I’ll probably get one. Hoping that small irritations on the Duo like the controller light blinking will be addressed… I ended up just using a factory wired gamepad. Either way, cool news!
@Razieluigi Yes, I’m VERY excited to play the Haunted Castle remake!! But I know, like you said, don’t expect anything.
I’m also playing through a handful of CV games: just finished Aria of Sorrow, Castlevania Chronicles, working on SCIV and SotN. I want to replay Bloodstained RotN later this fall. Currently also working on the new Abathor in mp, which borrows some from Castlevania.
Every time I see a Castlevania headline my hopes are shattered. I don’t care about this show but am happy plenty are enjoying it. I just want a new game, Konami. Please!!! Also, ReBirth on all modern platforms would certainly be a nice treat.
I played the first gen titles as they came out, and I think nostalgia aside I enjoyed 2013 reboot the most out of all I’ve played. After that, I really didn’t care for the other two mainline games. I wonder what’s next!
I burst out laughing as I read the title of this article, and was simultaneously thinking how rad this is 😎 it is very cool that this bike exists, but it’s not for me!
@KitsuneNight I’m hoping for MORE new sonic games. I know I’ve missed a couple decent games, but I lost interest in Sonic after the Dreamcast. Luckily there’s a little hope in reviving some of the legacy games and yes, likely repackaging the Genesis games…I’d love some late arcade releases in a collection. Looking at some of the PS2 Japan exclusives, the Sega Ages games look really fun. They could clean some of those up and I’m interested.
@-wc- I would assume you’d need to pop in the cart each time to play them even though they mostly came downloaded from a server. I would think of it just like a PlayStation 4 or 5 disc, even though the data transmits from the cart on each use during play on Switch (I think). If I hover over game tiles on Switch it’ll display a little grayed out cart if it’s a physical cart game. If downloaded from eshop, you can launch without a cart inserted.
Edit: this got me thinking of account issues I recently had going back to play some 360 disc games. I was experiencing trouble “logging in” and I’m pretty sure I couldn’t even play an offline disc copy of a game I’ve had for many years. Will the same account barrier occur on Switch? If so, then “buying” a physical copy of any game is kind of pointless. I wonder will account issues block you from playing your own library of games after Switch is retired?
To clarify, I’m referring to the console account login, NOT an online feature from a game menu. Like when you pop in a Switch cart and before it launches, it asks “who’s playing?” I have two player accounts on my Switch.
I usually buy physical if I can, but 5 years ago or so, I decided I was pretty much done with disc games except a few I’d like to have for a little display box. Currently I only buy switch physical copies, and most often I buy Nintendo games or smaller independent titles, where it’s usually relatively safe to assume that the game, or most of it, is on the cart. But I also sometimes think it’s a waste… and am not sure which route to go.
@Serpenterror missed this in last comment but new audiences like Super DD? That surprises me because the game is super sluggish and feels worse to play to me than IV. I have the SNES cart too and recently tried a play through because I remember liking it so much back in the day. Was reeeally rough lol. I didn’t make it all the way through… I’m curious what the draw is in comparison to other entries.
@Serpenterror Yeah, the QoL features in DD IV definitely make it a no go for many. I admit I played the game on release several years ago, and quickly turned it off in disgust as it just kind of felt cheap and shallow. I didn’t replay until last year and it was fine. Moves were much easier to pull off than in the old games and there were more of them.
I see why this game (IV) in the series may not attract newcomers, but does every game need comprehensive QoL? That’s no dig, just an honest question. I don’t think so, but it’s nice if it’s there and optional. I certainly don’t expect it with each new game and think of that stuff as luxury.
One thing to be noted about DD IV that I found really helped me enjoy my play was when you game over, you can choose to start on any of the levels including the one you died on, and when you reboot the game, you have built in level select. I didn’t game over until late game, but that was super nice as an enticement to keep playing and even just replay an earlier level you liked.
Edit: maybe the level select following game over in DD IV was added after the game launched?
Not sure exactly what the backstory is on this, but this seems like a huge overreaction. As someone mentioned above, seems very personal and comes across rude.
