This one passed me by but it looks pretty damn cool. Will keep my eye out for an official ROM since I do most of my new-release-Genesis’ing on my Analogue Pocket. (Astebros, Demons of Asteborg, etc.) Up next: Earthion!
I’ll be checking this out!
I love demakes…. I recently realized/learned that Quest 64 has an official demake counterpart: Quest RPG: Brian’s Journey. Makes me view all gameboy (color) games with a console counterpart as a demake…
I'm not sure I would actually ever play this with the proper D-pad — which means the target audience is people using emulators — but this is extremely impressive. I wish more GBA games would come out for this reason. Heaps come out for gameboy and gameboy color but not that many for GBA. I feel it's still got potential, and this is a perfect example. Wow.
Did anyone call the number at the end of the ad? Haha
I honestly think this capacitive d-pad sounds good on paper/in theory but from experience, with touch screens, they don’t work well with games. When subsidizing regular controls with a touch interface (PS4/5 touch controller and DS/3DS) it can work great but not when solely relying on them for most inputs. This is why I stray from mobile games and refuse to play them on my phone or iPad. Sure, it’s a better time than ever with now being able to easily connect an Xbox or PS5 controller to the phone, but I just can’t get onboard. I like a dedicated device for (serious) gaming. Tactile feel all the way!
I cannot believe he used a keyboard. I can’t even play Mario regularly, or any other platformer for that matter, with anything other than a controller. I’ve really tried and it just doesn’t click and doesn’t feel right. That alone of impressive to me.
I’m scouring looking for a preorder link. I don’t have an account on that X website.
If I get my hands on this and my Analogue 3D preorder comes through (why shouldn’t it), I’ll be SET.
EDIT: they’re also on Bluesky, phew
You can sign up to be notified when they go on sale. I’m all set for now.
I am soooo beyond excited for this game to finally come out. It looks like it’s going to be a true delight. I’ll probably buy it on Switch (if it comes out on there) but ideally I want the Megadrive/Genesis ROM so I can play it on my Analogue Pocket. 🤤
@Bod2019 @KitsuneNight I agree with you both… how many times have I booted up an all-in-one box and have choice paralysis or I pick something, play for a minute, and then die and immediately back out and go into another game. It’s like cruise control to quitting altogether.
But does the pi5 play N64 games well enough now? I’m waiting on the Analogue 3D for all my N64 needs but if the pi/emulators can finally run N64 comfortably… well…. That’s pretty dang cool.
I am stoked ya’ll posted this article again. I am traveling to Japan in May and I was searching your site for “Japan” looking for this article or similar. I couldn’t find it but alas here it is! I plan to visit some of these places Thanks for sharing/reporting and happy holidays everyone.
Kojima is a treasure. Always pushing boundaries and making you ponder, quite hard at times. I know he’s not everyone’s bag of tea but when it comes down to it, he’s one of the only that’s actually trying new things and shoving away norms and conventions. I love that… I like new concepts in games, not rehashing the same old, same old and that’s why I will always give his games full attention. I enjoy his interviews… Thanks for the years of innovation and great stories, Hideo!
This reminded me of my Demons of Asteborg DX preorder that I am stoked for! The colors pop on that and they seem to be bright and vibrant on these pages too really showing what the GBA was all about. DOA:DX looks to really push the boundaries on what the GBA can do. The Genesis game is really fun too, this DX version being the demake for GBA, so I’m really looking forward to it.
This book looks a bit like DVLSBLSH’s zines and mini-zines but with text added. I have the full collection so far of those and they’re a real treat to go through. If this truly is anything like that, I may have to add it to my book shelf as well.
So that makes me a super hero, or like… really special because I use it all the time right? I do notice lag on some games. Like for example, Sonic Superstars is horrid when docked. Or it was anyway last time I played. In handheld, there’s almost no lag at all.
This is a tough topic because a company like Nintendo wants to create new experiences and not just keep cashing in on their old games. So from a business standpoint, why would they dump tons of money into the past. On the other hand, licensing it out to another company would probably not be worth it financially, especially when they can do it themselves as they have been.
