Batteries for ALL mobile and handheld devices needs standardisation fast! We wouldn’t have any of these issues (and waste) if manufacturers stopped using proprietary batteries for every single variant of every single device. There can be various sizes and capacities, but they need to be standardised.
And yes you can buy new batteries for your PSP, GBA, DS Lite etc, but these batteries are rubbish. They don’t last half as long as the originals, and half the time they don’t even fit properly.
@Sketcz so does the story make a lot more sense with the English re-translation? I remember not following the story completely back in the day. I haven’t played it since then so I don’t know if it was my young teenage brain not making full sense of the story, or because of the poor translation job. I still loved the game regardless!
Will this be heading to Switch? I don’t use Steam but love the look of this game.
I’d also love some kind of sequel to Shadowgate 64, or another Shadowgate game in the same vein as it. I thought it was a great game, the atmosphere was amazing. I had to use a guide to complete it but that didn’t stop me enjoying it. I only played it a few years ago so it isn’t nostalgia clouding my judgement either.
I really like the soundtracks for Sim City and Pilotwings, they’re very relaxing and nostalgic!
I’d love to hear an interview with the guy who did the original Starwing/Star Fox soundtrack. It’s very unique for a Nintendo game, sounding almost like it’s from a film soundtrack. Easily the best soundtrack of any Star Fox game since. The guy who did it left Nintendo afterwards as he didn’t realise he wouldn’t own the IP/rights to the music, which he wasn’t happy about.
I don’t recall seeing rainbows back in the day, but I may have just forgotten.
I know I don’t see them on my PVM via RGB, but that’s not how me (or anyone) played these games back then. I do have a small consumer CRT that accepts RF so I’ll have to try it. That’s how most of us played it back then.
On a side note, I tested a Master System via RF a while back on the small CRT. And while the quality of the picture was obviously poor, it was infinitely more nostalgic than playing via RGB and I still think it looked great!
Have the voice actors all been identified? The voice actors for Barry Burton and Raz Karcy (from Overblood) are the best voice actors ever to grace videogames. Still haven’t been beaten nearly 3 decades later.
I’ve kept a lot of my collection in the loft. But I ensured the loft was ventilated (vent tiles), and each game is individually stored in a grip seal bag with at least one silica gel pouch (sometimes more). My wife thinks I’m crazy, but it’s stories like this that drive why I do it. Even then, I’ve been selling a lot of my collection off in recent years. I just don’t want stuff like this to make it worthless. I much prefer having a leaner collection which means more to me and has more games I actually want to play. Everdrives and modded CD based consoles help too, allowing me to play most games on original hardware regardless of whether I own the original or not. I’ll probably continue to sell off more of my collection as the years go by, especially as I read more stories like this 🤣
What I like best about this is that it’s OLED, 4K and under 40”. If only you could get a normal 4K OLED TV that isn’t a stupid size. 40” is plenty big enough, and you get better pixel density.
I would love a version of Ridge Racer Type 4 where it expands the story/progression aspect of it. I liked what was there but you only did one ‘season’ with a team and that was it. You either repeated it again with the same team or did it with a different team as if you were never part of the other team before. Regardless, the music, aesthetic, atmosphere and feel of RR Type 4 still make it the best one.
I’ve completed the first game a few years ago, after having it back in the 90s but getting stuck on a certain bit and giving up. I won’t pretend I follow the story, but I enjoyed it none the less.
I still need to play the second game. I should get around to it at some point.
I hadn’t played a Goemon game until about 3 years ago, and this was my first one. I think it’s a great game, even without any nostalgia, and I’m happy to overlook its jankyness as that’s just to be expected from this era of early 3D games.
I’ve since played the SNES game, and while I enjoyed it I didn’t enjoy it as much as this one.
I need to get around to playing the second Goemon game on N64. I understand that’s supposed to be the better the game. I did have the original PAL version but decided to sell it after realising I could get £350 for it! Thankfully I have an Everdrive so can still play it regardless. It’s just finding the time to fit it around all the other great games I still want to play.
