I still have some minidiscs from the late 90s but my stereo I got from Comet (the defunct store and not the reindeer) for Christmas many moons ago is long gone sadly.
If you don't like something you can always ask for your money back rather than be a tool. This was free so I am sure they would have no qualms giving you your nothing back if you aren't happy.
@Kiz3000 Thanks for the info. Bought the VS last year and been contemplating getting some more. Didn't know some where going out of print. Got the ones going out of print ordered now ordered now with regular Evercade. Probably going to get the full collection throughout the rest of the year. Gotta collect 'em all.
Comments 10
Re: The Race Is On To Save PSX From The Abyss, And It's Being Led By The Xbox Modding Community
As it has the PS and X in the name it makes sense that it would bring the two communities together in harmony!
Re: 'SuperSega' FPGA Console Will Play Genesis, Master System, Saturn And Dreamcast Games
Did someone go on a camping holiday and think "I have a great design idea for a Super Sega console"?
Re: Teen Who "Beat" Tetris Told To "Go Outside And Get Some Fresh Air"
Teenagers can't win. Criticised for playing games at home, criticised for hanging around outside.
Re: Why MiniDisc, Sony's Precursor To The PSP UMD, Is Still Alive In 2023
I still have some minidiscs from the late 90s but my stereo I got from Comet (the defunct store and not the reindeer) for Christmas many moons ago is long gone sadly.
Re: Random: So, How Tall Is Metroid's Samus Aran?
@Ear_wiG I want some Samus paste to go on my toast in the morning now.
Re: 'Death Threats' Force Development On Android PlayStation 2 Emulator To End
If you don't like something you can always ask for your money back rather than be a tool. This was free so I am sure they would have no qualms giving you your nothing back if you aren't happy.
Re: Intellivision Releases An Amico Unboxing, Showcases A Functioning System
Unique games? Dynablaster doesn't look that unique and seems very familiar.
Re: Evercade's Latest Carts Offer Inexpensive Access To Yet More Retro Classics
@Kiz3000 Thanks for the info. Bought the VS last year and been contemplating getting some more. Didn't know some where going out of print. Got the ones going out of print ordered now ordered now with regular Evercade. Probably going to get the full collection throughout the rest of the year. Gotta collect 'em all.
Re: Random: What Happens When You Remove Charles Barkley From His Own Video Game?
I prefer his brother Spaghetti.
Re: Panic's Cool Little Handheld, Playdate, Gets New Details On Pre-Orders And More
The child in me says this is amazing and I need it. The rational adult in me says this is too expensive so I won't buy it. Which part of me will win?