@-wc- RetroGames tends to poison any discussion on Mega Drive games... I ignored them a little while ago. Super entitled and not reasonable at all. I empathise with the authors of these articles; getting all excited about new games like this, only to have the one stick in the mud come back time and time again. Quality games like this, no matter what system they are on, should always be celebrated.
Maybe next time, it would be cool to include gameplay footage with the article... well, off to YouTube I go! Cheers for the nice photos
@KGRAMR Yeah, this definitely gave me Saturn vibes off the bat! The floor looks like VDP2, and the really low poly count and chunky sprites looks era appropriate.
This looks pretty excellent, cannot wait to see it in motion! I'm loving the love the Mega Drive is getting - such a great system with a pretty amazing indie community that keeps going from strength to strength!
No Exhumed/Poweslave on the list hurts my heart. It paved the way for the adventurous elements of Metroid Prime. It's still totally playable today too... The Saturn version still plays relatively well, and the Night Dive re-issue cements its status as a classic.
@RetroGames And with that response, I see you are yet another unreasonable person on the internet with first world problems. There is no narrative here but the one you are spinning.
I look forward to not seeing any of your comments on these kinds of articles any more.
@RetroGames Turning Bitmap Bureau into a villain is pretty unfair though. They only way they are doing this is by bringing on more and more people to port the game. They started with the Mega Drive version as a base themselves. Then they brought it to Dreamcast the modern platforms. From what I remember of the Kickstarter, help came in when the Neo Geo version was started, and more hands on deck appeared with the other platforms.
Maybe if the SNES dev community is as you say, there is nobody willing to heed the call, in which case Bitmap Bureau is blameless in your crusade.
I dare say if they could put it on the SNES, then it'd be there already, or on its way at the very least.
@RetroGames You just answered your own question then. SNES development right now is hard and doesn't have the tools that the others do. It's not being ignored, the right person just has to come along and crack the scene open.
@RetroGames That's the thing, the SNES isn't being shafted, and it doesn't need a defence force. New games for old consoles is a relatively new thing, and don't forget, super niche at the moment.
Maybe you should learn to code? You've obviously got a passion for the hardware. Do something maybe a bit more pro-active; be the change you want to see, maybe?
@RetroGames You know, every time something like this comes up, you bring on the SNES and how it's loved the most and how it's superior to the Mega Drive with all the extra things it can do.
I don't mean to be rude, but your posts in this vein really are one of the certainties of life, along with death and taxes. It's the same school-yard argument I've heard ad-nauseum since the 90s.
Literally nobody is out to get the SNES.
I am sure a port of Xeno Crisis for it will come out eventually. I mean, Bitmap Bureau are a small company, and they seem to be getting to each console in due time. I think the limiting factor will be a way to economically get the Mega Drive score onto the SNES. Going on all the other ports, they've been bringing it over to each version wholesale; I very much doubt the music will be redone to fit the SNES sound hardware.
I know you'll bring up that Streets of Rage example again, and yeah, it's very impressive, but has it been tried in-game, with all the other game-y things going on also? We shall see.
Once the development tools are out there, the games will come. I'd love to see them too.
See you in the next article about a homebrew game, or new Mega Drive game, or new Mega Drive port, or a port of a Mega Drive game to something else that isn't the SNES.
Definitely my favourite Dreamcast racer. Loved it back in the day, and I still play it to this day.
I didn't really like PGR1 all that much. The tech was nice at the time, but all the personality was sucked out. I love the OST to MSR, so getting lumped with the licensed tracks of PGR 1 was a bitter pill to swallow. PGR 2 was licensed too, but much, much better.
PGR 3 & 4 are both equally amazing games. MSR, however, will always be my first love. It's utterly unique, and I love it for that
I think Microsoft should pony up some cash for the rights and licenses, and bring us a true HD collection. Imagine MSR & PGR 1-4 in the same place? That would be brilliant.
I mean, the execution is lacking, but the ambition on display here is pretty awesome. I only ever saw screenshots of this one as a kid (maybe in Next Gen Magazine?) , and I remember thinking it looked great. Had I owned a 3DO, this probably would have blown my mind.
This article actually makes me want to hunt down an ISO and give it a crack. I wonder how much you could improve the performance here by overclocking the cpu? 3DO emulators are good for that kind of stuff
And that Tommy Tallarico music is pretty great too - I always loved his stuff. It's a shame he's had such a fall from grace, and now we have to separate the artist from the art.
Nintendo DS for me, but not the 3DS. Such an amazing library of games that are still fresh, fun and brilliant to play to this very day.
It still feels special just to hold a DS Lite or DSi and settle down with it... something I feel the 3DS lacked. Also, the entire 3DS line hurt my man hands for some reason... odd, when the entire DS range never did.
I miss the days when 3D Fighters felt like 3D Fighters... they all feel like 2D fighters with 3D graphics to me now. I was never good at them at all, but they're still one of my favourite genre of game from the 90s & 2000s - must be the colourful graphics and great soundtracks. I even like some of the 'bad ones'
Never got to play Tobal No.1, but I have played Tobal No.2 a fair bit, and that game is brilliant. Could possibly be the best 3D fighter on the PSX, even over Tekken 3; it's definitely the prettiest, and the soundtrack was killer!
