That's all well and good but people are still waiting for the products they ordered 3+ years ago. Orders are meant to be going out now but once again, zero communication from Playmaji.
I find it amazing that they don't update their customers directly via email. Poor communication as always and I say that as one of the lucky ones who has the base unit plus all the currently released add ons and extra controllers. Just waiting for the N64 one to ship.
I've preorder one of each style. I'm in the UK and to be honest, I have got used to using a US style keyboard since I have to type on an apple one. I also use Windows and my brain seems to cope with switching back and forth between them.
Comments 31
Re: Your Next Retro Emulation Handheld Could Cost You 35% More Than Usual
I'm in the UK so don't really care
Re: Love The Genesis / Mega Drive? Then Check Out This Epic Eleven-And-A-Half Hour Documentary
As soon as it said Youtubers were involved, I lost interest.
Re: We're Getting (Another) New ZX Spectrum This November
Only the 128 +2 and +3 were Amstrad. The 128 was Sinclair
Re: Interview: ModRetro CEO On What Makes Chromatic The Ultimate Game Boy In 2024
I was interested in this until the shipping + VAT + Customs Fees came to £85. Sod that!
Re: Limited Run Games Apologises For Shipping 3DO Games On CD-Rs
Ah, the old "it works on my machine" excuse
Re: Kickstart, The World's Biggest Amiga Show, Is Back This Year
That is a really good question. I had an Atari ST then got an Amiga later.
Re: 8BitDo's Next Retro Mechanical Keyboard Is Based On The Commodore 64
Out of stock and nothing on Amazon UK
Re: "I Spent The First Year Worrying I'd Get Replaced" - Retro Gamer Magazine Turns 20
Fun fact. I bought Darran's Amiga 1200 from him a few years back
Re: Numskull Quarter Arcades - All Available Games And Where To Buy Them
I've got all of the original ones but the new ones are way too expensive at £249.
I know they are very well made but I am going to wait until they are on clearance.
Re: Polymega's Latest Update Removes Some Pre-Installed Games
Surely if they were on the console when you bought it and they have been removed, they've effectively been stolen.
Not happy about it really.
Re: The Making Of: PS2, The World's Most Successful Video Game Console
Nothing about the european release then? I suppose we don't count.
Re: Review: Gremlin Collection 1 - An Uneven Celebration Of A British Legend
Harlequin - what a game!
Re: Atari Owns Almost Half Of Polymega Maker Playmaji
That's all well and good but people are still waiting for the products they ordered 3+ years ago. Orders are meant to be going out now but once again, zero communication from Playmaji.
Re: Review: Analogue Duo - The Best Way To Enjoy The Entire PC Engine / TG16 Library
Waiting for mine. Aren't they meant to be shipping today?
Just received my white wireless pads and Turbo everdrive so I am set hopefully
Re: There's A New Polymega Project Coming In 2024
I find it amazing that they don't update their customers directly via email. Poor communication as always and I say that as one of the lucky ones who has the base unit plus all the currently released add ons and extra controllers. Just waiting for the N64 one to ship.
Re: The Source Code For Infocom's Amazing Code-Porting Tools Has Now Been Preserved
The chap in the picture really looks like Windsor Davies
But fantastic news on the Z-Interpreters
Re: Intellivision Admits It Doesn't Have The Funds To Make The Console
What a load of rubbish. The crowdfunding was to fund the console
Re: Mortal Kombat Is Getting A Fanmade Jaguar Port Over 30 Years Later
Why do people insist on stupid gurning faces for the thumbnails?
Re: Sensible Soccer Legend Jon Hare Wants To "Get Even" With EA And "Outlive FIFA"
Always classy to swear in your press release.
Re: Review: Zuiki X68000 Z - An Expensive But Appealing Substitute For The Real Thing
I've got the edition with the monitor.
I've also got the dev kit.
Re: Strictly Limited Games Issues Statement On Lengthy Shipping Delays
Sounds like a company that doesn't have much cashflow and needs preorders to fund it.
Re: Strictly Limited Games Issues Statement On Lengthy Shipping Delays
Or how about not putting things up for order until they are available or at least put them up for preorder just before shipping?
Too many companies do this and customer service is usually silent for months.
It is OK to give people bad news.
Re: Analogue Is Teasing Something For Next Week
How about giving us people who ordered a duo a shipping date
Re: Transparent Analogue Pockets Are On The Way, But You'll Need To Be Fast
Another 2 fingers to the potential customer. What is the point in having these things for sale if they constantly sell out.
Re: Review: 8BitDo Retro Mechanical Keyboard: Mario Teaches Typing
@cdog555 Quotation mark in not on the number 2. It has the @ symbol. No £ sign and the enter key is different.
Re: Review: 8BitDo Retro Mechanical Keyboard: Mario Teaches Typing
I've preorder one of each style. I'm in the UK and to be honest, I have got used to using a US style keyboard since I have to type on an apple one. I also use Windows and my brain seems to cope with switching back and forth between them.
Re: MyArcade Launching New Atari Gamestation Pro Console On October 31st
Any UK links to preorder this?
Re: Guide: Every Game Announced For The X68000 Z Vol. 1 Collection (So Far)
I bought the crowdfunded one on ebay if that helps.
Re: Daytona USA 2 Is Finally Getting A Home Port, Thanks To Like A Dragon Gaiden
It is a shame this isn't going to be a physical release (at least in the UK).
Re: Parasol Stars: The Story Of Bubble Bobble III Heading To Modern Consoles This Year
Please stop partnering with Strictly Limited Games. They are expensive and take ages to appear.
Re: ZUIKI Announce September Release Date For Retail Model Of X68000 Z
Have the preorders been and gone for this? I have been checking since yesterday and it doesn't appear to have been available to preorder