Definitely should be marketing that as a tate handheld. DS is already perfectly cornered with a jailbroken DS/3DS which are still incredibly plentiful.
Ah man, I thought this meant they were finally doing a game with my favorite four guitar no drums avant-garde jazz punk noise band Brain Desecrating Seksu.
Never supported them, never will. Their model, their name was suspect from the start. They and their silly diehards can bray about games preservation but they sell overpriced editions with lousy trinkets, sell expensive reprints of games readily available on the used market, and wrap it up under extensively insidious fomo marketing. People only think they want a copy of a novelty stinker like Night Trap because they've bought the idea that their copy will be worth tons of money someday which as with any forced collectible market is a larf because the value doesn't rise when thousands of people all buy into the same grift. They're only doing a puff apology now because they couldn't hide their shady behavior and lousy quality control anymore.
Holy crap I can't believe anyone buys the Mega SD with that registration nonsense. What a joke. Krikzz has been top of the line. Definitely getting one of these eventually for the Mega SG.
Not a shocker. Really sucks that most companies who set up shop in the retro space are some variety of shady, scummy, and/or greedy. And they generally get extensive grace by hiding behind the almighty games preservation and "community"
Worst in business for so many reasons and I can't wait for companies to realize it and stop working with them. This is probably the most egregious, not caring about potential damage to old and valued hardware while supposedly being aligned with a very dedicated segment of gamers.
Internet weenie needs to learn not everything is going to be immediately available at a Google search in English. Actual preservation is generally outside the volatile unpredictable Internet, as illustrated above.
Already tired of this blowhard and his comments showing up everywhere. Anyone with a lick of braincells knows the differences between hardware and software emulation, where the benefits of each lie with differing purposes and often differing audiences, and why it's silly to assert that one is definitively superior. So sick of savior complexes like this of people who just can't sleep at night knowing some random on Reddit is going to say the wrong thing about emulation. Randoms, who are almost certainly going to extract the wrong information from this guy's pedantic rants.
Not a shocker. It's amazing how entitled these jerks are who expect "the community" to provide all their wants and spoonfeed everything to them solely because they showed up. The retro space is infested with such parasites.
It's an attractive price and package to get into Mister with as close to plug and play as you can probably get. But as an FPGA PS1 that falls far past the mark when 1- it doesn't match the original deck's aesthetics very well 2-an add-on is required and 3-it doesn't run games from the disc but instead gives the ability to dump and run. At least before the Pocket and OpenFPGA, that was what made Analogue unique - a faithful remake that can play the original media in a plug n play setup. The headphone jack on the Mega SG surely means nothing to the just wanna play all the games crowd but for the Genesis enthusiast that is why Analogue is the best in class.
Anyway, cool product. Different products for different purposes but I'm sure people will call this an Analogue killer the same way Misterbros always ask why buy a Super NT when you can just use Mister.
Yeah that makes zero sense. Nintendo uses old proven tech to keep their hardware from being loss leaders and has a well proven history of reliable hardware. Sucks that this happens but it's definitely an aberration. Every one of my Nintendo consoles including the Wii u, Virtual Boy, and NES still fire up just fine which is more than I can say for my Xbox 360 slim which developed a nice GPU failure. And that is a similar thing I hear all the time from my friends when they dig out their old consoles. Good smackdown on that clout chaser.
Looks cool. Still going to buy Krikkz's product for the upcoming Analogue 3D. Costs more, but his stuff has always been near bulletproof, and his support is outstanding. He just released a revision of the Turbo Everdrive with smaller screws so it can insert cleanly into the Analogue Duo without having to make a small modification. When it comes to inserting something unofficial into my aging retro hardware I don't want to take any risks to save a few bucks.
Yikes. Reminds me of a friend back in the day who bought an off-brand expansion pack to save $10 and had constant overheating problems (despite sticking out the top of the slot with a vent). They aren't super cheap but it's not like N64 expansion packs are crazy expensive or hard to come by. Just pay a little more and get the real deal.
Always the comments of I played the really popular games that have gotten the most support fine therefore all N64 emulation is perfect. Glad others pointed out the real problem. Everyone thought since they had the previous consoles hacked together in parts just fine that the N64 would be a cinch using the same approach. It needs a dedicated focus on every game because every game could bring something new to the table. But so long as every dingus playing Mario 64 perpetuates the idea that it's fine as is..