I really enjoyed Gaiden and was on top of the leaderboard earlier this year, but before I bought it I was pretty skeptical. Let’s see what this game is…still very early to tell how it will play and feel.
I also just finally played and beat IV last fall, and I enjoyed it and found it pretty replayable, but it’s a different beast altogether.
They all have pros and cons…except Double Dragon Advance. That game rocks and for me is pretty much the perfect DD game. It’s like the definitive version of the arcade game with performance fixes, more levels, and a much better move set. Loved it and the weapons NEVER disappear even if knocked out of your hands. You can carry one throughout a level if you want.
I’m excited to see more of Revive. Probably going to give it a try next year.
I’ll have to try this out on the AVS. I think my favorite SMB3 hack is 2nd Run since it’s a similar feel to a Nintendo developed game, at least world 1 since I’ve not played all that far. I’ve definitely played some nightmare difficulty hacks and that’s not what I look for in a hack; I’m typically looking for a game that feels like a natural expansion of the original.
That said, I’m not so sure that this hack is for me!
@-wc- Thanks for the reply! I just looked at the model you mentioned, the Anbernic RG383V, and it looks good in terms of price vs. features. Did yours come with the SD cards or did you make your own image? I suppose it could depend on where you’re buying. Something like this is very tempting, but…we all have so many options for retro games I don’t really need this 😜🤔
These things completely flooded the market. I don’t really know what’s what because they all pretty much seem the same. This one has a clear plastic front panel. It plays games. This is what we know.
@-wc- I’m more than content with my retro collection. I hope folks are enjoying, just don’t think it’s for me. And yes, the sub model is bound to bankrupt several companies.
Edit: I think it can happen, but I sure don’t have the solution now that all of that media is forever fragmented and cable TV is long dead 😵
@jimmytodgers Well said. I don’t come here for a bunch of drama. Gossiping about spats should stay on those platforms. I’d rather a couple days here with no news than screenshots of this…
Bought a Dreamcast on 9.9.99 with Sonic, Blue Stinger, and Soul Calibur. Got Crazy Taxi, Power Stone and Dynamite Cop soon after, later followed by RE: Code Veronica, Tokyo Xtreme Racer, Shadow Man, Shenmue, and a bunch more.
This console was the arcade at home, and it was like nothing I’d ever played before. The Dreamcast was all about fun, and it had a unique character to it like no other gaming console. I recall the multiplayer scream-laughing of my friends and I playing many of these games together for the first time! A console launch different for me than the rest. Soon after, I discovered Classic Game Room and began enjoying the quirky reviews as they were broadcast. Such great times!!
Looking forward to finally playing this one in a more fair state. I have played Haunted Castle but only the first level. It’s so cheap and I have an eternity of games to play in the backlog so even though I’m a big Castlevania fan, it was a miserable little pile 😜
The worst part, honestly, is that I’m not spending money on this until I can get a hard copy, so I won’t even be able to play until next year. Konami really should cut the bull and do their own standard retail releases. I’m happy with the LRG model, but this isn’t some tiny independent company or complete unknown games. But I refuse to double dip after having done it with countless games on Switch. As someone on here recently mentioned, this model of digital launch and physical (maybe ) later is causing me to completely lose interest in new releases. Digital downloads are convenient, but they are nothing more than very expensive rental fees.
Either way, I’m looking forward to this collection!
@WhiteTrashGuy Yes, they really were a cluster in the ‘90s. I’m tempted to pick up superstars. Have you played? I need more time to play all these games lol. Just got back into my Dreamcast in my downtime from RE4 Remake. Almost done with that one. Hopefully this weekend, then onto something else!
@MegaManFan now that I think of it, of all my purchases from GameStop through the years, at least a handful of my “brand new” games came from behind the counter without shrink wrap. I’m thinking back to Dreamcast launch era and even a little prior to that.
@AngelSpark thanks for the reply! Oh, I don’t know about DuckStation, but I’ve never played this game but always wanted to try so I was more just seeing which version folks enjoyed the most. I’ll trust your knowledge of that emulator (?) looking and performing better than the PC port.