I myself have not noticed much lag on NSO, and definitely not to the “impossible to use” degree, but I know it’s present for some of the games I play.
How do you have Dragonyhm?! I know it’s supposed to release Q4 2024 but seeing it out in the wild while I still haven’t received mine is making me salty. Can’t wait to play that game- I’m dropping everything when it releases and I really want to play it over Xmas!
@Serpenterror ah, this confirms it! I always wondered about this, if these extra secret codes were for debugging. It makes complete sense if that’s the case. My most fond memory of debugging was the Sonic 3 debug mode cheat. It was kind of like Mario Maker but for Sonic
It always blows my mind that the original devs don't announce these things after a certain point. Even to go on game websites and just anonymously upload some of these cheat codes to the list of cheat codes. If I ever released a game, I personally would have cracked after even 5 years of someone not knowing about the cheat codes built-in.
@combywomby I sort of figured they had some prior experience and it was more of an "applying what I know to GB Studio over the past 5 months." But still, that's impressive to me.
This is actually really helpful. I was sort of against GB Studio because I started noticing a lot of the games built with it end up looking more or less same-y (Pokémon style, top-down RPG, etc.) but I think I need to just face the facts and start working it. It seems like it would be helpful.
I wanted to make a game sort off like a homage to Blaster Master (a platformer with a vehicle that you can disembark from and explore on foot). Thanks for the motivation!
My god if you can make this with 5 months of learning… I feel like a turd for not learning game programming. It’s all I’ve ever wanted to do but I always get tripped up on some things. I’ve tried multiple guides and books and they always get too crazy without explaining some things and then I’m left with questions and I ultimately give up.
I might take a crack at it again, this gave me motivation!
Also, you reminded me, I have a copy of Resident Evil 2 for N64 but it glitches out when I play it through my RetroTink so it's been largely unplayable. I have a hunch it's something to do with the pre-rendered backgrounds. I wouldn't have thought it would trip it up at all but it's the only thing I can think of. I believe the cart to be in good working order otherwise... That will change when I get this Analogue 3D!
I'll finally be able to play Star Wars Rogue Squadron and see the tie-fighters again! Really so much looking forward to this. You'll see me in line on release day!
Th original's reading was gut-wrenching. Even back in 2001 as a teenager, it was moving. I played through the OG again about 2 years ago and I sat there listening to that monologue by Monica Taylor Horgan in tears. One of the best VA moments in history. I can't wait until I get there in the remake. It's been quite amazingly good so far.
I’ve been desperately waiting for this to go up for preorder! I slept on the kickstarter/waited too long like a fool and I regret it. I’d love to have the chance to be an official backer and get my hands on this. Either way, this was a great read and it’s great to get some proper background on this future gem!
Small gripe/Hot take: I feel fan-made ports and stuff should remove the Nintendo Seal of Quality. If you're going to add your own logo to the cover art, take one extra step and remove the seal of quality. It diminishes things....
Wow that’s impressive! Certainly reads like the amount of work from a 14 person team. I’m used to ROM hacks being from 1-2 folks max. I would love an easily playable version of Gran Turismo 3 with this treatment.
Mystical Ninja starring Goemon is in my top 5 N64 games. I sadly never got to play the other, and frankly didn't even know there was a second one released until very recently.
I paid a "pretty penny" for the N64 game and manual a few years ago and I've been playing it off and on on N64. It still holds up so well and the music and sound effects is just so dang good. The comedy and laugh tracks are incredible.
I hope this comes to Switch in some form--I've always wanted it; preferably physically so it's not tied to a subscription service. Would love it as one of those recent Konami collections (Metal Gear Solid, Arcade Classics, Castlevania, etc.). Hell, we got Rocket Knight Adventures! Surely this will come too?!
For now, I'll be diving into Bakeru on September 3 hoping and wishing....
