Comments 135

Re: So, What's Happening With Earthworm Jim 4?


When I first saw EWJ4 was going to be on that new console which was failing, I did think this is a marketing ploy, and then to never hear anything else, I'm sure I'm not the only one that is NOT surprised.

Just give us a full collection of remasters of the other games and I would be quite happy.

Damn, got the theme tune for the cartoon in my head now (it used to be my start up tune for my Windows XP PC back in the day )

Re: Mortal Kombat II For Sega 32X Receives Impressive Fan Update


The upgrade does looks great but never played the 32X version.
My first Mortal Kombat was II on the Master System, that was really cut down, but then I progressed to III on the SNES, then Ultimate III. Damn, I still remember Striker's Brutality HP, LP, HK, LK, HP, LP, LP, LK, HK, HP, LK, LK, LK

Re: Anniversary: Gran Turismo Is 25 Years Old Today


Oh God, I still have my original release disc, was it this one that had the scratch and sniff of burnt rubber on the disc? Or was that Gran Turismo 2?
Anyways, just remember playing the Sunday league and winning the Mazda Demio - A Spec many times so I could sell it and then upgrade my car.

Re: Meet The Man With World's Largest Collection Of Video Games


These collectors, have they actually play all of these games?
I collect games, but only ones I want to play
Seeing games still in plastic seal is just depressing to me, as a whole group of people took so much time and effort to create a game for you to play and its just sitting there not fulfilling the reason for its creation.
It's like people who buy a Ferrari and all it does is sit in the garage getting covered in dust.

Re: The Most Divisive Zelda Is Now 20 Years Old


First time I saw it, I thought, no they have screwed the entire series, then I played it and damn was I wrong, it became one of my favourite games, except for the sailing so slowly.
When the Wii U re-master came along with a rumour of a faster sail, I jumped and my love for it came back.

Re: The Making Of: Carmageddon, The Controversial Racer That Took On The BBFC And Won


Loved playing the original, never actually raced, always destroyed the other cars, also had the good ole red blood patch.
Also have the DVD of Death Race 2000, love it, when the daycare workers wheel out the people on wheelchairs, but instead of going for them the driver goes for the workers as they are worth more points. And when the person goes after the baby for double points, but turns out its just a doll with a bomb so blows up the car. Just brilliant