Comments 259
Re: Pre-Orders For FPGA N64 'Analogue 3D' Open Next Week, Will Cost $250
I’ll probably get one. Hoping that small irritations on the Duo like the controller light blinking will be addressed… I ended up just using a factory wired gamepad. Either way, cool news!
Re: Lovish Is A New 8-Bit-Inspired Action Adventure Coming To Steam Early Next Year
I loved Astalon and I hope this will come to Switch!
Re: Castlevania: Nocturne Director Hints Season 3 Will Only Happen If You Support Season 2
@Razieluigi Yes, I’m VERY excited to play the Haunted Castle remake!! But I know, like you said, don’t expect anything.
I’m also playing through a handful of CV games: just finished Aria of Sorrow, Castlevania Chronicles, working on SCIV and SotN. I want to replay Bloodstained RotN later this fall. Currently also working on the new Abathor in mp, which borrows some from Castlevania.
Re: Castlevania: Nocturne Director Hints Season 3 Will Only Happen If You Support Season 2
Every time I see a Castlevania headline my hopes are shattered. I don’t care about this show but am happy plenty are enjoying it. I just want a new game, Konami. Please!!! Also, ReBirth on all modern platforms would certainly be a nice treat.
Re: "I Refuse To Sell This Sh*t" - MiSTer Pi Maker Praised For Classy Reaction To Production Hiccup
@Kushan I’m thinking maybe it’s just a good faith positive thing that happened in the scene. I think it’s worth a mention. 😎✌️
Re: Lara Croft's Tomb Raider Series Has Sold Over 100 Million Copies
I played the first gen titles as they came out, and I think nostalgia aside I enjoyed 2013 reboot the most out of all I’ve played. After that, I really didn’t care for the other two mainline games. I wonder what’s next!
Re: Here's A Naughty Piece Of Nintendo History You Won't Find In Its New Museum
Well I NEVER!!! 😱
I always knew that Nintendo seemed a little off. Lol kidding
Re: Meet The $16,500 "Nintendo Game Boy Bike" Which Comes With Its Own Cartridge Key And Cheat Codes
@HammerGalladeBro so you don’t have to carry a smartphone in one of your hands while you ride it…
I have seen so many kids on bikes while staring at a phone screen. Wtf?!! Lol
Re: SuperSega Team Doesn't Think Sega Will Have Any Issue With Its Branding
A new aquarium top that doubles as a Dreamcast? I’m in for $3. Just picked up a drivable Game Boy with handlebars for 16k…this is a STEAL 😃
Re: Meet The $16,500 "Nintendo Game Boy Bike" Which Comes With Its Own Cartridge Key And Cheat Codes
I burst out laughing as I read the title of this article, and was simultaneously thinking how rad this is 😎 it is very cool that this bike exists, but it’s not for me!
Re: The "Sega Saturn Slim" Is Now Our Most-Wanted Hardware Of 2024
@KitsuneNight I’m hoping for MORE new sonic games. I know I’ve missed a couple decent games, but I lost interest in Sonic after the Dreamcast. Luckily there’s a little hope in reviving some of the legacy games and yes, likely repackaging the Genesis games…I’d love some late arcade releases in a collection. Looking at some of the PS2 Japan exclusives, the Sega Ages games look really fun. They could clean some of those up and I’m interested.
Re: Namco's Splatterhouse Is Getting An Unofficial Mega Drive / Genesis Port
Was just playing this on my turbo duo this weekend. I was wondering what it would be like on Genesis!
I’m interested in Splatterhouse and also the Final Fight port to MD/Genesis!
Re: New Storefront Law Tells Us What We All Should Know: We Don't Own Digital Games
@-wc- I would assume you’d need to pop in the cart each time to play them even though they mostly came downloaded from a server. I would think of it just like a PlayStation 4 or 5 disc, even though the data transmits from the cart on each use during play on Switch (I think). If I hover over game tiles on Switch it’ll display a little grayed out cart if it’s a physical cart game. If downloaded from eshop, you can launch without a cart inserted.