Is there any Amiga ‘Classic Mini’ type console available that lets you play Amiga games easily? And is easy to load Amiga games into it? I never had an Amiga growing up but a friend did and there are a few games I’d like to play. I want something hassle free. I tried an emulator on my laptop and while I got some games to work, it was super fiddly and not all games worked. In the end I couldn’t be ar*ed.
@BulkSlash I know what you mean. The whole MSU stuff for the SNES falls into that category in my opinion. All those ‘enhanced’ soundtracks and FMVs just feel like you’re not playing a SNES game anymore. And they really don’t go with the games at all. Just because you can do something, doesn’t mean you should.
I do like the idea of this, but I won’t be preordering one until I see real reviews, by which point they may be unavailable. Oh well.
Those wondering what’s the point of this compared to the Anologue Pocket, I’d say it has its own niche. It actually looks and (I guess) feels like a real Game Boy, and the screen sounds like it will look like an idealised version of the original. We don’t all want ultra super HD 4K screens for playing retro games, I’d much prefer one that’s more authentic. And the batteries. More modern gaming devices should take AA or AAA batteries. I have a few original GBA SPs and their battery life is rubbish. I’ve bought brand new after market ones and they’re just as rubbish brand new, and they don’t even fit properly. Same with my DS Lites. All the batteries in our Switches, Anologue Pockets and so on are going to be rubbish in 10 years time and we’re not going to be able to replace them. AA and AAA batteries have stayed the same for decades!
To be fair if I owned it I’d sell it to the highest bidder at that sort of value. I wouldn’t release the rom for it either as it would likely devalue it.
@KitsuneNight absolutely. Whenever I see a speed running video, I’m in absolute awe of their skills, whether they’re doing the level normally or trying to break the game. I’d love to see a speed runner go back in time and be a contestant on Games Master. See everyone’s reaction 🤣
I briefly owned a Virtual Boy in the early 2000s. I’m very glad I experienced it, unfortunately I never got to play the Wario game which looks to be the best one. I sold it soon after when I realised it would just be a novelty piece taking up space.
Nintendo really missed a trick not releasing VB games on the 3DS.
People who say speedrunners that don’t do 100% completion aren’t skilled and just cheat, need to watch this. If that isn’t skill then I don’t know what is.
I’m glad this uses AA batteries. All these proprietary lithium batteries will hardly hold a charge in 10 years time and you won’t be able to buy decent replacements.
Still, I’ll wait to see real reviews before I buy one. I’m very interested though.
What if there was a hotfix AND 7 commits in the same month? What then? I must know!
I don’t know what a commit is (I know what a comet is), nor a hotfix, and I’ve never used this emulator, but still, I must know how the version number convention works in this situation!
This is precisely why I wrap myself in tin foil and wear a tin foil hat. Now I know I can play the Japanese version of Virtua Racing on the Mega Drive without fear of being harmed. Who’s laughing now, eh?
“ widely used to augment existing titles with better music”. Technically better, yes. But otherwise it’s subjective. Every MSU patch I’ve heard just doesn't sound right for a SNES game. It sounds like someone’s replaced the music with something different from somewhere else, which is literally what they’ve done. I also think the original SNES soundtrack sounds better compared with the snippet shown above.
The main thing here for me is that it includes circle strafing, and I’m sure it appears to run smoother and faster in the snippet above, but that could just be an illusion from it playing in a little window on a phone screen.
I don’t know if it’s a combination of my age, the fact we’ll never go through the technical shifts we had in the 90s and 00s, or that information is just so readily available to us in an instant, but I never get excited about games anymore like I did back then.
Don’t get me wrong, I thoroughly enjoy my Switch, but I’m struggling to get excited about this new Zelda game. BotW and TotK have destroyed my enjoyment of 3D Zelda games. I was looking forward to there being a new 2D Zelda game that goes back to the traditional formula for the old guard like me. This doesn’t look like it will fill that role. It doesn’t help it uses the style of the Link’s Awakening remake that I found very ‘meh’.
@WaveBoy I was replying to someone who said they wished they had the space for a CRT. I recommended a 14”/15” one as they’re reasonably sized (for a CRT) but you still get the CRT vibe from them so worth a punt if it’s only size that’s stopping you. I have one and have played PS2/GC games on them fine, they look great.