@Herna It's definitely a step back over the PSP editions... it only runs at 30fps, so it really doesn't have the same feel, unfortunately. I found it a disappointment back on release, but I think it's not too shabby these days
I'd push Unbounded waaaay down... it's a Burnout clone, and not even a good one.
Then, I'd bring RR64 up into 6th place, ahead of Ridge Racer 3D, and bring R:Racing Evolution up too. It's odd, for sure, but give it some time and it grows on you.
Yeah, as it has been said, definitely can't argue the Top 3. Except I'd have Ridge Racer 7 in third, Ridge Racer 2 PSP in second and Type 4 for my number 1.
Oh my goodness, YES!!! Finally, Sonic 3D will be actually IN 3D
I will play the utter hell out of this. I loved the Saturn port, warts and all, for its vibrant colours and Richard Jacques soundtrack. With the seemingly free-camera done correctly, this looks perfect.
Those textures are amazing, loving the visual style here.
This has definitely shot to the top of my most wanted indie remakes, fantastic stuff!
Yeah, I this looks stunning. The art for the 3D sections is absolutely sublime in this game. I just wish the 2D overhead sections ran at a better frame rate... they look so choppy in comparison.
I will have to give this a try, I got Albion from GOG, and that game is great. Still choppy in the overhead bits, but the 3D bits are beautiful too.
Have been following these dev diaries for a while now, and they are super impressive.
I LOVE stuff like this. It's amazing to see indie dev's harnessing the power of the N64 properly. I hope the indie scene takes off; it would be brilliant to see unique games and hacks for the hardware that really show off what the hardware could do on it's own terms, without the shadow of the Playstation hanging over it.
Moreover, I would absolutely love to see this generation of consoles get the indie attention that the Mega Drive has been getting as of late.
The SEGA Saturn has a few really impressive projects going on for it at the moment too, check out this insane WIP port of Epic's original Unreal: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=svdF2Vg17MM
Have downloaded and given it a really quick spin, and yeah... it's pretty great.
It seems to have fixed all the flaws of Simon's Quest and given it a tasteful new lick of paint. It plays nigh-on identically too, with added improvements on top.
I have been trying to get on to the site all day to download, but it seems traffic is high? I keep getting errors. Does anybody know of any mirrors up at the moment? I can't seem to find any of those either.
I didn't vote because there isn't an option for me: I don't own one, but I think they are an absolute godsend. I did own an Everdrive back in 2016, but it stopped working after a couple of days and I never replaced it.
That said, I think Flashcarts are amazing; they are the perfect way to give the finger to the ridiculous second hand retro games market that currently exists. I am happy with emulation for now, until the right FPGA solution comes along. When an affordable, console-style FPGA system releases that combines Analogue's form and quality with the power to run Saturn & Playstation cores, I'll jump straight on it. Until then, emulation is A-OK with me.
I buy many ROM releases of new Mega Drive games, and I would likely buy ROM re-releases of games that haven't seen any other release over the years, but I won't again pay for games that I have bought multiple times over the years.
I sold off most of my extensive video game collection over the last few years. I am much more power-conscious than I have ever been, and I don't want a huge physical collection that will degrade over time and take up so much physical space. I have still have ROMS on my hard drive that I downloaded way back in 1998... they have survived the test of time, won't ever degrade, and aren't locked to a console or branded ecosystem that I can't ever get them out of.
I have absolutely no issues with paying for new ROM releases or re-releases, but I also have no issue downloading ROMS and ISOS of out-of-print games that will likely never see the release of day again.
This is such a loaded question. I got trigger happy; nostalgia, comfort and those d-pad & face buttons made me go with the Japanese Saturn Pad. But if I could vote again, I would go with the Wii U Pro Controller. I only wish it had analog triggers, gyro and a matte finish, but other than that, everything else about it is perfect.
But in any case, I feel I have to do a list.
Xbox controllers have always been super, super comfortable, but the dodgy d-pad designs on the Controller S and Xbox 360 controller, and the clicky d-pad plus patchy Bluetooth of the Xbox One version take them out of the running for me. And now with all the third-party re-issues and newer options, I am pretty much set for any kind of game.
10. Nintendo 64
09. 8BitDo SN30 Pro
08. Sony Playstation OG Dual Shock
07. 8BitDo Ultimate 2.4g
06. Retro-Bit SEGA Mega Drive 8 Button 2.4g
05. SEGA Saturn 3D Controller
04. 8BitDo Pro 2
03. Nintendo GameCube
02. Retro-Bit SEGA Saturn 8 Button 2.4g
01. Wii U Pro Controller
If we got a proper 2.4g wireless re-issue of the Nintendo Gamecube controller with gyro & rumble, that actually KEPT the analog triggers (unlike all the Switch versions) then my number one may change. Yet that too would likely get knocked off the perch if we happen to get an 8BitDo Pro 3 with Hall Sensor sticks and 2.4g wireless connectivity.
Also, I find the Switch Pro Controller to be incredibly overrated. It's SUPER comfortable with a nice weight to it, however, that makes it all the more insulting that the d-pad and buttons ended up being such trash. I have owned three of them over the years, hoping they would quietly get some under-the-hood upgrades, but each time, I got nothing but inaccurate d-pad directions and missed inputs on those horrifically mushy face buttons. A real shame.
Oh man, I wish I could find one of these. This and the dock would cover 90% of my retro gaming needs. Unfortunately, I'm not prepared to pre-order for delivery a year from now, or pay scalpers prices. Such a shame that this isn't more widely available.
