Comments 106

Re: Ex-Activision Boss Forgets Name Of "Bad Acquisition" Behind Project Gotham Racing, Blur And Geometry Wars


I mean it kind of sums up the amount of though the heads of these mega corps put in. Don’t know the studio name, don’t know the people,place or games; but their failure after 1 game sold badly was all down to them and nothing to do with higher up management/marketing etc from us. Why let that studio learn from that mistake, throw that experience and the many successes before out the door. And they’ll then wonder outloud how Nintendo does so well when it doesn’t fire staff at the first sign of poor sales.

I think most firms like Activision succeed despite the “Bobby Koticks” of this world, and not because of them. In charge of Nintendo he would have fired Miyamoto after Wii Music and the hardware team after the GameCube.

Re: Retro Computer Museum Hit By "Devastating" Flood Damage


That is tragic, I’ve not got round to going even though it’s not too far away. Flooding has been bad in the area.

I’ll drop some money to help them, and finger crossed the exhibits aren’t damaged too much.

Hoping to see some positive updates on TE in the future.

Re: Sega's Western CEO Isn't Interested In Saturn And Dreamcast Mini Consoles


All the signs point to an abandoning of mini-consoles/old games on eShops and moving to subscription service. Could be good if they get M2 on it, but they have to offer a really good service to be noticeable at the scale I assume Sega wants.

Bit cynical of him, given they have milked there Mega Drive years more than anyone else I can think of! I never minded, it was a bit much but you couldn’t fail to find ways to play Sonic 1 and 2!

I’m a bit sad as they used to work with Blaze on (quite rubbish) TV-plug-in-consoles before the (quite good) Mega Drive minis, so I was hoping they might do some Evercade carts! Seem unlikely now.

Re: "Absolutely Horrid" - Is Nintendo Switch Online's Emulation Really That Bad?


Overreaction. It’s there but “horrible” or “unplayable” are so over the top.

Some game have issues, but I’d say they are mostly on the N64, and they are still mostly playable just slightly inferior. But the average player isn’t going to bother buying a Tritron and OG hardware just to dabble with an old game, when he can do it with 2 clicks and a bit of lag they probably won’t notice (and save states/rewind etc)

It will never be perfect, but it’s fine.

Re: Accusations Of AI Art Deflate Archer Maclean's DropZone 40th Anniversary Announcement


A lot of comments! And some spirited debate.

I’m hopeful that a visible backlash against AI slop like this will be partly self-regulating: in that a game made without it will be a selling point (“hand-crafted” if you will). I don’t know where regulation can/will sit in future, but recent examples have shown that ideas pushed by tech interests can be pushed back into a niche with this kind of coverage (remember how much stuff was needlessly Crypto related a couple of years ago?), and that makes emotive articles like this worthwhile I feel. Keep some semblance of consumer input and choice.

Re: Review: The Spectrum - Does Sir Clive Sinclair's Legacy Proud


Saw one on display in a shop window in Hinckley when I went to see the Brett Jones exhibit and didn’t realise it wasn’t out yet or in such demand! Should have swooped on it!

I don’t have many memories of the Spectrum, it was before my time really, but it seems likes a really good unit for those that have nostalgia for it!

Re: SuperSega FPGA Console Gets A New Design, Is "Closing In" On 200 Pre-Orders


Where is/are the disc drive(s) for those Saturn/Dreamcast games? This looks and sounds sketchier all the time! They only have a vague simple CAD render but they’ll have a batch load by next year? What about a sample from the supplier (I serious doubt they have one lined up at all)? Or at least a 3D print fit? And couldn’t they find someone to proof-read that statement?

Re: "The Project Is A Complete Scam" - The Internet Isn't Convinced By The SuperSega FPGA Console


I’m not savvy enough to say either way of it’s real or not; I could believe they could make a board that could do Master System/Mega Drive as shown in those rough videos. But looking into it more it’s going to go as far as Dreamcast!? That seems far-fetched, developing a core themselves, and the FPGA would have to be quite large?
If it’s real great, I’d wait for it to exist before caring!

Re: Croc Legend of the Gobbos Remaster Confirmed For Switch, PS4, PS5, PC, & Xbox Consoles


@PZT Our house had as many copies of Croc as it did Banjo, but I know which one I'd rather replay!
Big fan of Argonaut and hope this does ok, but I really didn't rate it at the time, middling at best. In hindsight it was technically really impressive for the PlayStation, but I didn't appreicate that at the time. Analogue control could help a lot as well? I recall playing it on a pre-Dual Shock pad and it been clunky.