My main TV for playing retro games is a 20” Sony PVM which is fantastic. I think a 20” screen is more than adequate, but even by this point the size of the TV becomes an issue. A 14”/15” doesn’t look as good, but it still looks great, so I would always recommend this route for people who don’t have the space but really want a CRT.
@GameGear1991 if you can find space for 14”/15” CRT I highly recommend it for retro consoles. They don’t take up too much space, and they still look great, small screen and all. In some ways I prefer it to using a bigger CRT, it dials the nostalgia dial up to 11!
I’ve only had a Switch for a year, but I think it has to be their best console, regardless of this Zelda stat. Although A Link to the Past and Ocarina of Time are the best Zelda games, and that doesn’t look like it will ever change, at least they’re both playable on Switch.
I loved SNES Doom back in the day. Despite its limitations it was the only way I could play Doom and I didn’t really mind anyway. I completed the whole thing, finding every secret (with the odd help from a guide). Even playing it today my muscle memory kicks in and I can play it no problem.
It was actually the most complete version of Doom 1 on console back then, having more of the maps than the other versions, even more than the PlayStation version as far as the first 3 episodes of Doom 1 are concerned. Obviously the PS1 version had more levels overall but that included episode 4 and Doom 2.
I’d love to try Doom 2 on the SNES. Does this play on real hardware via the SD2SNES?
This video should have a massive warning on it. There’s an extremely cool and hip middle aged exec skateboarding around an office in it. This could prove too radical for some viewers. You have been warned.
Looking forward to watching this. Although I must say, I prefer the original’s soundtrack. Tim Wright’s music was the best on there and better than what’s on the sequel, famous artists and all.
I see both sides of this. If someone / a company spends time and effort developing a technique like this, why shouldn’t they be able to patent it to stop others just copying it and using it in their games? On the other hand, we as gamers definitely lose out when things like this are patented.
Tough one. Maybe limit the length of time the patent can last? I don’t know.
@MysticWangForce I too have never seen this film after my own 41 orbits. And yes, I am now going to refer to my time on this planet as orbits of sol, many thanks 🤣
I’m glad I’m now cured of the curse (illness?) that is collecting (hoarding?) and have absolutely no desire or need to buy tat from places like this anymore.
All it took to cure me was the need to clear my loft for a loft extension. It was suddenly laid bare in front of me the amount of absolute rubbish I’d hoarded over the years. I was embarrassed. I was never going to play most of it, and the thought of my poor daughters having to go through it all when I pass made me feel sick.
Thankfully selling a lot of it over the years has been cathartic and contributed a few thousand pounds towards the extension - win win!
Don’t get me wrong, I still a fair amount of stuff (much more than an average person) but what I’m left with is stuff I actually have some nostalgia for or do plan to play at some point. And I’ll no doubt sell more as time goes on.
Comments 303
Re: PSA: Check Your PSP Battery Right Now
Batteries for ALL mobile and handheld devices needs standardisation fast! We wouldn’t have any of these issues (and waste) if manufacturers stopped using proprietary batteries for every single variant of every single device. There can be various sizes and capacities, but they need to be standardised.
And yes you can buy new batteries for your PSP, GBA, DS Lite etc, but these batteries are rubbish. They don’t last half as long as the originals, and half the time they don’t even fit properly.
Re: Random: The Story Behind Final Fantasy VII's "Worst" Translation
@Sketcz so does the story make a lot more sense with the English re-translation? I remember not following the story completely back in the day. I haven’t played it since then so I don’t know if it was my young teenage brain not making full sense of the story, or because of the poor translation job. I still loved the game regardless!
Re: Random: That Time Sega Got Donald Duck In Trouble With Disney For Animal Cruelty
I don’t know. Clubbing baby seals seems much more in line with Donald’s personality. He’s a right grumpy old sod.
Re: Interview: Shadowgate's Co-Creator On Returning To The NES Classic 30 Years Later
Will this be heading to Switch? I don’t use Steam but love the look of this game.
I’d also love some kind of sequel to Shadowgate 64, or another Shadowgate game in the same vein as it. I thought it was a great game, the atmosphere was amazing. I had to use a guide to complete it but that didn’t stop me enjoying it. I only played it a few years ago so it isn’t nostalgia clouding my judgement either.
