Comments 387

Re: WipEout Phantom Edition Is An Enhanced PC Port Of The PS1 Classic


Funnily enough I was just playing this on the Steam Deck. It runs really well, although the modern collision option does make the game too easy (I got first on every track on my first try! 😅) so probably the Wipeout 2097 collision option is the best choice.

@845H It extracts all the music from the PS1 disc image so it technically has all the music. The only downside is it currently only supports the US disc so it’s missing the extra tracks from Orbital/Chemical Brothers/Leftfield that the PAL version had.

Re: Best ROM Hacks, Mods And Homebrews Of 2023


I was playing that Mario Celeste mod the other day. It’s an incredible achievement, it’s hard to believe it’s running on a NES it’s so smooth and fast paced.

That said, it’s too hard for me! 😅 I might go back to it but I think it’s beyond me.

Re: Former Rare Staff Not Sure We Need More Banjo-Kazooie Games


I would think Mario Odyssey is in the same sort of genre as Banjo Kazooie and that did really well. I think there's a market for the collect-a-thon, but the game has to be good.

I somewhat enjoyed Yooka Laylee, but it suffered from not having a map screen showing where each quest came from. Not being able to find things just made it a lot more annoying than it needed to be. If they fixed that in a sequel I'd be all over it.

Re: CIBSunday: Super Mario Bros. (NES)


A few years back I realised I barely knew this game. I only ever really played 1-1, 1-2, 4-1, 4-2 and most of world 8 once I’d found the warp zones. Since then I always try to play all of the levels as it’s such a great game, it’s like the most pure and distilled form of Super Mario Bros.

Re: Best Light Gun Games Of All Time


I love light gun games! I tend to like Time Crisis I more than II. While II is bigger and more bombastic, it dropped using time as your measure of success and used scoring instead. This means instead of racing to take down every enemy as quickly as possible, you have to hit each enemy as many times as possible to earn combo points.

This means the final boss fight against the satellite (and Diaz) is spent not shooting Diaz but instead trying to fire as many bullets as possible into the satellite to maximise your score.

Doing that while playing both sides of Time Crisis II at the same time is very hard work! 😂

Re: Sol-Deace And El Viento Are Getting Physical Re-Releases This Year


I've got a lot of nostalgia for Sol Feace, I remember being blown away by the FMV and the music when I saw it on my brother's Mega CD. The soundtrack in particular is still really great. I don't think I'd want the cartridge version though as it's going to be missing all the stuff that made me like the game in the first place! 😅

Re: Poll: Which Gran Turismo 1 Intro Theme Is Best?


Definitely Moon over the Castle for me. I had the Japanese import of Gran Turismo for the PS1 so I often forget they swapped out the soundtrack.

That seemed to happen quite often back then with things like Sega Rally 2, Sonic CD and Wipeout getting different music in different regions.

Re: I Just Fixed This Obscure Unlicensed NES Game


Fascinating! Looking at the asm from the link the patch changes the ROM to load 1 into the accumulator and then store it at the memory address the game checks for debug mode. I recently did something similar messing with Street Fighter II Turbo on the SNES to always get the best ending regardless of difficulty or rounds lost. I’ve found writing assembly isn’t too tricky, but finding the right part of the ROM is really hard!

Re: Sega Looking To Build On Success Of Its Sonic Movies With Other Franchises


"If we can match the timing of game launches to the release of movies"

No Sega, don't do it!!! I'm pretty sure the only good movie tie-in games were ones that launched ages after the movie (like GoldenEye). Trying to get games that usually take 3-4 years on the shelf at the same time as movies that normally take 2 years is a recipe for rushed rubbish.

Re: Ex-Metal Slug Developers Announce Black Finger Jet, A New Run-And-Gun Game


I'm not sure about 3D being mentioned in the trailer, I would prefer they do everything as pixel art like in Metal Slug. That said, as a small team having to do all the frames of animation would be very hard. Maybe they're going to use 3D models with a filter to create pixel art-like graphics?

Either way, I'm really keen to see what they come up with!

Re: £699 ROG Ally Is The First "Next-Gen" Gaming Handheld, Says ASUS


The trouble with that price tag is it’s a lot for something you don’t know if you’ll get on with. I got the Steam Deck for £350 and that felt like a fair price to dip my toe in (of course I ended up buying a 512GB Micro SD card, then a 265GB SSD and then a 1TB micro SD card because I got on with it so well 😂).

The whole Steam OS interface and control profiles really makes using the Steam Deck relatively pain free. It’s a pity there’s no way to try that Asus out to see if I like it. I wouldn’t mind seeing some benchmarks for things like Cyberpunk to see how well the hardware holds up too.

I also like that Valve have said they won’t be changing the hardware for a couple of years. You can bet Asus will have a new one on the market every year.

Re: Super Rare Sega Mega Drive 'Action Chair' Gets An Unofficial Unboxing


I do miss the days of all these crazy peripherals like the Power Glove, the Action Chair, the Hyperboy, etc.

