Reading the sellers description: “ Hi due to new eBay payment balance payment method I’m sorry for any inconvenience to you if purchasing but as a 100 percent seller for 16 years want a fair community on eBay for respected buyers and sellers so items want be sent out until cleared funds in bank thanks Tracey and thanks for understanding and if you require a quicker solution a lower rate for collection all items are best quality Tracey”
I’m guessing English isn’t their first language…
Wait, hasn’t it already been the 4th of February? So you buy this then not actually get anything?
So we had the same thing with tariffs in the UK (because of brexit) and it doesn’t do small companies any favours, in fact it wiped a lot of small businesses out because the extra cost to import goods. The only people it actually benefits are big corp companies (which have special deals to get around such tariffs) and the government (who absorb those tariffs without really piping that back into the economy). I do genuinely believe that we are all being screwed here somehow and the money is going somewhere just not into local councils. Instead I think it’s going into someone’s pocket, which then helps them remain in power for longer….
To think this came out the same time as the psx is quite amazing, when the Saturn was incoming, not to mention the N64, CDI, jaguar and 3do. I wished I had more money at this point in gaming as it was great for a gamer, although you knew not all those consoles were going to last and you hedged your bets to which one you thought would succeed. My brother placed our console budget on the cd32... That basically meant no more consoles until I could buy them myself after that point!
The psx was a bit of an underdog that really grew with time, but also heavily helped by the second hand market and the release of less expensive versions of the system, not to mention chipping and all that brought. I sold my psx to buy a Dreamcast, that was brilliant until it wasn't! Psx I had so many games, some were duds though. Interesting time for gaming though, very saturated and that generally means when the bubble bursts there is a lot of debris after. Somehow, the N64 still carried on through too!
I wish this to take off then we could have a small hope of the Dreamcast 2. Imagine if they burst back to the arcade scene with a new arcade board and console, plus a load of new 2d fighter games? We can hope...
Personally I would love a new HOTD which has many multiple routes and comes with a lightgun that works on OLEDs. But the days of physical games + physical devices seem over now, so the likelyhood of this happening is low. That is, unless the switch 2 has something like this up it's sleeve! Otherwise, emulation and the slindon is the way I've gone for now.
Why such a poor quality video? It raises so many questions. Let's wait for it to come out, be out 6-12 months and confirm it's not just going to die or be sued by sega, then I may buy. Until then, I'm out.
I got mine on release day at HMV with an additional controller and ready 2 rumble boxing. Was great, but I needed more games quickly. I really enjoyed the summer of 2000, when I had all the time in the world and playing virtua tennis, crazy taxi, shemnue, and lots of brilliant ports of fighting games (marvel Vs capcom, sf3, snk Vs capcom, soul calibre 2, dead or alive) with my official arcade stick I picked up in blockbusters for £30 when they were selling it in a bargain bin. Was a brilliant year and enjoyed it very much.
I wish more games come out like this - high quality, short sharp plays and not requiring hours and hours of gameplay. Them were the days!
How on earth do people do this? I guess practice, but I really don't have that much time in my life to do this! I can't even complete the blasted astro bot square lava level, with my eyes open!
This looks like a bad enough game for Nintendo not to shut this one down just as it releases, but who knows.
I love creativity and preservation like this, shame Nintendo is hell bent on killing things like this. I've never even seen this game and it looks quite fun, so unless Nintendo are planning something with it, it would be great to play this in the wild!
Maybe sega, like we are, are thinking this is vapourware. But if it does then exist, sega will lay the hammer down. While it's just hearsay, nothing to sue. When an actual product, their done for. So many red flags for this and brazen attitude, if they actually pull it off and don't get clamped down, I'll probably get one. But not for a good few months after release and there inlies the problem. No one wants to gamble, but that's exactly what they need to produce this damn thing. So surely it's going to be a flop. And this is coming from an ouya owner!