Re: Interview: Super Mario Kart & SimCity Composer Soyo Oka On Her Most Iconic Nintendo Soundtracks
@JackGYarwood that sounds awesome, I hope you manage to get enough to publish something.
Re: Interview: Super Mario Kart & SimCity Composer Soyo Oka On Her Most Iconic Nintendo Soundtracks
I really like the soundtracks for Sim City and Pilotwings, they’re very relaxing and nostalgic!
I’d love to hear an interview with the guy who did the original Starwing/Star Fox soundtrack. It’s very unique for a Nintendo game, sounding almost like it’s from a film soundtrack. Easily the best soundtrack of any Star Fox game since. The guy who did it left Nintendo afterwards as he didn’t realise he wouldn’t own the IP/rights to the music, which he wasn’t happy about.
Re: What Do You See In Sonic The Hedgehog's Waterfalls?
I don’t recall seeing rainbows back in the day, but I may have just forgotten.
I know I don’t see them on my PVM via RGB, but that’s not how me (or anyone) played these games back then. I do have a small consumer CRT that accepts RF so I’ll have to try it. That’s how most of us played it back then.
On a side note, I tested a Master System via RF a while back on the small CRT. And while the quality of the picture was obviously poor, it was infinitely more nostalgic than playing via RGB and I still think it looked great!
Re: The Last Live-Action Actor From Resident Evil 1 Has Been Identified
Have the voice actors all been identified? The voice actors for Barry Burton and Raz Karcy (from Overblood) are the best voice actors ever to grace videogames. Still haven’t been beaten nearly 3 decades later.
Re: This Is Why You Should Never Store Your Retro Game Collection In A Shed
I’ve kept a lot of my collection in the loft. But I ensured the loft was ventilated (vent tiles), and each game is individually stored in a grip seal bag with at least one silica gel pouch (sometimes more). My wife thinks I’m crazy, but it’s stories like this that drive why I do it. Even then, I’ve been selling a lot of my collection off in recent years. I just don’t want stuff like this to make it worthless. I much prefer having a leaner collection which means more to me and has more games I actually want to play. Everdrives and modded CD based consoles help too, allowing me to play most games on original hardware regardless of whether I own the original or not. I’ll probably continue to sell off more of my collection as the years go by, especially as I read more stories like this 🤣
Re: Interview: "Wizardry Just Had A Kind Of Soul" - How Digital Eclipse Brought The RPG Classic Into The Modern-Age
Wow. Someone really LIKES saying the word LIKE don’t they? Quick search on my phone… it appears over 50 times 🤣
I had to, like, stop reading after a bit. It was, like, doing my head in.
Re: Samsung's New Odyssey 3D Monitor Might Be The Ultimate Way To Emulate Nintendo 3DS
What I like best about this is that it’s OLED, 4K and under 40”. If only you could get a normal 4K OLED TV that isn’t a stupid size. 40” is plenty big enough, and you get better pixel density.
Re: 'Perfect Lap' Is What Happens When Ridge Racer Type 4 And Auto Modellista Have A Baby
I would love a version of Ridge Racer Type 4 where it expands the story/progression aspect of it. I liked what was there but you only did one ‘season’ with a team and that was it. You either repeated it again with the same team or did it with a different team as if you were never part of the other team before. Regardless, the music, aesthetic, atmosphere and feel of RR Type 4 still make it the best one.
Re: PS1 Classics Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain And Soul Reaver Come To Evercade
I’ve completed the first game a few years ago, after having it back in the 90s but getting stuck on a certain bit and giving up. I won’t pretend I follow the story, but I enjoyed it none the less.
I still need to play the second game. I should get around to it at some point.
Re: The Making Of: Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon, Konami's Underrated N64 Classic
I hadn’t played a Goemon game until about 3 years ago, and this was my first one. I think it’s a great game, even without any nostalgia, and I’m happy to overlook its jankyness as that’s just to be expected from this era of early 3D games.
I’ve since played the SNES game, and while I enjoyed it I didn’t enjoy it as much as this one.
