I still dont think this will come out. Was going buy one when it was originally due out to play with kids. but that boat has long sailed as kids now switch addicts.
@Specter_of-the_OLED the evercade vs only got delayed by a month. nothing do with chip shortage but the shipping issues that is effecting everything at moment worldwide
i got a v for going on holliday this summer.for snes mega drive gbc gba neo geo its a great handheld. lovely screen good build qualityand especially playing gb games the form factor is great. Anbernic is a lot better build quality than most of the ones out there.
im really liking this thing for one its a official way to buy old games, a base console as well would be nice for the carts if this is a success. lets hope they dont ffffffffffff it up as im excited about this one.
its a con will never see light day was supposed be out years ago then changes changes and more changes. Like atari VCS will neve be seen. Wouldnt belive these con men if they told be it was sunny outside Id still take an umbrella.
@Beermonkey spent 2 hours on Sw battlefront 2 today now its free apart from cutscenes looks amazing for its age. Only issue I cant find any loot boxes or microtransactions. lol
all i think is if its too good to be true then its a con. I just dont buy it would love to be wrong and would love a system like this. But this just has so manyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy alarm bells rining. And the price look at price then look at the awsome analogue consoles which are best at what they do. now look at price for the cd system that can play soooooooooooo many formats mmmmmmm and footage isnt saturn footage
@BanjoPickles I had doubts before then they showed the Saturn and my alarm started ringing a console that is near impossible to emulate and such complicated hardware. I think this system is dubious. plus it was announced years ago
its a con people they arent atari just bought the name. remember the rollercoaster switch con fiasco. just look a spectrum vega on indiconcon to see what a fffffffffff disaster this is., bunch con men trying cash in on atari name no console will ever see the light day this is cameleon mk2
Comments 54
Re: Trademark For Intellivision Amico Has Been Abandoned
well the con has been exposed no point keep pretending now
Re: Evercade Is Getting An "EXP" Upgrade, Complete With Irem And Toaplan Collections
Two Tatsujin aka truxton arcade version nothing more is required
Re: "Big News" Promised At Evercade's 2nd Anniversary Show
@SpringDivorce me too hoping for more arcade carts
Re: Review: A500 Mini - A Refreshing Alternative To The NES And SNES Classic Editions
@FatWormBlowsASparky well if you made a 48k mini bugger would be tiny lol
Re: Intellivision Closes Amico Fundraising Ahead Of Schedule
@YoshiAngemon only thing thye have shown is 2 screens of him walking to the other screen in how many years lol
Re: Intellivision Admits Its Wii-Like Amico Console May Never See Release
only the cult wants this now. anyone else buys switch to play with the family.
Re: Tommy Tallarico Has Stepped Down As CEO Of Intellivision
I still dont think this will come out. Was going buy one when it was originally due out to play with kids. but that boat has long sailed as kids now switch addicts.
Re: Playdate Launch Pushed Back To 2022 Following "Frustrating" Hardware Difficulties
@Specter_of-the_OLED the evercade vs only got delayed by a month. nothing do with chip shortage but the shipping issues that is effecting everything at moment worldwide
Re: Hardware Review: Evercade VS - A Low-Cost Gateway To Past Nintendo Classics And Much More Besides
@Dethmunk metal jesus has a review up on YT for it as well now.
Re: Hardware Review: Evercade VS - A Low-Cost Gateway To Past Nintendo Classics And Much More Besides
@TimGibsonPBS same here. cant wait to play it
Re: Blaze's Evercade VS Console Has Been Delayed Until December
got the founders edition coming and a great way to get genuine retro games in cart form.
Re: Hands On: The Anbernic R351V Offers A Real 'Game Boy' Vibe
i got a v for going on holliday this summer.for snes mega drive gbc gba neo geo its a great handheld. lovely screen good build qualityand especially playing gb games the form factor is great. Anbernic is a lot better build quality than most of the ones out there.
Re: Hands On: Anbernic's RG300X Is A Beefed-Up Game Boy Micro That Runs Emulators
@Magician i got the woodie vesrion of the v for going on holliday and its a great little handheld
Re: Evercade's 'Renovation Collection 1' Will Bring A Dozen Rare Games To The System
@GameOtaku might do to with rights holders or maybee fingers crossed there will be vol 2 and include the amazing masters of monsters
Re: Evercade's 'Renovation Collection 1' Will Bring A Dozen Rare Games To The System
this is a nice collection i remember having imported a few of these from us back in my well younger years.
Re: Random: Even If We Don't See Switch Pro Today, At Least We've Got The Atari VCS, Right?
switch ps5 xbox or an atari door stop. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Re: Hardware Review: Despite The Delays And Drama, Polymega Is The Ultimate All-In-One Retro Machine
@cleveland124 and its still only review copies out
Re: Polymega's Launch Is Delayed Until Early Next Year
@Rodan2000 the whole thing has been badly managed and a farce.
Re: Hardware Review: Game Gear Micro - Go Home Sega, You're Drunk
apart from the big hands issue the eye strain trying use it
Re: Retro-Bit Is Republishing Some Of Toaplan's Best Console Shooters In Physical Form
bring it on switch in a compilation
Re: Retro-Bit Is Republishing Some Of Toaplan's Best Console Shooters In Physical Form
@mattesdude i have pandoras box and truxton still amazing today
Re: Hardware Review: Believe The Hype, Polymega Is The Ultimate All-In-One Retro Machine
@status-204 well overpriced and add in fact they already missed target after target. and its still not out. an easy no way
Re: Site News: We've Got A Polymega, Ask Us Anything
delays wasnt this supposed to come out before the switch
Re: Hardware Review: Should You Ditch Your GameCube Discs For The GC Loader?