If memory serves me well, the GameCube stick is pretty solid feeling when compared to the looser N64 stick. I’ve been having a tough time with the FPS games on N64 and I don’t remember it being that hard to aim growing up. If this new stick makes it tighter, than alone would make me want to get this as a general upgrade.
Wait wait wait... Folks actually made a game called "Lady Stalker"!? Who thought that was a good idea!?
Jokes aside, this is pretty wild. I know the game is highly regarded, even by myself and best friend, but never expected a "Landstalker Maker"! I hope someday we get a remake or something. It's going to be a difficult task because I think a lot of folks have huge nostalgia for the game, which includes the music and sound effects and all that original charm. There's not much you can change without affecting its core and frankly, there's not much to really update beyond the controls, but it would still be cool to see some new acknowledgement to the Landstalker series!
It's funny because I just started a new file on NSO last night and I've only beaten the game once on Genesis way back in the day. It's sort of a summer time game for me... I keep starting new files and not reaching the end... Hope that changes this time!
As Blaster Master is my favorite series, this is really cool news to me! I've never owned an SNES so if this comes in ROM form, I'll be playing it on my Analogue I just beat the NES version again about a week ago on NSO. The music is just so damn good.
I see the K.K. and fire flower and Nintendo merch in the lower-left corner — is that a hint that it's coming to Switch!? Also, the "No, we will meet again..." photo is deeply unsettling to me for some reason. Looks quite distrubing so im pretty excited for this!
@RetroGames I’m eating my words!! There are so many retro systems coming out I completely mixed this up with another. I’m going to edit my comment. Thanks!!
I'm sort of tempted for some reason. I don't like that it doesn't play carts because I have quite the library but I do have the ROMs dumped from them and I could load those up of course. Absolutely more convenient.
Honestly, the real deal-breaker is going to come down to how the D-pad feels. I was lucky enough to have a pretty good d-pad on my Analogue but I'm always wishing it was just a little better-feeling. The OG GB and GBC nailed the d-pad feel.
Thanks for the thorough review! Very — VERY — tempted by this... I use my Analogue Pocket around the house (either on the couch, patio, or dock) but this one here is begging to be taken out, spoiled, and shown the world! For that price it's hard to say no...
Loving this but lack of GBA support kills it for me. That, and I already have a modded GBA, GBC, and GB and an analogue pocket. With that setup I can do all I need to with what I already have. I like how the Analogue is an all-in-one and I don’t need to bring multiple systems with me to do the job that 1 can do.
I wish them luck though! This has a lot going for it for those that want an “in” on FPGA
@Bonggon5 I always forget about input lag. I’ve never noticed it much in the games I play or have played over the years but now that you mention it, I don’t remember punch out being as hard as it is for me these days. Bald Bull is usually where I notice the split second timing requirement.
I’m definitely sticking with the analogue pocket: I’m already juggling 2 handhelds between the analogue and my 3DS and I don’t really need a third!
Why is this so tempting 😫 I love my Analogue Pocket but the lack of save states in most of the FPGA cores leaves some to be desired. Physical carts have save states and that’s great but Genesis and SNES etc are lacking those, hence why something like this is tempting.
Incube8 is really making a name for themselves, at least for me. I really appreciate them offering demos of these games… I’m trying out Zephyr’s Pass a little later after I get it transferred over onto my Analogue Pocket. Still waiting on my holy grail: Dragonyhm!
I absolutely loved reading this article. Seems like a genuine cool and down to earth guy making a game out of love and experimentation to provide something completely fresh but still familiar. I’m not going to lie, I was sort of ignoring the game because it didn’t seem like anything too special (honestly, mainly because of all the shovelware one must sift though these days) but not anymore! I’m adding this to my wishlist right after I add this comment. I love the art style and stuff… looks like a lot of Metroid 1 isolation and that’s what I like.
😩 why cant they port this over to NSO or Switch in general. I know some folks hate it but there are many who love, no, cherish, this game, myself included. I am so hoping we get a 3D collection or something someday. My N64 is in storage until I get myself a decent HDMI adapter for N64 and all I can do is listen to the soundtrack and wish I could play it again.
