

Weltherrscher / Imperator Mundi

Comments 399

Re: Obsidian's Spy RPG Alpha Protocol Lands On GOG, 5 Years After Licensing Issues


So i am over three hours in and the game is much fun, it feels like an typical agency series, what is a good thing.
From what i have read it was rated in europe between 70-80% and around 60 in the us, the european ratings are closer to what i am experiencing.

Edit: I am playing the sneaky way, i think i'll do a second playthrough as an aggressive A-Hole

Re: Best Street Fighter Games, Ranked By You


Strange Order has come out.
For Example, the Remake of Street Fighter 2 on the PS3 is good looking, has a great Fanmade Soundtrack, but the NPC are just soo unforgiving, i had absolutely no fun with it.

The ones i came back again and again are II and IV in different Versions.

Re: Former PlatinumGames Staffer Accused Of Sexual Exploitation Of 13-Year-Old Boy


Teach them that there is nothing free in Life, if it sounds too good, it is a Scam.

Than also that behind every Hyperlink could be a Virus (or a Scam that wants your Money )

And, if it is broken, there will be no new one.

About the Year 2000 me and my Cousin got Internet Accssess with about 12 Years and this got us through, as we were very suspicious about Links, we didn't want that something will break our beloved PCs.

I think nowadays it is even worse, back then it was the wild Days of Internet, but today they use addicting Tactics like in Gambling to get them.

Don't let them into social Media, block it or go with them into it and teach them how it manipulates them.
Limit the Time at least, it will make them dumb.

Give them good Games, some where they can new Characters etc. while playing, without having too pay for it.
That will help to turn them off from free2play Crap.
Rather let them ask you to buy them a Game than to start addicting Crap that wants their Money.
So also no Games with Microtransactions and Loot Boxes.

If they know there is better Stuff and they can have it here and there, there will be no need for them to test out the "free" scammy Stuff.

When i was very young, about four" i was at a Bar with my Dad and i saw a gambling Machine and a Man playing.
I wanted to test it and my Dad gave me a Coin to do so.
I threw the Coin in, pressed one of the Buttons, some Lights, some Sounds aaaand it was over.
I tested a second Time and the same.
I couldn't comprehend what is fun about it, you press only one Button and it wants your Money to proceed, meanwhile at Home i could play far better Games on the C64.
Kids aren't as dumb if they know better

Re: Colin McRae And Sega Rally Fans Take Note: This PS1-Style Racer Looks Amazing


It really isn't as easy to get something good looking out of that.
I remember many games in wich it looks just very out of place and just cheap.
Especially in the mid 90s were some really bad ones.

I never can remember those Names, two are Virtual Hydlide and Virtuoso, you can see that these Games are not good with one Glance.

But imo it does look good in a Game as in the Article.

Re: Poll: Should Retro Game Remasters Carry Warnings About "Offensive" Content?


You can add -nolegal and it not only skips the warning and legal text, but also the Logos, meaning you are instantly ready in the Menu!

To the Text itself, the Stuff happening in Tomb Raider is Fictional based on real Stuff.
I don't see something offensive in tibetian Monks defending an ancient Monsetry with a mythological Treasure, it is not different as in depicting a Templat in Indiana Jones being a Ward to the Holy Grail.
Nor is it racicst to depict a fictional aggressive Tribe in the Jungle, as Tribes as similiar ones existed in real Life and still do.
It is just Fantasy, the same as they depict Templars or Assassins in Assassin Creed.
It is based on something real, but fictional and mixed up.
Or take a Look at Mortal Kombat, taking most of its Inspiration from asia Cultures, but also Johny Cage and Sonya being very much a Cliche, do we need a Warning for Mortal Kombat? Or do we clearly see, that it is just Fantasy.

The real Danger sits in "Documentaries" as from Netflix, as they want to depict real Events, but change Characters, Nations etc. for their Massage.
Falsing History is something completly different, Nazis did that, Faschists did that.
It is not Mortal Kombat or Lara Croft fighting Atlantians.

Re: N64 Emulation Comes To Evercade Via Piko Interactive Collection 4



Yep, after seint the Title i was thinking the same, without having certain clues, good from you bringing them up.

Would have been reallly impressive, if they were able to do some black Magic and emulate the N64 on that Machine.

So it is much more logical to spare CPU Power to have more native Code running.

Netherless, impressive to see that it can bring up 3D Games and that Fans possibly can expect more 90s to early 2000 3D Games.

Re: Amazing "Holy Grail" SNES Mod Fixes One Of The Console's Biggest Problems


@BulkSlash @Scollurio

Most Filters are way too intrusive, no matter if VHS or Scanline Filters.

I was messing around A LOT to get something near to how it looks on a CRT, not a "blurryness", more a Merge of the Pixels.

Some good Examples for that on the Super Nintendo are the Lion King and Donkey Kong Country.
In the Lion King the Sky uses Dithering, those are isolated Pixels on a modern Display, on a CRT you have a smooth Transition.
The Models of Donkey Kong and Diddy are looking very dated on a modern Display.
The Arm of Donkey Kong has a very strange bright brown Stripe.
That doesn't look as weird on a CRT as it just transitions, the Sprites are overall smoother and with that better looking.

Re: In Memory Of Memory Cards


I've bought an PS3 Memory Adaptor back then, hoping one Day someone will make it compatible with the PC.
Kudos to Menxard Rex, last Year i brought all my Data to the PC.
Btw. having any PS3 it is possible to have "infinite" Space, as you can backup the whole Data and delete it on the Card, to save other Stuff.

Re: Going Back In Time - Do You Play Retro Games To Reconnect With Your Past?


Mixed for me, Nostalgia isn't changing bad or good Games for me, the Nostalgia is there because a Game was good from the Beginning. Some i replay because i had fun with them and still have, some i get to play something new that was released back in the Time.
And sometimes, i am replaying some bad Games too see if i can manage them a bit better as an Adult haha
Such as Hulk for the Super Nintendo, but i play them maybe a couple of Minutes

Re: The Elder Scrolls Daggerfall Now Has A Fanmade Remaster


I played over the last couple of Years the original about 50 hours and than changed to the Unity Port, mostly to avoid some Bugs and to have more Content.

This is one of a Kind Game and is very very immersive.
The Thrill going slowly through a deadly Dungeon for Hours is insane.

I had to change some Behaviour of the Unity Port, as the better AI and fluent Combat, as they stroke incredible fast and killed my Character brutally (Enemies i had no Problem before), but that was well enough than

I like that Mod that sets free Events that were disabled in the original Game, as Pandemics happening and Piles of burning People in the Outside, or Religions that get baned and if you are such a Worshiper, you better start runing haha

Yes, you can import your Character from your Dos Save Game, but Quests will be reset