New old project, meaning it's a beat 'em up where you play as Otane Goketsuji, or Kanji Kokuin. They run around beating up on all the young whippersnappers from the series.
I understand this decision from a business standpoint. They don't want to get hit with legal issues if some other company gets fed up with their software being pirated, and decides that someone owes them money for it.
From a gamer standpoint...I mean.. let us game, bro!
No body needs a street fighter movie(again). We need a KoF film, centered around the US sports team's invites getting stolen every year. It could be a buddy comedy/mystery type thing.
The mobile assault tour had six wheeled vehicles with Dreamcast kiosks built in. I often think about how cool they look, and smile to myself. Such a neat event.
This is wild. Maybe Don's perspective comes from...I don't know, I can't even meet him half way. He doesn't want guns in hip hop, but unfortunately guns have played a big role in the genre and culture.
Crazy how pulling a knife or going at somebody with a bat would have been acceptable to him. Context is everything, but out of context that part is headline worthy as well.
The fact the Def Jam series of games even exists seems to be a miracle with a guy like that involved.
I was never a big fan of RPGs growing up, but This is one that I was always intrigued by. SNK's sprite work was insane, and she SamSho characters designs are just amazing in anything I've seen them in.
I'm happy the Saturn won, because of all the fighting games that system had. I'd love to get Fighting Vipers(or Fighter's Megamix if not both), on this when they decide to make it.
Dreamcast Mini is inevitable. Let the Saturn get some shine. Everyone wins.
It's natural to look for(or invent) explanations for things that don't have that much thought surrounding them. People need to tether everything to a reality they're familiar with.
Weaponlord is a game that I never figured had a huge issue with slowdown or lag. The controls being so weird was my main gripe with it. Maybe I should try the fastrom version, and see if the experience is better with it.
Definitely wanna try Rock n' Roll Racing. Still one of my favorite racing games of all time.
The Tiny hand brigade needs to chill. Death threats and throwing food and a guy because the controller is big enough to fit the competitors console inside of it, are a bit much. I mean seriously....what the heck is wrong with some people?
Also, I just now realized the Duke's form factor is similar to the first generation Microsoft Sidewinder gamepad.
Love how an old game is still seen as viable in japan. An american company would just tell Capcom to make Ryu wear a shirt with their product logo on it.
Comments 71
Re: Rumour: A New Jet Set Radio Is In The Works
Love it when my favorites do the cool thing. Can't wait for everybody to become a digital graff artist because of this.
Re: Looks Like We're Getting A New Power Instinct Game
New old project, meaning it's a beat 'em up where you play as Otane Goketsuji, or Kanji Kokuin. They run around beating up on all the young whippersnappers from the series.
Re: Namco's Legendary Shmup Xevious Has Arrived On The Commodore Amiga
I've noticed a lot of Xevious videos in my YouTube recommendations as of late. I really should make it a point to check out the NES port at least.
Re: Xbox Cracks Down On Emulation On Xbox Series X|S
I understand this decision from a business standpoint. They don't want to get hit with legal issues if some other company gets fed up with their software being pirated, and decides that someone owes them money for it.
From a gamer standpoint...I mean.. let us game, bro!
Re: Random: The Legend Of Zelda Gets NSFW Adaptation For Amstrad Plus Computers
I'm digging that hotel carpet grass tile. Looks pretty classy, ngl.
Re: Video Of Unreleased N64 Platformer 'Moon Jelly' Found In Attic
First thing I thought when seeing this footage: Blasto with actual out level design.
Re: Dreamcast Fan Releases 3GB Archive Containing Spirit Of Speed Development Materials
Dare somebody to use these resources, and make a version of this game that plays like Crusin World.
Re: Legendary Acquires Movie And TV Rights To Street Fighter
No body needs a street fighter movie(again). We need a KoF film, centered around the US sports team's invites getting stolen every year. It could be a buddy comedy/mystery type thing.
Re: Sonic Adventure Disc From Sega Dreamcast Mobile Assault Tour Discovered
The mobile assault tour had six wheeled vehicles with Dreamcast kiosks built in. I often think about how cool they look, and smile to myself. Such a neat event.
Re: "There Are No Guns In Hip Hop" - The Fight To Save Def Jam Vendetta's Ending
This is wild. Maybe Don's perspective comes from...I don't know, I can't even meet him half way. He doesn't want guns in hip hop, but unfortunately guns have played a big role in the genre and culture.
Crazy how pulling a knife or going at somebody with a bat would have been acceptable to him. Context is everything, but out of context that part is headline worthy as well.
The fact the Def Jam series of games even exists seems to be a miracle with a guy like that involved.
Re: The Making Of: BMX XXX - "We Were Building This Beautiful Skate Park And Ended Up With A Strip Club"
I avoided this game because I thought it was shovelware that they decided to go an M rated slant to at the end of it's development cycle.
Plus I was sleeping on everything on two wheels that wasn't Road Rash.
Re: Nier Creator Yoko Taro's New Game Sees A "Twisted" Sega Take Over The World
from reading the headline, I was hoping for a Segagaga sequel.
Re: Rare Co-Founder Shows Conker 64, Fans Immediately Beg Him To Dump It
Conker had a better shoryu than Ken. You can tell, because the big wind up makes it more powerful 😄
The amount of whimsy in Twelve Tales is sickening to the general gaming public. I think the game looks fun.
Re: The Samurai Shodown RPG Might Finally Be Playable In English
I was never a big fan of RPGs growing up, but This is one that I was always intrigued by. SNK's sprite work was insane, and she SamSho characters designs are just amazing in anything I've seen them in.
Re: It's Official! Sega Poll Reveals Fans Want The Sega Saturn Mini Next
I'm happy the Saturn won, because of all the fighting games that system had. I'd love to get Fighting Vipers(or Fighter's Megamix if not both), on this when they decide to make it.
Dreamcast Mini is inevitable. Let the Saturn get some shine. Everyone wins.
Re: Random: Super Mario 64 Manga Offers Grim Explanation For The 1-Up Mushroom
It's natural to look for(or invent) explanations for things that don't have that much thought surrounding them. People need to tether everything to a reality they're familiar with.
Re: Dedicated Romhacker Converts More Than 80 SNES Games Into FastRom
Weaponlord is a game that I never figured had a huge issue with slowdown or lag. The controls being so weird was my main gripe with it. Maybe I should try the fastrom version, and see if the experience is better with it.
Definitely wanna try Rock n' Roll Racing. Still one of my favorite racing games of all time.
Re: "I Hated The Duke Controller" Admits Xbox Co-Creator
The Tiny hand brigade needs to chill. Death threats and throwing food and a guy because the controller is big enough to fit the competitors console inside of it, are a bit much. I mean seriously....what the heck is wrong with some people?
Also, I just now realized the Duke's form factor is similar to the first generation Microsoft Sidewinder gamepad.
Re: Museum Celebrates 30th Anniversary Of Super Mario Bros.: The Movie With Special Exhibit
I wonder if the animatronic Yoshi is in one of those containers.
Still think those those jump boots are super cool. I always enjoyed the movie, despite it not being like the games.
Re: Remembering FightBox, BBC’s Big-Budget Video Game Failure
This show is what I had wished Arena on G4 would become. I would have watched this religiously, and bought all the media based around it.
I figure we're gonna get a Smash TV inspired VR game show someday. This was a stop in that direction.
Re: Random: Street Fighter II Used To Advertise Eye Drops In Japan
Love how an old game is still seen as viable in japan. An american company would just tell Capcom to make Ryu wear a shirt with their product logo on it.