I need to get around to playing the second Goemon game on N64. I understand that’s supposed to be the better the game. I did have the original PAL version but decided to sell it after realising I could get £350 for it! Thankfully I have an Everdrive so can still play it regardless. It’s just finding the time to fit it around all the other great games I still want to play.
Re: Super Skidmarks Comes Pre-Loaded On The Amiga A600GS
Is there any Amiga ‘Classic Mini’ type console available that lets you play Amiga games easily? And is easy to load Amiga games into it? I never had an Amiga growing up but a friend did and there are a few games I’d like to play. I want something hassle free. I tried an emulator on my laptop and while I got some games to work, it was super fiddly and not all games worked. In the end I couldn’t be ar*ed.
Re: Star Fox Will Take Advantage Of The New Super FX 3 Chip, Will Feature Rumble Support
Hopefully the FX PAK Pro build is also compatible with the SD2SNES. There’s no way I’ll be buying another flash cart for my SNES.
I played Starfox recently on my SNES. While it obviously has a sub-30fps frame rate, it’s perfectly playable and I had a blast!
Re: Star Fox Will Take Advantage Of The New Super FX 3 Chip, Will Feature Rumble Support
@BulkSlash I know what you mean. The whole MSU stuff for the SNES falls into that category in my opinion. All those ‘enhanced’ soundtracks and FMVs just feel like you’re not playing a SNES game anymore. And they really don’t go with the games at all. Just because you can do something, doesn’t mean you should.
Re: Rare Region-Locked Classic 'Rendering Ranger: R2' Is Coming To PS4, PS5, Switch, & PC
@RetroGames I didn’t remember writing my comment a few days ago, I was really confused. Then I realised my comment’s from August 2022 🤣
Re: GameStop Is Selling An Exclusive ModRetro Chromatic
I do like the idea of this, but I won’t be preordering one until I see real reviews, by which point they may be unavailable. Oh well.
Those wondering what’s the point of this compared to the Anologue Pocket, I’d say it has its own niche. It actually looks and (I guess) feels like a real Game Boy, and the screen sounds like it will look like an idealised version of the original. We don’t all want ultra super HD 4K screens for playing retro games, I’d much prefer one that’s more authentic. And the batteries. More modern gaming devices should take AA or AAA batteries. I have a few original GBA SPs and their battery life is rubbish. I’ve bought brand new after market ones and they’re just as rubbish brand new, and they don’t even fit properly. Same with my DS Lites. All the batteries in our Switches, Anologue Pockets and so on are going to be rubbish in 10 years time and we’re not going to be able to replace them. AA and AAA batteries have stayed the same for decades!
Rant over.
Re: Dragon Quest SNES Prototype Worth $50,000 "Lost For Good"
@PigmaskFan £50k would be more important to me than preservation to make some random internet people happy.
Re: Dragon Quest SNES Prototype Worth $50,000 "Lost For Good"
@Missingno128 if the value wouldn’t go down from releasing the rom, then sure. However, I wouldn’t risk it and let the new owner decide that.
Re: Dragon Quest SNES Prototype Worth $50,000 "Lost For Good"
To be fair if I owned it I’d sell it to the highest bidder at that sort of value. I wouldn’t release the rom for it either as it would likely devalue it.
Re: Mario Kart 64 World Record Set In The Craziest Way Imaginable
@KitsuneNight absolutely. Whenever I see a speed running video, I’m in absolute awe of their skills, whether they’re doing the level normally or trying to break the game. I’d love to see a speed runner go back in time and be a contestant on Games Master. See everyone’s reaction 🤣
Re: Want To Know The Real Scale Of The Virtual Boy's Failure? Visit A Japanese Game Shop
I briefly owned a Virtual Boy in the early 2000s. I’m very glad I experienced it, unfortunately I never got to play the Wario game which looks to be the best one. I sold it soon after when I realised it would just be a novelty piece taking up space.
Nintendo really missed a trick not releasing VB games on the 3DS.
Re: Mario Kart 64 World Record Set In The Craziest Way Imaginable
People who say speedrunners that don’t do 100% completion aren’t skilled and just cheat, need to watch this. If that isn’t skill then I don’t know what is.
Re: Interview: ModRetro CEO On What Makes Chromatic The Ultimate Game Boy In 2024
Have they stated if this would work with the GB Everdrive?
