To be honest I only remember buying one SNES game from a shop, Killer Instinct, all the rest were Car Boot sales for a few pounds. I didnt get in to console gaming until my teens
When I first saw EWJ4 was going to be on that new console which was failing, I did think this is a marketing ploy, and then to never hear anything else, I'm sure I'm not the only one that is NOT surprised.
Just give us a full collection of remasters of the other games and I would be quite happy.
Damn, got the theme tune for the cartoon in my head now (it used to be my start up tune for my Windows XP PC back in the day )
WATA admitting it knows nothing about games? SHOCKER!! They could of just done a simple Google search. But glad the eBay post has been taken down though.
I used my memory pack rubble pack combo (has a switch on the side to select the mode - cant remember who made it something similar to a "Jolt Pack") to save my WWF No Mercy Custom Character (Hooligan) as I have one of those cartridges that resets itself every so often
Mine has to be the "Cruiser" for my C64:
So the nearest to that was the Zip-Stick, but there was a resistance toggle on the stick so that if you playing a waggle game (Summer Games, etc) you could turn that down and hold the base to shake the stick
The problem is someone will be stupid enough to buy this, not knowing this is not the original.
And this is a prime example of WATA being massive money laundering scam artists.
Just went on eBay and reported it as being false advertising, wonder if they will care
Thing is Crazy Taxi worked so well mainly because of the Offspring soundtrack, having a 3D plane world that's going to be too confusing for my old brain
The upgrade does looks great but never played the 32X version. My first Mortal Kombat was II on the Master System, that was really cut down, but then I progressed to III on the SNES, then Ultimate III. Damn, I still remember Striker's Brutality HP, LP, HK, LK, HP, LP, LP, LK, HK, HP, LK, LK, LK
Oh God, I still have my original release disc, was it this one that had the scratch and sniff of burnt rubber on the disc? Or was that Gran Turismo 2?
Anyways, just remember playing the Sunday league and winning the Mazda Demio - A Spec many times so I could sell it and then upgrade my car.
It's sad that everything is going down EXCEPT for their NFTs, just read the article in Retro Gamer as it was 50th Anniversary edition. They do say that the new VCS is too expensive and this just show it.
I only own one game in that list, Mario Sticker Star, I was travelling around Central America with it. I know its got its haters, and I can understand why, but I quite liked it.
These collectors, have they actually play all of these games? I collect games, but only ones I want to play Seeing games still in plastic seal is just depressing to me, as a whole group of people took so much time and effort to create a game for you to play and its just sitting there not fulfilling the reason for its creation. It's like people who buy a Ferrari and all it does is sit in the garage getting covered in dust.
First time I saw it, I thought, no they have screwed the entire series, then I played it and damn was I wrong, it became one of my favourite games, except for the sailing so slowly. When the Wii U re-master came along with a rumour of a faster sail, I jumped and my love for it came back.
Didnt have a go on this, but did play the Wipeout XL Arcade:
4 pound a go but damn it was fun as you could do two player co-op, one as weapons, one as driver
I only have only a few Xbox games, but Gun was one of my favourite games on it, kind of a precursor for Red Dead Redemption.
But i will say that Halo 2 was also good, but it was annoying as hell when you finished it as you needed to play 3 to finish the storyline but it was never released on Original Xbox
I watched the first two and they just didn't work in my opinion. Just leave the 90s shows in the 90s, just like the Big Breakfast and TFI Friday, they dont work anymore
Loved playing the original, never actually raced, always destroyed the other cars, also had the good ole red blood patch.
Also have the DVD of Death Race 2000, love it, when the daycare workers wheel out the people on wheelchairs, but instead of going for them the driver goes for the workers as they are worth more points. And when the person goes after the baby for double points, but turns out its just a doll with a bomb so blows up the car. Just brilliant
Timesplitters 2 blew up my original pre-order PS2, played it so much smoke came out the back and burned. Got that game out luckily then smashed up the console in front of some young teenagers saying "Life is never absolute, make the most of it" Think I might of scarred them as PS2 was pretty new back then
I had that Tomy Pac-Man game, but (dont know if this was a localisation thing to the UK) it was called Munchman and released by Grandstand, I even remember the theme tune before you started playing
I have boxes of C64 disks that havent been tested for god knows how long, They are all probably useless. Is there anywhere I can donate them? For them to back up? If they still work obviously
I remember when these originally came out a cards and every school banned them, and then they were made illegal to be sold to people under 18.