Mario 64, Banjo, Ape Escape, Rocket (Robot on Wheels), and perhaps Glover are my personal picks of that era of 3D platformers.

Re: Blaze Responds To Reports That Some Evercade VS-R Pre-Orders Failed To Arrive


GAME haven’t shipped my Tomb Raider cart. The crappy new website hasn’t got my order on, I contacted customer services and they won’t get back to me. Can’t even get a refund.

They also stiffed me on the GAME Elite refund, despite saying they would refund the half a year I had left they gave me a token £1. Basically impossible to talk to. Such a turn around from a few years ago. Hate what that greedy bugger Mike Ashley has done to the last UK game retailers.

Re: This Tiny Piece Of Plastic Could Save Your N64's Analogue Stick


As a kid (with the controller and console and games in a carrier bag hanging off my bike handle bars) this might have helped; but these days it’s just the age and normal use. Haven’t got round to replacing my more worn ones yet.
Fascinating mechanism in them! Is interesting to see how stick design started and has evolved.

Re: We're Getting (Another) New ZX Spectrum This November


@FurdTurgidson @robe it does allow programming in Sinclair BASIC! There’s more details on the website, and a quite in-depth article in the latest Retro Gamer. Sounds like it has a wrapper to launch games and such, but you can switch into the classic OS and play with basic etc.

Re: Evercade EXP-R Release Hit By Another Delay Following "Significant Issue"


It’s rough as they keep having delays; but given previous issues with Evercade’s I’d rather they quality checked properly. I hope the cost of these issues is on the Chinese manufacturers and not all a hit to Blaze!
I’m surprised the TATE grips are affected? They are dumb chunks of plastic, but they have the device slotted in, so I’m guessing it’s a tolerancing/fit issue?

Re: New Premium Magazine To Explore "How Gaming's Past Shaped our Future"


I love gaming magazines, bemoan their disappearance, and should be the market for this, but £15 is a high asking price.
Retro Gamer is 1/3 of that, and their “special” issues on series (like Zelda, Mario etc) are usually £9.99.
I’m guessing it’s ad free? But they are getting to the point where it’s better to market as a book in my mind.

Re: Here's Super Mario 64 Running On Dreamcast


@RetroGames a nice sensible reply! While they occasionally overstep, Nintendo aren’t as draconian at IP protection as people make out, it usually is a case of money changing hands gets them to rev up the lawyers.

Not saying they aren’t sometimes overbearing with fan works, but I would say international IP law and the importance of their (child friendly) character’s to them is more to blame than a hatred of fans.

Re: "It's The Worst" - Perfect Dark Expert Delivers Withering Verdict Of Nintendo Switch Port


Tons of Switch Online games have issues from the emulation. Even if you use the N64 controller (as although it copies the layout it doesn’t have the same kind of components as the original). F-Zero X is crazy twitchy! But it isn’t alone, the quick and simple Xbox port of Goldeneye was pretty ropey too.

I think it’s why there isn’t an N64 mini. N64 is just tough to do justice to via emulator, ideally you want people to spend serious time on a port to sand off the issue that occur with straight emulation (I’m thinking of 4Js effort on Perfect Dark for Xbox/Rare Replay or Nightdive’s Doom 64 and Turok. Nintendo’s Mario 64 in All-stars isn’t too bad either).

It’s just a strange machine internally with the complex but bespoke functions and that unique tri-point filtering, controller-wise with (essentially) 6 button front and a stick unlike any modern one, and comes from the worse era for the move from CRT to pixel based screens for the graphics too (nasty gaps in polygons, those textures that are tough to filter how the were etc) . Along with emulator lag that inevitably happens, games just end up feeling rough unless someone spends time (and cash) on it.

Re: Baten Kaitos I & II HD Remaster Now Available On Steam


Interesting! I have a soft spot for these from the GC era, but was put of the Switch release as it was so bare bones (didn't look all that great an HD update, the English voice cast was binned off...).
I can see fans modding the Steam ones to be more what people want, so I'll keep an eye on them!

Re: Poll: What Do You Think Of Jo's New Look In Perfect Dark?


I’m not too fussed about the look for Joanna. I do think the game looks so different from Perfect Dark it’s not worth using the name. Different music, vibe, plot, universe, gameplay style. No multiplayer. It’s first person and has some shooting, but it’s as close to Doom or Deus Ex as Perfect Dark!