I can't get enough of that form factor. I love the Analogue Pocket but GBA just never feels right with those lousy trigger buttons, black bars, and the wrong dpad. My modded OG GBA is great but the IPS isn't the best and has the occasional freeze. I can't deal with the SP's form factor, so this unit could be the one that finally satisfies my GBA needs. The big thing will be how this handles something like Circle of the Moon's colors.
Eh, NSO serves the masses. I don't expect perfection from a platform like that. If I want to noodle around in a curated list for a little while with some convenient features, I pull out the Switch. When I want to seriously play DKC2 or any number of games that'll never hit NSO, I'll sit down with the Super NT or whichever better solution/original hardware. The app wasn't built for the retro enthusiast, it's for tourists.
Greatest Mario 64 speedrunner for sure, but greatest speedrunner of all time is silly. That's like saying Tiger Woods is the greatest sports player of all time because he's arguably the top golfer. Or that Diddy is the greatest musician.
Be happy with what you've got, it's never getting any better than this. The constant argument is to compare games to books, movies, and music. Video Games are fundamentally different. They are not complete standalone packages and no one wants to be responsible for the upkeep ensuring everyone can play Karate Champ & Isolated Warrior at any time unless there's money to be had for the hassle. In the grand scheme of things we are a massively tiny fraction of people who enjoy video games. Couple that with a pay to play legal system and broken government which only has a chance to get fixed with a complete reboot, and that's why this is pointless. Be happy we've got the other methods we do because that could also go away someday when someone starts to think that there's lost revenue when people are playing outdated software instead of the new product.
@jamess the jailbreaks of past Analogue consoles aren't real jailbreaks. They're unofficial official firmware leaked by Analogue to add the play ROM from sd card feature. They don't allow you to load other cores or do anything the firmware isn't allowing. There are no real jailbreaks for any Analogue console. And the 'jailbreak' for the Duo took a long time to leak out so no one should buy the 3D with any expectation except playing carts and beyond that should only expect to play N64 roms someday.
Done in one. N3DSXL and CFW is already perfect and comes with all the extras like Virtual Boy emulation with 3D. The constant chatter of wishing for an Analogue DS or this or whatever is silly. Check back when there's not thousands of them listed on ebay at any given moment.
Nintendo's legal arm being as zealous as ever. Those videos are pointless anyway. We all know what the Nintendo games look like. Most retro YouTubers are wholly superfluous, parroting information posted in various forums and offering nothing but guides which are outdated and potentially dangerous if whatever method they advertise no longer works. They only exist to make a quick buck on people too lazy to look up the original info or mindlessly play gaming content in the background.
Very cool looking, hopefully it's not stupid hard as they tend to be. Definitely going to load this on the everdrive and take it for a spin on the AVS.
Yeah. I just quietly enjoy my Pocket and download cores when they show up. I don't know what it is about fpga people, misterbros, retro fans, and emulationbros, but they're all varying degrees of insufferable and all cross over with a device like this.
If it actually comes out and has a good build I'd be interested. I mostly use the Pocket for GB/C because GBA is not great for a few reasons. My modded original model GBA+everdrive does really well though. This thing would need a good display. And also it would need to actually release because it seems like every week a new fpga based console project is announced (and often trumped up as an Analogue killer) and they strike as very vaporous.
Seems superfluous. I've moved my controllers a bunch of times, I just put them in boxes and pack balled up plastic shopping bags in the gaps for shock protection. My old n64 sticks still work sans the wear and tear.
What's up with all these fpga vapor projects lately. Sounds like a lot of people thinking it would be so easy to be like Analogue or Mister are finding out the hard way.
Randal Linden is an absolute wizard, I've been a fan of his work since the first Bleem and it's too cool to see him pick up this project. Guess I'd finally get on an fx pak pro for the Super NT before they become in high demand.
Has he actually delivered anything? I keep hearing how he's changing the world and it's all over for Mister and Analogue but I've never actually seen a product made by this guy. Seems as vaporous as mars fpga right now.
Good lord some of you are ravenous, get a grip. I'm sure gaming will survive if this prototype of a spinoff's localization, which has long been fan translated, isn't dumped and shared. The game is perfectly available and this could easily be a garbage localization given the time period. Acting like petulant children does the cause of video game preservation no favors.
I applaud the effort, but the Super Game Boy enhancement already exists and plays beautifully on the Analogue Pocket core, and looks better than this. There's so many other great GB games to colorize, not sure why they picked this one.