EDIT: So hurt over the inability to play this game that I forgot to comment on the content of the article LOL
For folks who love the game, even just hearing that "success" chime that the code was input correctly was cool. It's crazy that these codes go unpublished for so long. If I were a developer, I'd have spilled the beans loooong ago that this code exists.
WaaaaaAAAAAAATTT Blaster Master is my favorite NES game and I didn’t even know this. That’s crazy cool. I think it’s a better fit for NES/home console but who knows what would’ve become of series had this gone through. Wow I’m floored with this news honestly. I don’t know what else can be done with the series because I feel like those Zero remakes were amazing as is but I’d love some more blaster master any day of the week. Maybe they can have Sofia 3rd live on into a new storyline. It’s such a cool universe…
Comments 148
Re: The Mega Drive / Genesis Shmup 'ZPF' Gets New Lore Trailer & Release Date
This one passed me by but it looks pretty damn cool. Will keep my eye out for an official ROM since I do most of my new-release-Genesis’ing on my Analogue Pocket. (Astebros, Demons of Asteborg, etc.)
Up next: Earthion!
Re: The Survival Horror Game 'Signalis' Just Got An Unofficial Demake For The Game Boy
I’ll be checking this out!
I love demakes…. I recently realized/learned that Quest 64 has an official demake counterpart: Quest RPG: Brian’s Journey. Makes me view all gameboy (color) games with a console counterpart as a demake…
Re: Almost 20 Years After It Ended Production, A Brand-New PS1 Motherboard Is In Development
A portable PlayStation?
Hopefully there is a slider switch to turn on anti-skip like in the days of the CD Walkman! 😉
Re: Gallery: Getting To Grips With New NES Shmup Changeable Guardian Estique
Hopefully there is a digital version! Broke Studio has very quickly become my retro go-to for new games. Their ads are amazing also lol
Re: Taki Udon Teases FPGA PS1's "SuperDock"
I still haven't decided if I want black or white. Probably going with white... This whole thing has me so excited...
Re: Someone Is Trying To Bring Super Mario 64 To The GBA
BLOODY impressive ... WOW.
I'm not sure I would actually ever play this with the proper D-pad — which means the target audience is people using emulators — but this is extremely impressive. I wish more GBA games would come out for this reason. Heaps come out for gameboy and gameboy color but not that many for GBA. I feel it's still got potential, and this is a perfect example. Wow.
Re: Flashback: One Of Gaming's Worst Pads Almost Led To A Controller That Promised To Change Gaming Forever
Did anyone call the number at the end of the ad? Haha
I honestly think this capacitive d-pad sounds good on paper/in theory but from experience, with touch screens, they don’t work well with games. When subsidizing regular controls with a touch interface (PS4/5 touch controller and DS/3DS) it can work great but not when solely relying on them for most inputs.
This is why I stray from mobile games and refuse to play them on my phone or iPad. Sure, it’s a better time than ever with now being able to easily connect an Xbox or PS5 controller to the phone, but I just can’t get onboard. I like a dedicated device for (serious) gaming. Tactile feel all the way!
Re: "We Are Now 0.3 Seconds Off Of Absolute Perfection" Says Super Mario Speedrunner As He Sets New World Record
I cannot believe he used a keyboard. I can’t even play Mario regularly, or any other platformer for that matter, with anything other than a controller. I’ve really tried and it just doesn’t click and doesn’t feel right. That alone of impressive to me.
Re: Taki Udon's Groundbreaking FPGA PS1 Gets Detailed, Pricing Starts At $149
I’m scouring looking for a preorder link. I don’t have an account on that X website.
If I get my hands on this and my Analogue 3D preorder comes through (why shouldn’t it), I’ll be SET.
EDIT: they’re also on Bluesky, phew
You can sign up to be notified when they go on sale. I’m all set for now.