@RetroGames Yeah, I loved Kawasaki Super Bike Challenge. I am quite certain that it used the same engine as Domark's F1, which was just as impressive and smooth. They both played great too, with really satisfying controls; definitely a step-up over the regular fare.
Yeah, I'd love to see new racers for those consoles with today's knowledge taken into account
@RetroGames I think most of us want to see that happen. New games are new games, and the more on retro consoles, the better. I have well and truly fallen off the AAA wagon, almost nothing these days interests me in that sector. Graphics don't impress me much any more either, everything looks quite similar these days. I pretty much rely on what indie dev teams create to cater to my needs. I like seeing what people can do with limited hardware, and when they do something amazing, I am taken back to those times when I was a kid of being blown away by graphics and sound. Xeno Crisis has done that for me recently, as has Doom 32X Resurrection.
I wonder why the SNES has no SGDK equivalent yet? SEGA in the 90s had a strong presence in markets where bedroom coding was totally a thing, maybe that's it? Who knows?
One thing I know for sure; I would love to see new Arcade Racers for the Mega Drive and SNES. To see how far raster racing games could be pushed on the Mega Drive with everything we know now would be incredible, and who wouldn't want to see more Mode 7 racers for the SNES?
If possible, it would be amazing to see if Mode 7 could be used in conjuction with polygons? Think the Street Racer port for the Saturn. I don't know how fast it would run, but it would be an interesting thing to see attempted!
I had one of these - it was pretty amazing. I loved the physical controls, and the full-speed PS1 emulation was brilliant. GTA III also ran pretty well on this, I sunk a bit of time into it on the Xperia Play. It was a great emulation device, and though not an OLED or super high-res, I remember being impressed by the screen.
The ribbon cable on mine came loose from constant use, so the video display stopped working. In recent times I took it apart to try and fix it, then I couldn't put it back together, so it is sitting in a zip-lock bag in my drawer until I can gather the courage and patience to put it together again
@bryce951 It's crazy that you see the whole scene that way . If that is all you get from a happy corner of the internet producing some really cool things, then I truly feel sorry for you.
@sdelfin Sample-based music wasn't gaming's future either though, that was bypassed too and turned into fully recorded pieces. Game music (and all recorded music) of course now use a blend of everything; live instruments & vocals, sample-based audio AND synthesis.
Both were using technologies still in play today, just in a vastly advanced form. Technology has refined these technologies, and things like VST plug-ins have made previously difficult things like FM synthesis a good deal more simple. I doubt you can listen to the Top 40 these days and not hear a pop/dance song without a permutation of the woody FM bass in it; it is all the rage
This looks amazing, have been following this one, and Gasega68k for a while now
And maybe it is time to end the whole narrative about the Mega Drive having the weaker sound chip? It's not weaker, it's just different. In fact, time has been particularly kind to the YM2612 sound chip. In the right hands, it can do SNES music just fine...
This is looking absolutely stunning. Sonic Into Dreams was always my favourite unlock in Christmas NiGHTS.
And on a separate note, I have long admired the landscape texture work in NiGHTS/Christmas NiGHTS - gorgeous colour usage and the animated water textures were a particular standout in my eyes. I hope they replicate the effect in future builds, that would be amazing!
Cannot wait to give this one a go - great work all-round!
@Serpenterror Telling people what they should make games for... sounds a little fascist to me. People can make games for whatever platform they feel like. It's obviously a labor of love for those dev's who choose to do it. Many seem to enjoy the challenge and strict limits that creating content for retro platforms seem to provide.
Besides, a lot of the time, these games DO get released on Modern platforms; Xeno Crisis, Demons of Asteborg, Tanglewood, Pier Solar, The Cursed Knight to name but a few. And even if they don't get an official release, their ROM releases can be played on basically anything that can run an emulator.. Consoles, PC, Handheld Emulation devices; it's all fair game.
What are you doing on a site like Time Extension if you seemingly hate retro stuff?
Looks like this is trying to take on the Miyoo Mini and the nice little niche that it has created for itself. This Anbernic take is a nice looking unit, but just like the Miyoo Mini, I would miss having the Analog sticks.
I feel like I only have space for one of these kinds of units in my life, so I think I am still set on the Retroid Pocket 3+ as my main emulation handheld. Well, that is until Retroid announces a new unit; highly likely by the time my 40th rolls around next year
Looks quite stunning! I really will have to give the first Dreamcast Ecco another go, I never really had the patience for it as a youngster. Maybe now is the time to dive in?
@RetroGames Yeah, it really looks a step above of most newly-developed SNES games! More would be fantastic. I was a SEGA Mega Drive/CD kid, but I love playing them both back-to-back these days; both systems really compliment each other well and do their own thing. I would love to see the SNES get the same amount of Homebrew love as the Mega Drive has been getting
I have been hitting the old Project Gotham Racing 4. Might jump between that and Project Gotham 2 or Metropolis Street Racer a bit
Other than that, I was going to keep on with PSO Episode I & II, but I am waiting on a Retro Fighters Duelist to arrive, so I might hold off on it until I get the controller on Monday.
@smoreon Rallisport 1 is OK, but Rallisport 2 was a million times better! Yeah, it floored me then, and it still does now!