@KitsuneNight I'm with you. Silly things, achievements.
Cheevers sure are preciously protective of them. Imagine throwing a fit because people are expressing opinions about an article's content in the comment box.
This looks awesome. I'm guessing it'll work fine on the jailbroken Super NT since the original didn't use any special chips, can't wait to check it out.
As someone who grew up in a noisy house with people who hated video games music and a TV that didn't have a headphone jack, I would have killed for a SNES or any other console outside of the Genesis with that option.
If there's one thing Nintendont, it's putting any kind of spotlight on their failures or things they've decided to bury. There's as much chance of these coming back as the Virtual Boy or satellite games.
Sounds unpleasant and unnecessary even when running right, when there's plenty of devices that can handle this not the least of which is a Wii U which handles both beautifully. Good for cheapskates and people with no other options I guess.
Looks like another piece of great hardware with the bottleneck of a bad control scheme. A better screen doesn't mean much to me if the dpad and layout can't stack up to the N3DS or Gamepad.
Who even uses something like that. There's a billion handheld devices that can play the library with a better form factor, and there's the Analogue Pocket which plays it as close to flawless as it gets. Might as well just watch a YouTube video of a game or use a browser based emulator if you're emulating on an iPhone lol
This kind of scummy behavior (and emulator bro swagger) is why the community is regarded so low. Also there's so many better ways to play this library, why on earth is anyone wanting to play it in iOS?
Comments 95
Re: This $75 Handheld Could Be The Best Way To Emulate Nintendo DS In 2025
Definitely should be marketing that as a tate handheld. DS is already perfectly cornered with a jailbroken DS/3DS which are still incredibly plentiful.
Re: Activision Comes Under Fire For Using AI Art To Gauge Interest In New Mobile Games
Ah man, I thought this meant they were finally doing a game with my favorite four guitar no drums avant-garde jazz punk noise band Brain Desecrating Seksu.
Re: SuperSega Back-Pedals With MiSTer FPGA, Aims For Lower Price
Lol all this and he's just going to end up delivering a mister in a box, if anything, and that is rapidly becoming an easily obtainable thing.
Re: Interview: "We’ve Certainly Made Mistakes" - Limited Run's Boss On Winning Back The Trust Of The Community
Never supported them, never will. Their model, their name was suspect from the start. They and their silly diehards can bray about games preservation but they sell overpriced editions with lousy trinkets, sell expensive reprints of games readily available on the used market, and wrap it up under extensively insidious fomo marketing. People only think they want a copy of a novelty stinker like Night Trap because they've bought the idea that their copy will be worth tons of money someday which as with any forced collectible market is a larf because the value doesn't rise when thousands of people all buy into the same grift. They're only doing a puff apology now because they couldn't hide their shady behavior and lousy quality control anymore.
Re: Review: Mega Everdrive Pro - The Best Flash Cart For Your Genesis / Mega Drive
Holy crap I can't believe anyone buys the Mega SD with that registration nonsense. What a joke. Krikzz has been top of the line. Definitely getting one of these eventually for the Mega SG.
Re: Retro-Bit Apologises For Using Fan-Translations Without Permission
Not a shocker. Really sucks that most companies who set up shop in the retro space are some variety of shady, scummy, and/or greedy. And they generally get extensive grace by hiding behind the almighty games preservation and "community"
Re: A New PS3 Emulator Has Been Released For Android, But Is Proving Controversial
Sad state that emulation attracts so many scumbags
Re: Got A Spare $13,000? You Could Own This "One-Off Dream" Copy Of Harry Potter On PS1
Bro really thinks he's got a diamond
Re: "This Cartridge Is A Tiny Time Bomb" - Limited Run Accused Of Selling Carts Which Can Damage Your NES
Worst in business for so many reasons and I can't wait for companies to realize it and stop working with them. This is probably the most egregious, not caring about potential damage to old and valued hardware while supposedly being aligned with a very dedicated segment of gamers.
Re: Why Famitsu's 'Perfect' Zelda: Ocarina Of Time Review Highlights "The Sorry State Of Preservation"
Internet weenie needs to learn not everything is going to be immediately available at a Google search in English. Actual preservation is generally outside the volatile unpredictable Internet, as illustrated above.
