Comments 135

Re: StreetPass Fans, Take Note - NetPass Resurrects One Of The 3DS' Best Features


My 3DS is on me at all times and I will have to do this as after taking my 3DS around Japan for a month last year and only getting one hit from someone from Mexico, I only have 5 pieces left to complete my StreetPass Puzzles.

I'm not from a big city I'm from a little island called Guernsey, I just travel a lot and use my 3DS as a glorified step counter. Also my local Waitrose used to have a Street Hub before they turned that off

Re: WATA-Graded NES Star Wars Prototype Released From Its Plastic Tomb


@KitsuneNight Yes, Yes and Yes

Think of all the people who were involved in the game, all their hard work and time, just put in a plastic box never to be used for the reason it was created. It's just injustice.

Also WATA, is a massive scam, there is loads that have been graded wrong, its just run by people who make money from it instead of love for the products

Re: Best Sega Console - Every Sega System, Ranked By You


Master System II was my first console, so got my vote, but Saturn was my favourite, shame that SONY came in and bought out all the good developers.
Also Saturn wasn't just a 32 bit console, its had two 32 bit processors running simultaneously.
It was more powerful that the Playstation, but the buying power destroyed SEGA

Re: A Soulcalibur Collection Might Be On The Way


Played Soul Blade on the PS1 a few times at my cousins, always remember trying to dodge that bullet as Mitsurugi. Could NEVER do it.
Then I got Soul Calibur on Dreamcast, my word the separate storylines and different weapons just blew my mind. Never tried to any of the others, but if a collection came out, I would probably jump at the chance.