I never play Switch handheld. For me, those grand kinds of games lose their fidelity sort of. I always preferred the big screen, a proper controller, and the couch when gaming. I don’t even like gaming on a computer (screen) all that much.
That being said, the Analogue Pocket and dock has been a game changer, even moreso than a Switch for me. I almost play retro games exclusively so having my library mobile and on the TV all while having the same save file between both has been so amazing. No internet connection required, no installing, no nuances. It’s totally backwards but the Switch for me is like a proof of concept, i.e., the Switch walked so the Pocket could run. I love the Switch but if I had to choose between the pocket and the switch, you’ll find me with the smaller device over in the corner.
Honestly, as far as I’m concerned, this guy just wrote his own obituary. It shows how out of touch he is with the fans; no wonder the past bunch of Sonic games fell flat. He needs to step down sooner than later and get someone in there that knows the fans. For the new generation, I can see the nostalgia factor being non-existent with the hand drawn pixel art and stuff but that’s it.
@EarthboundBenjy I’m with you on this, even with loving Castlevania 64. I’d love if this was playable on Switch or even on N64 hardware itself (ahem Limited Run Games or some other retro publishing equivalent.) I just don’t enjoy gaming on PC or Mac as much as consoles so being able to do the latter would be ideal for me. This graphical style above speaks volumes to me. Now I want to play Castlevania 64 again. Here’s to hoping we get that on NSO this year around spooky season!
I don’t think I was aware of there even being more than 1 volume, never mind 3! I remember the single cart we got in US… the thought of obtaining 3DS games still gets me excited. I miss the system being “current” and the regular physical releases so much! I hope there’s a way to have some sort of 3DS game card slot or even a USB-type plug-in peripheral that reads them on the Switch successor.
I rented this game soooo many times as a kid. Well, my parents rented it for me.... I was too young at the time. Along with Sonic 3 & K, I play this game at least once a year. It is so well done!
Aweeeeeesssooooommmmeeeeee I have built up quite the collection of GB/GBC/GBA games and have been playing them on modded consoles (backlight and rechargeable batteries). I’ve been looking forward to the features this brings along with the “museum” and save states and all that. This is the system to have if you’re in your 30s.
Really digging the colors and I love the tiny details everywhere. This looks to be on par in quality with what Nintendo themselves did with the recent (Mario & Zelda) Game & Watch consoles that came out. Nintendo, take notes!
While I'm here, I'll just mention, we (still) need an N64 mini!
I loved playing this with my dad back in the day. Mario is such a staple for me: I remember how much of an improvement Mario 3 was and I actually remember finally learning how to run in Mario 3 (and then learning I could also do it in Mario) and I dropped the controller and ran and got my mom and showed her and told her I finally figured out how to run. From that day forward, that run button is held down at all times in all levels. Max speed or bust.
This is so exciting to see new games for these consoles. For those of us with modded GB/GBC and even the Analogue Pocket and Epilogue Gameboy Operator, we are eating good.
I’m so looking forward to some of these GBC games coming out, especially Dragonhym. I was hoping to hear more about Infinity too…
Oh wow... Not going to lie, I wasn't really paying much attention to Evercade but now they've got my interest. Sunsoft made me sit up in my chair.
They seem to be very in touch with what folks want: physical collectable media and the option to play the titles as they originally were or with any of the enhancements they've done. I love that. It's really refreshing to see a competitor in "the console wars" making such big strides with this 3rd party support. Well then, might be buying an Evercade sooner than I thought.
Wow this guy was really playing the part of internal disruptor! Like a secret spy/mole working within. It’s always cool finding these secrets out- I’ll be sad once absolutely everything is uncovered in these old games.
Huge fan of the divisive Castlevania 64 here. I loved Circle of the Moon because it had some of the same music from that 64 counterpart in there and at the time CotM was a real looker and listener for a “gameboy.” So point being, I really do enjoy CotM best probably based on nostalgia and bias. I was in the military when the next 2 came out so I never really got to play them until recently on Switch. Really enjoyed them but always find myself jumping for CotM.