Re: Creator Of New Open-Source Game Boy Disagrees That FPGA Is Superior To Software Emulation
Already tired of this blowhard and his comments showing up everywhere. Anyone with a lick of braincells knows the differences between hardware and software emulation, where the benefits of each lie with differing purposes and often differing audiences, and why it's silly to assert that one is definitively superior. So sick of savior complexes like this of people who just can't sleep at night knowing some random on Reddit is going to say the wrong thing about emulation. Randoms, who are almost certainly going to extract the wrong information from this guy's pedantic rants.
Re: "There Is Only So Much I Can Take" - Creator Of Roland MT-32 Emulator MT32-Pi Calls It A Day
Not a shocker. It's amazing how entitled these jerks are who expect "the community" to provide all their wants and spoonfeed everything to them solely because they showed up. The retro space is infested with such parasites.
Re: Here's Your Best Look Yet At Taki Udon's SuperStation One FPGA PS1, And You Can Order It Now
It's an attractive price and package to get into Mister with as close to plug and play as you can probably get. But as an FPGA PS1 that falls far past the mark when 1- it doesn't match the original deck's aesthetics very well 2-an add-on is required and 3-it doesn't run games from the disc but instead gives the ability to dump and run. At least before the Pocket and OpenFPGA, that was what made Analogue unique - a faithful remake that can play the original media in a plug n play setup. The headphone jack on the Mega SG surely means nothing to the just wanna play all the games crowd but for the Genesis enthusiast that is why Analogue is the best in class.
Anyway, cool product. Different products for different purposes but I'm sure people will call this an Analogue killer the same way Misterbros always ask why buy a Super NT when you can just use Mister.
Re: SuperSega Refunds Are Still Missing As Creator "Cheats Death"
@ecco6t9 tommy at least had a good reputation once. I backed most of Video Games Live Kickstarters and he delivered every time.
Re: Creator Of Tool That Resurrects Bricked Wii U Consoles Doesn't Believe Nintendo Used "Faulty" Parts
Yeah that makes zero sense. Nintendo uses old proven tech to keep their hardware from being loss leaders and has a well proven history of reliable hardware. Sucks that this happens but it's definitely an aberration. Every one of my Nintendo consoles including the Wii u, Virtual Boy, and NES still fire up just fine which is more than I can say for my Xbox 360 slim which developed a nice GPU failure. And that is a similar thing I hear all the time from my friends when they dig out their old consoles. Good smackdown on that clout chaser.
Re: This New N64 / 64DD Flash Cart Offers A Cheaper Way To Play Your Favourite Games
Looks cool. Still going to buy Krikkz's product for the upcoming Analogue 3D. Costs more, but his stuff has always been near bulletproof, and his support is outstanding. He just released a revision of the Turbo Everdrive with smaller screws so it can insert cleanly into the Analogue Duo without having to make a small modification. When it comes to inserting something unofficial into my aging retro hardware I don't want to take any risks to save a few bucks.
Re: Oops, This Open Source N64 Expansion Pak Is Frying Consoles
Yikes. Reminds me of a friend back in the day who bought an off-brand expansion pack to save $10 and had constant overheating problems (despite sticking out the top of the slot with a vent). They aren't super cheap but it's not like N64 expansion packs are crazy expensive or hard to come by. Just pay a little more and get the real deal.
Re: Why Is N64 So Hard To Emulate In 2025? Modern Vintage Gamer Investigates
Always the comments of I played the really popular games that have gotten the most support fine therefore all N64 emulation is perfect. Glad others pointed out the real problem. Everyone thought since they had the previous consoles hacked together in parts just fine that the N64 would be a cinch using the same approach. It needs a dedicated focus on every game because every game could bring something new to the table. But so long as every dingus playing Mario 64 perpetuates the idea that it's fine as is..
Re: Review: Anbernic RG34XX - A GBA Clone That's So Good Nintendo's Name Should Be On It
I can't get enough of that form factor. I love the Analogue Pocket but GBA just never feels right with those lousy trigger buttons, black bars, and the wrong dpad. My modded OG GBA is great but the IPS isn't the best and has the occasional freeze. I can't deal with the SP's form factor, so this unit could be the one that finally satisfies my GBA needs. The big thing will be how this handles something like Circle of the Moon's colors.
Re: "Absolutely Horrid" - Is Nintendo Switch Online's Emulation Really That Bad?