Even though it usually ended in disappointment, there was always that special excitement when you got something that had labels on the box promising it would be totally rad and to take your skillz to the next level.

Re: Someone Just Bought A Graded Copy Of Nintendo Power For $108,000


Heritage Auctions again. 😩 I read a fascinating forum thread detailing all the reasons an original Star Trek phaser prop they were selling was a fake (by the end it was blatantly obvious the prop was fake).

Despite bringing it to HA’s attention they sold it anyway to an undisclosed buyer. The speculation is that they sell things to themselves so they can establish a seemingly legitimate market price so they can make the same or more when they sell it for real. Apparently HA’s owner started doing it with collectible coins in the ‘80s and moves on to a new collectible market every so often.

Re: Asus ROG Ally Promises To "Redefine Handheld Gaming" For "Below $1,000"


@Hikingguy That's cool, I didn't know about that. 👍 You're right about the community, there's so many great utilities and mods out there for the Steam Deck.

I just recently got a transparent green Jsaux back panel, I bought it because I thought it looked neat, but it's also got a heat spreader and thermal pad so it offers better cooling than the stock back.

Re: Asus ROG Ally Promises To "Redefine Handheld Gaming" For "Below $1,000"


@Hikingguy I agree the 64GB version is great value, it was the one I bought! 😅 The reason I say it's not really viable is because while I had a 512GB Micro SD in it, the 64GB filled up within weeks with shader caches, Proton files and updates to the point that it couldn't fit any more in.

I had all the games installed on the Micro SD so there just wasn't anything else I could have done to free up space on the 64GB short of going into desktop mode, finding the Steam ID of games I'd deleted and manually deleting the shader caches. Maybe it was a bug and the Deck OS should have been doing that automatically?

I ended up replacing the SSD with a 512GB one and getting a 1TB Micro SD. I really should get better at deleting stuff instead of keeping stuff on there "just in case" I feel like playing it. 😂

Re: Asus ROG Ally Promises To "Redefine Handheld Gaming" For "Below $1,000"


I think they’ve missed that one of the Steam Deck’s big selling points is how competitive it is on price and battery life.

While I think the 64GB Steam Deck should be avoided, the £460 model is likely half the price of this and will probably have better battery life.

Plus all the custom control profiles from the Steam community means you don’t have to faff setting up controls in most games.

Re: Best FPS Games - Classic First-Person Shooters That Shaped The Genre


I like that the list is not ordered so there can’t be any complaints about what’s in first, second, etc.

The list is pretty much my teenage years summed up, all the classics I remember playing and enjoying are there. I’m actually replaying Dark Forces 2 on the Steam Deck at the moment, I think it could have made the list for being one of the earliest games to allow for a pacifist run (once you get Force Pull you can disarm all enemies and they just run around lost in a panic! 😅)

Re: 32 Years Later, Blatant R-Type Clone Rezon Finally Comes To Home Consoles


@farrgazer I’m just not very good at shmups. 😅 The only one I’ve ever really got good at is Axelay. Games like Gradius I really struggle with because once I die and lose all my power-ups I find it almost impossible to recover. That said I did really enjoy Drainus recently, the sandbox of upgrades and low difficulty meant I enjoyed it a lot.

Re: A New Programming Language Has Arrived For Creating NES Games


It's an interesting language, having gone through the tutorial the lack of opening and closing braces around blocks of code is kind of blowing my mental fuses. 😅

I'm not totally clear what's nested within a loop and what isn't. I also don't know what putting UU or U before a variable declaration does, best I can guess is it loads it into a register.

Overall it's pretty cool, but I think it would be better if the syntax was a little bit closer to C and less like Assembly.

Re: Modder Is Resurrecting Dead Wii U Consoles With Free NAND Rebuilder


@XMancs I don't think that would work unfortunately. There are components on the board that are paired with a piece of unique data on the NAND, so when they see a different value in the NAND it refuses to boot. This is why it's only a solution for people who already have a backup of their NAND. 😢

Depending on who you ask it's either an anti-piracy measure or a means to scupper independent repairers (or both).

Re: Rare Co-Founder Shows Conker 64, Fans Immediately Beg Him To Dump It


@andykara2003 For my consoles, I don't sadly. I keep meaning to track down a CRT (and my preference would be a '90s Trinitron too) but normally the ones I see are hundred of miles away and collection only (which is understandable given their weight and delicateness)!

I do have Hantarexs and Nanaos in my arcade machines though. I refuse to compromise and put LCDs in there! 😅 In the case of Time Crisis and House of the Dead you literally can't switch them to LCD as the guns wouldn't work.

I'm on the hunt for a 4:3 52" rear projection CRT at the moment as well for a deluxe cab I'm trying to restore. At some point all the RP TVs seem to have dried up!

Re: Remembering Lucky & Wild, Namco's Arcade-Only Forgotten Classic


I got to play this in Devon once, it was great fun. I loved games from this era like Super Chase, Rad Mobile, Rail Chase, etc that had you driving through all sorts of crazy locations like shopping malls, restaurants, volleyball courts, etc. They really did let their imaginations run wild when coming up with the settings.