Edit: this got me thinking of account issues I recently had going back to play some 360 disc games. I was experiencing trouble “logging in” and I’m pretty sure I couldn’t even play an offline disc copy of a game I’ve had for many years. Will the same account barrier occur on Switch? If so, then “buying” a physical copy of any game is kind of pointless. I wonder will account issues block you from playing your own library of games after Switch is retired?
To clarify, I’m referring to the console account login, NOT an online feature from a game menu. Like when you pop in a Switch cart and before it launches, it asks “who’s playing?” I have two player accounts on my Switch.
Re: New Storefront Law Tells Us What We All Should Know: We Don't Own Digital Games
I usually buy physical if I can, but 5 years ago or so, I decided I was pretty much done with disc games except a few I’d like to have for a little display box. Currently I only buy switch physical copies, and most often I buy Nintendo games or smaller independent titles, where it’s usually relatively safe to assume that the game, or most of it, is on the cart. But I also sometimes think it’s a waste… and am not sure which route to go.
Re: Yes, You Can Buy Virtual Boy Merch At The Nintendo Museum
@Cyber_Akuma this is exactly the kind of thing I was getting at, but I didn't know that trivia about Melee. Cool!
Re: Yes, You Can Buy Virtual Boy Merch At The Nintendo Museum
@Lanmanna Yes, I read the article.
Joke attempt missed. Was trying to have a bit of fun.
Re: Yes, You Can Buy Virtual Boy Merch At The Nintendo Museum
@-wc- ya Jerk!
He hates these cans!!! 😂✌️
Re: Yes, You Can Buy Virtual Boy Merch At The Nintendo Museum
Nintendo for 29 years: We don’t acknowledge Virtual Boy
Nintendo 2024: We’ll do anything for a buck, and we’ve just emptied your bank account 😃👍
Re: Anniversary: The Best Burnout Turns 20 This Month
I enjoyed Burnout 2 and 3 a lot. Can’t remember which I had when it was new.
Collision in the comments today!!! 😳
Re: PowKiddy Is Actually Doing Something Slightly Different With Its RGB20 Pro
@-wc- Thanks dude, appreciate the thoughtful reply!! 😃
Re: Review: MiSTer Pi - A $99 Gateway To FPGA Retro Gaming
If this is ever in stock I may order one and give it a try.
Re: Double Dragon Artist Says Double Dragon Revive Is "Cheap" And "Shows No Respect" To The Series
@Serpenterror missed this in last comment but new audiences like Super DD? That surprises me because the game is super sluggish and feels worse to play to me than IV. I have the SNES cart too and recently tried a play through because I remember liking it so much back in the day. Was reeeally rough lol. I didn’t make it all the way through… I’m curious what the draw is in comparison to other entries.
Re: Double Dragon Artist Says Double Dragon Revive Is "Cheap" And "Shows No Respect" To The Series
@Serpenterror Yeah, the QoL features in DD IV definitely make it a no go for many. I admit I played the game on release several years ago, and quickly turned it off in disgust as it just kind of felt cheap and shallow. I didn’t replay until last year and it was fine. Moves were much easier to pull off than in the old games and there were more of them.
I see why this game (IV) in the series may not attract newcomers, but does every game need comprehensive QoL? That’s no dig, just an honest question. I don’t think so, but it’s nice if it’s there and optional. I certainly don’t expect it with each new game and think of that stuff as luxury.
One thing to be noted about DD IV that I found really helped me enjoy my play was when you game over, you can choose to start on any of the levels including the one you died on, and when you reboot the game, you have built in level select. I didn’t game over until late game, but that was super nice as an enticement to keep playing and even just replay an earlier level you liked.
Edit: maybe the level select following game over in DD IV was added after the game launched?
Re: Double Dragon Artist Says Double Dragon Revive Is "Cheap" And "Shows No Respect" To The Series
@Zeebor15 someone above said he worked on IV lol. I liked it but I understand others don’t / won’t.