These hand-drawn images still give me such a warm feeling, whether they're the old or the re-scanned version.
In an alternate world, the Pokémon games took a different turn art-wise. I love the colorfulness but wish they kind of incorporated these drawings and their style in some way. Even if it was just in the Pokedex. Speaking of Pokémon, I've seen recently someone took the original Red/Blue games and applied an Octopath/2D HD style to them and it looks great. Throw in some more colors so it's not so muted and you'd have a sale from me!
I remember reading Nintendo saying they aren’t making another because there’s nowhere for the series to go, aka it sounds like they can’t think of a gimmick to set it apart. I think I read that over on sister site Nintendo Life… I think that’s crazy because look at Mario kart: it’s even got some of the same tracks and yet they keep rehashing that… What do I know- maybe that is their actual reason for not making another FZero, I just don’t think it’s a very good one…
I just got done playing the demo and it's actually really solid. My wallet is taking a beating recently but this one I feel like I need. Will likely click the buy button very shortly even though I know damn well I shouldn't.
I’m here to comment that although the original gameboy games 100% hold up, they are also 100x better on the original hardware/gameboy. I personally bought an original gameboy and even playing then same games on 3DS, they are are far superior on that original hardware (to me). There’s just something about playing them on the system they were intended. Gameboy Advance, however, is timeless.
There’s just something about that original gameboy and the way the games feel on that.
Yep — getting this. Wow this looks really good. I'm more on the "not-bullet hell" shmup camp so it's already got that going for it for me. Plus, those colors 😍
As someone who never played this game, I desperately hope it releases on NSO. I was always in the Mario Kart crowd and just never got around to playing this. Seems I’ve sorely missed out!
This is right up my alley and I’m so excited to play this when I get home today!! Was hoping I could add this to my ::cough:: 3DS… to play handheld or even to my ::cough:: Genesis mini…
Doesn’t matter, this looks incredible! They even used what looks like my favorite Sonic sprite! Sonic 3!
First, I want to comment, this site looks SNAZZY. I love it so much, @Damo! Last, I will likely be getting this... I have basically all the other mini consoles and I absolutely love them. I feel like I'm obligated to round out the collection with this one.
I can get down with this. I know it’s just a matter of time before our new tv, whenever that is, doesn’t include the L audio, R audio, video jacks. I’ve had my eye on “Ultra HDMI” for forever but A. I can’t find one when it’s in stock, if it even ever is anymore, and B. You can’t buy those directly; you must have someone install it for you. I have the skills to solder! I just need the part!
Anyway, since that’s been a chore to find for years, I’m contemplating this. It’s either this or go for the Polymega…
I have this on my "Buy now" list. Just waiting for the Ultra module. Between the Analogue Pocket and this, I'll have a means to play all my collection!
I would consider this if it had a lit screen. That omission can make this a really hard sell for me and likely some others which is a shame because otherwise this looks like a really fun and unique affair.
So… Is this technically considered a “quality of life” update for Gameboy?? This should’ve been part of that Productivity Suite that’s coming on Kickstarter!
@HexagonSun hey thanks for this! I never heard of it before and looks like a great alternative: no modding or chance to mess things up which I like. Looks like it’s on sale now too for a decent price.
@HexagonSun that would be a dream come true for me too… oh wow. I want that HDMI mod (“Ultra HDMI”) but you still can’t buy it yourself and install it. Sure, it’s quite involved having to solder around a very small chip (skill required), but I for one used to do it for work so I’d have no problem with the mod. In any case, it’s been sold out for a long time and is very expensive and hard to get… An Analogue alternative would be amazing…
I’m so excited for this … I may have missed it but for Gameboy games which are obviously compatible with Gameboy Color (adding a color palette):
I see you can choose between the screen modes:
“…For example, you can choose to view Game Boy games in the super-clear 'Analogue GB' display mode, or you can opt for the 'Original DMG' mode, which not only adds that authentic 'pea-soup' tint but also simulates the 160x144 pixel grid for a seriously authentic look. And that's not all; Game Boy games can also be played in display modes that simulate the greyscale screen of the Game Boy Pocket or the electroluminescent backlit screen of the Japan-only Game Boy Light. Although it's not available yet, Analogue OS will allow you to customise your Game Boy display mode in the future, so you can pick the colour filter you like most…”
…but can you also choose to go “GBC mode” or is that one of the future updates coming?