Re: Yuzo Koshiro Breaks Tradition With The Title Of Earthion's Opening Song
I am soooo beyond excited for this game to finally come out. It looks like it’s going to be a true delight. I’ll probably buy it on Switch (if it comes out on there) but ideally I want the Megadrive/Genesis ROM so I can play it on my Analogue Pocket. 🤤
Re: This Stylish Case Allows You To Build The N64 Mini Of Your Dreams
@Bod2019 @KitsuneNight I agree with you both… how many times have I booted up an all-in-one box and have choice paralysis or I pick something, play for a minute, and then die and immediately back out and go into another game. It’s like cruise control to quitting altogether.
Can’t wait for my analogue 3D!
Re: This Stylish Case Allows You To Build The N64 Mini Of Your Dreams
But does the pi5 play N64 games well enough now?
I’m waiting on the Analogue 3D for all my N64 needs but if the pi/emulators can finally run N64 comfortably… well…. That’s pretty dang cool.
Re: Best Of 2024: 3 Cities, 17 Stores – Our Epic Retro Gaming Hunt Across Japan
I am stoked ya’ll posted this article again. I am traveling to Japan in May and I was searching your site for “Japan” looking for this article or similar. I couldn’t find it but alas here it is!
I plan to visit some of these places
Thanks for sharing/reporting and happy holidays everyone.
Re: I Almost Quit Konami In The '80s, Says Hideo Kojima In Newly-Translated Interview
Kojima is a treasure. Always pushing boundaries and making you ponder, quite hard at times.
I know he’s not everyone’s bag of tea but when it comes down to it, he’s one of the only that’s actually trying new things and shoving away norms and conventions. I love that… I like new concepts in games, not rehashing the same old, same old and that’s why I will always give his games full attention.
I enjoy his interviews… Thanks for the years of innovation and great stories, Hideo!
Re: This Christmas, You'll Be Able To Play SNES Batman Returns On Your Genesis, For Free
I think this is so cool. Thank you, Pyron, TiagoSC, InglebardMusic and vectororbitex7866!
I’m definitely going to be giving this a go!
Re: Review: The GBA Pixel Book - A Gorgeous Tribute To The Last Great 2D Console
This reminded me of my Demons of Asteborg DX preorder that I am stoked for! The colors pop on that and they seem to be bright and vibrant on these pages too really showing what the GBA was all about. DOA:DX looks to really push the boundaries on what the GBA can do. The Genesis game is really fun too, this DX version being the demake for GBA, so I’m really looking forward to it.
This book looks a bit like DVLSBLSH’s zines and mini-zines but with text added. I have the full collection so far of those and they’re a real treat to go through. If this truly is anything like that, I may have to add it to my book shelf as well.
Re: "Absolutely Horrid" - Is Nintendo Switch Online's Emulation Really That Bad?
“Impossible to use”
So that makes me a super hero, or like… really special because I use it all the time right?
I do notice lag on some games. Like for example, Sonic Superstars is horrid when docked. Or it was anyway last time I played. In handheld, there’s almost no lag at all.
This is a tough topic because a company like Nintendo wants to create new experiences and not just keep cashing in on their old games. So from a business standpoint, why would they dump tons of money into the past. On the other hand, licensing it out to another company would probably not be worth it financially, especially when they can do it themselves as they have been.
I myself have not noticed much lag on NSO, and definitely not to the “impossible to use” degree, but I know it’s present for some of the games I play.
Re: Review: ModRetro Chromatic Is So Close To The Real Thing You'd Think Nintendo Made It
How do you have Dragonyhm?! I know it’s supposed to release Q4 2024 but seeing it out in the wild while I still haven’t received mine is making me salty.
Can’t wait to play that game- I’m dropping everything when it releases and I really want to play it over Xmas!
Re: 29 Years Later, A New Donkey Kong Country 2 Cheat Code Has Been Discovered
@nocdaes I’m currently working through 1 on GBA and it’s been great! I can’t wait to start 2!