Re: Interview: ModRetro CEO On What Makes Chromatic The Ultimate Game Boy In 2024
@AceGrace ah dang. I was hoping the fact the site quoted the price in £ meant it was being distributed from the UK for UK customers.
It’s a shame because I like the look of this. I’d still want to wait for some real reviews though.
Re: "A Ton Of Money" Has Been Spent On ModRetro's Chromatic Screen To Ensure Accuracy
I’m glad this uses AA batteries. All these proprietary lithium batteries will hardly hold a charge in 10 years time and you won’t be able to buy decent replacements.
Still, I’ll wait to see real reviews before I buy one. I’m very interested though.
Re: Ridge Racer Night 2024 Celebrated 30 Years Of Namco's Arcade Classic
I love the soundtrack for Ridge Racer Type 4. They did a 20th anniversary remix of that soundtrack which is really good too.
Re: Wii And GameCube Emulator Dolphin Gets A Version Number Overhaul
What if there was a hotfix AND 7 commits in the same month? What then? I must know!
I don’t know what a commit is (I know what a comet is), nor a hotfix, and I’ve never used this emulator, but still, I must know how the version number convention works in this situation!
Re: The GB Operator Turns Your Game Boy Camera Into "The Worst And Best Webcam You'll Ever Have"
Awesome. I’ll use it for work calls and blame network issues.
Re: Flashback: Remember When Virtua Racing Caused Prank Phone Calls?
This is precisely why I wrap myself in tin foil and wear a tin foil hat. Now I know I can play the Japanese version of Virtua Racing on the Mega Drive without fear of being harmed. Who’s laughing now, eh?
Re: The Soundtrack To SNES Doom Just Got An MSU-1 Upgrade
“ widely used to augment existing titles with better music”. Technically better, yes. But otherwise it’s subjective. Every MSU patch I’ve heard just doesn't sound right for a SNES game. It sounds like someone’s replaced the music with something different from somewhere else, which is literally what they’ve done. I also think the original SNES soundtrack sounds better compared with the snippet shown above.
The main thing here for me is that it includes circle strafing, and I’m sure it appears to run smoother and faster in the snippet above, but that could just be an illusion from it playing in a little window on a phone screen.
Re: I Was One Of The First To See Zelda At Space World '97, But I Wouldn't Go Back To Those Days
I don’t know if it’s a combination of my age, the fact we’ll never go through the technical shifts we had in the 90s and 00s, or that information is just so readily available to us in an instant, but I never get excited about games anymore like I did back then.
Don’t get me wrong, I thoroughly enjoy my Switch, but I’m struggling to get excited about this new Zelda game. BotW and TotK have destroyed my enjoyment of 3D Zelda games. I was looking forward to there being a new 2D Zelda game that goes back to the traditional formula for the old guard like me. This doesn’t look like it will fill that role. It doesn’t help it uses the style of the Link’s Awakening remake that I found very ‘meh’.
Still, I’ll keep an open mind! 🤣
Re: This $30 PS2 HDMI Module Is Mod-Free And Lag-Free
@WaveBoy I was replying to someone who said they wished they had the space for a CRT. I recommended a 14”/15” one as they’re reasonably sized (for a CRT) but you still get the CRT vibe from them so worth a punt if it’s only size that’s stopping you. I have one and have played PS2/GC games on them fine, they look great.
My main TV for playing retro games is a 20” Sony PVM which is fantastic. I think a 20” screen is more than adequate, but even by this point the size of the TV becomes an issue. A 14”/15” doesn’t look as good, but it still looks great, so I would always recommend this route for people who don’t have the space but really want a CRT.
Re: This $30 PS2 HDMI Module Is Mod-Free And Lag-Free
@GameGear1991 if you can find space for 14”/15” CRT I highly recommend it for retro consoles. They don’t take up too much space, and they still look great, small screen and all. In some ways I prefer it to using a bigger CRT, it dials the nostalgia dial up to 11!
Re: It's Insane How Much 'Zelda' Is On Switch, And That's Why It's Nintendo's Best Console
I’ve only had a Switch for a year, but I think it has to be their best console, regardless of this Zelda stat. Although A Link to the Past and Ocarina of Time are the best Zelda games, and that doesn’t look like it will ever change, at least they’re both playable on Switch.