I went straight from the Dreamcast to Xbox, so it holds a special place in my heart - I play a LOT of Xbox and Gamecube these days. Always wanted a PS2, didn't get one until many, many years later. Funny though, people talk about the amazing library on the PS2, but I would pick the Xbox and Gamecube any day of the week, and I don't even like most Nintendo first party games! Most of the PS2 games I was interested in got ported to Xbox anyways.The PS2 does have some great arcade/driving games, however, I won't deny that.
I personally found the PS2 disappointing after the amazing PS1 library, I can't really explain why either. I guess I just don't vibe with the PS2 experience. Loved the PSP though!
@TheIronChimp Yep, all stone-cold classics. My list would have swapped a few out with Orta, OutRun 2, Otogi 2 and Rallisport 2. Rallisport 2, in particular, is one of the greatest Rally games ever created; a real nice arcade-y take on the genre with visuals that still impress to this day. I really don't know how they managed to create visuals on a level of PGR 2 and Forza and have it run at 60fps... it's glorious
I may treat myself to one of these for my 40th next year, but it'll be either this or the Retroid Pocket 3+ for me. The OLED and Hall Sensor Joysticks are a massive boon for me on this unit, but the Retroid Pocket 3+ has the higher-res screen and I think looks a little nicer on the whole.
@Muriustar I've been looking at the Retroid Pocket 3+ recently (since it was literally announced following the RP3 release and I didn't get a change to get one) & wouldn't mind grabbing a couple so my husband and I can play multiplayer, and Phantasy Star Portable is exactly the game I wanted to try out! How do you find it? I got it a little while ago, but haven't given it a spin yet. Does it 'feel' like PSO Dreamcast/GC/Xbox/PS2???
EDIT: Just gave it a crack - I like it; it sure seems to expand on the controls! Not so much a fan of the loading between areas, but I am sure I will get used to it.
@Migoshuro They're all great, and super, super cheap too! The Toree games can be knocked over in an hour or two, more if you go for 100%. There's more to Lunistice, but it's the same kind of deal.
I picked up Lunistice yesterday, and it is phenomenal so far. Amazing soundtrack, awesome visuals and tight AF controls. I am loving these bite-sized 3D platformers as of late; Toree 3D and Toree 2 are also fantastic. Can't wait to unlock Toree as a playable character in Lunistice.
Other than that, I think I'll be playing some Gamecube/Wii racing games. Might even hook up the Xbox 360 tomorrow - I'm hankering for some Daytona USA and wouldn't mind spending some time with SEGA Rally Online Arcade too.
We're in for some pretty severe rain with flood warnings again, so it'll be an inside-kinda day!
Looking forward to this! I will likely wait for a significant price drop before I get it, due to the nature of the 2600 games, and the likelihood I won't touch them too much. A discount will definitely make the interviews, Lynx/Jaguar/Remastered games worth it for me.
Comments 314
Re: Hands On: Xeno Crisis Continues Its Quest To Be Released On Every Gaming System Ever Made
@-wc- RetroGames tends to poison any discussion on Mega Drive games... I ignored them a little while ago. Super entitled and not reasonable at all. I empathise with the authors of these articles; getting all excited about new games like this, only to have the one stick in the mud come back time and time again. Quality games like this, no matter what system they are on, should always be celebrated.
Maybe next time, it would be cool to include gameplay footage with the article... well, off to YouTube I go! Cheers for the nice photos
Re: New Space Harrier-Esque Shooter 'Asura The Striker' Looks Absolutely Incredible
Looks amazing, loving all the colours and visual flourishes. The music isn't quite in the Space Harrier ballpark, but it's far from bad. Wishlisted!!!
Re: VoidBurst Deluxe Is The Starblade Sequel We Never Got To Play
The explosions look like something straight out of The Lawnmower Man and Johnny Mnemonic. Pretty stunning, all told!
Re: World Fighting Soccer 22 Devs Return With A Stylish New Basketball Game
@KGRAMR Yeah, this definitely gave me Saturn vibes off the bat! The floor looks like VDP2, and the really low poly count and chunky sprites looks era appropriate.
Re: World Fighting Soccer 22 Devs Return With A Stylish New Basketball Game
I don't even like sports games, and this looks amazing. Will give it a whirl! Thanks for the heads-up!
Re: "Go For It!" Is An Upcoming Fighting Game For Your Sega Mega Drive/Genesis
This looks pretty excellent, cannot wait to see it in motion! I'm loving the love the Mega Drive is getting - such a great system with a pretty amazing indie community that keeps going from strength to strength!
Re: Best FPS Games - Classic First-Person Shooters That Shaped The Genre
No Exhumed/Poweslave on the list hurts my heart. It paved the way for the adventurous elements of Metroid Prime. It's still totally playable today too... The Saturn version still plays relatively well, and the Night Dive re-issue cements its status as a classic.
Re: Random: Yes, Xeno Crisis For The N64 And GameCube Are The Real Deal
@RetroGames And with that response, I see you are yet another unreasonable person on the internet with first world problems. There is no narrative here but the one you are spinning.
I look forward to not seeing any of your comments on these kinds of articles any more.
Re: Random: Yes, Xeno Crisis For The N64 And GameCube Are The Real Deal
@RetroGames Turning Bitmap Bureau into a villain is pretty unfair though. They only way they are doing this is by bringing on more and more people to port the game. They started with the Mega Drive version as a base themselves. Then they brought it to Dreamcast the modern platforms. From what I remember of the Kickstarter, help came in when the Neo Geo version was started, and more hands on deck appeared with the other platforms.