Be nice to have the original versions but with better textures and resolution, remastered and the full original music + new music tracks. I wasn't a fan of omega collection and for some reason it didn't capture the original feel of the game or look anything much like it. Something better than that would be nice
Meh I'll stick with legal emulation of my stack of PS1 games. Thankfully I backed them up - I do wonder how long they will last, can't be long now. I'm privileged to own a lot of them from OG plus loads of second hand shops and trading before they were all obliterated by game and eBay. Them were the days, and they really were - now everyone knows the value of everything. But subscription services like this IMO can't last and also don't help, mainly because licensing will always disappear eventually. Like gfn, they are all too greedy!
Well it won't be long before AI replaces the game players for EA, at least it will replace me as I've not bought anything EA for a good long while.
Wonder how long it will be before we get made up customer sales numbers for products because a company faked the sales by using AI? Can't be far away from that.
The good thing is AI isn't actually that creative, it only creates based on the input given and therefore only combines ideas together rather than creating fresh new ideas. So think x factor music and not out there Avant-garde. This is perfect for EA who rehash games year on year, but when rewriting an entire engine based on new ideas and new graphics, that will surely have to be human.
Astro bot for example constantly makes me smile because there are so many new ideas in that along with a lot of tried and tested ones. Each level has something new however - I really don't think AI can do that.
But AI will be perfect for CoD, EA games and all the GTA6 online stuff coming when it does - rehashing the rehash until the cow is milked dry... The good thing about that, is everything has a lifecycle in business and cash cows are usually end state until the product dies or people find a new market. AI will help kill companies like this implicitly and that's brilliant I say!
I bought this day 1 UK, along with ready 2 rumble boxing and I think that was it. Wasn't long though before I had many more games, ending up with about 30 in the end. Summer 2000 was brilliant, I was at college and had loads of time off in the summer just to play all my Dreamcast games, particularly crazy taxi, virtua tennis and sonic adventure 1/2. I also got into listening to Japanese chillout electronic music while playing shemnue, which had a real spiritual and emotional connection for me. Personally I think because I was a late teenager and so few people own a Dreamcast, it felt like my console. No other console has had such a heavy line up of games for that brief period. There were too many to afford to buy! Amazing to think these were direct arcade ports but without the costs of a neo geo.
Shame that it died along with pretty much the whole arcade scene after that. It was definitely a golden couple of years that I will always remember - freedom of having disposable income, lots of time and lots of less commitments, even if I was ready to be in a relationship which came just after that period of time!
Seriously though, I don't want to pay extra for something that mines me as data even more than Gemini mines us all already. Google have gone evil after all. I'm gonna pass on this one thank you!
I loved our CD32 before giving away for some reason. Was a very "dark" time for gaming as literally the games were dark, liberation being one example. But also some amazing games like nick foldos, zool, diggers and such. Really wished we bought other consoles at the time however as it was an expensive console to buy at the time!
@KingMike fair point also, but that was touch and go for a good while. Still, no need to be a beta tester with these things - just means a longer wait for a better guarantee
@WhensDinner I see what your saying, and agreed the ouya kinda came out. Will this however? I would love it too, but let's see. No advantage In going in early as if it sells well we won't have a problem.
Weird so basically they are saying "we know you think this is vapourware but wait until the end of September". September arrives and it will be "wait for the new year". So for me, they are actually proving out what they are trying to disprove.
Maybe I'm just cynical, the last vapourware one I went for was the ouya, I really don't want to repeat that again!
The "we need revenue at time extension - so let's post 100 affiliate links" page. Kudos for trying, but I would have preferred a more honed in list and under £50
I had worms on the pc, although I owned an amega at the time. I spent quite a few hours with the inbuilt sound editor, which allowed you to sample audio and assign them to an audio pack, which you could then use in the game. We had "gangsters" recorded from a variety of tapes of good fellas etc, with a phono to 3.5m cable straight into a creative labs sound card. Every time I watch those films I still recognise the sample we used for that audio set, from what must be about 30 years ago ish. Very sad, but when your young you have time on your hands! Shame the internet wasn't a thing back then as sharing these samples would have been pretty cool
@firenze this is correct. The psx version missed lots of frames and had slow loading times and was just generally pants. It didn't have the same vibe as the arcade and I couldn't wait for the Dreamcast version which gave us arcade perfect (this was at the same time as cps2/3 emulation was just capturing the ROMs and handling the issues like the kill switch etc). About 2 years after the Dreamcast version emulation kicked it's arse, but for me the best home versions of any of this era of fighting games was the Dreamcast, coupled with the arcade stick and it was wicked.