Re: 29 Years Later, A New Donkey Kong Country 2 Cheat Code Has Been Discovered
@Serpenterror ah, this confirms it! I always wondered about this, if these extra secret codes were for debugging. It makes complete sense if that’s the case.
My most fond memory of debugging was the Sonic 3 debug mode cheat. It was kind of like Mario Maker but for Sonic
Re: 29 Years Later, A New Donkey Kong Country 2 Cheat Code Has Been Discovered
It always blows my mind that the original devs don't announce these things after a certain point. Even to go on game websites and just anonymously upload some of these cheat codes to the list of cheat codes. If I ever released a game, I personally would have cracked after even 5 years of someone not knowing about the cheat codes built-in.
Re: Original Super Mario Bros. Gets Upgraded Game Boy Color Port, Complete With Yoshi And Wario
@combywomby I sort of figured they had some prior experience and it was more of an "applying what I know to GB Studio over the past 5 months." But still, that's impressive to me.
This is actually really helpful. I was sort of against GB Studio because I started noticing a lot of the games built with it end up looking more or less same-y (Pokémon style, top-down RPG, etc.) but I think I need to just face the facts and start working it. It seems like it would be helpful.
I wanted to make a game sort off like a homage to Blaster Master (a platformer with a vehicle that you can disembark from and explore on foot). Thanks for the motivation!
Re: Original Super Mario Bros. Gets Upgraded Game Boy Color Port, Complete With Yoshi And Wario
My god if you can make this with 5 months of learning… I feel like a turd for not learning game programming. It’s all I’ve ever wanted to do but I always get tripped up on some things. I’ve tried multiple guides and books and they always get too crazy without explaining some things and then I’m left with questions and I ultimately give up.
I might take a crack at it again, this gave me motivation!
Re: Pre-Orders For FPGA N64 'Analogue 3D' Open Next Week, Will Cost $250
@nocdaes I LOVE shadows of the empire!!
Also, you reminded me, I have a copy of Resident Evil 2 for N64 but it glitches out when I play it through my RetroTink so it's been largely unplayable. I have a hunch it's something to do with the pre-rendered backgrounds. I wouldn't have thought it would trip it up at all but it's the only thing I can think of. I believe the cart to be in good working order otherwise...
That will change when I get this Analogue 3D!
Re: Pre-Orders For FPGA N64 'Analogue 3D' Open Next Week, Will Cost $250
I'll finally be able to play Star Wars Rogue Squadron and see the tie-fighters again! Really so much looking forward to this. You'll see me in line on release day!
Re: Why Silent Hill 2's Most Important Item Has Become Even More Meaningful To The Original Localiser
Th original's reading was gut-wrenching. Even back in 2001 as a teenager, it was moving. I played through the OG again about 2 years ago and I sat there listening to that monologue by Monica Taylor Horgan in tears. One of the best VA moments in history. I can't wait until I get there in the remake. It's been quite amazingly good so far.
Re: The Story Of 'Infinity', The Game Boy Color RPG 25 Years In The Making
I’ve been desperately waiting for this to go up for preorder! I slept on the kickstarter/waited too long like a fool and I regret it. I’d love to have the chance to be an official backer and get my hands on this. Either way, this was a great read and it’s great to get some proper background on this future gem!
Re: Fanmade Double Dragon SNES Port Adds New MSU-1 Intro & Audio
Small gripe/Hot take: I feel fan-made ports and stuff should remove the Nintendo Seal of Quality. If you're going to add your own logo to the cover art, take one extra step and remove the seal of quality. It diminishes things....
Re: 20 Years On, PS2 Classic Gran Turismo 4 Gets A Fan-Made Retune
Wow that’s impressive! Certainly reads like the amount of work from a 14 person team.
I’m used to ROM hacks being from 1-2 folks max. I would love an easily playable version of Gran Turismo 3 with this treatment.
