Comments 169

Re: CIBSunday: Sega Multi-Mega


I still have a Multmega.
Only issue I have with it is that not all versions of the ‘Pro CDX’ Cart (to play other regions) are not compatible.

Re: Polymega's N64 Module Sells Out, New Stock Coming In June


I’ve had the Polymega for over a month now, I am really enjoying the system at the moment. Saturn works very well. I had a few issues with Mega CD, that fixed with side loading original Bios.
For the N64, there were few glitches with the games I have, but after continuous play, those issues have disappeared.
Only issue I have is with Lylat Wars and Jet Force Gemini not working, but I expect this will be fixed in the next update.
Very much looking forward to the Light Gun later in the year. and more systems coming.

Re: Sega's Turbo Outrun Has Been Ported To The Commodore Plus/4


I remember Turbo Outrun on the 8 Bit Computers. I had this on the Amstrad, and although it wasn’t a bad port, you had to wait for each stage to load. Then my friend showed me his C64 version, that had 4 stages loaded at once (no load times)
I was like…. You Bast**d
The 8 Bit Wars (Speccy Vs C64 Vs Amstrad)

Re: Polymega's Latest Update Removes Some Pre-Installed Games


For future Polymega Sales I get that those games will not be available, but for people who already purchased the Polymega how can they be deleted?

(Excuse my ignorance on digital purchases, but as an example, on Nintendo Switch eShop, if a game is no longer available, the game is not deleted from my library, or at least I have not experienced that. And I can re-download that game at any point, providing that the eShop is still open)

Re: Best Sega 32X Games Of All Time


@Poodlestargenerica I thought the PS2 version of Virtua Racing was awful. It looked nice but something with the car handling and screeching noise just turning killed it for me