@nomither6 Xbox was bleeding edge in that generation. GameCube did have remarkably decent graphics but Xbox had the raw power and much more detailed gfx (take a look at dead or alive 3 Vs soul Caliber on the GameCube). My point was that the N64 was a massive step gfx wise than anything before it, and it came out in 1997 2 years after the playstation (both UK dates).
The N64, when released, was simply outstanding. Playstation looked basic slow and fuzzy Vs super mario 64 which looked amazing at the time. Star fox and mario kart with their pre-rendered textures made it look a bit lessor, but overall it was quality over quantity Vs others. However the Saturn had amazing 2d performance only vested by the Dreamcast later on. Ps1 obviously had the main support and years of it too, as well as hundreds of quality games. They were indeed right that while the Saturn was out that the 32x and mega cd (and tbh the mega drive also) was too much for anyone.
The N64 was the last attempt for Nintendo to be cutting edge, ever since then they have been about 2-4years (or more) behind others. However, I still think the have it right longer term - lots of games that take a few years to produce with short sharp return Vs 1 game that takes 10 years or more for a 90hour game. Overall I would hope the short games win. One brilliant thing about Nintendo - if you buy a game, you get all of it. Most games don't have DLC and the ones that do come with the annual pass which is cheap in comparison. Fingers crossed they keep that going with the Switch P
I think I'm now at the point that I'm too old to play something this small. Besides, the support on these generally runs for a year max then they upgrade the hardware with the next one.
I would recommend you save you're money and buy a steam deck.
I'm not sure that's going to add confidence in the new film based on that..... I mean, I could spend an hour with Photoshop doing that. Tempted to actually try just to prove my point!
Anyone else remember tetranet? It's what introduced me to Google in 1999, basically Google was easy to download files like this because it was the only search engine at the time where you could search file names and get back links, whereas altavista and yahoo didn't. Tetranet was brilliant when you had 6 people - was a bit like puyo puyo - but you could bomb your friends and stack power ups etc. probably my fav Tetris after the original arcade version and the gameboy version
Comments 71
Re: Xeno Crisis Developer Bitmap Bureau Is Working On A Terminator Game
I’d buy that for a dollar! Oh wait, wrong film…
Re: Got A Spare $13,000? You Could Own This "One-Off Dream" Copy Of Harry Potter On PS1
Reading the sellers description:
“ Hi due to new eBay payment balance payment method I’m sorry for any inconvenience to you if purchasing but as a 100 percent seller for 16 years want a fair community on eBay for respected buyers and sellers so items want be sent out until cleared funds in bank thanks Tracey and thanks for understanding and if you require a quicker solution a lower rate for collection all items are best quality Tracey”
I’m guessing English isn’t their first language…
Oh wait there is more:
Wait, hasn’t it already been the 4th of February? So you buy this then not actually get anything?
When it smells wrong, it’s usually off!
Re: Which PlayStation Boots Fastest? (Here's A Hint: It's Not PS5)
The ps1 load time was very slow with a slightly scratched disk. I remember waiting for some games not knowing if they would actually boot at all!
Re: Your Next Retro Emulation Handheld Could Cost You 35% More Than Usual
So we had the same thing with tariffs in the UK (because of brexit) and it doesn’t do small companies any favours, in fact it wiped a lot of small businesses out because the extra cost to import goods. The only people it actually benefits are big corp companies (which have special deals to get around such tariffs) and the government (who absorb those tariffs without really piping that back into the economy). I do genuinely believe that we are all being screwed here somehow and the money is going somewhere just not into local councils. Instead I think it’s going into someone’s pocket, which then helps them remain in power for longer….
