Comments 106

Re: Best Xbox 360 Games


Good choices! In hindsight the 360 had a really good run.

However, I think you should revise the Bioshock entry. Firstly the "Would you kindly" line is a bit of a spoiler for anyone who hasn't played it; but also it's (mostly) not Andrew Ryan using it throughout the game!

Re: Bitmap Books Pulls Mega Drive / Genesis 'Visual Compendium' After Legal Threat From Sega


This is a small example of how the legal system doesn’t always function at such a low level. I am not a lawyer, and Sega have the right to threaten legal action (which could be contested); but given the rules around “unofficial” magazines/books in the past, I think the article is spot on is saying it wouldn’t hold up. Screenshots and hardware shots are perfectly legal. But the cost of court been as overwhelming as it is, seems Bitmap Books can’t even try to defend it. So not much point even having those laws (and lawyers) in this case! I hope it’s not a trend though, love things like Chris Scullion’s encyclopaedias and don’t want screenshots and retro journalism to be bullied into non-existence!

Re: Evercade EXP - Superior In Every Way That Matters


Nice detailed review: Really looking forward to this! I love returning to retro stuff now I'm older, but the prices are off-putting, so I've only got what I had as a kid and didn't sell. I was going to get an Evercade if they did well and stuck about, but held off when I saw this was coming. Hopefully in time for Christmas, but sure I'll enjoy it in 2023 if not!