Maybe if the SNES dev community is as you say, there is nobody willing to heed the call, in which case Bitmap Bureau is blameless in your crusade.
I dare say if they could put it on the SNES, then it'd be there already, or on its way at the very least.
Re: Random: Yes, Xeno Crisis For The N64 And GameCube Are The Real Deal
@RetroGames You just answered your own question then. SNES development right now is hard and doesn't have the tools that the others do. It's not being ignored, the right person just has to come along and crack the scene open.
Re: Random: Yes, Xeno Crisis For The N64 And GameCube Are The Real Deal
@RetroGames That's the thing, the SNES isn't being shafted, and it doesn't need a defence force. New games for old consoles is a relatively new thing, and don't forget, super niche at the moment.
Maybe you should learn to code? You've obviously got a passion for the hardware. Do something maybe a bit more pro-active; be the change you want to see, maybe?
Re: Random: Yes, Xeno Crisis For The N64 And GameCube Are The Real Deal
@RetroGames You know, every time something like this comes up, you bring on the SNES and how it's loved the most and how it's superior to the Mega Drive with all the extra things it can do.
I don't mean to be rude, but your posts in this vein really are one of the certainties of life, along with death and taxes. It's the same school-yard argument I've heard ad-nauseum since the 90s.
Literally nobody is out to get the SNES.
I am sure a port of Xeno Crisis for it will come out eventually. I mean, Bitmap Bureau are a small company, and they seem to be getting to each console in due time. I think the limiting factor will be a way to economically get the Mega Drive score onto the SNES. Going on all the other ports, they've been bringing it over to each version wholesale; I very much doubt the music will be redone to fit the SNES sound hardware.
I know you'll bring up that Streets of Rage example again, and yeah, it's very impressive, but has it been tried in-game, with all the other game-y things going on also? We shall see.
Once the development tools are out there, the games will come. I'd love to see them too.
See you in the next article about a homebrew game, or new Mega Drive game, or new Mega Drive port, or a port of a Mega Drive game to something else that isn't the SNES.
Re: The Making Of: Metropolis Street Racer, The Origin Of The Project Gotham Series
Definitely my favourite Dreamcast racer. Loved it back in the day, and I still play it to this day.
I didn't really like PGR1 all that much. The tech was nice at the time, but all the personality was sucked out. I love the OST to MSR, so getting lumped with the licensed tracks of PGR 1 was a bitter pill to swallow. PGR 2 was licensed too, but much, much better.
PGR 3 & 4 are both equally amazing games. MSR, however, will always be my first love. It's utterly unique, and I love it for that
I think Microsoft should pony up some cash for the rights and licenses, and bring us a true HD collection. Imagine MSR & PGR 1-4 in the same place? That would be brilliant.
Re: Flashback: 30 Years Ago, Sylvester Stallone Blazed A Trail For Bad Video Games Based On Movies
I mean, the execution is lacking, but the ambition on display here is pretty awesome. I only ever saw screenshots of this one as a kid (maybe in Next Gen Magazine?) , and I remember thinking it looked great. Had I owned a 3DO, this probably would have blown my mind.
This article actually makes me want to hunt down an ISO and give it a crack. I wonder how much you could improve the performance here by overclocking the cpu? 3DO emulators are good for that kind of stuff
And that Tommy Tallarico music is pretty great too - I always loved his stuff. It's a shame he's had such a fall from grace, and now we have to separate the artist from the art.
Re: Poll: What's The Best Nintendo System Of All Time?
Nintendo DS for me, but not the 3DS. Such an amazing library of games that are still fresh, fun and brilliant to play to this very day.
It still feels special just to hold a DS Lite or DSi and settle down with it... something I feel the 3DS lacked. Also, the entire 3DS line hurt my man hands for some reason... odd, when the entire DS range never did.
Re: Poll: What's The Best Street Fighter?
For me, it's gotta be Alpha 2 Gold, for sure. I love the art-style and the music is god-tier.
Re: Square Enix's New Boss Loves Tobal No. 1
I miss the days when 3D Fighters felt like 3D Fighters... they all feel like 2D fighters with 3D graphics to me now. I was never good at them at all, but they're still one of my favourite genre of game from the 90s & 2000s - must be the colourful graphics and great soundtracks. I even like some of the 'bad ones'
Never got to play Tobal No.1, but I have played Tobal No.2 a fair bit, and that game is brilliant. Could possibly be the best 3D fighter on the PSX, even over Tekken 3; it's definitely the prettiest, and the soundtrack was killer!
Re: Best Ridge Racer Games - Every Ridge Racer, Ranked
@Herna It's definitely a step back over the PSP editions... it only runs at 30fps, so it really doesn't have the same feel, unfortunately. I found it a disappointment back on release, but I think it's not too shabby these days
Re: Best Ridge Racer Games - Every Ridge Racer, Ranked
I'd push Unbounded waaaay down... it's a Burnout clone, and not even a good one.
Then, I'd bring RR64 up into 6th place, ahead of Ridge Racer 3D, and bring R:Racing Evolution up too. It's odd, for sure, but give it some time and it grows on you.
Yeah, as it has been said, definitely can't argue the Top 3. Except I'd have Ridge Racer 7 in third, Ridge Racer 2 PSP in second and Type 4 for my number 1.
