Comments 42

Re: Like A Dragon: Pirate Yakuza In Hawaii Will Mark The Home Debut Of This Sega Light Gun Coin-Op


Hi there, I'm happy you like my avatar, I think it's hysterical. Sort of thing I can imagine the poor kid getting for Xmas when they are expecting a real Dalek prop, and instead get that. The facial expression is when he's then made to parade the new disappointment to the family. Poor chap.

So I've actually had it for some years now and tend to use it across all my forum accounts on whatever websites.
I have a feeling it's actually costume line by M&S back in mid 2000s when David Tennant was The Doctor. I'm afraid I can't remember anymore then that but I did find a URL to a pic of it with some other costumes by the same company from 2008. The Cybermen one looks pretty good, the forum users also seem to notice the rather upset Dalek too.

Re: Taito Egret II Mini Arcade Memories Vol. 3 Line-Up Announced


Ahhhh Mr Do!

An old friend from when I was a little boy (not that I made a habit of hanging around with circus clowns).

I was hoping that one would appear on the Hamster Arcade Archives, but if it's appearing here does that mean it might not show up?

I see Wiz is on there though and I'm pretty sure that's on the Arcade Archives list too.

Re: Arcade Archives Officially Hits 400 Titles Released


You can add Rastan Saga to that list from me.

I notice there are a few available on the Japanese PSN such as Rygar and Metrocross that we didn't get over in UK.
Metrocross maybe because it featured Coke cans if I remember correctly, but Rygar should be alright?
Darius was similar and eventually arrived years after the Jap release, anyone know why this could be?