Re: A Trial Version Of House of The Dead's Mobile Port Has Just Been Preserved
Neat in a way, however definitely one for me to avoid with that motion! Great for preservation, bad game in general!
Re: SuperSega Refunds Are Still Missing As Creator "Cheats Death"
@Luminous117 MvC2? Not specifically Sega!
Re: Anbernic's New GBA Clone Plays PSP, Dreamcast And More
This report reads more like an advert. I'll give it a miss!
Re: Don't Forget The Sega 32X Turns 30 This Year, Too
To think this came out the same time as the psx is quite amazing, when the Saturn was incoming, not to mention the N64, CDI, jaguar and 3do. I wished I had more money at this point in gaming as it was great for a gamer, although you knew not all those consoles were going to last and you hedged your bets to which one you thought would succeed. My brother placed our console budget on the cd32... That basically meant no more consoles until I could buy them myself after that point!
The psx was a bit of an underdog that really grew with time, but also heavily helped by the second hand market and the release of less expensive versions of the system, not to mention chipping and all that brought. I sold my psx to buy a Dreamcast, that was brilliant until it wasn't! Psx I had so many games, some were duds though. Interesting time for gaming though, very saturated and that generally means when the bubble bursts there is a lot of debris after. Somehow, the N64 still carried on through too!
Re: Watching This 30-Year-Old Joypad Take An Ultrasonic Bath Is Strangely Satisfying
Not sure why that video had to be sped up so much, modern internet I guess, creating am ADHD zombie army...
Re: OutRun's Japanese Mobile Port Has Been Preserved
Was that outrun version on 60fps? Looked smooth as hell. That shadow game however was about 17fps and, well, rubbish looking!
Re: We Didn't Get 'WipEout Kart' Because Phil Harrison Thinks "Kart Games Are Where Franchises Go To Die"
Little big planet karting.... Crash team rumble... Two examples where this headline statement is correct. But mario kart is a big exception for sure
Re: Sega Just Announced New Hardware, But Don't Get Too Excited – It's Not Dreamcast 2
I wish this to take off then we could have a small hope of the Dreamcast 2. Imagine if they burst back to the arcade scene with a new arcade board and console, plus a load of new 2d fighter games? We can hope...
Re: Monster Hunter, Mortal Kombat And Resident Evil Director Paul W.S. Anderson Is Making A House Of The Dead Movie
Personally I would love a new HOTD which has many multiple routes and comes with a lightgun that works on OLEDs. But the days of physical games + physical devices seem over now, so the likelyhood of this happening is low. That is, unless the switch 2 has something like this up it's sleeve! Otherwise, emulation and the slindon is the way I've gone for now.
Re: Here's Your First (Blurry) Look At SuperSega's PCB
Why such a poor quality video? It raises so many questions. Let's wait for it to come out, be out 6-12 months and confirm it's not just going to die or be sued by sega, then I may buy. Until then, I'm out.
Re: Anniversary: 25 Years Ago, Sega Launched Dreamcast In Europe With One Of The Most Esoteric Campaigns Ever
I got mine on release day at HMV with an additional controller and ready 2 rumble boxing. Was great, but I needed more games quickly. I really enjoyed the summer of 2000, when I had all the time in the world and playing virtua tennis, crazy taxi, shemnue, and lots of brilliant ports of fighting games (marvel Vs capcom, sf3, snk Vs capcom, soul calibre 2, dead or alive) with my official arcade stick I picked up in blockbusters for £30 when they were selling it in a bargain bin. Was a brilliant year and enjoyed it very much.
I wish more games come out like this - high quality, short sharp plays and not requiring hours and hours of gameplay. Them were the days!
Re: Blindfolded Speedrunner Completes Mario 64 In Under 20 Minutes
How on earth do people do this? I guess practice, but I really don't have that much time in my life to do this! I can't even complete the blasted astro bot square lava level, with my eyes open!