Re: The Making Of: Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon, Konami's Underrated N64 Classic
Mystical Ninja starring Goemon is in my top 5 N64 games. I sadly never got to play the other, and frankly didn't even know there was a second one released until very recently.
I paid a "pretty penny" for the N64 game and manual a few years ago and I've been playing it off and on on N64. It still holds up so well and the music and sound effects is just so dang good. The comedy and laugh tracks are incredible.
I hope this comes to Switch in some form--I've always wanted it; preferably physically so it's not tied to a subscription service. Would love it as one of those recent Konami collections (Metal Gear Solid, Arcade Classics, Castlevania, etc.). Hell, we got Rocket Knight Adventures! Surely this will come too?!
For now, I'll be diving into Bakeru on September 3 hoping and wishing....
Re: Hyperkin's "No-Drift" N64 Stick Is Available Now
Guess I’m sticking with my Brawler 64 controller which has been stellar honestly.
Re: Hyperkin's "No-Drift" N64 Stick Is Available Now
If memory serves me well, the GameCube stick is pretty solid feeling when compared to the looser N64 stick.
I’ve been having a tough time with the FPS games on N64 and I don’t remember it being that hard to aim growing up. If this new stick makes it tighter, than alone would make me want to get this as a general upgrade.
Re: Sick Of Waiting For A New Landstalker? Then Build Your Own With This Tool
Wait wait wait... Folks actually made a game called "Lady Stalker"!? Who thought that was a good idea!?
Jokes aside, this is pretty wild. I know the game is highly regarded, even by myself and best friend, but never expected a "Landstalker Maker"!
I hope someday we get a remake or something. It's going to be a difficult task because I think a lot of folks have huge nostalgia for the game, which includes the music and sound effects and all that original charm. There's not much you can change without affecting its core and frankly, there's not much to really update beyond the controls, but it would still be cool to see some new acknowledgement to the Landstalker series!
It's funny because I just started a new file on NSO last night and I've only beaten the game once on Genesis way back in the day. It's sort of a summer time game for me... I keep starting new files and not reaching the end... Hope that changes this time!
Re: NES Classic Blaster Master Is Being Ported To The SNES
As Blaster Master is my favorite series, this is really cool news to me! I've never owned an SNES so if this comes in ROM form, I'll be playing it on my Analogue I just beat the NES version again about a week ago on NSO. The music is just so damn good.
Re: Suda51's PS1 Horror 'Moonlight Syndrome' Is Getting An English Translation
I see the K.K. and fire flower and Nintendo merch in the lower-left corner — is that a hint that it's coming to Switch!?
Also, the "No, we will meet again..." photo is deeply unsettling to me for some reason. Looks quite distrubing so im pretty excited for this!
Re: Interview: ModRetro CEO On What Makes Chromatic The Ultimate Game Boy In 2024
@RetroGames I’m eating my words!! There are so many retro systems coming out I completely mixed this up with another. I’m going to edit my comment. Thanks!!
Re: Interview: ModRetro CEO On What Makes Chromatic The Ultimate Game Boy In 2024
I'm sort of tempted for some reason.
I don't like that it doesn't play carts becauseI have quite the library but I do have the ROMs dumped from them and I could load those up of course. Absolutely more convenient.Honestly, the real deal-breaker is going to come down to how the D-pad feels. I was lucky enough to have a pretty good d-pad on my Analogue but I'm always wishing it was just a little better-feeling. The OG GB and GBC nailed the d-pad feel.
Re: Review: Anbernic RG35XX SP - Superb GBA SP Clone That's Worth Every Penny At $70
Thanks for the thorough review! Very — VERY — tempted by this... I use my Analogue Pocket around the house (either on the couch, patio, or dock) but this one here is begging to be taken out, spoiled, and shown the world!
For that price it's hard to say no...
Re: Chromatic Is A FPGA-Based Game Boy From Palmer Luckey
Loving this but lack of GBA support kills it for me.
That, and I already have a modded GBA, GBC, and GB and an analogue pocket. With that setup I can do all I need to with what I already have. I like how the Analogue is an all-in-one and I don’t need to bring multiple systems with me to do the job that 1 can do.