Re: Doom II Comes To The SNES, Thanks To Fans
I loved SNES Doom back in the day. Despite its limitations it was the only way I could play Doom and I didn’t really mind anyway. I completed the whole thing, finding every secret (with the odd help from a guide). Even playing it today my muscle memory kicks in and I can play it no problem.
It was actually the most complete version of Doom 1 on console back then, having more of the maps than the other versions, even more than the PlayStation version as far as the first 3 episodes of Doom 1 are concerned. Obviously the PS1 version had more levels overall but that included episode 4 and Doom 2.
I’d love to try Doom 2 on the SNES. Does this play on real hardware via the SD2SNES?
Re: Flashback: 24 Years Ago, The BBC Asked If Xbox Could Dethrone PlayStation
This video should have a massive warning on it. There’s an extremely cool and hip middle aged exec skateboarding around an office in it. This could prove too radical for some viewers. You have been warned.
Re: 3 Cities, 17 Stores - Our Epic Retro Gaming Hunt Across Japan
Goemon fan by any chance?
Re: New Noclip Documentary Explores The Sonic Assault Of WipEout 2097's Music
Looking forward to watching this. Although I must say, I prefer the original’s soundtrack. Tim Wright’s music was the best on there and better than what’s on the sequel, famous artists and all.
Re: We Helped Unite A GTA Developer With His Missing BAFTA After 25 Years
It wasn’t Brandon Block who went up on stage to get the award was it?. Oh wait, he only does that at the MTV awards.
Re: Soapbox: Here's Why I Can't Ditch Software Emulation Handhelds For The FPGA Analogue Pocket
What emulation handheld do you use? There seems to be a new one coming out every month.
Re: Konami Once Held A Patent For Transparent Walls In Video Games
I see both sides of this. If someone / a company spends time and effort developing a technique like this, why shouldn’t they be able to patent it to stop others just copying it and using it in their games? On the other hand, we as gamers definitely lose out when things like this are patented.
Tough one. Maybe limit the length of time the patent can last? I don’t know.
Re: A Powerful New FPGA Rival To MiSTer And MARS Is In Development
This sounds amazing. I can’t wait to get my hands on the R2PHAT DDR DE10 eMMC DDR4 ITX SDRAM A76 PCIe SSD MIPI RK3588 CM5 SDIO DB9 SNAC USB FGPA.
Re: The Making Of: The Wizard - An Oral History Of Nintendo's Hollywood Debut
@MysticWangForce I too have never seen this film after my own 41 orbits. And yes, I am now going to refer to my time on this planet as orbits of sol, many thanks 🤣
Re: Soapbox: The Trouble With Limited Run Games, And How To Fix It
I’m glad I’m now cured of the curse (illness?) that is collecting (hoarding?) and have absolutely no desire or need to buy tat from places like this anymore.
All it took to cure me was the need to clear my loft for a loft extension. It was suddenly laid bare in front of me the amount of absolute rubbish I’d hoarded over the years. I was embarrassed. I was never going to play most of it, and the thought of my poor daughters having to go through it all when I pass made me feel sick.
Thankfully selling a lot of it over the years has been cathartic and contributed a few thousand pounds towards the extension - win win!
Don’t get me wrong, I still a fair amount of stuff (much more than an average person) but what I’m left with is stuff I actually have some nostalgia for or do plan to play at some point. And I’ll no doubt sell more as time goes on.
Re: Rare SNES Prototype Auction Cancelled After Passing The $2 Million Mark
@Sketcz from memory, didn’t the seller get offered $1m or something but they turned it down thinking they could get more… and they didn’t 🤣
Re: Here's Some Footage Of A Young Matt Berry Exploring CeX's Legendary Retro Shop
He also did the voice of Codsworth in the recent Fallout TV show which I thought was great.
I recommend people search for ‘snuff box boyfriend’ on YouTube and watch Matt Berry doing the boyfriend sketches. They’re hilarious!
Re: All Is Not Well In The World Of FPGA Retro Gaming
Closer each day…. Home and Away!