Re: Double Dragon Artist Says Double Dragon Revive Is "Cheap" And "Shows No Respect" To The Series
Not sure exactly what the backstory is on this, but this seems like a huge overreaction. As someone mentioned above, seems very personal and comes across rude.
I really enjoyed Gaiden and was on top of the leaderboard earlier this year, but before I bought it I was pretty skeptical. Let’s see what this game is…still very early to tell how it will play and feel.
I also just finally played and beat IV last fall, and I enjoyed it and found it pretty replayable, but it’s a different beast altogether.
They all have pros and cons…except Double Dragon Advance. That game rocks and for me is pretty much the perfect DD game. It’s like the definitive version of the arcade game with performance fixes, more levels, and a much better move set. Loved it and the weapons NEVER disappear even if knocked out of your hands. You can carry one throughout a level if you want.
I’m excited to see more of Revive. Probably going to give it a try next year.
Re: 20 Years In The Making, Mario Adventure 3 Is The Ultimate Mario 3 ROM Hack
I’ll have to try this out on the AVS. I think my favorite SMB3 hack is 2nd Run since it’s a similar feel to a Nintendo developed game, at least world 1 since I’ve not played all that far. I’ve definitely played some nightmare difficulty hacks and that’s not what I look for in a hack; I’m typically looking for a game that feels like a natural expansion of the original.
That said, I’m not so sure that this hack is for me!
Re: PowKiddy Is Actually Doing Something Slightly Different With Its RGB20 Pro
@-wc- Thanks for the reply! I just looked at the model you mentioned, the Anbernic RG383V, and it looks good in terms of price vs. features. Did yours come with the SD cards or did you make your own image? I suppose it could depend on where you’re buying. Something like this is very tempting, but…we all have so many options for retro games I don’t really need this 😜🤔
Re: Think You Know Everything About Sonic And Sega? You Could Earn $130,000 A Year
I love SEGA, but to have to mostly focus on Sonic…
40 hours a week…🤢
Re: PowKiddy Is Actually Doing Something Slightly Different With Its RGB20 Pro
These things completely flooded the market. I don’t really know what’s what because they all pretty much seem the same. This one has a clear plastic front panel. It plays games. This is what we know.
Re: AI, Please Leave Our Favourite Video Games Alone
Burn it with fire lol
Re: 20 Years On, PS2 Classic Gran Turismo 4 Gets A Fan-Made Retune
Hmm, this is neat, though for me the series ran its course by GT 3 A-spec. Last one I played. But I did play a ridiculous amount 😃
Re: 50 More PS1 Classics Coming To Antstream Arcade, PS2 And GameCube Games Could Be Next
@-wc- I’m more than content with my retro collection. I hope folks are enjoying, just don’t think it’s for me. And yes, the sub model is bound to bankrupt several companies.
Edit: I think it can happen, but I sure don’t have the solution now that all of that media is forever fragmented and cable TV is long dead 😵
Re: SuperSega Wants To Answer Your Questions About Its All-In-One FPGA Console
I’m making a BlastXXX multi-generation Sega console. Do I get an(other) article now?
Man, being that salty about nothing really made me feel like a true gamer. Lol
I do agree with most at this point. It’s time to show the real thing working.
Re: Egads, There's More Drama In The FPGA Retro Gaming Community
@jimmytodgers Well said. I don’t come here for a bunch of drama. Gossiping about spats should stay on those platforms. I’d rather a couple days here with no news than screenshots of this…
Re: This In-Car PS2 Entertainment System Is Giving Us Serious FOMO Vibes, 14 Years Too Late
Wait, so one could simultaneously drive over people in real life while driving over people in GTA???!!! 😜
Re: You'll Be Able To Secure Your SuperSega FPGA Console For Just Three Bucks
Grabs popcorn… let’s see what October brings
Re: Anniversary: It's Been 25 Years Since The Dreamcast's North American "9.9.99" Launch
@Deuteros I haven’t checked prices on any Dreamcast stuff in a long time. Luckily, I’m happy with what I’ve got! ✌️
Re: Anniversary: It's Been 25 Years Since The Dreamcast's North American "9.9.99" Launch
Bought a Dreamcast on 9.9.99 with Sonic, Blue Stinger, and Soul Calibur. Got Crazy Taxi, Power Stone and Dynamite Cop soon after, later followed by RE: Code Veronica, Tokyo Xtreme Racer, Shadow Man, Shenmue, and a bunch more.