ANSWERED (thanks @87th!): ”I watched the Digital Foundry and Wulff Den videos on it. Game Boy games will play with the GBC colours by default, but there's options that reproduce the look of the Game Boy, Game Boy Pocket and Game Boy Light too. There's even a red one, which I guess is an homage to the Virtual Boy.”
I’m pretty sure the whole mini thing kind of works best with consoles. Handhelds are already mini. Or mini enough, rather. Still, I sort of want one, the only thing holding me back is the limited selection of games on each color.
Well I’ve clearly got to pick this back up. I bought it and played it for a bit and forget why I stopped. I probably got sidetracked with the other 1,000 games in my backlog.
Gonna fire this up tonight on my lovely SNES edition 3DS
Also, @Damo, a Star Fox article during Castlevania season?! Bold move!
@XiaoShao I honestly came down here to the comments to voice the same thing. How could Shining Force 2 be left out of ANY of the versions?! Dare I say, that’s the game that made me appreciate fire emblem. In fact, I play Fire Emblem to scratch my Shining Force 2 itch. Oooohhh I expect a lot of backlash for that comment but it’s not my fault I grew up in America where the only type of game of that kind at the time was Shining Force 2. Not saying it’s better, just saying it’s a perfected formula right there in Shining Force 2. Thankfully I have my Sega classics game on Switch!
I was sooo excited reading this article until I saw it’s only reaching classic platforms and not new hardware.... although that really sucks, I get it. I’ll no doubt be watching this game as it looks FANTASTIC and the premise is really enticing. I never loved tactical RPGs as much as I do now thanks to Stella Glow.
@roadrunner343 it would be the best ever! Mario Mondays, Toad Tuesdays, Wario Wednesday’s... you see the potential! The urinals and toilets can be designed live save rooms. The bathroom keys could be red keys. Beer tokens are star fox rings. The stairwell to the basement would play the underground theme (world 1-2). Beer taps are Samus upgrades ... aaahhhh!!
Tokyo is one of those places I just feel like I need to visit. Hopefully by the time I finally get to it I can visit here. It really sounds like a place that I would not only visit but try and open one of myself. I generally love theme bars.
I really like the idea of this but I don’t like what I’m reading about how everything is mapped to one button. :/ I also don’t like how we didn’t get the better version where you can pause and send to daycare and stuff. Not going to lie... I’d be buying one if not for those shortfalls. ...some of my shortfalls may be others’ benefits though. I’ll sit this one out and maybe wait for an update.
I abso-freakin-lutely LOVED Turok 1. I loved exploring an finding secret rooms and caves. It was a really large game for its time. The enemies in armor with pulse rifles were brutal! I know it's out on Steam which is awesome but I want the N64 controller as an option to play it!
I was just playing this on my modded Wii! Granted, it ran like a bowl of diarrhea, it was so cool to hear the sound effects and see the gameplay again. I always think of this game as the first grand theft auto or something like that. Such a cool game. Oh, and flying the plane is harder than flappy bird. Just sayin'. Great article!
Comments 148
Re: Poll: Handheld Or TV - How Do You Play Retro Games?
I never play Switch handheld. For me, those grand kinds of games lose their fidelity sort of.
I always preferred the big screen, a proper controller, and the couch when gaming. I don’t even like gaming on a computer (screen) all that much.
That being said, the Analogue Pocket and dock has been a game changer, even moreso than a Switch for me. I almost play retro games exclusively so having my library mobile and on the TV all while having the same save file between both has been so amazing. No internet connection required, no installing, no nuances. It’s totally backwards but the Switch for me is like a proof of concept, i.e., the Switch walked so the Pocket could run.
I love the Switch but if I had to choose between the pocket and the switch, you’ll find me with the smaller device over in the corner.