Re: Beep's Escape Is A Lovely Throwback To The Days Of The Spectrum
This looks fantastic. Just the kind of game I am in the mood to really sink my teeth into.
I'm loving those animations, and the music is fantastic.
Re: Sonic 3D Blast Is Getting A New Fan Remake For PC, And It Looks Incredible
Oh my goodness, YES!!! Finally, Sonic 3D will be actually IN 3D
I will play the utter hell out of this. I loved the Saturn port, warts and all, for its vibrant colours and Richard Jacques soundtrack. With the seemingly free-camera done correctly, this looks perfect.
Those textures are amazing, loving the visual style here.
This has definitely shot to the top of my most wanted indie remakes, fantastic stuff!
Re: Classic Amiga RPG 'Ambermoon' Gets Exciting New Fan Expansion
Yeah, I this looks stunning. The art for the 3D sections is absolutely sublime in this game. I just wish the 2D overhead sections ran at a better frame rate... they look so choppy in comparison.
I will have to give this a try, I got Albion from GOG, and that game is great. Still choppy in the overhead bits, but the 3D bits are beautiful too.
Re: New Mario 64 Project Pushes N64 Hardware With Stunning Results
Have been following these dev diaries for a while now, and they are super impressive.
I LOVE stuff like this. It's amazing to see indie dev's harnessing the power of the N64 properly. I hope the indie scene takes off; it would be brilliant to see unique games and hacks for the hardware that really show off what the hardware could do on it's own terms, without the shadow of the Playstation hanging over it.
Moreover, I would absolutely love to see this generation of consoles get the indie attention that the Mega Drive has been getting as of late.
The SEGA Saturn has a few really impressive projects going on for it at the moment too, check out this insane WIP port of Epic's original Unreal: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=svdF2Vg17MM
Re: You Can Play This Castlevania II: Simon's Quest Remake Right Now, For Free
Have downloaded and given it a really quick spin, and yeah... it's pretty great.
It seems to have fixed all the flaws of Simon's Quest and given it a tasteful new lick of paint. It plays nigh-on identically too, with added improvements on top.
Good stuff!
Re: Random: Hyperkin Wants To Make The Sega Dreamcast 2
A Dreamcast 2 would be awesome. If all they did was to throw all their arcade back-catalogue onto the device, I'd be a happy man
Re: Hands On: Golden Axe Returns Is So Good, Sega Itself Probably Couldn't Do Any Better
I have been trying to get on to the site all day to download, but it seems traffic is high? I keep getting errors. Does anybody know of any mirrors up at the moment? I can't seem to find any of those either.
Re: Poll: Do You Use A Flashcart?
I didn't vote because there isn't an option for me: I don't own one, but I think they are an absolute godsend. I did own an Everdrive back in 2016, but it stopped working after a couple of days and I never replaced it.
That said, I think Flashcarts are amazing; they are the perfect way to give the finger to the ridiculous second hand retro games market that currently exists. I am happy with emulation for now, until the right FPGA solution comes along. When an affordable, console-style FPGA system releases that combines Analogue's form and quality with the power to run Saturn & Playstation cores, I'll jump straight on it. Until then, emulation is A-OK with me.
I buy many ROM releases of new Mega Drive games, and I would likely buy ROM re-releases of games that haven't seen any other release over the years, but I won't again pay for games that I have bought multiple times over the years.
I sold off most of my extensive video game collection over the last few years. I am much more power-conscious than I have ever been, and I don't want a huge physical collection that will degrade over time and take up so much physical space. I have still have ROMS on my hard drive that I downloaded way back in 1998... they have survived the test of time, won't ever degrade, and aren't locked to a console or branded ecosystem that I can't ever get them out of.
I have absolutely no issues with paying for new ROM releases or re-releases, but I also have no issue downloading ROMS and ISOS of out-of-print games that will likely never see the release of day again.
Re: Poll: So, What's Your Favourite Controller Of All Time?
This is such a loaded question. I got trigger happy; nostalgia, comfort and those d-pad & face buttons made me go with the Japanese Saturn Pad. But if I could vote again, I would go with the Wii U Pro Controller. I only wish it had analog triggers, gyro and a matte finish, but other than that, everything else about it is perfect.
But in any case, I feel I have to do a list.
Xbox controllers have always been super, super comfortable, but the dodgy d-pad designs on the Controller S and Xbox 360 controller, and the clicky d-pad plus patchy Bluetooth of the Xbox One version take them out of the running for me. And now with all the third-party re-issues and newer options, I am pretty much set for any kind of game.
10. Nintendo 64
09. 8BitDo SN30 Pro
08. Sony Playstation OG Dual Shock
07. 8BitDo Ultimate 2.4g
06. Retro-Bit SEGA Mega Drive 8 Button 2.4g
05. SEGA Saturn 3D Controller
04. 8BitDo Pro 2
03. Nintendo GameCube
02. Retro-Bit SEGA Saturn 8 Button 2.4g
01. Wii U Pro Controller
If we got a proper 2.4g wireless re-issue of the Nintendo Gamecube controller with gyro & rumble, that actually KEPT the analog triggers (unlike all the Switch versions) then my number one may change. Yet that too would likely get knocked off the perch if we happen to get an 8BitDo Pro 3 with Hall Sensor sticks and 2.4g wireless connectivity.