Wow look at the stuff kids can do nowadays.
Still have the original on my C64 with Lightgun First lightgun game I every played and loved every minute (when my big brother would let me have a go as it was his computer at the time)
I was so glad I was waiting for the switch physical, I do feel sorry for the PS4 guys who fell for it I will probably pick it up when the reviews of this one turns up
In my mind PS1 and Saturn are Retro, but anything after is not in my mind. But maybe the old computers (C64/Amiga etc) should be called something different, Classics? Or something else I dont know.
Comments 135
Re: Rare Cheekily Compares Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom To Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts
It was more Game Xplain:
Re: Upset By Zelda Being $70? We've Arguably Never Had It So Good
To be honest I only remember buying one SNES game from a shop, Killer Instinct, all the rest were Car Boot sales for a few pounds.
I didnt get in to console gaming until my teens
Re: The Hunt For Akihabara's Strangest Street Fighter II Arcade Cabinet
Going back to Japan in November, so will definitely search this out
Re: Today Is Officially "Final Fantasy VII Day" In Japan
Can't believe it took almost 10 months for it to come to Europe.
Anyways, when it turned up on Switch I dived straight back in, still remember where EVERYTHING is, damn I LOVE that game.
Re: Today Is Officially "Final Fantasy VII Day" In Japan
@Damo Erm, using your own Game Profile:
Re: CIBSunday: Wip3out / Wipeout 3 (PlayStation)
Loved Fusion, until you got the upgrade to the best version of your ship and the difficultly level just jumped to stupidity.
Re: The Simpsons Hit & Run Composers Also In The Dark Over Remake Rumours
Remake? YES PLEASE! Loved this game and played it to death back in the day
Re: So, What's Happening With Earthworm Jim 4?
When I first saw EWJ4 was going to be on that new console which was failing, I did think this is a marketing ploy, and then to never hear anything else, I'm sure I'm not the only one that is NOT surprised.
Just give us a full collection of remasters of the other games and I would be quite happy.
Damn, got the theme tune for the cartoon in my head now (it used to be my start up tune for my Windows XP PC back in the day )
Re: WATA Admits It Graded A 2016 Castlevania Repro Listed On eBay For $4,000
WATA admitting it knows nothing about games? SHOCKER!!
They could of just done a simple Google search.
But glad the eBay post has been taken down though.
Re: Review: Forever Pak 64 - Fixing Your N64's Ticking Time Bomb
I used my memory pack rubble pack combo (has a switch on the side to select the mode - cant remember who made it something similar to a "Jolt Pack") to save my WWF No Mercy Custom Character (Hooligan) as I have one of those cartridges that resets itself every so often
Re: Poll: So, What's Your Favourite Controller Of All Time?
Mine has to be the "Cruiser" for my C64:

So the nearest to that was the Zip-Stick, but there was a resistance toggle on the stick so that if you playing a waggle game (Summer Games, etc) you could turn that down and hold the base to shake the stick
Re: Resident Evil Gets 16-Bit Makeover In Impressive Mega Drive/Genesis Fan Demake
For some reason makes me think of Alone in the Dark on the Acorn mixed with Landstalker on the Mega drive
Re: Random: WATA Graded A 2016 Castlevania Repro, And Now It's On eBay For $4,000
The problem is someone will be stupid enough to buy this, not knowing this is not the original.
And this is a prime example of WATA being massive money laundering scam artists.
Just went on eBay and reported it as being false advertising, wonder if they will care
Re: Crazy Taxi Meets The Fifth Element In 'MiLE HiGH TAXi'
Thing is Crazy Taxi worked so well mainly because of the Offspring soundtrack, having a 3D plane world that's going to be too confusing for my old brain
Re: Mortal Kombat II For Sega 32X Receives Impressive Fan Update
The upgrade does looks great but never played the 32X version.