Re: Talking Point: Will Hand-Drawn Pixel Art Still Be Viable In Ten Years Time?
Honestly, as far as I’m concerned, this guy just wrote his own obituary. It shows how out of touch he is with the fans; no wonder the past bunch of Sonic games fell flat.
He needs to step down sooner than later and get someone in there that knows the fans.
For the new generation, I can see the nostalgia factor being non-existent with the hand drawn pixel art and stuff but that’s it.
Re: Cancelled N64 Title 'Dragon Sword' Is Being Resurrected
Oh nice, that would be cool…
I remember seeing 40 Winks released on that Brawler 64 N64 controller website.
Great controller by the way…
Re: Cancelled N64 Title 'Dragon Sword' Is Being Resurrected
@EarthboundBenjy I’m with you on this, even with loving Castlevania 64.
I’d love if this was playable on Switch or even on N64 hardware itself (ahem Limited Run Games or some other retro publishing equivalent.)
I just don’t enjoy gaming on PC or Mac as much as consoles so being able to do the latter would be ideal for me.
This graphical style above speaks volumes to me. Now I want to play Castlevania 64 again. Here’s to hoping we get that on NSO this year around spooky season!
Re: CIBSunday: Sega 3D Reprint Archives 1, 2 & 3 Triple Box (Nintendo 3DS)
I don’t think I was aware of there even being more than 1 volume, never mind 3! I remember the single cart we got in US…
the thought of obtaining 3DS games still gets me excited. I miss the system being “current” and the regular physical releases so much!
I hope there’s a way to have some sort of 3DS game card slot or even a USB-type plug-in peripheral that reads them on the Switch successor.
Re: If You Love The NES, You'll Want 8BitDo's Retro Mechanical Keyboard
Oh boy… might sell my keychron for this. It just looks so…..beautiful. Like @JJtheTexan said though, need to find out what switches are included.
Re: Anniversary: Sega's Shinobi III Is 30 Years Old
I rented this game soooo many times as a kid. Well, my parents rented it for me.... I was too young at the time.
Along with Sonic 3 & K, I play this game at least once a year. It is so well done!
Re: Castlevania: Nocture's Teaser Trailer Drops Tomorrow, Says Netflix
@MightyDemon82 Should already be better without the involvement of the evil (sexual misconduct) Warren Ellis.
Very much looking forward to one of the most iconic story arcs being adapted!
Re: Analogue Pocket Supply Is Finally Catching Up With Demand
I have built up quite the collection of GB/GBC/GBA games and have been playing them on modded consoles (backlight and rechargeable batteries).
I’ve been looking forward to the features this brings along with the “museum” and save states and all that. This is the system to have if you’re in your 30s.
Re: Random: This Custom Super Mario Bros. NES Looks Absolutely Incredible
Really digging the colors and I love the tiny details everywhere. This looks to be on par in quality with what Nintendo themselves did with the recent (Mario & Zelda) Game & Watch consoles that came out. Nintendo, take notes!
While I'm here, I'll just mention, we (still) need an N64 mini!
Re: 'Dark Souls Pro Skater' Isn't The Mod You Asked For, But It's The Mod You Need
There are some taaaaaalented people out here. Amazing LOL
Re: CIBSunday: Super Mario Bros. (NES)
I loved playing this with my dad back in the day. Mario is such a staple for me:
I remember how much of an improvement Mario 3 was and I actually remember finally learning how to run in Mario 3 (and then learning I could also do it in Mario) and I dropped the controller and ran and got my mom and showed her and told her I finally figured out how to run.
From that day forward, that run button is held down at all times in all levels. Max speed or bust.
Re: Round Up: Every Game Showcased At The First Homebrew Summer Showcase 2023
This is so exciting to see new games for these consoles. For those of us with modded GB/GBC and even the Analogue Pocket and Epilogue Gameboy Operator, we are eating good.