Eh, NSO serves the masses. I don't expect perfection from a platform like that. If I want to noodle around in a curated list for a little while with some convenient features, I pull out the Switch. When I want to seriously play DKC2 or any number of games that'll never hit NSO, I'll sit down with the Super NT or whichever better solution/original hardware. The app wasn't built for the retro enthusiast, it's for tourists.
Re: Review: AYANEO Pocket DMG - This Pricey Emulation Monster Thinks It's A Game Boy
That stick placement and that price is the hardest of nopes.
Re: Mario 64 Speedrunning Declared "Dead" After Insane Feat From "The Greatest Speedrunner Of All Time"
Greatest Mario 64 speedrunner for sure, but greatest speedrunner of all time is silly. That's like saying Tiger Woods is the greatest sports player of all time because he's arguably the top golfer. Or that Diddy is the greatest musician.
Re: The Making Of: Wizardry, The Landmark RPG That Inspired Dragon Quest & Final Fantasy
Great write up. This is one of those games that has all my respect for what it inspired, but definitely never want to actually play.
Re: Legendary YouTube Channel Mega64 Is Facing Closure
Never saw the appeal in their content. Sad for them if they're drying up but also hard for me to say I'd miss them.
Re: The US Copyright Office Doesn't Want To Give You Access To Video Game History
Be happy with what you've got, it's never getting any better than this. The constant argument is to compare games to books, movies, and music. Video Games are fundamentally different. They are not complete standalone packages and no one wants to be responsible for the upkeep ensuring everyone can play Karate Champ & Isolated Warrior at any time unless there's money to be had for the hassle. In the grand scheme of things we are a massively tiny fraction of people who enjoy video games. Couple that with a pay to play legal system and broken government which only has a chance to get fixed with a complete reboot, and that's why this is pointless. Be happy we've got the other methods we do because that could also go away someday when someone starts to think that there's lost revenue when people are playing outdated software instead of the new product.
Re: Pre-Orders For FPGA N64 'Analogue 3D' Are Open Now
@jamess the jailbreaks of past Analogue consoles aren't real jailbreaks. They're unofficial official firmware leaked by Analogue to add the play ROM from sd card feature. They don't allow you to load other cores or do anything the firmware isn't allowing. There are no real jailbreaks for any Analogue console. And the 'jailbreak' for the Duo took a long time to leak out so no one should buy the 3D with any expectation except playing carts and beyond that should only expect to play N64 roms someday.
Re: Leaked Handheld Could Be The Perfect Way To Play Nintendo DS Games In 2024
Done in one. N3DSXL and CFW is already perfect and comes with all the extras like Virtual Boy emulation with 3D. The constant chatter of wishing for an Analogue DS or this or whatever is silly. Check back when there's not thousands of them listed on ebay at any given moment.
Re: Nintendo Is Now Going After YouTube Accounts Which Show Its Games Being Emulated
Nintendo's legal arm being as zealous as ever. Those videos are pointless anyway. We all know what the Nintendo games look like. Most retro YouTubers are wholly superfluous, parroting information posted in various forums and offering nothing but guides which are outdated and potentially dangerous if whatever method they advertise no longer works. They only exist to make a quick buck on people too lazy to look up the original info or mindlessly play gaming content in the background.
Re: 20 Years In The Making, Mario Adventure 3 Is The Ultimate Mario 3 ROM Hack
Very cool looking, hopefully it's not stupid hard as they tend to be. Definitely going to load this on the everdrive and take it for a spin on the AVS.
Re: Egads, There's More Drama In The FPGA Retro Gaming Community
Yeah. I just quietly enjoy my Pocket and download cores when they show up. I don't know what it is about fpga people, misterbros, retro fans, and emulationbros, but they're all varying degrees of insufferable and all cross over with a device like this.
Re: ModRetro Is "Certainly" Going To Create An FPGA Game Boy Advance
If it actually comes out and has a good build I'd be interested. I mostly use the Pocket for GB/C because GBA is not great for a few reasons. My modded original model GBA+everdrive does really well though. This thing would need a good display. And also it would need to actually release because it seems like every week a new fpga based console project is announced (and often trumped up as an Analogue killer) and they strike as very vaporous.
Re: This Tiny Piece Of Plastic Could Save Your N64's Analogue Stick
Seems superfluous. I've moved my controllers a bunch of times, I just put them in boxes and pack balled up plastic shopping bags in the gaps for shock protection. My old n64 sticks still work sans the wear and tear.