This console was the arcade at home, and it was like nothing I’d ever played before. The Dreamcast was all about fun, and it had a unique character to it like no other gaming console. I recall the multiplayer scream-laughing of my friends and I playing many of these games together for the first time! A console launch different for me than the rest. Soon after, I discovered Classic Game Room and began enjoying the quirky reviews as they were broadcast. Such great times!!
Re: Anniversary: It's Been 25 Years Since The Dreamcast's North American "9.9.99" Launch
@Deuteros wow, I enjoyed your story. How many games did you sell to pull that return?
Re: Retro Fighters Is Resurrecting Dreamcast's Best Fighting Game Controller
I want!! Definitely will be watching out for this one. Perhaps a review upcoming as well?
Re: Random: Someone Modded Tim Walz Into Crazy Taxi
@PopetheRev28 Haha…no clue!!!
Re: Data East's Gory '90s Brawler 'Night Slashers' Is Getting A Remake Later This Month
It’s too bad they pulled the original from the shop. I’ll continue to consider it, but in the meantime will be rocking it on mame cab.
I hope The Flying Kick was right in the comment above regarding switching between the old and new art style. That’d be pretty cool!!
Re: Random: Someone Modded Tim Walz Into Crazy Taxi
TE: It had to happen, right?
Re: Two More PS1 Classics Join Antstream Arcade Ahead Of PS4, PS5 Launch
The games list on this service is pretty bad and non comprehensive. And on top of that it’s streaming…This…this is not for me. Worms is good though.
Re: Review: Haunted Castle Revisited (Switch) - The Worst Castlevania Gets Rehabilitated
Looking forward to finally playing this one in a more fair state. I have played Haunted Castle but only the first level. It’s so cheap and I have an eternity of games to play in the backlog so even though I’m a big Castlevania fan, it was a miserable little pile 😜
The worst part, honestly, is that I’m not spending money on this until I can get a hard copy, so I won’t even be able to play until next year. Konami really should cut the bull and do their own standard retail releases. I’m happy with the LRG model, but this isn’t some tiny independent company or complete unknown games. But I refuse to double dip after having done it with countless games on Switch. As someone on here recently mentioned, this model of digital launch and physical (maybe ) later is causing me to completely lose interest in new releases. Digital downloads are convenient, but they are nothing more than very expensive rental fees.
Either way, I’m looking forward to this collection!
Re: Zelda Movie Screenwriter Is Working On A Live-Action Eternal Champions Film
@WhiteTrashGuy Yes, they really were a cluster in the ‘90s. I’m tempted to pick up superstars. Have you played? I need more time to play all these games lol. Just got back into my Dreamcast in my downtime from RE4 Remake. Almost done with that one. Hopefully this weekend, then onto something else!
Edit: yeah, SoR4 was awesome!!
Re: DreamConn S Promises To Be The Ultimate Dreamcast Controller
I was mildly interested and impressed by the specs, then I saw the price. $$$
Power users / pros only!! It looks sweet, though.
Re: GameStop Announces Launch Of New "Retro GameStop" Stores
@MegaManFan now that I think of it, of all my purchases from GameStop through the years, at least a handful of my “brand new” games came from behind the counter without shrink wrap. I’m thinking back to Dreamcast launch era and even a little prior to that.
Re: Taito's Chase H.Q. Spin-Off 'Crime City' Is Getting An (Unofficial) Mega Drive / Genesis Port
I quite like the arcade version, so maybe I’ll check back in on this one.
Re: Star Fox Studio Argonaut Is Back, And It's Remastering Croc
@AngelSpark thanks for the reply! Oh, I don’t know about DuckStation, but I’ve never played this game but always wanted to try so I was more just seeing which version folks enjoyed the most. I’ll trust your knowledge of that emulator (?) looking and performing better than the PC port.