I’m so looking forward to some of these GBC games coming out, especially Dragonhym. I was hoping to hear more about Infinity too…
Re: Yuzo Koshiro Explains Why Etrian Odyssey's Battle Theme Sounds So Familiar
Now that’s cool… I can’t wait to try them all over again on Switch whenever I get around to dropping 80 smackers for the lot.
Re: Everything Revealed At The Evercade Showcase Vol. 1
Oh wow... Not going to lie, I wasn't really paying much attention to Evercade but now they've got my interest. Sunsoft made me sit up in my chair.
They seem to be very in touch with what folks want: physical collectable media and the option to play the titles as they originally were or with any of the enhancements they've done. I love that. It's really refreshing to see a competitor in "the console wars" making such big strides with this 3rd party support. Well then, might be buying an Evercade sooner than I thought.
Re: Random: Did You Know The German Zelda: Link's Awakening Has Secret Music And Adult Dialogue?
Wow this guy was really playing the part of internal disruptor! Like a secret spy/mole working within. It’s always cool finding these secrets out- I’ll be sad once absolutely everything is uncovered in these old games.
Re: New Video Takes A Look At A "Lost" Port Of 40 Winks For The Game Boy Color
Well this is neat! I’ll spring for a copy if it ever releases.
Re: Anniversary: Castlevania: Aria Of Sorrow Turns 20 Today
Huge fan of the divisive Castlevania 64 here. I loved Circle of the Moon because it had some of the same music from that 64 counterpart in there and at the time CotM was a real looker and listener for a “gameboy.”
So point being, I really do enjoy CotM best probably based on nostalgia and bias. I was in the military when the next 2 came out so I never really got to play them until recently on Switch. Really enjoyed them but always find myself jumping for CotM.
Re: Kirby's Dream Land 2 Gets The 'DX' Treatment
Oh wow that colorization looks NIICCEEE. It looks like Kirby’s Adventure!
Hats off to kkzero, thank you!!
Re: Archivists Rescan Ken Sugimori's Pokémon Artwork & The Difference Is Incredible
These hand-drawn images still give me such a warm feeling, whether they're the old or the re-scanned version.
In an alternate world, the Pokémon games took a different turn art-wise. I love the colorfulness but wish they kind of incorporated these drawings and their style in some way. Even if it was just in the Pokedex.
Speaking of Pokémon, I've seen recently someone took the original Red/Blue games and applied an Octopath/2D HD style to them and it looks great. Throw in some more colors so it's not so muted and you'd have a sale from me!
Re: F-Zero Gets Another Spiritual Successor In The Shape Of XF - eXtreme Formula
I remember reading Nintendo saying they aren’t making another because there’s nowhere for the series to go, aka it sounds like they can’t think of a gimmick to set it apart. I think I read that over on sister site Nintendo Life…
I think that’s crazy because look at Mario kart: it’s even got some of the same tracks and yet they keep rehashing that…
What do I know- maybe that is their actual reason for not making another FZero, I just don’t think it’s a very good one…
Re: The M.2 Is An Exciting New Loader For Nintendo GameCube
This looks, as they say, slick.
The gamecube was such a solid system and this looks to make it even better.
Re: 2021: Moon Escape Is A Promising New Open World Adventure For Game Boy
I just got done playing the demo and it's actually really solid. My wallet is taking a beating recently but this one I feel like I need. Will likely click the buy button very shortly even though I know damn well I shouldn't.
Re: Poll: Are Game Boy Games Still Worth Playing In 2023?
I’m here to comment that although the original gameboy games 100% hold up, they are also 100x better on the original hardware/gameboy.
I personally bought an original gameboy and even playing then same games on 3DS, they are are far superior on that original hardware (to me).
There’s just something about playing them on the system they were intended.
Gameboy Advance, however, is timeless.
There’s just something about that original gameboy and the way the games feel on that.
Re: Streets Of Rage Composer Yuzo Koshiro Is Working On A New Mega Drive / Genesis Game
Yep — getting this. Wow this looks really good. I'm more on the "not-bullet hell" shmup camp so it's already got that going for it for me. Plus, those colors 😍
Re: Making Diddy Kong Racing Changed My Life
As someone who never played this game, I desperately hope it releases on NSO. I was always in the Mario Kart crowd and just never got around to playing this. Seems I’ve sorely missed out!