Also, I find the Switch Pro Controller to be incredibly overrated. It's SUPER comfortable with a nice weight to it, however, that makes it all the more insulting that the d-pad and buttons ended up being such trash. I have owned three of them over the years, hoping they would quietly get some under-the-hood upgrades, but each time, I got nothing but inaccurate d-pad directions and missed inputs on those horrifically mushy face buttons. A real shame.
Re: Random: Analogue Pocket Makes Unexpected Cameo During Netflix Show
Oh man, I wish I could find one of these. This and the dock would cover 90% of my retro gaming needs. Unfortunately, I'm not prepared to pre-order for delivery a year from now, or pay scalpers prices. Such a shame that this isn't more widely available.
Re: You're Not Seeing Things, This Is Star Fox On The Sega Mega Drive / Genesis
@RetroGames Yeah, I loved Kawasaki Super Bike Challenge. I am quite certain that it used the same engine as Domark's F1, which was just as impressive and smooth. They both played great too, with really satisfying controls; definitely a step-up over the regular fare.
Yeah, I'd love to see new racers for those consoles with today's knowledge taken into account
Re: You're Not Seeing Things, This Is Star Fox On The Sega Mega Drive / Genesis
@RetroGames I think most of us want to see that happen. New games are new games, and the more on retro consoles, the better. I have well and truly fallen off the AAA wagon, almost nothing these days interests me in that sector. Graphics don't impress me much any more either, everything looks quite similar these days. I pretty much rely on what indie dev teams create to cater to my needs. I like seeing what people can do with limited hardware, and when they do something amazing, I am taken back to those times when I was a kid of being blown away by graphics and sound. Xeno Crisis has done that for me recently, as has Doom 32X Resurrection.
I wonder why the SNES has no SGDK equivalent yet? SEGA in the 90s had a strong presence in markets where bedroom coding was totally a thing, maybe that's it? Who knows?
One thing I know for sure; I would love to see new Arcade Racers for the Mega Drive and SNES. To see how far raster racing games could be pushed on the Mega Drive with everything we know now would be incredible, and who wouldn't want to see more Mode 7 racers for the SNES?
If possible, it would be amazing to see if Mode 7 could be used in conjuction with polygons? Think the Street Racer port for the Saturn. I don't know how fast it would run, but it would be an interesting thing to see attempted!
Re: The Tragic Tale Of The 'PlayStation Phone' That Should Have Changed Everything
I had one of these - it was pretty amazing. I loved the physical controls, and the full-speed PS1 emulation was brilliant. GTA III also ran pretty well on this, I sunk a bit of time into it on the Xperia Play. It was a great emulation device, and though not an OLED or super high-res, I remember being impressed by the screen.
The ribbon cable on mine came loose from constant use, so the video display stopped working. In recent times I took it apart to try and fix it, then I couldn't put it back together, so it is sitting in a zip-lock bag in my drawer until I can gather the courage and patience to put it together again
Re: You're Not Seeing Things, This Is Star Fox On The Sega Mega Drive / Genesis
@bryce951 It's crazy that you see the whole scene that way . If that is all you get from a happy corner of the internet producing some really cool things, then I truly feel sorry for you.
Re: You're Not Seeing Things, This Is Star Fox On The Sega Mega Drive / Genesis
@sdelfin Sample-based music wasn't gaming's future either though, that was bypassed too and turned into fully recorded pieces. Game music (and all recorded music) of course now use a blend of everything; live instruments & vocals, sample-based audio AND synthesis.
Both were using technologies still in play today, just in a vastly advanced form. Technology has refined these technologies, and things like VST plug-ins have made previously difficult things like FM synthesis a good deal more simple. I doubt you can listen to the Top 40 these days and not hear a pop/dance song without a permutation of the woody FM bass in it; it is all the rage
Re: You're Not Seeing Things, This Is Star Fox On The Sega Mega Drive / Genesis
This looks amazing, have been following this one, and Gasega68k for a while now
And maybe it is time to end the whole narrative about the Mega Drive having the weaker sound chip? It's not weaker, it's just different. In fact, time has been particularly kind to the YM2612 sound chip. In the right hands, it can do SNES music just fine...
Castlevania IV - Theme of Simon:
PLOK! - Beach:
Breath of Fire 2 - Random Battle + Boss Battle:
Re: Random: This Sonic X Nights Into Dreams Unity Mash-Up Looks Absolutely Stunning
This is looking absolutely stunning. Sonic Into Dreams was always my favourite unlock in Christmas NiGHTS.
And on a separate note, I have long admired the landscape texture work in NiGHTS/Christmas NiGHTS - gorgeous colour usage and the animated water textures were a particular standout in my eyes. I hope they replicate the effect in future builds, that would be amazing!
Cannot wait to give this one a go - great work all-round!
Re: Random: Castlevania: SotN On Game Boy Color? We Can But Dream
@Serpenterror Telling people what they should make games for... sounds a little fascist to me. People can make games for whatever platform they feel like. It's obviously a labor of love for those dev's who choose to do it. Many seem to enjoy the challenge and strict limits that creating content for retro platforms seem to provide.
Besides, a lot of the time, these games DO get released on Modern platforms; Xeno Crisis, Demons of Asteborg, Tanglewood, Pier Solar, The Cursed Knight to name but a few. And even if they don't get an official release, their ROM releases can be played on basically anything that can run an emulator.. Consoles, PC, Handheld Emulation devices; it's all fair game.
What are you doing on a site like Time Extension if you seemingly hate retro stuff?
