Comments 8

Re: Level-5's 3DS Cinematic Adventure 'Time Travelers' Receives English Fan Translation


I remember seeing this game previewed in ONM back in the day, shame it never got an official western release but nice to see people are passionate enough to translate it all these years later.

I don't know what the post-game life sim mode entails, but it sounds like a great idea. I always like it when games let you keep interacting with the characters after beating the game and they actually acknowledge that the world has been saved or whatever, so I like the sound of being able to keep doing that in a full life sim setting.

Re: Poll: So, What's Your Favourite Controller Of All Time?


I went for the Wii U GamePad. It looks bulky but it's surprisingly comfortable to hold, and I love having the second screen built into the controller. The only downside is that the picture quality and colours on the screen leave something to be desired sometimes, but I can forgive that given that this poll is for your favourite controller rather than the objective best.