Re: The Making Of: Sonic Triple Trouble 16-Bit, 2022's Best Fan-Made Reboot
This is right up my alley and I’m so excited to play this when I get home today!!
Was hoping I could add this to my ::cough:: 3DS… to play handheld or even to my ::cough:: Genesis mini…
Doesn’t matter, this looks incredible! They even used what looks like my favorite Sonic sprite! Sonic 3!
Re: Review: Mega Drive / Genesis Mini 2 - Sega's Sequel Scores CD Support
First, I want to comment, this site looks SNAZZY. I love it so much, @Damo!
Last, I will likely be getting this... I have basically all the other mini consoles and I absolutely love them. I feel like I'm obligated to round out the collection with this one.
Re: Review: RAD2X Is The Only HDMI Cable You Need For Your Retro Consoles
I can get down with this. I know it’s just a matter of time before our new tv, whenever that is, doesn’t include the L audio, R audio, video jacks.
I’ve had my eye on “Ultra HDMI” for forever but A. I can’t find one when it’s in stock, if it even ever is anymore, and B. You can’t buy those directly; you must have someone install it for you.
I have the skills to solder! I just need the part!
Anyway, since that’s been a chore to find for years, I’m contemplating this.
It’s either this or go for the Polymega…
Re: Polymega's Next Update Brings More SNES And Super Famicom Support
I have this on my "Buy now" list. Just waiting for the Ultra module. Between the Analogue Pocket and this, I'll have a means to play all my collection!
Re: Review: Playdate - Picking Things Up Where The Game Boy Left Off?
I would consider this if it had a lit screen. That omission can make this a really hard sell for me and likely some others which is a shame because otherwise this looks like a really fun and unique affair.
Re: Yuji Naka Killed "Dreamcast's Star Fox", Says Former Sega Producer
…So are we not going to talk about how Subotnick sounds like Robotnik in this Sonic-related article?
Re: Random: Game Boy WiFi Cartridge Lets You Browse Wikipedia On A Pea-Soup Screen
So… Is this technically considered a “quality of life” update for Gameboy??
This should’ve been part of that Productivity Suite that’s coming on Kickstarter!
Re: Hardware Review: Analogue Pocket - Potent FPGA Power In Portable Form
@HexagonSun hey thanks for this! I never heard of it before and looks like a great alternative: no modding or chance to mess things up which I like.
Looks like it’s on sale now too for a decent price.
Re: Hardware Review: Analogue Pocket - Potent FPGA Power In Portable Form
@87th awesome!! That actually sounds perfect… thanks for that info. You saved me a lot of time sifting through the internet. ✌️
Re: Hardware Review: Analogue Pocket - Potent FPGA Power In Portable Form
@HexagonSun that would be a dream come true for me too… oh wow.
I want that HDMI mod (“Ultra HDMI”) but you still can’t buy it yourself and install it. Sure, it’s quite involved having to solder around a very small chip (skill required), but I for one used to do it for work so I’d have no problem with the mod.
In any case, it’s been sold out for a long time and is very expensive and hard to get…
An Analogue alternative would be amazing…
Re: Hardware Review: Analogue Pocket - Potent FPGA Power In Portable Form
I’m so excited for this … I may have missed it but for Gameboy games which are obviously compatible with Gameboy Color (adding a color palette):
I see you can choose between the screen modes:
“…For example, you can choose to view Game Boy games in the super-clear 'Analogue GB' display mode, or you can opt for the 'Original DMG' mode, which not only adds that authentic 'pea-soup' tint but also simulates the 160x144 pixel grid for a seriously authentic look. And that's not all; Game Boy games can also be played in display modes that simulate the greyscale screen of the Game Boy Pocket or the electroluminescent backlit screen of the Japan-only Game Boy Light. Although it's not available yet, Analogue OS will allow you to customise your Game Boy display mode in the future, so you can pick the colour filter you like most…”
…but can you also choose to go “GBC mode” or is that one of the future updates coming?