@Damo a host of european ones if nintendo really wanted to be arses about it.
Re: All-In-One Retro System Polymega Will Also Support "Current-Gen" Cloud Gaming Services
shouldnt they worry about getting the thing shipped first
Re: Feature: Peter Molyneux's Promises, Angry Swans And Crippling Crunch - The Epic Making Of Fable
also heard he has a new kick starter for his virus cure that also comes with VR headset and 12k
Re: Evercade Lineup Grows Thanks To "Modern Retro" Titles Xeno Crisis And Tanglewood
got this badboy on pre order
Re: Atari's Attempt To Relaunch The VCS Has Just Hit Another Brick Wall
@gloom there are 3 people in the company and boss pays himself $1 million a year bunch conmen that bought the name
Re: Polymega TurboGrafx-16/PC Engine Module Includes Five Pack-In Games
@Bunkerneath agree ill believe it when i actually see one for sale. Like the contari i doubt it
Re: The Evercade Handheld System Will Get New Retro-Style Indie Games, As Well As Old Classics
im really liking this thing for one its a official way to buy old games, a base console as well would be nice for the carts if this is a success. lets hope they dont ffffffffffff it up as im excited about this one.
Re: A Second Namco Collection Has Been Revealed For The Evercade Handheld System
well im hoping its a decent handheld
Re: Polymega's "Next Gen" Light Gun Controller Will Let You Play Duck Hunt On Your HDTV
maybee they should actually release the console first. Oh wait they cant the world wide intel chip shortage is causing issue. WTF
Re: Hands On: Polymega Is Shaping Up To Be The Ultimate All-In-One Retro Emulation Box
its a con will never see light day was supposed be out years ago then changes changes and more changes. Like atari VCS will neve be seen. Wouldnt belive these con men if they told be it was sunny outside Id still take an umbrella.
Re: Feature: Your Beloved Games Console Is Slowly But Surely Dying
@Beermonkey ninja gaiden black looks amazing on the xbox x. Nothing better than watching you dying over and over again on 55" 4k tv
Re: Feature: Your Beloved Games Console Is Slowly But Surely Dying
@Beermonkey spent 2 hours on Sw battlefront 2 today now its free apart from cutscenes looks amazing for its age. Only issue I cant find any loot boxes or microtransactions. lol
Re: Feature: Your Beloved Games Console Is Slowly But Surely Dying
one thing i love about the xbox one x is the patched original xbox and 360 games.
enhanced xbox games look amazing for their age.
Re: Hardware Review: SNK Neo Geo Mini International Edition - Different Design, Different Games, Same Problems?
its fun and my kids love playing on it as well. just need a hack to make it better
Re: Feature: Dave "The Games Animal" Perry On Picking Sega Over Nintendo And Returning To Mario 64
thought he was a muppet back in the day now i think moron as muppet is insult to kermit
Re: There's A New Intellivision Coming, And A Trio Of Former Nintendo Staffers Are Helping Launch It
i like the idea. will wait to see more
Re: Feature: The Console Wars Are Back With The Analogue Mega Sg, The First FPGA Sega Console
there systems look amazing but the cost is alot
Re: Feature: How Mortal Kombat Defined The Console War Between Sega And Nintendo
@StephanDLW people that couldnt manage get both lol
Re: Polymega's Grand Vision For The Ultimate Retro System Includes A Virtual Console Successor
all i think is if its too good to be true then its a con. I just dont buy it would love to be wrong and would love a system like this. But this just has so manyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy alarm bells rining. And the price look at price then look at the awsome analogue consoles which are best at what they do. now look at price for the cd system that can play soooooooooooo many formats mmmmmmm and footage isnt saturn footage
Re: Polymega Launch Trailer Reveals Sega Saturn Support
@BanjoPickles I had doubts before then they showed the Saturn and my alarm started ringing a console that is near impossible to emulate and such complicated hardware. I think this system is dubious. plus it was announced years ago
Re: Polymega Launch Trailer Reveals Sega Saturn Support
@hippoeater agree this was announced bloody years ago Im just doubtfull of the claims
Re: Hardware Review: The Sega Saturn Bluetooth Pad Doesn't Live Up To Its Inspiration
more sega garbage is there anything apart from cheap rubbish that getts released.
Re: Hardware Review: Does The SNK Neo Geo Mini Outclass Nintendo's Classic Editions?
so far only nintendo seem be able make a half decent mini console sad
Re: Atari Comes Under Fire For Seemingly Knowing Very Little About Its Crowdfunded VCS Console
its a con people they arent atari just bought the name. remember the rollercoaster switch con fiasco. just look a spectrum vega on indiconcon to see what a fffffffffff disaster this is., bunch con men trying cash in on atari name no console will ever see the light day this is cameleon mk2
Re: Atari's New Console Seems To Be Part NES Classic Mini, Part Ouya
i like look but its Atari (or whoever owns the name at moment)
Re: Flash Carts Could Be Slowly Killing Your Retro Consoles
@jimi fact a pal console would require a pal TV. unlike in EU dual format TVs arent the norm
Re: Flash Carts Could Be Slowly Killing Your Retro Consoles
@shaneoh that only counts for some games a massive amount of titles are no issues