Re: Sega's OutRun Gets Fan-Made Lego Kit, And It Could Become A Reality
If Lego creates this one, it's going to be £400 isn't it?
Re: Hotel Mario, One Of Mario's "Worst Games", Is Getting A Fan-Made Upgrade
This looks like a bad enough game for Nintendo not to shut this one down just as it releases, but who knows.
I love creativity and preservation like this, shame Nintendo is hell bent on killing things like this. I've never even seen this game and it looks quite fun, so unless Nintendo are planning something with it, it would be great to play this in the wild!
Re: SuperSega Team Doesn't Think Sega Will Have Any Issue With Its Branding
Maybe sega, like we are, are thinking this is vapourware. But if it does then exist, sega will lay the hammer down. While it's just hearsay, nothing to sue. When an actual product, their done for. So many red flags for this and brazen attitude, if they actually pull it off and don't get clamped down, I'll probably get one. But not for a good few months after release and there inlies the problem. No one wants to gamble, but that's exactly what they need to produce this damn thing. So surely it's going to be a flop. And this is coming from an ouya owner!
Re: WipEout Co-Creator Throws His Support Behind Fan-Made Lego Set
Be nice to have the original versions but with better textures and resolution, remastered and the full original music + new music tracks. I wasn't a fan of omega collection and for some reason it didn't capture the original feel of the game or look anything much like it. Something better than that would be nice
Re: AI, Please Leave Our Favourite Video Games Alone
Wtf did I just read / look at?
Re: FPGA PS1 Teased By MiSTer Pi Creator Ahead Of PlayStation's 30th Anniversary
Could be miles better than the ps mini! Tempted with this even though I really don't need one.
Re: 50 More PS1 Classics Coming To Antstream Arcade, PS2 And GameCube Games Could Be Next
Meh I'll stick with legal emulation of my stack of PS1 games. Thankfully I backed them up - I do wonder how long they will last, can't be long now. I'm privileged to own a lot of them from OG plus loads of second hand shops and trading before they were all obliterated by game and eBay. Them were the days, and they really were - now everyone knows the value of everything. But subscription services like this IMO can't last and also don't help, mainly because licensing will always disappear eventually. Like gfn, they are all too greedy!
Re: Soapbox: Electronic Arts Used To Empower Developers; Now It Looks To Replace Them With AI
Well it won't be long before AI replaces the game players for EA, at least it will replace me as I've not bought anything EA for a good long while.
Wonder how long it will be before we get made up customer sales numbers for products because a company faked the sales by using AI? Can't be far away from that.
The good thing is AI isn't actually that creative, it only creates based on the input given and therefore only combines ideas together rather than creating fresh new ideas. So think x factor music and not out there Avant-garde. This is perfect for EA who rehash games year on year, but when rewriting an entire engine based on new ideas and new graphics, that will surely have to be human.
Astro bot for example constantly makes me smile because there are so many new ideas in that along with a lot of tried and tested ones. Each level has something new however - I really don't think AI can do that.
But AI will be perfect for CoD, EA games and all the GTA6 online stuff coming when it does - rehashing the rehash until the cow is milked dry...
The good thing about that, is everything has a lifecycle in business and cash cows are usually end state until the product dies or people find a new market. AI will help kill companies like this implicitly and that's brilliant I say!
Re: The "Sega Saturn Slim" Is Now Our Most-Wanted Hardware Of 2024
The Dreamcast enters the chat - "heyyyyyy baby, you're sexier than me!"
Re: Anniversary: It's Been 25 Years Since The Dreamcast's North American "9.9.99" Launch
I bought this day 1 UK, along with ready 2 rumble boxing and I think that was it. Wasn't long though before I had many more games, ending up with about 30 in the end. Summer 2000 was brilliant, I was at college and had loads of time off in the summer just to play all my Dreamcast games, particularly crazy taxi, virtua tennis and sonic adventure 1/2. I also got into listening to Japanese chillout electronic music while playing shemnue, which had a real spiritual and emotional connection for me. Personally I think because I was a late teenager and so few people own a Dreamcast, it felt like my console. No other console has had such a heavy line up of games for that brief period. There were too many to afford to buy! Amazing to think these were direct arcade ports but without the costs of a neo geo.