Re: Anbernic's RG35XX Looks A Lot Like A Game Boy, But You Won't Need Carts
Looks like this is trying to take on the Miyoo Mini and the nice little niche that it has created for itself. This Anbernic take is a nice looking unit, but just like the Miyoo Mini, I would miss having the Analog sticks.
I feel like I only have space for one of these kinds of units in my life, so I think I am still set on the Retroid Pocket 3+ as my main emulation handheld. Well, that is until Retroid announces a new unit; highly likely by the time my 40th rolls around next year
Re: Game Preservationist Shares Images Of Cancelled Ecco The Dolphin Sequel
Looks quite stunning! I really will have to give the first Dreamcast Ecco another go, I never really had the patience for it as a youngster. Maybe now is the time to dive in?
Re: Supercooked! Is An Adorable New Overcooked-Like Co-Op Game For Super Nintendo
@RetroGames Yeah, it really looks a step above of most newly-developed SNES games! More would be fantastic. I was a SEGA Mega Drive/CD kid, but I love playing them both back-to-back these days; both systems really compliment each other well and do their own thing. I would love to see the SNES get the same amount of Homebrew love as the Mega Drive has been getting
Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? (November 19th)
@Freek <3 Xeno Crisis and Roadsters! I backed Xeno Crisis on Kickstarter, love it!
As for Roadsters, I really love that game. I don't hate Titus racing games? They have their place in my gaming library, anyways
Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? (November 19th)
I have been hitting the old Project Gotham Racing 4. Might jump between that and Project Gotham 2 or Metropolis Street Racer a bit
Other than that, I was going to keep on with PSO Episode I & II, but I am waiting on a Retro Fighters Duelist to arrive, so I might hold off on it until I get the controller on Monday.
Re: Best Original Xbox Games - Celebrate The Console's 21st Birthday With These Classics
@smoreon Rallisport 1 is OK, but Rallisport 2 was a million times better! Yeah, it floored me then, and it still does now!
I went straight from the Dreamcast to Xbox, so it holds a special place in my heart - I play a LOT of Xbox and Gamecube these days. Always wanted a PS2, didn't get one until many, many years later. Funny though, people talk about the amazing library on the PS2, but I would pick the Xbox and Gamecube any day of the week, and I don't even like most Nintendo first party games! Most of the PS2 games I was interested in got ported to Xbox anyways.The PS2 does have some great arcade/driving games, however, I won't deny that.
I personally found the PS2 disappointing after the amazing PS1 library, I can't really explain why either. I guess I just don't vibe with the PS2 experience. Loved the PSP though!
Re: Best Original Xbox Games - Celebrate The Console's 21st Birthday With These Classics
@smoreon I know. I was saying that Rallisport 2 is graphically on par with those, AND manages to run at 60fps in comparison
Re: Best Original Xbox Games - Celebrate The Console's 21st Birthday With These Classics
@TheIronChimp Yep, all stone-cold classics. My list would have swapped a few out with Orta, OutRun 2, Otogi 2 and Rallisport 2. Rallisport 2, in particular, is one of the greatest Rally games ever created; a real nice arcade-y take on the genre with visuals that still impress to this day. I really don't know how they managed to create visuals on a level of PGR 2 and Forza and have it run at 60fps... it's glorious
Re: Anbernic Reveals New RG505 Handheld, Alongside Specs
I may treat myself to one of these for my 40th next year, but it'll be either this or the Retroid Pocket 3+ for me. The OLED and Hall Sensor Joysticks are a massive boon for me on this unit, but the Retroid Pocket 3+ has the higher-res screen and I think looks a little nicer on the whole.
Decisions, decisions!!!
Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? (November 12th)
@Muriustar I've been looking at the Retroid Pocket 3+ recently (since it was literally announced following the RP3 release and I didn't get a change to get one) & wouldn't mind grabbing a couple so my husband and I can play multiplayer, and Phantasy Star Portable is exactly the game I wanted to try out! How do you find it? I got it a little while ago, but haven't given it a spin yet. Does it 'feel' like PSO Dreamcast/GC/Xbox/PS2???
EDIT: Just gave it a crack - I like it; it sure seems to expand on the controls! Not so much a fan of the loading between areas, but I am sure I will get used to it.
Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? (November 12th)
@Migoshuro They're all great, and super, super cheap too! The Toree games can be knocked over in an hour or two, more if you go for 100%. There's more to Lunistice, but it's the same kind of deal.
Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? (November 12th)
I picked up Lunistice yesterday, and it is phenomenal so far. Amazing soundtrack, awesome visuals and tight AF controls. I am loving these bite-sized 3D platformers as of late; Toree 3D and Toree 2 are also fantastic. Can't wait to unlock Toree as a playable character in Lunistice.
Other than that, I think I'll be playing some Gamecube/Wii racing games. Might even hook up the Xbox 360 tomorrow - I'm hankering for some Daytona USA and wouldn't mind spending some time with SEGA Rally Online Arcade too.
We're in for some pretty severe rain with flood warnings again, so it'll be an inside-kinda day!
Re: Round Up: Here's What Reviewers Are Making Of Atari 50: The Anniversary Celebration
Looking forward to this! I will likely wait for a significant price drop before I get it, due to the nature of the 2600 games, and the likelihood I won't touch them too much. A discount will definitely make the interviews, Lynx/Jaguar/Remastered games worth it for me.