I wish them luck though! This has a lot going for it for those that want an “in” on FPGA
Re: AYANEO's Game Boy-Style Pocket DMG Boasts An OLED Screen
@Bonggon5 I always forget about input lag. I’ve never noticed it much in the games I play or have played over the years but now that you mention it, I don’t remember punch out being as hard as it is for me these days.
Bald Bull is usually where I notice the split second timing requirement.
I’m definitely sticking with the analogue pocket: I’m already juggling 2 handhelds between the analogue and my 3DS and I don’t really need a third!
Re: AYANEO's Game Boy-Style Pocket DMG Boasts An OLED Screen
Why is this so tempting 😫
I love my Analogue Pocket but the lack of save states in most of the FPGA cores leaves some to be desired.
Physical carts have save states and that’s great but Genesis and SNES etc are lacking those, hence why something like this is tempting.
Re: Game Boy Color "Technical Showpiece" Zephyr's Pass Launches This June
Incube8 is really making a name for themselves, at least for me. I really appreciate them offering demos of these games… I’m trying out Zephyr’s Pass a little later after I get it transferred over onto my Analogue Pocket.
Still waiting on my holy grail: Dragonyhm!
Re: PS1 Emulation Comes To iPhone Via Gamma
@IntrepidWombat it’s not that it wasn’t possible, it’s that it wasn’t allowed. Recently Apple flipped the switch to allow emulators.
Re: The Making Of: Animal Well, 2024's Most Unique Metroidvania
I absolutely loved reading this article. Seems like a genuine cool and down to earth guy making a game out of love and experimentation to provide something completely fresh but still familiar.
I’m not going to lie, I was sort of ignoring the game because it didn’t seem like anything too special (honestly, mainly because of all the shovelware one must sift though these days) but not anymore! I’m adding this to my wishlist right after I add this comment. I love the art style and stuff… looks like a lot of Metroid 1 isolation and that’s what I like.
Re: Sega's Turn-Based Strategy Sim 'The Hybrid Front' Is Getting An English Fan Translation
Holy wow this is advance wars but on Genesis. I like the more drab and darker tone and art design a lot!
Re: Google's Wildly Inaccurate Attempt To Celebrate Sonic Causes Complete Confusion
100% reads like an AI vomit. I wouldn’t doubt if it actually was.
Re: New Konami Code Discovered In Castlevania Game 25 Years Later
😩 why cant they port this over to NSO or Switch in general. I know some folks hate it but there are many who love, no, cherish, this game, myself included. I am so hoping we get a 3D collection or something someday. My N64 is in storage until I get myself a decent HDMI adapter for N64 and all I can do is listen to the soundtrack and wish I could play it again.
EDIT: So hurt over the inability to play this game that I forgot to comment on the content of the article LOL
For folks who love the game, even just hearing that "success" chime that the code was input correctly was cool. It's crazy that these codes go unpublished for so long. If I were a developer, I'd have spilled the beans loooong ago that this code exists.
Re: Miyoo Is Launching The Game Boy Micro-Style A30 This April
Ugh these Miyoo’s are really starting to get tempting. I absolutely adore my Analogue Pocket but … these are just so damn cool looking.
Re: 22 Years Later, GBA Action RPG 'Kien' Is Finally Coming Out
The music is sounding like it’s slowing down and then playing fast to catch up.
I love incube8 games but this looks like it needs some polish.
Re: We Almost Got The "Definitive" Version Of Blaster Master In Arcades
Blaster Master is my favorite NES game and I didn’t even know this.
That’s crazy cool. I think it’s a better fit for NES/home console but who knows what would’ve become of series had this gone through. Wow I’m floored with this news honestly.
I don’t know what else can be done with the series because I feel like those Zero remakes were amazing as is but I’d love some more blaster master any day of the week. Maybe they can have Sofia 3rd live on into a new storyline. It’s such a cool universe…