Shame that it died along with pretty much the whole arcade scene after that. It was definitely a golden couple of years that I will always remember - freedom of having disposable income, lots of time and lots of less commitments, even if I was ready to be in a relationship which came just after that period of time!
Re: Taito's Chase H.Q. Spin-Off 'Crime City' Is Getting An (Unofficial) Mega Drive / Genesis Port
Wow that looks rubbish. Shame as I'm sure it's important work.
Re: Konami's 1985 Vertical Scroller 'Finalizer' Is This Week's Arcade Archives Release
@NinChocolate looks like something I would mess around with while I was learning to program. Some unique features here in the game however
Re: Google's Gemini AI Assistant Is Pretty Awful At Video Game History
Isn't Gemini AI rubbish at everything?
Seriously though, I don't want to pay extra for something that mines me as data even more than Gemini mines us all already. Google have gone evil after all. I'm gonna pass on this one thank you!
Re: Latest AmigaVision Update Adds Amiga CD32 Support For MiSTer
I loved our CD32 before giving away for some reason. Was a very "dark" time for gaming as literally the games were dark, liberation being one example. But also some amazing games like nick foldos, zool, diggers and such. Really wished we bought other consoles at the time however as it was an expensive console to buy at the time!
Re: SuperSega FPGA Team Understands Why You Think Its Console Is "Vapourware"
@KingMike fair point also, but that was touch and go for a good while. Still, no need to be a beta tester with these things - just means a longer wait for a better guarantee
Re: SuperSega FPGA Team Understands Why You Think Its Console Is "Vapourware"
@WhensDinner I see what your saying, and agreed the ouya kinda came out. Will this however? I would love it too, but let's see. No advantage In going in early as if it sells well we won't have a problem.
Re: SuperSega FPGA Team Understands Why You Think Its Console Is "Vapourware"
Weird so basically they are saying "we know you think this is vapourware but wait until the end of September". September arrives and it will be "wait for the new year". So for me, they are actually proving out what they are trying to disprove.
Maybe I'm just cynical, the last vapourware one I went for was the ouya, I really don't want to repeat that again!
Re: The Best Retro Gaming Gifts - August 2024
The "we need revenue at time extension - so let's post 100 affiliate links" page. Kudos for trying, but I would have preferred a more honed in list and under £50
Re: The Making Of: Worms, The Bedroom-Coded Classic That Spawned A Million-Selling Series
I had worms on the pc, although I owned an amega at the time. I spent quite a few hours with the inbuilt sound editor, which allowed you to sample audio and assign them to an audio pack, which you could then use in the game. We had "gangsters" recorded from a variety of tapes of good fellas etc, with a phono to 3.5m cable straight into a creative labs sound card. Every time I watch those films I still recognise the sample we used for that audio set, from what must be about 30 years ago ish. Very sad, but when your young you have time on your hands! Shame the internet wasn't a thing back then as sharing these samples would have been pretty cool
Re: Marvel vs. Capcom Fighting Collection Won't Include Yoshiki Okamoto's Most Hated Character
@firenze this is correct. The psx version missed lots of frames and had slow loading times and was just generally pants. It didn't have the same vibe as the arcade and I couldn't wait for the Dreamcast version which gave us arcade perfect (this was at the same time as cps2/3 emulation was just capturing the ROMs and handling the issues like the kill switch etc). About 2 years after the Dreamcast version emulation kicked it's arse, but for me the best home versions of any of this era of fighting games was the Dreamcast, coupled with the arcade stick and it was wicked.