My first Mortal Kombat was II on the Master System, that was really cut down, but then I progressed to III on the SNES, then Ultimate III. Damn, I still remember Striker's Brutality HP, LP, HK, LK, HP, LP, LP, LK, HK, HP, LK, LK, LK
Re: The Tale Of Spiral Saga, The Lost PlayStation 1 Exclusive
Huh, I have Solstice for my NES, didnt realise there was a sequel
Re: Anniversary: Gran Turismo Is 25 Years Old Today
Oh God, I still have my original release disc, was it this one that had the scratch and sniff of burnt rubber on the disc? Or was that Gran Turismo 2?
Anyways, just remember playing the Sunday league and winning the Mazda Demio - A Spec many times so I could sell it and then upgrade my car.
Re: Atari's Revived VCS Has Flopped, And Now It Needs More Cash
It's sad that everything is going down EXCEPT for their NFTs, just read the article in Retro Gamer as it was 50th Anniversary edition. They do say that the new VCS is too expensive and this just show it.
Re: Poll: What Was Your Favourite Game Of Christmas 2012?
I only own one game in that list, Mario Sticker Star, I was travelling around Central America with it.
I know its got its haters, and I can understand why, but I quite liked it.
Re: Meet The Man With World's Largest Collection Of Video Games
These collectors, have they actually play all of these games?
I collect games, but only ones I want to play
Seeing games still in plastic seal is just depressing to me, as a whole group of people took so much time and effort to create a game for you to play and its just sitting there not fulfilling the reason for its creation.
It's like people who buy a Ferrari and all it does is sit in the garage getting covered in dust.
Re: The Most Divisive Zelda Is Now 20 Years Old
First time I saw it, I thought, no they have screwed the entire series, then I played it and damn was I wrong, it became one of my favourite games, except for the sailing so slowly.
When the Wii U re-master came along with a rumour of a faster sail, I jumped and my love for it came back.
Re: Sega's Vomit-Inducing R360 Is An Endangered Species From A Different Age
Didnt have a go on this, but did play the Wipeout XL Arcade:
4 pound a go but damn it was fun as you could do two player co-op, one as weapons, one as driver
Re: Random: 21 Years Later, People Are Discovering The GameCube's 'Hidden Eject Button'
Erm it does say Push:

Re: Flashback: Before Twitter And Tesla, Elon Musk Made Video Games
You can see his name in the credits 53:04 on Loadstar (under Ground Control) and 51:50 on Cadillacs (under Rocket Scientists)
Re: Best Original Xbox Games - Celebrate The Console's 21st Birthday With These Classics
I only have only a few Xbox games, but Gun was one of my favourite games on it, kind of a precursor for Red Dead Redemption.
But i will say that Halo 2 was also good, but it was annoying as hell when you finished it as you needed to play 3 to finish the storyline but it was never released on Original Xbox
Re: GamesMaster Returns For A New Series Next Year
I watched the first two and they just didn't work in my opinion.
Just leave the 90s shows in the 90s, just like the Big Breakfast and TFI Friday, they dont work anymore
Re: The Making Of: Carmageddon, The Controversial Racer That Took On The BBFC And Won
Loved playing the original, never actually raced, always destroyed the other cars, also had the good ole red blood patch.
Also have the DVD of Death Race 2000, love it, when the daycare workers wheel out the people on wheelchairs, but instead of going for them the driver goes for the workers as they are worth more points. And when the person goes after the baby for double points, but turns out its just a doll with a bomb so blows up the car. Just brilliant
Re: Star Fox EX Exploration Showcase Is Available Now
Just noticed, you can play using the Super Scope? Nice
Re: Myst Sequel Riven Is Being Rebuilt "From The Ground Up"
Wouldn't mind a compilation on Switch to be fair
Re: Sega Wants To Know What Mini Console You Want Next
Saturn, Master System then Dreamcast
Re: Romhackers Add Blue Shell Into The Original Super Mario Kart
Once again people do what Nintendon't
That looks great, but yes, turn off blue shells
Awaiting Nintendo Shutdown in 3...2...1...
