gun included in special edition, I'll buy that immediately πŸ˜ƒ

Kind of suck that the only way to play sega arcade shooter games is with model 2 and model 3 emulation on pc/steamdeck.

Re: Looks Like We're Getting Another GBA SP Clone This Year


Man gba sp design is classic, even after all this years I still love the design. I hope someday nintendo make true portable console like those two again. Maybe a switch micro with 3.5inch screen and gba sp design, I'll buy that just to put that in my pocket and play my switch anywhere πŸ˜ƒ

Re: Jack Thompson, The Man Who Tried To Ban GTA, Thinks Video Games Can Be Good, Actuallyο»Ώ


Character development πŸ˜ƒ

@Sketcz Yeah I agree, back then I even think people that want to censor games has good intentions, they just don't understand games and want the best for their children, since they still think games are for children. And they follow the law, when the law said they can't censor videogame, well, they give up since it's the law afterall.

Now people that want to censor games are doing it because "moral" reason, they don't want revealing clothes for woman in videogames for example and yet they have no problem with real woman with revealing clothes in twitch (a streaming service for all ages), they don't have problem with baldur gate 3 bear scene and yet scream at titles like stellar blade, rather than follow the law, they goes straight to western developers demanding to censor the games. They have no moral at all.

Re: Demons of Asteborg Is Being Remade For GBA And Neo Geo


Maybe they should release digital version 3-6 month after the sales of physical version? I usually play classic games on analogue pocket so I prefer digital version since it's cheaper than physical version.

I also play on evercade exp so I have no problem if they release the cartridge there, complete with manual πŸ˜ƒ

The problem with genesis games are their colour usually muted compared to gba/snes games, and the sound isn't as good as snes version.

Re: 3DS Emulator Citra Is Dead, Along With Switch Emulator Yuzu


@mariteaux I think nintendo prefer to actually have exclusive games that sells a lot of console and stomped the switch emulation scene instead rather than sells their games on pc. I can't blame them, games emulation are wonderful things but emulating this gen games is just wrong and hurt publishers.

That just my opinion btw, it's okay if you have different opinion, we should just agree to disagree.

Re: Dungeon Keeper, Populous, & Even More EA Classics Come To Steam


Nice, I think I already has dungeon keeper 1 & 2 (got it free from EA if I remember correctly) and command and conquer remastered collection, so I just need to buy c&c generals and maybe c&c renegade plus populous

Edit: It seems I can't buy the c&c games individually, I already have the c&c remaster so I just need renegade and generals, not the whole c&c package.

Re: 3DS Emulator Citra Is Dead, Along With Switch Emulator Yuzu


@mariteaux Citra is closed because yuzu company (tropic haze) is the owner, if citra isn't made by tropic maze I'm sure nintendo won't care about it.

Completely disagree about your take on nintendo on pc, the reason nintendo switch sold more than 100M is because they have exclusive games, the reason zelda and mario isn't filled with microtransaction because they know the exclusive games are the one that will make people buy the switch, selling their games on pc just make less people buy their console.

Re: 3DS Emulator Citra Is Dead, Along With Switch Emulator Yuzu


@mariteaux I disagree with that, emulation for current system isn't good for everyone, for nintendo because their game will be pirated and for emulation scenes itself because now there's possibility nintendo will sue other emulators.

Well as long as there's no money involved (the emulators isn't supported by patreon) it's fine I guess.

@Poodlestargenerica What were they (yuzu) thinking, they know emulation is a bit of grey area, especially current gen, and yet they put yuzu in steamdeck, and of all things, android, where millions of people can play switch games on their phones, not to mention getting up to $30.000 on patreon, sigh.

Re: 3DS Emulator Citra Is Dead, Along With Switch Emulator Yuzu


Thankfully, I already got a new new n2ds xl a couple of months before πŸ˜ƒ

Man I despise yuzu, I have no problem with emulation for gaming preservation (got analogue pocket for it too), but emulating current gen games is just piracy and make whole emulation scene looks bad. At least wait for a 2 generation before emulating the games.

Re: Analogue Pocket Firmware Update 2.2 Now Available


Already download the update but I usually wait for 1-2 days to know if the firmware update has problems or not.

Also I hope we get neogeo pocket colour core soon from spiritualized1997, it's one of the portable console that I really want to play on analogue pocket πŸ˜ƒ

@Razieluigi But analogue pocket already has button remapping, I usually change nes games A and B buttons when playing contra games.

Re: Playdate Exclusive Gun Trails Is Getting An Amazing New Update


I'm kind of interested on playdate but their international shipping don't ship to Indonesia, which is weird considering the console is made on malaysia, closer to Indonesia than usa.

I hope they make playdate 2 with colour and bigger screen though, at least 3 or 3.5 inch while keeping nearly the same size.

Re: N64 Comes To Evercade - Is Dreamcast Next? "Never Say Never"


Maybe it's time for evercade exp 2 with the same dimensions as the first one, but with bigger screen and dual analogue stick. I like my evercade exp but I want evercade exp 2 with more powerfull internal so I can play sega dreamcast games in cartridge forms πŸ˜ƒ

Man imagined if we can get soul reaver, crazy taxy (with original music), sonic adventure 1, virtua tennis, soul calibur, and other dreamcast classic in cartridge, I'm okay with $30-$40 price.

Oh, and I want psone classic cartridge too, like castlevania sotn, final fantasy tactic, vagrant story, and a whole lot of psone classic rpg.

Re: AYANEO Flip DS And KB Now Available For Pre-Order


I recommend buying new nintendo 2ds and put a custom firmware on it rather than buying this. Bought a brand new white new nintendo 2ds just about 1 month ago at about $253 and man I'm having fun playing a lot of games that I missed on that console πŸ˜ƒ

Re: The 'Small Universe X Sugar Cubes' Handheld Has A Rotating OLED Screen


@-wc- The dpad button is good, it's smooth and feels like arcade stick, it's pretty good for fighting games like street fighter 2 (included in the console), I can do fireball move with ease. I still prefer psone dpad for fighting game though.

It also good on 2D games, I have no problem playing arcade games like final fight & captain commando (included), and indies games like full void and alwa's awakening using this dpad.

And yeah, it's pretty top heavy in tate mode, I don't recommend playing in tate mode while walking in the street, one push and the console will fall lol.