Re: Beloved TV Show Knightmare Is Getting A New Fan Game For The ZX Spectrum


Late to this, but for people who might like Knightmare, I found the "Knightmare Live!" comedy stage show to be excellent! Seen it at the Fringe a decade or so ago, and a pre-Covid in Manchester, I think they still tour. It's not a reboot as such (it's kid friendly but clearly made for the adult audience that enjoyed it in the past), but the actors in it are fantastic.

Re: "Thank You, Margaret Thatcher!" - How The UK Played A Leading Role In Eastern European Computing


This is a great article. The internet, at least the English language internet, is very US-centric these days, and it seems to have gotten much more so as stand-alone websites and chat groups have fallen away to be replaced by big centralised video platforms and social media as the main ways to discuss these things (my guess is it's the nature of search algorithms and the size/tech-dominance of the USA over time).

I know in the UK we have our own history with gaming that you covered well here (and is well documented in places if you know where to look!), but I'd love to hear more about how gaming "grew up" in various places around the globe and how it all links together!

Re: Modern Vintage Gamer Digs Into The PS2's Much-Hyped "Emotion Engine"


I didn’t realise the potential of it, MGS2 is a great example that I never appreciated at the time (I just accepted some games look amazing and some looked janky on any machine)!

But like MVG said about needing to build for the hardware, that cuts both ways back then. Halo or Metroid Prime would not work well on a PS2 as they were heavily tied to their consoles strengths. It soemthing that not as evident in modern, PC-like hardware.

Re: Blaze Confirms One Million Evercade Cartridge Milestone, Ex-Eidos Boss Joins As Chairman


@Poodlestargenerica I don’t think mentioning the word legal once is an “obsession”; I’m fine with people playing how they want, I emulate fine and have no issue, I never said I did. I like that it is but that’s a personal thing.

I think saying someone who enjoys the Evercade doesn’t really enjoy or appreciate games is hugely presumptive of you and frankly a bit rude (typical for online discourse sadly).

But since you’ve blocked me (such maturity!) guess I'll have to leave it there.

Re: Blaze Confirms One Million Evercade Cartridge Milestone, Ex-Eidos Boss Joins As Chairman


@Poodlestargenerica Ah ok, I kinda get your first point, but you don't actually get a random selection of things each month. You do get to buy what you want or not, just from a smaller library. So...not much like that really.

And I hugely, hugely disagree on your second point:
I own an Evercade and I enjoy playing the games on it that I have chosen to buy. I don't like been told what I do and don't enjoy by other people tbh.

I like that it supports indie devs, is legal and very cheap, and the extra small size of the EXP means it's ideal for waiting rooms etc. I get I could use a phone or whatever, but I much prefer doing it legally on a dedicated device that supports jobs when the option is there.

Re: Blaze Confirms One Million Evercade Cartridge Milestone, Ex-Eidos Boss Joins As Chairman


I don’t really understand how the Evercade is that at all?
It has no subscription element. The games are one-time purchase physical games. And “for people who don’t really like video games” is a super weird comment, it only plays classic video games? Even if you don’t like the games on there, they have a wealth of famously successful games from the past (Capcom games, Duke Nukem, Tomb Raider, Oliver Twins…)

Re: Blaze Confirms One Million Evercade Cartridge Milestone, Ex-Eidos Boss Joins As Chairman


I’m glad they are doing so well, I love the Evercade and hope it grows and grows going forward. The key for me is the games: good retro and interesting indie titles. One day they could do with a machine update, but no rush.
Only complaint would be they need to tighten up on quality. Too many bugs and hardware issues, the low cost is excellent but some work on tightening quality control would work wonders for their reputation.

Re: The Guardian Ranks The Greatest UK Video Game Magazines Of All Time


Edge is iconic, but I wouldn’t say it’s the best! Nice to see mags like PC Zone and GameMaster (which I assumed would be beneath The Grauniad’s radar) get mentioned.
My personal favourite is the successor to Super Play that didn’t make that list: N64 Magazine. I loved all its lives (Super Play/NGC/NGamer) but N64 Magazine just felt like the absolute peak of that team for me. Would be a clear Number 1 in my list! (My username is from that mag!)

Re: 'Evercade Alpha' Listing Hints At New Hardware In 2024


As with the R announcement, I’m hoping it’s not a “left behind” leap to new tech. Much as I would like Evercade to get that point in next few years, doing it too soon could annoy recent VS/EXP buyers.

It does seem like later gens are a likely way to go, but there are a few issues I forsee. The power needed would reduce the profit margins on hardware, N64 in-particular is very hard to emulate well, and licences from then are harder to secure.

Also they really do announce a lot of hardware. I wonder if they make far more from the hardware than software currently? Could be a requirement to get cash flow?