Comments 40

Re: Random: Performing Combos In The Worst Version Of Street Fighter II Is Pretty Hard, But Possible


I always remember when it was released on the SNES and nearly every reviewer claimed it was arcade perfect! Must’ve been mass hysteria at the time as although it captured the look and feel of the arcade game there was so much missing and different….the intro, speech, animation frames, bonus levels, moves, character portraits, background details, endings etc etc.
Still an absolutely amazing SNES game though.

Re: Polymega Release "Still On Track" Despite Production Problems


This is what happens when you fund the development and production of a console solely on preorders using other people’s hard earned money. I doubt any customer will see ever a console.
Can’t believe Nintendolife are defending them.
It just seems to be excuses after excuses, stalling for time until ultimately the company goes bankrupt.
The whole thing has been a fiasco from day one.
Customers ultimately paying for the emperors new clothes.

Re: Polymega's Launch Is Delayed Until Early Next Year


The whole development has been a farce, I dread to think how much of people’s money they have tied up.
The project has been funded by the goodwill of customers stumping up cash for a product with a release date that continually gets further away.
If the product is ready then simply ship it to the customers whose money they are holding. Walmart contracts etc. are not the customers issue.
To top it all they’re talking about another pre-order for a product for a system that isn’t even released.

Re: Feature: Drugged Coffee, Pirated Games And Empty Bank Accounts - The Story Of GameFan Magazine


I was very lucky in the 90s that my newsagent in the UK stocked Gamefan, EGM and Gamepro so I had access to these great magazines.
Along with SuperPlay, CVG etc. I probably bought 10 magazines a month.
Great days and I genuinely miss a newsagent shelf full of gaming magazines.
Sure, sites like Nintendolife etc. keep me up to date with news, reviews and so on but the standard of journalism in general is utter drivel.

Re: Site News: We've Got A Polymega, Ask Us Anything


@Damo I read the post and asked a question myself. You’ve literally barely answered anyone’s questions. Maybe test the product first before writing some half hearted filler article......there’s a pattern to your journalism that crops up on here often

Re: Ninterview: How Two GamesMaster Fans Are Paying Tribute To TV's Best Video Game Show


@iN5OMANiAC you’ve hit the nail on the head there about there being true generational leaps between consoles, it’s something we will never witness again and to be about back then and experience it first hand was amazing. The 8bit and more so the 16bit days and arcades were the true golden era of gaming and along with Gamesmaster it was a truly exciting time.
Now as a 44 year old I have very fond memories of those days.

Re: Feature: A Tribute To Jason Brookes


Lovely tributes that made heartbreaking reading, only knew of him from the medium of magazines but back in those days you formed such a personal connection with people such as Jason simply through those brilliantly produced pages every month where their personalities shone through.
A great loss from the greatest era in gaming.....very, very sad to read about him dying, lovely to read what a great guy he was.

Re: Feature: Jason Brookes Talks Super Famicom, Import Gaming And Super Play


A bittersweet article.
Super Play was without doubt the greatest gaming magazine, as a 44 year old I still look at my old issues even now. I’ve bought and sold many games and consoles over the years but these magazines will stay with me forever.
A time in gaming that will never, ever be repeated, when you could go into WHSmiths and there were maybe 20-30 different gaming mags available yet Super Play stood out.
Rest in peace Jason