Comments 86

Re: King Of Fighters '98 Is The First 'Arcade Archives 2 Neo Geo' Coming To PS5 & Xbox Series X|S


Who is this for? The fact they don't just update the normal version is bad form. There are already 4 different versions of KOF98 on the PS4 which work on the PS5 one of which has online mp. You can buy kof 98 in the below versions

Arcade Archives King of fighter 98 (no online mp)

I already have kof98 umfe so have no need of this.

Re: Virtua Fighter 2 Is Getting A Physical Release On Xbox


@Fighting_Game_Loser this is a new version of the game it was annouced in the VF direct you can see here it is also coming to PS4 along with a physical version of VF5 showdown. Which the story does not mention.

It also explains why the backcat version of VF2 was removed from sale.

You can burn most 360 arcade games to disk they will run and revert to the trial. They will act like the full game if you have previously bought it. it a handy way to back up some games you just need to have the correct file structure.

Re: Irem Collection Volume 2 Finally Gets Western Release Date After Delay



Yes but they released Parasol Stars in such a poor state you could not even access the very final world as the game would crash. You still can't unlock all the achievements or trophies.


Which version did you order my brother got the PS4 base version in August after waiting 14 months.

I notice their seems to be less PS4 retail versions of games now and their was some reports earlier in the year that sony where going to limit their blu ray production. Starting to wonder if this could have a big effect.

As all Playstation games must be mastered by Sony the same goes for Nintendo

Re: Hands On: HyperMegaTech Super Pocket Technōs And Atari Editions


@MegaManFan I have the taito one and even on PC it a real pain to update. As you have to repeatedly restart the thing to see if it will pick up the update.

Never do a system update with a evercade cartridge in as well their are a number of reports of people saying it can wipe the cart.

I do have a few issues the screen can be a bit small for some of the games given they where design to be played on arcade machines and not handhelds. Volfied really is not suited to the small screen.

Also their is no option to adjust the backlight which I find a bit too bright.

Some evercade games do have faults I had to report a issue with the chaos engine where one button was mapped wrong and the device has no way to remap buttons.

Re: "An Evil Disguised As Good" - Dragon Quest Vets Rail Against Censorship In Candid Interview


As games tend to be released worldwide now. We will see more of this. I think this change might be to do with european censorship not USA. It's down to a law change in one of the scandinavian countries which prevents images of character who are below 18 being made more sexy.

I think one of the dead or alive games had to be recalled and the manual edited to remove the ages of characters in parts of europe.

Re: 50 More PS1 Classics Coming To Antstream Arcade, PS2 And GameCube Games Could Be Next


@gojiguy I know what you mean the problem is a service like this will cannibalize some of the sales. I will alway prefer to own my games.

I suspect also the cost of releasing games on a console platforms. May deter some developer from re-releasing older games. I notice Alien breed is shown in the trailer and I would love to see a console team 17 collection but so far antsream seems to be the only way.

Yes I know they did an evercade release.

Given this business has a lifetime teir that model will cause them issues in the long run.

Also how long will they support platforms for? As if they stop PS4 support then you will need to buy a PS5 so that's another £400 just to use it.

Re: Please Stop Buying Unofficial "Saturn Mini" Consoles


The saturn was a well built system. I have a model 1 and a model 2 modded for imports which still work fine. My first model 2 saturn did go wrong after about 10 years of service it developed some kind of fault where the graphic display incorrectly on screen. I tried to have it repaired years ago but was told it was unrepairable.

But they should not be breaking down saturn to make cheap version which use iso.

I do wonder why nintendo and sega don't get in on the act and start making new real Saturn and Snes with HDMI outputs. Surely their is a market for them.

Re: Creator Of PS1 Emulator DuckStation Threatens To "Shut The Whole Thing Down" Following License Change


All he is doing is protecting duckstation from other people. Selling it in a bundle with roms which is illegal and could lead to the same kind of takedown which happened to citra.

It also stops someone from moding duckstation with a crypto miner and then adding it the web.

I suspect a real copyright holder has been in contact with him and asked for the changes.

Re: ININ Games Announce 'X-Out: Resurfaced', A Remaster Of The Classic Underwater Shmup


No PS4 and xbox one version that seems like a mistake developers need to make smaller niche titles on lower spec systems as the trailer still looks like the amiga version with a few tweaks...

Given Sony themselves have said half their users are still on PS4 and PS5 sales look to now be tracking behind the PS4.

PS4 games all have to run on PS5 hence why capcom are just releasing the marvel vs collection on switch, PC, PS4 to give them the widest reach. They don't have to pay the extra cost of a PS5 submission. Xbox issues aside with the MT framework.