Re: Flashback: It's 1997, And The BBC Is Hyping Up The Battle Between N64, PS1 And Saturn
@nomither6 Xbox was bleeding edge in that generation. GameCube did have remarkably decent graphics but Xbox had the raw power and much more detailed gfx (take a look at dead or alive 3 Vs soul Caliber on the GameCube). My point was that the N64 was a massive step gfx wise than anything before it, and it came out in 1997 2 years after the playstation (both UK dates).
Re: Flashback: It's 1997, And The BBC Is Hyping Up The Battle Between N64, PS1 And Saturn
The N64, when released, was simply outstanding. Playstation looked basic slow and fuzzy Vs super mario 64 which looked amazing at the time. Star fox and mario kart with their pre-rendered textures made it look a bit lessor, but overall it was quality over quantity Vs others. However the Saturn had amazing 2d performance only vested by the Dreamcast later on. Ps1 obviously had the main support and years of it too, as well as hundreds of quality games. They were indeed right that while the Saturn was out that the 32x and mega cd (and tbh the mega drive also) was too much for anyone.
The N64 was the last attempt for Nintendo to be cutting edge, ever since then they have been about 2-4years (or more) behind others. However, I still think the have it right longer term - lots of games that take a few years to produce with short sharp return Vs 1 game that takes 10 years or more for a 90hour game. Overall I would hope the short games win.
One brilliant thing about Nintendo - if you buy a game, you get all of it. Most games don't have DLC and the ones that do come with the annual pass which is cheap in comparison. Fingers crossed they keep that going with the Switch P
Re: Review: Anbernic RG28XX - A Delightfully Dinky Emulation Handheld
I think I'm now at the point that I'm too old to play something this small. Besides, the support on these generally runs for a year max then they upgrade the hardware with the next one.
I would recommend you save you're money and buy a steam deck.
Re: Here's The Logo For The Upcoming Live-Action Street Fighter Movie
@GeneJacket ah thanks for that, makes more sense. Still, they could do a little bit more!
Re: Here's The Logo For The Upcoming Live-Action Street Fighter Movie
I'm not sure that's going to add confidence in the new film based on that..... I mean, I could spend an hour with Photoshop doing that. Tempted to actually try just to prove my point!
Seriously its not that good is it?
Re: Transformers Meets Street Fighter In This Amazing Fan-Made Brawler
Reminds me a bit of marvel super heros - tis great.
Re: AYANEO's Game Boy-Style Pocket DMG Boasts An OLED Screen
Ayaneo - what's the support for these sort of devices? They seem to release many each year and therefore is support about 2 years tops?
Re: The Source Code To Star Fighter 3DO Has Been Released Online
Well thats Minecraft Vs starfox if I ever saw it! What such low FPS... Wow
Re: Tetrisweeper Is What Would Happen If Tetris And Minesweeper Had A Baby
Anyone else remember tetranet? It's what introduced me to Google in 1999, basically Google was easy to download files like this because it was the only search engine at the time where you could search file names and get back links, whereas altavista and yahoo didn't. Tetranet was brilliant when you had 6 people - was a bit like puyo puyo - but you could bomb your friends and stack power ups etc. probably my fav Tetris after the original arcade version and the gameboy version
Re: Obsidian's Spy RPG Alpha Protocol Lands On GOG, 5 Years After Licensing Issues
@Sketcz bit loose but does the blade runner point and click count? Felt spy ISH I would say. But spy RPGs as a concept? Great idea to me!
Re: Best Street Fighter Games, Ranked By You
Very odd list - e.g. super street fighter 2 turbo the SNES version higher than the arcade original etc. Satisfying to read though and plenty to play!
Re: Rumour: Sega Almost Owned The Publishing Rights To GTA
Bit of a nothing story really. GTA could have been published by Nintendo*.
*But it wasn't
Re: The Genius Behind Portal 64 Gets VR Working On The N64
This is great! Shame the Nintendo lawyers will turn up tomorrow and take literally 3/4 of his house as payment for doing anything remotely emulated...
Re: Atari Wants To Revive More Of Its Classic Systems
Jaguar for me. Although emulation is pretty hard so I expect not. But I would like to have basically all the games on one mini - that would be great