Re: Round Up: Here's How Reviewers Reacted To Timesplitters 2 Twenty Years Ago
Timesplitters 2 blew up my original pre-order PS2, played it so much smoke came out the back and burned. Got that game out luckily then smashed up the console in front of some young teenagers saying "Life is never absolute, make the most of it"
Think I might of scarred them as PS2 was pretty new back then
Re: The Garbage Pail Kids Resurrected As Gross 8-Bit NES Game
@Hikingguy Yeah it was the Local Government, good ole Guernsey
Re: Feature: Video Gaming's Most Famous Anecdote Might Not Be True After All
I had that Tomy Pac-Man game, but (dont know if this was a localisation thing to the UK) it was called Munchman and released by Grandstand,
I even remember the theme tune before you started playing
Re: Talking Point: Have You Checked Your Floppy Disks Recently? They Might Be Dead
I have boxes of C64 disks that havent been tested for god knows how long, They are all probably useless. Is there anywhere I can donate them? For them to back up? If they still work obviously
Re: The Garbage Pail Kids Resurrected As Gross 8-Bit NES Game
I remember when these originally came out a cards and every school banned them, and then they were made illegal to be sold to people under 18.
Wow look at the stuff kids can do nowadays.
Re: Limited Run Games Partners With Collectible Grading Authority For Castlevania Charity Auction
Why is it only a 90? Limited Run made it didnt they? Was it not good enough to sell normally?
I like it how the funds are going to Charity
Re: Random: Nintendo Collector Shows Off Rare Glow-In-The-Dark Game Boy
Now that is cool, love glow in the dark stuff ever since I was a kid sticking the stars on the ceiling of my room
Re: Video: Why Does The Anime Industry Love Sega So Much?
It's because SEGA is iconic even if it is only a game creator nowadays
Re: An MSX 3 Is On The Way, According To MSX Co-Creator Kazuhiko Nishi
I have never seen the above version of the MSX, i used to have the Toshiba MSX:

Re: How Star Wars Helped Nintendo Defeat One Of Sega's Most Ludicrous Patents
Oh, is this an old article from 2015 from another website owned by this company by any chance?
Was confused about the "New Movie" comments...
Re: Best PlayStation 3 Games
Loved Little Big Planet and Portal 2
Shame my PS3 has now burned itself out
Re: Review: GamesMaster: The Oral History - The Definitive Retelling Of The Greatest Video Game TV Show Ever Made
Still awaiting my Kickstarter, how come you got one
Re: Operation Wolf Returns To Active Service In All-New Sequel
Still have the original on my C64 with Lightgun
First lightgun game I every played and loved every minute (when my big brother would let me have a go as it was his computer at the time)
Re: Flashback: Remember Fluid? The Psychedelic Game About A Beat-Making Dolphin
Huh, completely forgot about this game, and yes I did play it on the Demo disc but never got the full game I probably still have that disc somewhere.
Re: Microids Reveals Latest Trailer For 'XIII Remake' Overhaul
I was so glad I was waiting for the switch physical, I do feel sorry for the PS4 guys who fell for it
I will probably pick it up when the reviews of this one turns up
Re: Poll: Are The PS3, Wii And Xbox 360 Retro Now?
In my mind PS1 and Saturn are Retro, but anything after is not in my mind.
But maybe the old computers (C64/Amiga etc) should be called something different, Classics? Or something else I dont know.
Re: Trademark For Intellivision Amico Has Been Abandoned
Surprised? No, Sad? Yes
Re: Review: A500 Mini - A Refreshing Alternative To The NES And SNES Classic Editions
I know you say that a little in the article, but that is a major con
Re: Intellivision Releases An Amico Unboxing, Showcases A Functioning System
But at 6.50 it shows someone using the controller to type some numbers, but looks like the screen on it is already cracked?