Releasing this on PS5 and XBOX X/S means it will sink very fast in the sales. No one is going to rush out and by a PS5 for x-out.

When the amiga mini can do just as good a job or any PC emulator.

Re: Interview: The Company That Brought Resident Evil Back To PC Wants To Resurrect More Capcom Classics



Thank you for a more thought out response. I am not upset nor do I find the video offensive.

I imported the japanese version of biohazard to see the game uncensored many year ago on my sega saturn.

My point is given the range of game content on this site and the fact it is linked to by sites like nintendolife which will have a younger viewership. People may scroll through the site and just click it.

Yes you can see the video on youtube but you need to search for it directly. GOG is the one technically at fault for not age gating the video on youtube.

Many responsible youtube channels also gate their video's

Let me ask you a question why are you so upset about me suggesting they just put a warning up saying this video is not suitable for under 18?

Re: Interview: The Company That Brought Resident Evil Back To PC Wants To Resurrect More Capcom Classics



Yes it maybe 30 years old but a quick check of the bbfc website will tell you that the same 15 rating still applies. The Pegi rating for the Collection is now a 18 this will be down to the dismemberment found in the game and shown in that video. As per their guidelines.

Ratings only change if it is resubmitted for a new release.

Ratings can go up as well as down both empire strike back and return of the jedi have had their ratings upped to a PG from a U recently.

Indiana Jones and the temple of doom was increased to a 12 from PG recently (though this was because previously cut scenes where added back in.)

The B movie intro is what gave resident evil some of it charm but the 18 ratings should still be respected and it put into effect even gog have age gated the webpage to buy the games.

Yes you can find worst on youtube but you have to search for it and anyone that does post clips from films etc is in breach of some kind of copyright law. Youtube is just a upload site at the end of the day.

Having worked on games myself I know what a complete pain the ratings boards can be but we have to respect them. I have worked on games where.

1) Content had to be removed from game as it was added after we got a rating.

2) I was told how Sonic rush adventure got a 16 pegi rating at first due to what some of the characters said and it had to be edited.

3) One game the masters had to be rechecked after a erroneous graphic was found on a submisson disc if it had not been removed printed copies would have had to have been destroyed. As we would have breach our age rating.

Given the fact developers have to respect ratings with trailers etc websites which feature said content should do the same.

My issue is that the uncensored content which was not released in the UK. There was a later PC release with it but I suspect that was under the rader as it was just a re-release. As that is unrated footage it may fall foul of The Video Recordings Act (VRA) 1984

All video footage must be rated by the BBFC by law.

GOG has got the game a pegi 18 it should in theory have BBFC cert but their is a loophole for digital games. As the law has not been updated for them. At present no only digital game in the UK is required by law to have a cert of any kind.

Also getting a Pegi age rating wrong can come with fines as Balatro may have recently found out.

Re: Interview: The Company That Brought Resident Evil Back To PC Wants To Resurrect More Capcom Classics


@GeneJacket and @KitsuneNight

The game was rated 15 by the BBFC and is shown in black and white in the europeon version. As it was cut to avoid a 18 BBFC in the UK the shot of the bloody joseph was also removed from the game in the UK. As it was BBFC rated broadcast of said scenes to a minor in the UK is a criminal offense. Know the law as timeextenstion could get in a lot of trouble if someone was to complain.

Re: Feature: Cracking The Mystery Of Duke Nukem Advance's Two English Localizations


Having worked in games localisation you learn very quickly that the translators are not sent the game they only get the text in a spreadsheet. As they will often be at an outsource company they often have no context to what is going on so they need the english text for insight. so they would be sent a excel doc which looks like this.

Language English French Spanish
String 1 Hello Bonjour Hola
String 2 Ready Prêt Listo

As the English may not be that clear for the situation they may then have asked for the text to be changed. The strings do not tell who is talking nor the gender of that character Plus they may not be in sequence. Text in games is imported via a spread sheet so changes are easy to make. Unless it's graphic text in the game.

Re: Interview: "I Was Not Sure We Were Going To Pull It Off" - Cyan's Rand Miller On Remaking Riven From The Ground Up


Great interview loved the whole myst series. The Real shame here is a suspect this may not sell well. The minimum spec for this are sadly very high. I suspect it will be quite a few years before most users get to play this.

Having worked on PC games myself the first rule you learn is lower spec games sell far better.

It won't work on my personal PC. Hopefully this comes to Console soon. Still waitng on the Myst remake on Playstation.

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