ANSWERED (thanks @87th!):
”I watched the Digital Foundry and Wulff Den videos on it. Game Boy games will play with the GBC colours by default, but there's options that reproduce the look of the Game Boy, Game Boy Pocket and Game Boy Light too. There's even a red one, which I guess is an homage to the Virtual Boy.”
Re: Hardware Review: Game Gear Micro - Go Home Sega, You're Drunk
I’m pretty sure the whole mini thing kind of works best with consoles. Handhelds are already mini. Or mini enough, rather.
Still, I sort of want one, the only thing holding me back is the limited selection of games on each color.
Re: Feature: The Making Of Star Fox Command
Well I’ve clearly got to pick this back up. I bought it and played it for a bit and forget why I stopped. I probably got sidetracked with the other 1,000 games in my backlog.
Gonna fire this up tonight on my lovely SNES edition 3DS
Also, @Damo, a Star Fox article during Castlevania season?! Bold move!
Re: Hardware Review: Should You Import The Japanese Mega Drive Mini?
@XiaoShao I honestly came down here to the comments to voice the same thing. How could Shining Force 2 be left out of ANY of the versions?! Dare I say, that’s the game that made me appreciate fire emblem. In fact, I play Fire Emblem to scratch my Shining Force 2 itch. Oooohhh I expect a lot of backlash for that comment but it’s not my fault I grew up in America where the only type of game of that kind at the time was Shining Force 2. Not saying it’s better, just saying it’s a perfected formula right there in Shining Force 2. Thankfully I have my Sega classics game on Switch!
Re: Feature: Say Hello To Vixen 357, A Lost Mega Drive Classic That's Hitting The West This Year
I was sooo excited reading this article until I saw it’s only reaching classic platforms and not new hardware.... although that really sucks, I get it. I’ll no doubt be watching this game as it looks FANTASTIC and the premise is really enticing. I never loved tactical RPGs as much as I do now thanks to Stella Glow.
Re: Feature: A Tour Of Game Bar A Button, Tokyo's Treasure Trove Of Gaming Kitch
@roadrunner343 it would be the best ever! Mario Mondays, Toad Tuesdays, Wario Wednesday’s... you see the potential! The urinals and toilets can be designed live save rooms. The bathroom keys could be red keys. Beer tokens are star fox rings. The stairwell to the basement would play the underground theme (world 1-2). Beer taps are Samus upgrades ... aaahhhh!!
Re: Feature: A Tour Of Game Bar A Button, Tokyo's Treasure Trove Of Gaming Kitch
Tokyo is one of those places I just feel like I need to visit. Hopefully by the time I finally get to it I can visit here. It really sounds like a place that I would not only visit but try and open one of myself. I generally love theme bars.
Re: Feature: Getting Reacquainted With Tamagotchi, The Original Virtual Pet
I really like the idea of this but I don’t like what I’m reading about how everything is mapped to one button. :/ I also don’t like how we didn’t get the better version where you can pause and send to daycare and stuff.
Not going to lie... I’d be buying one if not for those shortfalls.
...some of my shortfalls may be others’ benefits though. I’ll sit this one out and maybe wait for an update.
Re: Flash Carts Could Be Slowly Killing Your Retro Consoles
@Priceless_Spork I'm laughing so hard at your comment LOL
Re: Flash Carts Could Be Slowly Killing Your Retro Consoles
( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)
Re: Feature: The Making Of Turok: Dinosaur Hunter
I abso-freakin-lutely LOVED Turok 1. I loved exploring an finding secret rooms and caves. It was a really large game for its time.
The enemies in armor with pulse rifles were brutal! I know it's out on Steam which is awesome but I want the N64 controller as an option to play it!
Re: Feature: The Making Of Body Harvest
I was just playing this on my modded Wii! Granted, it ran like a bowl of diarrhea, it was so cool to hear the sound effects and see the gameplay again. I always think of this game as the first grand theft auto or something like that. Such a cool game. Oh, and flying the plane is harder than flappy bird. Just sayin'.
Great article!