Re: SuperSega FPGA Team Understands Why You Think Its Console Is "Vapourware"
What's up with all these fpga vapor projects lately. Sounds like a lot of people thinking it would be so easy to be like Analogue or Mister are finding out the hard way.
Re: Zelda Movie Screenwriter Is Working On A Live-Action Eternal Champions Film
That's just crazy enough to be interesting. But they better work Jetta's killer theme into the score.
Re: Star Fox Will Take Advantage Of The New Super FX 3 Chip, Will Feature Rumble Support
Randal Linden is an absolute wizard, I've been a fan of his work since the first Bleem and it's too cool to see him pick up this project. Guess I'd finally get on an fx pak pro for the Super NT before they become in high demand.
Re: Creator Of $99 MiSTer FPGA Has An Open-Source Handheld In Development
Has he actually delivered anything? I keep hearing how he's changing the world and it's all over for Mister and Analogue but I've never actually seen a product made by this guy. Seems as vaporous as mars fpga right now.
Re: Dragon Quest SNES Prototype Worth $50,000 "Lost For Good"
Good lord some of you are ravenous, get a grip. I'm sure gaming will survive if this prototype of a spinoff's localization, which has long been fan translated, isn't dumped and shared. The game is perfectly available and this could easily be a garbage localization given the time period. Acting like petulant children does the cause of video game preservation no favors.
Re: Donkey Kong '94 Gets A 'DX' Game Boy Color Remaster, Thanks To Fans
I applaud the effort, but the Super Game Boy enhancement already exists and plays beautifully on the Analogue Pocket core, and looks better than this. There's so many other great GB games to colorize, not sure why they picked this one.
Re: Random: This Is One Device Doom Should Never Have Been Ported To
Now that's a man's toy.
Re: Ninty Media's Next Book Tackles The Game Boy Advance
I want to get it but I don't have a coffee table. Someone really should make a coffee table book with legs so it can turn into a coffee table.
Re: GameCube Gets Achievements Thanks To The Dolphin Emulator
@KitsuneNight I'm with you. Silly things, achievements.
Cheevers sure are preciously protective of them. Imagine throwing a fit because people are expressing opinions about an article's content in the comment box.
Re: 32 Years Later, Super Mario Kart Gets Fan-Made 'Horizons' Expansion
This looks awesome. I'm guessing it'll work fine on the jailbroken Super NT since the original didn't use any special chips, can't wait to check it out.
Re: AYANEO's Game Boy-Style Pocket DMG Boasts An OLED Screen
Sweet fancy Moses that stick placement.
Re: Multi-Console Emulator Provenance Coming The iPhone App Store, Nintendo Be Damned
This is sure to be some classic fafo, putting yuzu in there. Emulation bros, lol.
Re: Incredibly Rare SNES Prototype Goes Up For Auction
As someone who grew up in a noisy house with people who hated video games music and a TV that didn't have a headphone jack, I would have killed for a SNES or any other console outside of the Genesis with that option.
Re: Unpacking The 64DD, Nintendo's Most Infamous Flop
If there's one thing Nintendont, it's putting any kind of spotlight on their failures or things they've decided to bury. There's as much chance of these coming back as the Virtual Boy or satellite games.
Re: Don't Hold Your Breath For Wii And GameCube Emulation On The iPhone App Store
Sounds unpleasant and unnecessary even when running right, when there's plenty of devices that can handle this not the least of which is a Wii U which handles both beautifully. Good for cheapskates and people with no other options I guess.
Re: Review: AYANEO Flip DS - A Great (But Costly) Way To Play 3DS And Wii U In 2024
Looks like another piece of great hardware with the bottleneck of a bad control scheme. A better screen doesn't mean much to me if the dpad and layout can't stack up to the N3DS or Gamepad.
Re: iPhone NES Emulator Pulled From App Store "Out Of Fear"
Who even uses something like that. There's a billion handheld devices that can play the library with a better form factor, and there's the Analogue Pocket which plays it as close to flawless as it gets. Might as well just watch a YouTube video of a game or use a browser based emulator if you're emulating on an iPhone lol
Re: Game Boy Emulator That Topped iPhone App Store Gets Yanked For Copyright Infringement
This kind of scummy behavior (and emulator bro swagger) is why the community is regarded so low. Also there's so many better ways to play this library, why on earth is anyone wanting to play it in iOS?