Comments 11

Re: AI, Please Leave Our Favourite Video Games Alone


The Shenmue one looked nice. It looks like what I'd expect from a remake/remaster.

The Mario one was trippy, kind of reminds me of when a group of artists collab on a video using different art styles.

The wooly Mario head was cute, it just needs a moustache. I thought it was interesting how it interpreted the stages differently, like the lava world being Jam, and outside Peach's Castle being sandy.

Overall I didn't hate it but it definitely needs a lot of work.

Re: Two More People Have Beaten NES Tetris


@Stocksy Yeah I agree. If they want to one up him they should go for later kill screens or the rollback after 255 instead of the earlier/easier kill screen.
They'll still never be the first person to get the break screen so the kid's got that.